Gender and Leadership

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Relying on Women's Experiences

"I watched women being excluded from public housing: I watched them being denied private housing, unable to rent an apartment when faced w a box indicating felony conviction" COLLATERAL CONSEQUENCES: 45,000 legal sanctions and restrictions imposed upon people with criminal records Barriers to employment, student loans, housing, custody of children, right to vote Becomes a life sentence harsher than whatever sentence a court actually imposed upon conviction

Susan Burton: Transformational Leadership- shared struggle, transforming communities and the nation

(Ms. Burton) views the women who live and work with her not nearly as people to be helped, but as women joining in a shared struggle to remake their individual lives while transforming their communities and the nation as a whole Meta analysis found female leaders were more transformational than the male leader Transformational Leadership Characteristics: Demonstrates qualities that motivate respect and pride from association w him/her Communicates values, purpose, and importance of an organization's mission Exhibits optimism and excitement about goals and future states Examines new perspectives for solving problems and completing tasks Focuses on development and mentoring of followers and attends to their individual needs

Few women hold leadership positions

1. Women continue to outpace men in educational achievement 2. Yet, ceased making real progress at the top of any industry 3. When it comes to making the decisions the most affect our world, women's voices are not heard equally

14th Amendment

14th amendment no state shall deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws

Apple Personal Computer Launch


The number of women graduates in computer programs peaked in


When you reach_________female leadership = more profitable.


Boys vs. Girls- computer interest pre-1980's

A good programmer was concise and elegant and never wasted a word - assumed to be women In the US, by 1960, more than 1 in 4 programmers were women Computer programming wasn't high status work When the time came to hire technicians to write instructions for the Eniac, men picked an all-women team Men decided what they wanted the Eniac to do, women "programmed" it to execute the instructions Grace Hopper -- pioneering programmer credited with creating the first "compiler" a program that lets users create programming languages that more closely resemble written words

Familiar double standard

A man who speaks authoritatively might be confident or opinionated, while a woman who does the same is arrogant or lecturing. Most pressingly, it created a backlash among some voters who saw women acting "like men" and deemed them inauthentic.

Susan Burton: Enduring Values translated into organizational structure

And organization dedicated to the restoration of basic civil and human rights for formally incarcerated people and has begun training the women who are part of a new way of life to be leaders spokespeople and organizers

Finding mentors

Angela Davis: Black Lives Matter Outspoken advocate for prison reform and prisoner rights She popularized the term "prison industrial complex" to describe the exploitation of the prison population and the profit driven in an extremely lucrative industry that sprang up around building and supplying prisons w goods and services There are now more women in prison in the state of CA than there were in the entire country in the early 1970's

Power of Organizations

Any successful movement has a combination of social services and organizing Outreach and recruitment Little Hoover Commission: Breaking the Barriers for Women on Parole Released a report about unique issues affecting women in the correctional system Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger created the Gender Responsive Strategies Commission and appointed Burton one of 10 commissioners WOJO: Women Organizing for Justice and Opportunity Six month intensive program Formerly incarcerated women in SOCAL to become leaders in movement of social justice Culmination of everything burton learned and experienced and a way of formalizing all the lessons she had been individually imparting to the women

Stacy Abrams

As Stacy Abrams looks to run again, Democrats are divided over her strategy. Mrs. Abrams, the Georgia Democrat who nearly lost a race for governor, said she would decide by early April weather to run for president, senator or governor. She is focusing on voting rights after her 2018 campaign turned out record numbers of black, Latino and Asian voters.

