Clinical Psychology Exam 2

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True of False: The General Principle of Fidelity and Responsibility encourages psychologists to promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in the science, teaching, and practice of psychology.


True or false: Candor, grace, and humility are components that are universal to all interviews.


True or false: Construct validity is the extent to which an assessment technique provides consistent results.


True or false: During free association, the therapist reads a word aloud and the patient responds with the first word that comes into his mind.


True or false: Effectiveness studies measure how well a particular type of psychotherapy works in a controlled laboratory setting.


True or false: In 2010, humanistic therapy was the most commonly endorsed psychotherapy orientation of clinical psychologists.


True or false: In a survey of therapists and non-professionals, Devlin and Nasar (2012) found that the preferred style of a clinician's office was "hard" or institutional and overly modern.


True or false: In multiple relationships, boundary crossings are more severe than boundary violations.


True or false: Informed consent for therapy is a one-time process that occurs at the beginning of treatment.


True or false: Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a modern application of transference-focused psychotherapy.


True or false: The Ethical Standards of the APA ethical code are aspirational in nature and are not enforceable.


True or false: The best time to assess the effectiveness of therapy is at the conclusion of the first session.


True or false: The latent content of a dream is the actual plot of the dream as it is remembered by the patient.


True or false: The oral psychosexual stage is associated with the development of self-worth or view of the self.


True or false: The strongest common factor across all therapeutic alliances is hope.


______, in which a psychologist provides the patient with the results of tests or interviews that have been conducted, is common to all kinds of psychological assessment.


______ declared psychotherapy to be of little benefit to patients, inciting the empirical studies of therapy outcome beginning in the 1950s.

Hans Eysenck

______ is the extent to which an assessment technique consists of items that are consistent with one another.

Internal reliability

______ focuses on current interpersonal relationships and role expectations and tends to deemphasize some of the aspects of more traditional psychodynamic psychotherapy related to intrapsychic structure and childhood fixations

Interpersonal therapy

Based on Fisher's (2017) model, what is the first step in ethical decision-making?

Make a commitment to doing what is ethically appropriate.

Which of the following is NOT a way in which an interviewer can establish good rapport with clients?

Disclose personal information to the client, demonstrating the trust inherent in the therapeutic relationship.

Which of the following scenarios does NOT illustrate a multiple relationship?

Dr. James, a clinical psychologist, sees one of his patients in the grocery store and returns her wave hello before continuing with his shopping.

______ therapy involves selecting the best treatment for a given client based on empirical data from studies of the treatment of similar clients. ______ therapy involves blending techniques in order to create an entirely new, hybrid form of therapy.

Eclectic; Integrative

______ questions are utilized in the nondirective interviewing style, while the directive interviewing style typically consists of ______ questions.

Open-ended; closed-ended

What is the dodo bird verdict?

When comparing the efficacy of one form of therapy to the efficacy of another, the typical result is that the competing therapies are found to work about equally well.

"Who in your family has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder?" is an example of what type of interviewing style?


What legal precedent was established by the Tarasoff case?

duty to warn

Although multiple relationships may be somewhat inevitable in small town settings, a psychologist can clarify boundaries and prevent misunderstandings by ______.

educating clients about the complications multiple relationships can cause as well as the psychologist's ethical obligations

Most recent studies of psychotherapy outcome are ______ studies that maximize ______ validity.

efficacy; internal

Listening can be broken down into even more fundamental building blocks of attending behaviors, including ______.

eye contact and body language

True or false: Tatiana Tarasoff is a leading researcher on multiple relationships.


Dr. Willard asks Meg to verbalize any and all thoughts that occur to her without censorship herself. What technique is Dr. Willard using?

free association

The current APA ethical code (2002) is divided into two distinct sections: ______, aspirational goals describing an ideal level of ethical functioning; and ______, enforceable rules of conduct

general principles; ethical standards

The ______ is the part of the mind that generates all pleasure-seeking, selfish, indulgent, animalistic impulses. The ______ establishes rules, restrictions, and prohibitions. The ______ is a mediator, a compromise maker between opposing forces.

id; superego; ego

What is the most common format of psychotherapy?


Clients receiving psychodynamic therapy become aware of thoughts, feelings, and other mental activity of which they were previously unaware through the process known as ______.


A clinical psychologist is considered competent when he ______.

is sufficiently capable, skilled, experienced, and expert to adequately complete the professional tasks he undertakes

Which of the following is NOT a way to measure psychotherapy outcome?

measurement of blood glucose levels

Which type of interview is most often employed in medical settings as a means of quickly assessing how the client is functioning at the time of the evaluation?

mental status exam

John suddenly remembers something new he intended to discuss in response to an observation made by Dr. Hilling. If Dr. Hilling is a psychodynamic, he is most likely to believe John is enacting ______.


Ethical clinical assessment practices may include ______.

selection of tests that are appropriate for the purpose of the assessment and the population being tested

______ questions focus on apparently contradictory information provided by clients.


______ is when a therapist unconsciously and unrealistically projects expectations based on past relationships onto a patient.


______ is a defense mechanism in which an id impulse is redirected into a behavior that benefits others.


______ usually involves tying together various topics that have been discussed and identifying themes that recurred during the interview.


Which of the following statements is NOT true of multiple relationships?

The nonprofessional involvement between a client and clinical psychologist must be sexual to qualify as a multiple relationship.

______, the tendency of clients to unconsciously expect their therapists to behave like important people from their lives, is generally regarded as the most important focus of psychodynamic psychotherapy.


True or false: "Can you tell me more about your feelings of hostility?" is an example of a nondirective style.


True or false: Clinical utility is the extent to which an assessment technique improves delivery of services or client outcome.


True or false: The primary goal of psychodynamic psychotherapy is to make the unconscious conscious.


True or false: The term "common factors" refers to the elements shared by all therapies that contribute to their success.


A psychologist must obtain informed consent from all of the following EXCEPT ______.

administrative staff that work at the practice

Which psychosexual stage is associated with the issue of control?


The practice of assigning a more severe DSM diagnosis than warranted to a client paying for services through managed care is ______.

both an ethical violation and an illegal act

Freudian slips ______.

can be both verbal and behavioral

What are the characteristics of the learning factors stage of Lambert and Ogles' (2004) three-stage sequential model of common factors?

changing expectations about oneself, changes in thought patterns, corrective emotional experiences, and new insights

General conclusions drawn from psychotherapy efficacy studies include all of the following EXCEPT ______.

cognitive and behavioral therapy approaches are panaceas

A(n) ______ interview contains a predetermined, planned sequence of questions that an interviewer asks a client. A(n) ______ interview involves no predetermined or planned questions.

structured; unstructured

Hans Strupp's "tripartite model" identifies what three stakeholders in the outcome of therapy?

the client, the therapist, society

What is the strongest common factor across all therapeutic orientations?

therapeutic relationship

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