CS143A HW2
[True/False] A process' state changes from running to waiting when it is interrupted.
[True/False] Any two running processes can use an ordinary pipe to communicate with each other.
[True/False] In a process with a single kernel thread, multiple user-level threads can run in parallel on multiple CPU cores.
[True/False] In the virtual address space of a process, there are some addresses that can be accessed by one of the threads in the process, but not others.
[True/False] Multiple threads can run on a CPU core at the same time.
[True/False] User-defined signal handlers can override all default signal handlers.
The kernel maintains a ____________ for each process to store information associated with each process.
[True/False] During remote procedure calls, a client-side stub is used to pack/marshall procedure parameters into a message.
[True/False] If a parent process is terminated before it calls wait(), its child processes are adopted by the init process.
[True/False] Kernel threads have a higher context switch overhead than user-level threads
[True/False] Named pipes allow bidirectional communication.
If a context switch takes 300 µs and the OS context switches every 60 ms, what is the context switch overhead of the system? (1 ms = 1000 µs) a) 0.5% b) 3% c) 10% d) 23%
Multithreading in an interactive program can increase responsiveness to the user by ___________ a) Continuing to run even if one of the threads is blocked b) Waiting for one part to finish before the other begins c) Asking the user to decide the order of multithreading d) None of the above
Which of the following are stored in the process control block? a) Process ID b) Number of processes in the system c) List of all open files in the system d) All available hardware devices
Which of the following allows indirect communication in a message-passing system? a) Stubs b) Mailboxes c) Pipes d) Shared memory
Which of these is a valid reason for preferring multiple processes over multiple threads for a concurrent program? a) Increased performance b) Isolation between different components of the program c) Reduced memory overhead d) All of the above
Which system call is used to create a new process? a) Open() b) Fork() c) Exec() d) Child()
Which of the following is not a valid process state? a) Ready b) Waiting c) Starving d) Running
Switching the CPU core to another process requires performing a state save of the current process and a state restore of a different process. This task is known as a ____________.
context switch
What is meant by the ready state of a process? a) When the process is scheduled to be run after some time b) When the process is currently using the CPU c) When the process is dependent on the execution time of some other process d) When the process is able to continue execution if run on a CPU core
Which of the following are not necessary to create a new process? a) Constructing new PCB b) Setting up an address space c) Copying I/O state d) Saving the context of the parent process
Which of the following is not shared by threads in the same process? a) Address space b) Open files c) Signal handlers d) Execution state
The two models for interprocess communication are ____________ and message passing.
shared memory
A ____________ process is a child process that has terminated, but its parent hasn't called wait() yet.