Chicago mayoral race

Black women will soon leave Chicago either Tori Preckwinkle or Lori Lightfoot If you voters imagine two black women would win the most votes in last Tuesday's crowded me oral primary race. A former police board president, Lori Lightfoot, or face the county board executive, Toni practice group with Cole, in a run up on April 2, inaugurating a new era for the cities racialized political landscape and notorious Democratic machine

Girl Scout research: Different types of usage boys vs. girls

Boys play games for fun, while girls use tech to learn. Girls also read books and articles on devices more than boys do boys remain more confident in their skills Even if girls are spending more time learning, it's boys who are more likely to believe they are the tech experts of their families, Parents may have something to do with that: In the study, they tended to give sons more credit for figuring out new technology

Family behavior favors boys' use of computers

By the mid-'80s, some college freshmen were showing up for their first class already proficient as programmers. these students were mostly men, as two academics discovered when they looked into the reasons women's enrollment was so low. Margolis discovered that the first-year students arriving at Carnegie Mellon with substantial experience were almost all male. They had received much more exposure to computers than girls had; for example, boys were more than twice as likely to have been given one as a gift by their parents. And if parents bought a computer for the family, they most often put it in a son's room, not a daughter's.

Google - When Good Intentions Aren't Enough

Diversity= Good business decision Women in upper management: Wider skill sets Different style → Transformational Leadership Worked to build camaraderie among Google's female employees Mentor women in the workplace Realized that diversity would actually benefit the company


Emily Chang: examines how tech culture has become a boys' club, hostile and averse to women

Behavior in school - teachers and boys/girls

Girls are increasingly outperforming boys in the classroom: 57% of undergraduate, 60% of master's degrees in the US Samantha Ettus read their daughter's kindergarten yearbook - many boys wanted to be president, but none of the girls did When a girl tries to lead, she is often labeled bossy Boys are encouraged to take charge/offer their opinions Teachers interact more with boys, call on them more frequently, and ask them more questions Boys are also more likely to call out answers, and when they do teachers usually listen to them When girls call out, teachers often scold them for breaking the rules and remind them to raise their hands Females praised for being nice and agreeable Males praised for intellect

Bell hooks- recognizing power (Ain't I a Woman)

Gloria Watkins published her first book and I'll woman; black women and feminism under her pen name bell hooks. Ain't I a Woman? examines several recurring themes in her later work: the historical impact of sexism and racism on black women, devaluation of black womanhood, media roles and portrayal, the education system, the idea of a white-supremacist-capitalist-patriarchy, the marginalization of black women, and the disregard for issues of race and class within feminism. Since the publication of Ain't I a Woman?, she has become eminent as a leftist and postmodern political thinker and cultural critic.

Theil- Zero to One:

His book Zero to One, which posited a new way to think about innovation and build successful companies, had a long run on the New York Times bestseller list and was a huge hit in China and other foreign markets.

Internal barriers

How women hold themselves back: women lack self-confidence, don't raise their hands, pulling back when they should be leaning in Women internalize the (-) messages we get throughout our lives - the messages that say it's wrong to be outspoken, aggressive, more powerful than men Confidence gap: Lower their own expectations of what they can achieve Women are less self-assured than men A shortage of competence is less likely to be an obstacle than a shortage of confidence Overqualified and overprepared, women still hold back and only feel confident when they are perfect Aspirations/Ambition Gap: Many women still see ambition as a dirty word Leadership Ambition Gap: Fear of being a bad mother, wife, daughter - Holy Trinity of fear surrounding women Fear: Fear is the root of so many of the barriers that women face Fear of not being liked Fear of making the wrong choice Fear of drawing (-) attention, overreaching, being judged, failure


In the words of her detractors during the 2016 presidential race, Hillary Clinton was: abrasive and shrill. She was aloof. She was unlikable. It's not a coincidence that some of these adjectives are now bubbling up in discussions of Senators Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris as they campaign for the 2020 Democratic nomination. Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota is the latest woman to join the 2020 field, kicking off her campaign on Sunday. In the run-up to her announcement, she faced headlines about her well-known reputation in the Senate as a difficult boss. Whether she is held to a different standard than men remains to be seen: Male politicians pressure and berate staff members too, and, like Ms. Klobuchar's Senate office, President Trump has had high employee turnover. One of the most amorphous qualities candidates are judged on, likability is also deeply influenced by gender bias. Voters look for it in men, too — consider the "who would you rather have a beer with" question in campaigns — but only in women, research shows, do they consider it nonnegotiable. Voters will not support a woman that they do not like, even if they believe that she is qualified. But they will vote for a man that they do not like if they believe he is qualified.

