Emerson's "Self-Reliance" and "Nature"

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According to Emerson's essay, "Nature," what are some ways that the woods can change a man? (There are FOUR answers)

-The ability to find truth in solitude and nature. -The ability to enjoy perfect exhilaration. -Man can cast off years. -He could return to reason and faith.

What is an aphorism?

A statement that explains a general principle or truth about life that is usually one sentence long.

What is this an example of?" "To be great is to be misunderstood."

An aphorism.

What is this an example of?: "Susan cannot stand peanut butter! Whenever she sees or smells it, she is sickened!"


According to Emerson, who is not afraid to be inconsistent?

Great men, like Socrates, Pythagoras, and Galileo.

What does Emerson mean when he says, "I become a transparent eyeball," in his essay, "Nature?"

He becomes part of nature, loses egotism, and becomes simply a lover of beauty.

According to Emerson, "nature always wears the colors of the spirit." What does this mean?

However you feel is how you look at nature.

What is this an example of?: "The girl scout pleaded and begged me to buy the samoa cookies like her life depended on it!"


What does Emerson mean when he says the fields and woods "nod" to him?

Nature is acknowledging the relationship between man and nature by communication.

What is this an example of?: "Mr. Smith tends to think and act differently than the people around him."


What is one theme or main idea in Emerson's essay, "Self-Reliance," that illustrates an element of transcendentalism?

Self-Reliance, look inward for truth.

Why does Emerson think people try to be consistent?

Society deems it appropriate; "you are only as good as you word."

According to Emerson, who believes consistency is important?


According to Emerson, what is the "greatest delight" in nature?

The occult (mysterious) relationship between man and nature.

What does Emerson mean when he says, "imitation is suicide?"

Trying to be like others kills your own spirit.

What does Emerson mean when he says, "envy is ignorance?"

When you focus on what others have, you lose knowledge of yourself.

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