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C) control, control is establishing performance standards based on company objectives and evaluating and reporting job performance. Scorecard allows for evaluation of job performance. Planning requires administration to asses where the company is currently and where it should be in the future. Directing function, management assists staff in meeting company and personal goals. Organizing involves creating an organizational chart, establishing and maintain relationships, and assigning required resources.

100) quarterly, each of the international vice presidents of smith and webber completes the company's scorecard and submits it to the president of the company. the scorecard tracks sales, profits, advertising expenses, and other key information. The scorecard is a tool for which of the following management functions? A) directing B) planning C) control D) organizing

D--the law of diminishing returns, states that when increasing amounts of one factors are employed, holding all other factors, after some point, the resulting increase in output becomes smaller and smaller. Private enterprise simply means a business unit is established, owned, and operated by private individuals for profit. Economies of scale is the reduction in cost per unit resulting fro increased production, realized through operational efficiencies.

14) Past sales records show that sales increased at a clothing store when a 10th rack of clothing was added to the store floor. However, when a 11th rack is added, sales increased by only 1%. In economics, this is explained by? A--economics of scale B--the concept of competition C-the private enterprise system D--the law of diminishing returns

A) Pegged currency, set by a country's gov. to mirror another currency, often done by developing countries to achieve stability. Free floating currency is the opposite, fluctuates based on supply and demand. Direct quote is the number of foreign currency, 1 dollar could buy, indirect is the opposite.

16) A developing country sets its currency to be the same value as the US dollar this is called a? A--pegged currency B) free floating currency C) indirect exchange rate quotation D) direct exchange rate quotation.

C-Smile, a smile shows the speaker that you support him/her and is interested in the topic. A straight face is difficult to interpret.

2) As an audience member, which of the following should you do to encourage a speaker during an oral presentation? A--keep a straight face to communicate that you are serious B-Refrain from asking questions C-Smile D--Quietly discuss the speech with the person sitting next to you

C) eliminated a competing alternative. Cameron's chart shows that the alternative of doing nothing can be throw out.

30) Cameron, a high school student, is giving a speech to the school board, He wants to persuade them to begin a recycling program for the school district. When a board member says the program will cost too much money, Cameron displays a chart proving the recycling program will make money for the school in five years. Cameron's chart has A) backed up his point with an expert testimonial B) connected emotionally with his audience C) eliminated a competing alternative D) proven he has cultural sensitivity

C) project team, a project team is comprised of persons with complementary skills necessary to complete a certain project. Outside of the project, team members have other responsibilities. A quality circle is a participative management technique in which employees voluntarily work together to solve quality or performance related problems and report the problems to management. A group is a collection of people that meets regularly.

32) To improve the quality of its products and its business processes, a company will install a single new computer system that will replace the systems currently used across the company. Every aspect of this change is handled representatives from the following departments: manufacturing, accounting, quality control, finance, and IT. This is an example of? A) standing committee B) quality circle C) project team D) group

B) to provide external sources with accurate financial information. Governments require business to provide certain types of financial info to regulatory agencies and shareholders. One method is the accrual method, the accrual accounting method records transactions at the time they occur even if no money changes hands at that time. An advantage of using the accrual method is that it provides a more accurate picture of a business cash flow over time.

38) Why do some governments require business to use specific accounting methods? A) to ensure that the businesses are complying with intellectual property laws B) to provide external sources with accurate financial information C) to control the ways in which business develop credit policies D) to monitor how business establish their sales goals and budgets

B) Knowledge mapping, this software provides the ability to capture a business's information sources and information flow in a graphic format. Shows underused sources of knowledge and gaps in knowledge sharing. Intranet is a business's internal computer network. Business do not use production and accounting software to capture and track an entire organization's tacit and explicit knowledge, they have specific functions for their field.

43) Katrina is using a special software program to develop a business chart that shows the employees' expertise and skills and how they access different types of information throughout the organization. What type of software is Katrina using to document the information? A) Intranet B) Knowledge Mapping C) Tactical Production D) Accounting

A) Customer list, a trade secret is information that a business develops or owns that can be used to obtain a competitive advantage or financial game. EX.: customer list, recipes, production, research, and development techniques.

46) Which of the following is an example of a trade secret? A) customer list B) Trade journal C) credit report D) legal document

A) scheme, identifies protocol to be used to access the resource on the internet: HTTP/HTTPS. Host name identifies the host that holds the resource, google maps. The path is the specific resource within the host the client wants to reach, in this case is /maps. a query string follows a path and provides a string of information that the resource can use for some purpose, trailing letters/numbers.

