edf 2130 final

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What generally happens to motivation as students transition from elementary to junior high school

motivation declines for students

Who does more TV watching and videogame playing

Black and Latino students

Which of the following would be considered a serious game

on a computer, design an amusement park and learn about money, accounting, and prediction with statistics

Which of the following emotions typically develops last


Bullying represents which types of aggression

proactive and hostile

JonJon is anxious because he is retaking an exam that he failed. Determined to do well this time, JonJon studies and self-tests. He also has his friends make up test items and quiz him. JonJon is using a(n) _____ strategy to change the past situation


Well-executed cooperative learning tends to

promote good peer relations as students work together

To reduce prejudices among students, teachers should

promote students' participation in activities where students often have equal status, like extracurricular activities and sports

Sigrun is about to cross the street to join her mother when she notices her mother's horrified look. She stops, and a speeding car that she had not seen passes by. What has Sigrun displayed

social referencing

Jalen is a highly rejected child. Compared to others in his class, he is likely to

show behavior problems several years later

For high school students, regular dating has been linked to which of the following

lower grades and lower academic motivation

Play in school for adolescents could be termed

mind play or mind games

Kohlberg developed ideas about which of the following

moral judgment and justice

Piaget developed ideas about which of the following

moral judgment and justice

Which of the following is true of adolescent moodiness

most adolescents report being fairly happy most of the time

Which of the following aspects of mother employment is most strongly linked with negative child outcomes

mother begins work during the child's infancy

Which is the most common form of child abuse


Which of the following could be a good response to discipline


Women with which of the following characteristics is most likely to experience divorce within 10 years of marriage

no high school diploma

Two siblings have parents who are engaged in constant conflict with one another. Following such conflicts, Wei, the elder child, is often severely scolded by their mother, while Li is always comforted and cared for. The given scenario illustrates that parental conflict can be which of the following

nonshared environment

Which of the following is a cause for concern

solitary active play in a busy classroom

In order to foster theory of mind in your students, you could comments on others' mental states using which of the following words

think, pretend, understand, deceive

Social cognition refers to which of the following

thinking applied to social situations

Which link to peer rejection is strongest and most consistent across countries


A problem with research on effects of gay and lesbian families is that it tends to be

based on small samples

Just community schools would tend to

be democratic and encourage classroom discussion

Children with imaginary friends tend to

be imaginative

It is generally best if students make attributions for successes and failures in school to their


Which group of children tends to benefit most from child care

low SES

Which of the following statements is true

If you have high self-esteem you almost surely have high global self-concept

Which of the following is true about conflict-resolution programs

Research shows that some do reduce conflict

Which of the following has increased over the past 50 or so years

antisocial behavior

Which of the following statements about how empathy changes over time is true

(not) Emotional contagion makes empathy possible during toddler years ch.8

Someone says, "Your momma is so stupid her brains on the edge of knife would look like BBs on a four lane highway." This style of humor is associated with which ethnic group

(not) Latino (not) Irish ch.9

Which of the following is true of media use

(not) Teen are the heaviest television viewers ch.14

Which of the following is NOT related to peer popularity during elementary school

(not) attractiveness ch.11

Adults should use induction

(not) because it is the most effective way to achieve situational compliance ch.7

Some children are popular but not well liked. What are they called by psychologists

(not) controversial ch.11

In the graph shown below, the rising line represents a percent increase in which of the following ch.9

(not) criminal convictions of youth ages 14-18 (not) specific learning disabilities ch.9

One of the major criticisms of Kohlberg's theory is that it

(not) has stages that are too broad and vague to guide practice ch.9

How could you apply the so-called Mozart effect in your classroom

(not) have students listen to any classical music ch.7

What is the relationship between moral behavior and moral judgment

(not) higher moral judgment causes increased moral behavior ch.9

Which of the following is true of play

(not) it is correlated with self-control and emotion regulation but does not cause them ch.11

Which of the following is a drawback of behavior modification

(not) removes children from instructional settings (not) does not consistently change behavior ch.7

The graph shown below represents children's _______ as they grow older

(not) tendency to spend less time with child companions ch.11

Consider Heinz's dilemma. According to Kohlberg's model, levels of moral development depend upon

(not) whether their reasoning aligns with their religious convictions ch.9

Of the following, which does divorce most commonly cause

lower educational attainment for children

Which of the following is an example of situational interest rather than personal interest

Adam finds the Guinness Book of World Records for the first time and is intrigued by the strange people it describes

In which American ethnic group are children LEAST likely to be born to two married parents

African American

Which of the following statements about discipline is true

African American parents spank more than White parents

According to the social information processing model, what might cause Akash to experience hostile attribution bias

Akash interprets other students' behavior as hostile based on his memory of previous negative experiences