U.S. lags in gender diversity for senior management (C-Suite)

Increase has been slow - increased slowly, but steadily in the past 5 years Salaries - men much more likely to hold top-paying positions; women more likely to hold lower-paying positions Blatant sexism - women are less likely to occupy roles that lead to the CEO position; women face blatant/subtle sexism, discrimination, and sexual harassment; too few workplaces offer the flexibility and access to child care and parental leave that are necessary for pursuing a career while raising children Lack of mentors - men have an easier time finding the mentors and sponsors who are invaluable for career progression Blame - when companies fail, F CEOs get blamed more frequently than M CEOs; research shows women are more likely to land the top job during times of crisis, which make it more likely that a woman would be in charge of an already troubled company When a company led by a woman was in crisis, 80% of the news stories on the situation cited the CEO as a source of the problem Only 31% of the stories when CEO was male

Prison complex and women

Increased incarceration: since 1980 the rate of incarceration for women has risen more than 700% the majority of these women are imprisoned for nonviolent offenses Offense types: women in state prisons are more likely than men to be incarcerated for a drug or property offense than men Prostitution statistics: black women comprise 40% of street prostitutes, though 55% of women arrested for prostitution are black, and 85% of women incarcerated for prostitution are black Drug stats: black women are more than 2x as likely to be incarcerated for drug offenses as white women, drug use and selling occur at similar rates across racial ethnic groups, black and Hispanic women are far more likely to be criminalized

Kamala Harris

Junior US Senator from California Kamala Harris is dedicating her first major legislative effort to bail reform. We must come together to perform a deal system that is discriminatory wasteful and fails to keep our communities safe Our justice system was designed with a promise to treat all people equally the California sun center said in a statement yet more than 450,000 American sit in jail today awaiting trial and many of them cannot afford money bail. In our country, whether you stay in jail or not is holy determined by whether you're wealthy or not and that's wrong.

Sarah Mapps Douglass

Known for: her work in educating African American youth in Philadelphia, and for her active role in antislavery work, both in her city and nationally Occupation: educator, abolitionist Dates: September 9, 1806 - September 8, 1882 Also known as: Sarah Douglass She and her mother were among those women who, in 1833, founded the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society. This organization became a focus of her activism for most of the rest of her life. The organization included both black and white women, working together to educate themselves and others, both through reading and listening to speakers, and to promote action to end slavery, including petition drives and boycotts.

Susan Burton: Core values of freedom of equality

Like the guiding principles embodied in the American declaration of independence we hold these truths to be self evident and echoed 87 years later in the Gettysburg address and nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, core ideology is so fundamental to the institution that it changes seldom, if ever The nation was founded and dedicated to use Lincoln's language in the Gettysburg address to equality as a self evident truth. But this very principle of equality, as Lincoln also noted, was a proposition. To make it a reality remained the unfinished work of Americans. -Ronald Takaki There are more black men in prison today than there were enslaved in 1850. We imprison more people than any other country with 2.2 million in jail More than 20 new prisons opened in California from the mid-1980s to the mid 2000s compared to a total of 12 new prisons from 1852 to 1984 Incarceration rates in our community had increased astronomically, especially for women, and especially for poor black woman Since 1980 the rate of incarceration for women has risen more than 700% the majority of these women are in prison for non-violent offenses. There are 111,000 women in prison in the United States The number of women in prison has been increasing at a rate 50% higher than men since 1980 There are 1.2 million women under the supervision of the criminal justice system most of which are on probation There are 832% more women in prison now than in 1977. Black women are incarcerated three times more than white women. One in 25 will give birth shackled and present. One intern will be sexually assaulted in prison. 75% or domestic violence survivors. 82% are survivors of severe child abuse. More than 60% of incarcerated women reported having been sexually assaulted before the age of 18. Black woman comprise 40% of street prostitutes the 55% of women arrested for prostitution are black and 85% of women incarcerated for prostitution are black 2/3 of those working as prostitutes disclose having been sexually abused as children and more than 90% said they never told anyone only 1% reported having receiving counseling Only around 15% of those serving time for drug related offenses are given access to a drug treatment program with a trained professional. Drug use and selling occur at somewhere right across racial and ethnic groups, black and Hispanic women are far more likely to be criminalized. Black women are more than twice as likely to be incarcerated for drug offenses as white women