50) What part of the URL <> do the letters http represent? A) scheme B) host C) path D) query string

B) Kelli, Juan, and Phil can access and make changes to the company production schedule from their home computers. Groupware applications allow employees to access the same information from different locations.

51) Which of the following is an example of employees using groupware computer applications? A) craig, Tessa, and Lily use presentation software to guide a group discussion about their research project B) Kelli, Juan, and Phil can access and make changes to the company production schedule from their home computers. C) Dan, Kara, and Simon review their departments' budgets, which are saved as different computer spreadsheets files. D) Michelle, Jeff, and Aubrey use the same desktop--publishing program to create advertisements and brochures for their companies.

B) allocate project resources, software does this in the most efficient way. All other decisions are made by stakeholders.

52) A primary use of project--management software is to A) define the project's purpose B) allocate project resources C) develop project standards D) evaluate the quality of deliverables.

A) electronic data interchange (EDI), allows business to transmit info to and from suppliers to track a business's inventory and determine when the business should reorder, which increases purchasing efficiency. CRM tech is used to monitor customer data and build ongoing customer relations. Sales use territorial routing software to develop efficient sales--call patterns.

55) The Halifax Retail Chain uses computer applications to track its inventory and order goods form its vendors. What form of technology is the company using to streamlnie its purchasing processes? A) electronic data interchange (EDI) B) Global positioning system (GPS) C) customer relationship management (CRM) D) Territorial routing application (TRA)

A) execution, during execution phase, project activities are carried out, manager controls and monitors the work performed. Definition phase is the beginning, project charter developed. Planning phase: project objectives, work breakdown structure, and resource allocation needs established. Closing phase: deliverables evaluated and team members and equipment returned or reallocated.

61) During what phase of the project life cycle does the project manager activate project controls? A) execution B) planning C) definition D) closing

D) effective conflict resolution skills, disagreements frequently occur, these skills can help facilitate a resolution and develop a more collaborative relationship. Different goals should be aligned, not all information disclosed for privacy.

64) What is needed to maintain collaborative relationships with suppliers? A) complete disclosure of information B) a comprehensive request for proposal C) different goals and objectives D) effective conflict resolution skills

A) reorder, order of the same goods previously ordered from the same vendor. Open order is an order for staple goods placed with one of several available vendors, advance order is a regular order placed with delivery requested at a future time, back order is a regular stocked item that is temporarily out of stock.

65) Although it placed an order three weeks ago, a flower shop determines that it needs to purchase an additional four cases of Mode R28 glass flower vases for its flower arrangements. What type of order is the shop placing with its primary vase supplier? A) reorder B) Open order C) advance order D) backorder

B) trash bags, sanitizer, light bulbs. along with batteries, cleaning items, paper towels, and mops are common maintenance items kept on hand. Pens are office supplies, computers, conveyer belts, and office furniture are capital goods or equipment the business needs to operate smoothly. Sportswear are most likely resale inventory.

67) Which of the following are maintenance supplies that a business is likely to keep on hand: A) batteries, computers, and cleaning items B) trash bags, sanitizer, light bulbs C) paper towels, pens, and sportswear D) mops, furniture, conveyer belts

D) make a concession, silence used to make vendor uncomfortable and maintain leverage for the BUSINESS to get what it wants form the vendor. A gridlock occurs when an agreement can't be reached (Bad)

68) Silence is an effective negotiating technique to use with a vendor when a business wants the vendor to A) intitiate a gridlock B) maintain its authority C) obtain leverage D) make a concession

D) waste reduction, to save money

71) a business analysis indicates that the TWB Corporation could save $125,675 a year in paper purchases if all its employees decreased photocopying activities by 15% the analysis provides TWB with important information related to A) resale goods B) return on investment C) efficiency levels D) waste reduction.

B) Maria's father is a microbiologist, aptitudes are innate and may be inherited. Interests are influenced by outside forces. A person's ethics influences their beliefs.

73) Maria's teacher says she has an aptitude for science. Which of the following may explain why Maria has an aptitude for science? A) she and her friends attend lectures at the science center each month B) Maria's father is a microbiologist, C) she received a microscope for a gift last year D) Maria believes that it is important to protect the environment

A) Scope Statement. The Statement of work is a document that outlines the terms, commitments, and conditions of the project. The scope statement is a component of the SOW, clearly defines the things that the project team will do and don't do. Purpose statement defines the purpose, communication plan provides details about the types of reports and other forms of communication that the team will provide stakeholders. Goals and objectives outlines the desired outcomes.