Among the following individuals, who is most likely to develop prosocial behavior

Diquan's parents use victim-centered induction

Who among the following is most likely to have sociometric popularity

Emilia voluntarily helps other children in her class and is sensitive to others' feelings

Which group tends to be the most individualistic

European Americans

Which of the following is true of girls compared to boys

Girls are more likely to be depressed

According to the text, which of the following is a LESS effective way to encourage parent involvement with school

Have parents sign contracts in which they commit to be involved

Which of the following statements best describes the pattern of tendency to share

Infants spontaneously share, but when they are two years old or so, they begin to share less due to self-interest

People often claim that girls are more socially aggressive than boys. What does the text say about this claim

It is probably just a stereotype; boys are socially aggressive as often as girls

Which of the following statements is true about ethnic identity

Most 11-year-olds are able to understand racial stereotypes that are common in a society

According to research on media use, which of the following statements is true

Nearly all high school students use the internet

On the average, which ethnic group is most popular

No ethnic group has been found to be most popular

For normal children, social referencing stops

Social referencing never stops for normal children

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of joint attention

Sonya and her father look together at a fancy car across the street

Research on severely deprived children who are adopted before 6 months of age tends to show what

The children usually catch up if the home environment is supportive, but it often takes more than a year

Which of the following statements is true about age trends in average levels of aggression

The most aggressive age group is preschoolers from about 2 to 4 years of age

Which of the following is NOT true of media use

Viewing just before bedtime can help youth sleep

According to research, what percent of youth identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual

less than 10%

Research on self-reported impulsivity from age 10 to 30 shows what pattern

a fairly constant decline from 10 to 30

Stereotype threat refers to which of the following

a fear that one's performance might confirm a negative stereotype of one's group

The ability to read others' emotions goes with

a history of abuse because abuse makes children sensitive to social cues

Lucio buys two comic books that he really wants. When his friend drops his new comic book in dirty water, Lucio gives one of his comics to his friend. Lucio is displaying which of the following


According to research, in which domain do boys have much greater self-concept than girls


Which of the following is true of emotional dissemblance

appropriate dissemblance depends on the culture

Which of the following is likely to foster effective classroom management

arrange the physical environment so that it fosters appropriate behavior

How is self-control related to parenting

authoritative parenting fosters self-control

Which type of peer status is most common


Which of the following techniques is most likely to help students who experience test anxiety

avoid time limits during tests and quizzes

Jim watches lots of violent television while Sam prefers to watch situation comedies. As the boys walk to school one day, they witness one of their classmates being bullied by an older child. According to research, Jim is likely to

be less distressed than Sam

Eight-year-old Selena hates receiving socks as a birthday gift. Selena's grandmother gives her socks for her birthday. Selena smiles and says, "Thank you." Selena has engaged in

emotional dissemblance

Sally is big and mean. Every day she teases Doris on the way to and from school, and sometimes she pushes Doris. What kind of aggression is Sally exhibiting


According to a study described in the text, children ages 9-11 are likely to have contact with the opposite sex under what condition

call insults at them or push them

To promote good friendships for their children, parents should do which of the following

coach friendship skills and how to repair relationships

Which of the following is best supported by research as a cause of the negative outcomes linked to divorce


Children who are bully leaders or tough/popular are likely to experience what peer status


If you compare development of theory of mind abilities across different countries, you tend to find that

countries vary somewhat in speed of development, but the sequence is the same

Definitions of social conventions are based on ______ while moral transgressions are based on _______.

cultural rules; what is wrong regardless of rules

What happens to cortisol level during the day

decreases for children not in child care

Which of the following is NOT one of the basic emotions


Charles Darwin claimed which of the following regarding emotions

emotions are innate and universal

According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the major influences on self-efficacy

ethnic identity

In an experiment, children who watched fast paced cartoons tended to be worse at what compared to children who did other activities like drawing

executive function tasks

What seems to underlie self-control and ability to delay gratification

executive functions

In order to foster good emotion regulation in children, parents should do which of the following

express both positive and negative emotions, but primarily positive

Children of same-sex parents tend to show high rates of identification as gay or lesbian


Three-year-old SorJuana moved Evan's book. She thinks that Evan will look for his book where she put it instead of where he left it. SorJuana is likely to have difficulty with what

false belief tasks

According to research, which is most consistently a risk factor for depression

family problems, such as conflict and harsh discipline

Authoritarian parents

favor punitive measures to control children's behavior

What is sympathy

feeling concern for another person's feelings

Compared to other family structures, nuclear families tend to have

fewer moves

Theory of mind is important for the social information processing model because students must do which of the following

figure out other people's intentions

When people experience learned helplessness, they think that their low ability for some skill or activity is

fixed and unchangeable

A picture and question, like the image shown below, helps assess whether children are capable of understanding which of the following? ch.9

gaze following and joint attention

Johnny thinks that if he puts on a dress, he might become a girl. Johnny lacks

gender constancy

When is depression most common

high school

Elevated level of cortisol is an indicator of what

high stress

Which of the following is an attribute of well-executed cooperative learning

hold both groups and individuals accountable

Maritza is always ready to retaliate. When she drops her cell phone and a student walking by accidently kicks it, she assumes he kicked it on purpose. She yells at him and slugs him. Maritza is displaying which of the following

hostile attribution bias

Children in center-based child care tend to experience

increased behavior problems

Which parenting style generally has the worst results for children


In light of research on parenting styles, psychological control, and attachment, one could predict that love withdrawal as a technique of discipline would be

ineffective, generally because of long-term consequences

Gaze aversion is a coping strategy used by

infants to prevent overstimulation

Lebron is a middle schooler who readily and easily feels intense anger or frustration. He craves attention. He frequently feels anxious, and when he gets out of control he is difficult to calm down. He probably has what type of attachment


Nelson reports feeling negative emotions most of the time. Nelson is experiencing

internalizing disorder

Adolescent Chia-lin reports feeling moody all the time. For Chia-lin, this means feeling negative emotions most of the time. Her mother accurately

is concerned because it is not normal

What does it mean to say that self-control is like a muscle

it can be fatigued and strengthened

Spanking may have different effects on different ethnic groups because it is seen as

legitimate use of parental power by Black youth

Behavior modification is based primarily upon which of the following

operant conditioning

A graph like the one below most likely represents which of the following ch.13

perceptions of competence

Which type of goal tends to result in the worst outcomes

performance avoidance

Kenneth and Mamie Clark are famous for what series of studies

presenting brown and white dolls and asking "Give me the doll that you like best"

Boris angers his teacher by throwing spit wads at students in class and throwing spit wads so they stick to the ceiling. The teacher sighs and tells Boris that he is an embarrassment to his class and his family. The teacher sighs whenever she walks past Boris, and asks if he is ready to do something nice for once. Which of the following forms of disciplines is the teacher using

psychological control

Kohlberg's first two stages of moral development emphasize

punishment and obedience to authority

Which of the following is a guideline for effective punishment

recognize that supposed punishment can sometimes reinforce

Which children most need intervention in order to improve well-being


Kate lives with her single mother, and both are aggressive. Their home has few books. What is Kate's amount of TV viewing likely to be

relatively high

Mr. Psalter has observed odd bruises and burn marks on 7-year-old Peter. He suspects abuse. As a teacher, he must do which of the following

report evidence of abuse

How should you respond to students' humor

respond positively as long as it is not insulting or disruptive

Two boys, Arthur and Vernon, are rolling in the dirt as they tussle and push each other. They are smiling as they jump up and mush rotten apples onto each other. They are engaged in

rough-and-tumble play

Research on delay of gratification showed that delay during preschool was related to what later in life

school grades and SAT scores

Which of the following is a method of measuring delay of gratification in preschoolers as described in the text

see how long children can wait before they touch a tempting item, like candy

Let's say that African American students who took the same test performed better if they thought it measured problem solving ability than when they thought it measured intelligence. Which of the following is most relevant to understanding the different average test scores

stereotype threat

Which of the following tends to increase cheating

student perceptions that a teacher is unfair

In general, play

supports academic learning

In order to foster ToM, parents could do which of the following with their preschoolers

talk about what other people are thinking

Your colleague says that her third grade students are always trying to feed the pets, pick up dropped papers, and share pencils. She finds their behavior frustrating. What advice do you have for her

tell her that she should encourage students to practice prosocial behavior

Adolescent Susie broke up with her boyfriend last night. She is upset and thinks that everyone who talks to her can tell that she is anxious and depressed. She is experiencing

the illusion of transparency

Among households with children, which is the most common family structure

two parents who are married

According to Freud, psychological symptoms arise from

unconscious or repressed memories

Theory of mind is important in schools because it influences students' ability to

understand their teachers and fellow students

Which of the following is NOT a key principle of effective discipline according to the text

use maximum power to achieve compliance

Persistent persuasion does which of the following

uses induction and repeated requests until compliance, without power assertion

Pablo keeps pushing and poking Ben. The teacher asks Pablo to stop teasing Ben and to think about how sad it must make Ben feel. In this scenario the teacher is using which of the following

victim-centered induction

There is evidence that which of the following increases prosocial behavior in the long-term

victim-centered induction

The graph below shows that eighth-grade children of less well-educated parents do what compared to children of more highly educated parents ch.14

watch more television

The graph below represents the percent of children ch.14

who are in self-sibling care

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