82) In which section of the statement of work (SOW) document would you find the following information "AJB International will be responsible for collecting the research for the project, but will not interpret the results." A) Scope statement B) communication plan C) purpose statement D) goals and objectives

C) work breakdown structure dictionary, preparing the work breakdown structure (WBS) is dividing project tasks into meaningful components to complete the project. The WBS helps the project manager identify tasks and effectively schedule, assign, and monitor complex project activities. The WBS dictionary is a comprehensive manual that outlines project standards, activity procedures, processes s and terminology, team members can refer to it if they need to obtain information on how to carry out a task. the SOW provides project objectives and may include cost info. a network diagram is a graphic representation of the project's schedule. A production schedule provides general deadlines.

83) Trevor needs to determine the procedures that he needs to follow for a specific project work activity. Trevor can locate the information in the A) network diagram B) project's statement of work C) work breakdown structure dictionary D) production schedule

C) developing processes to prevent product defects. Quality management is the coordination of services to ensure an excellent product, quality assurance falls under this and involves developing systems to prevent defects as the products are being made. Quality control involves identifying defects in goods after they have been created. Quality improvement focuses on product improvement to create better products. Customer satisfaction feedback can help how to improve products.

86) What is the focus of quality assurance? A) obtaining customer feedback about product features B) identifying defects in new products C) developing processes to prevent product defects D) taking steps to create better quality products

B) discipline and measurement. Six Sigma is a quality management framework that focus on continuous setting higher goals of perfection to improve business quality. Uses quantitative information to assess degree of improvement and set new improvement goals. Because the goals are measurable, the business must be disciplined in carrying out the activities.

87) Six Sigma focuses on managing quality throughout the organization by focusing on A) creativity and innovation B) discipline and measurement C) customization and innovation D) accountability and creativity

A) what if planning: process of using computer software to analyze the quantitative results of each scenario and use them to make business decisions. Qualitative research is a study based on opinion or expertise. top down forecasting is a method of predicting sales. During the product development process, business conduct product feasibility studies to determine the advantages and disadvantages of producing a certain good or service.

91) when a company uses computer software to asses the risk levels associated with alternative actions in a variety of business situations, it is conducting A) what if planning B) product feasibility study C) top down forecasting D) qualitative research

B) captive insurer, legally exist only to serve a specific purpose, held captive by parent companies when they can't get commercial coverage. Lending institutions loan money to individuals and business. Generic providers and organic entity are not types of insurance providers.

92) When RWQ Corporation could not obtain insurance coverage to cover a specific type of risk from commercial insurance companies, it formed an insurance company to provide coverage for the risk. This is an example of a company managing risk through a? A) organic entity B) captive insurer C) generic provider D) lending institution

C) obstruction of justice, a legal penalty that applies when individuals or business hide information from law enforcement agencies. If evidence indicates illegal or unethical business practices, the business could be fined and employees involved imprisoned. Expropriation is the act of government taking over private property. Breach of contract involves breaking a legal agreement .Substantiate means to provide proof or evidence of something.

93) If an accounting firm deliberately conceals information about a client's financial status, the government may charge the business with A) breach of contract B) expropriation C) obstruction of justice D) substantiation

C) organizing, management function of setting up the way the business's work will be done. Controlling monitors work effort. Supervising employee performance is a controlling activity. arranging is not a management function.

96) What function of management involves developing a system for producing work? A) supervising B) arranging C) organizing D) controlling

C) providing employees with instructions. Directing is the management of providing guidance to works on their project, important prat is providing instructions. Interviewing job applicants is a staffing activity. Developing long term objectives is a planning activity. Creating systematic approaches is an organizing activity.

98) What is an important aspect of managerial directing? A) developing long term business objectives B) interviewing job applicants for open positions C) providing employees with instructions D) creating work systems for workplace teams

D) concurrent, control is the management function of monitoring the work effort, concurrent control involves monitoring the work while the employee performs it. Providing the employee with corrective feedback is remedial action. Preventative action occurs before a business activity is performed. An external control strategy is based on management philosophy in which employees are motivated primarily by external rewards.

99) A manager monitors an employee as the employee is performing job related tasks. this is an example of () managerial control? A) remedial B) preventative C) external D) concurrent

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