MeToo/MeToo backlash

Many male bosses saying in surveys they are less willing now to mentor junior female colleagues, go to dinner with them, travel with them - generally treat them as coworkers rather than as land mines

Stereotypes impacting "Who is qualified"

Masculinity and femininity: The qualities voters tend to expect from politicians — like strength, toughness and valor — are popularly associated with masculinity. This often means that from the moment a man steps onto the campaign trail, he benefits from a basic assumption that he is qualified to run, while a woman has to work twice as hard to show that she's qualified. For many years, female candidates tried to adopt the characteristics voters wanted to see — to act, stereotypically speaking, like men. This worked for some but also brought pitfalls. For one thing, it did not challenge the premise that masculinity is better suited for leadership.

Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters is a congresswoman serve in California is 43rd district. Congresswoman Waters re-introduces the stop aids in prison act. She also advocates against juvenile life sentences and the death penalty.

Michelle Obama - Imposter Syndrome, but: "they're not that smart."

Never be intimidated. You know more than you think you know. You're better prepared than you think you are. Imposter Syndrome: women who experience imposter syndrome maintain a strong belief that they are not intelligent; in fact, they are convinced that they have fooled anyone who thinks otherwise Used to designate an internal experience of intellectual-phonies, which appears to be prevalent among high achieving women

Supreme Court

O'Connor: appointed by Reagan; first woman on SC; was the "swing" or "key" vote Kagan: appointed by Obama, joined RBG and Sotomayor → putting three female justices together on the court for the first time ever Sotomayor: appointed by Obama; first hispanic and third woman to serve on the SC


Other gendered interruption behavior includes what is now the recognized phenomenon of "mansplaining" Whereby a man either unnecessarily explains to a woman something that the woman is just as likely to know as the man, or explains to the third-party "what the woman is trying to say" Not withstanding the recent attention given to mansplain in it has been occurring for decades even female justices on the Supreme Court are subjected to this phenomenon despite having reach the highest leadership panel possible and one of the highest status professions

Superficial judgements

Perhaps the most obvious way female candidates are judged differently is on their appearance: not only how "attractive" they are and how they dress, researchers say, but also their facial expressions, their body language and their voice. Accused in 2015 of "shouting" about gun violence, Mrs. Clinton responded: "First of all, I'm not shouting. It's just when women talk, some people think we're shouting." Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton Hillary on those who tell her to "stop shouting" on issues that matter. 5,579 7:29 AM - Oct 23, 2015 4,028 people These sorts of criticisms were common in the 2016 campaign, not only against Mrs. Clinton but also against Carly Fiorina, who ran in the Republican primary. "Look at that face," Mr. Trump said at one point, openly mocking Ms. Fiorina's appearance. "Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?"

Brotopia: Personal connections,mentors, friends & associates

Personal connections, timing, and access to funding from influential backers can all make or break a startup; The social ties that come from attending a school such as Stanford or Harvard can provide an enormous head start (one that I too have benefited from). mentors, friends & associates

Legal reforms

Prop 36: the 3 strikes reform act overwhelmingly past removing the mandatory 25 yrs to life sentence for a third nonviolent defense Prop 47: nonviolent,non-serious crimes reduced to misdemeanors

Reluctance to support female candidates (stereotypes and double standards)

Reluctance to support female candidates is apparent: 1. in the language that voters frequently use to describe men and women running for office; 2. in the qualities that voters say they seek; and 3. in the perceived flaws that voters say they are willing or unwilling to overlook in candidates.

Anger with women who seek power/ambition

Research bears this out. In a study from the Harvard Kennedy School's Women and Public Policy Program, when participants saw women as power-seeking, they "experienced feelings of moral outrage (i.e. contempt, anger, and/ or disgust)" toward them and saw them as "less supportive or caring." When participants saw male politicians as power-seeking, though, that impression instead led them to view the men "as having greater agency (e.g. being more assertive, stronger, and tougher) and greater competence." Women, in short, were penalized for seeking power, even as men were rewarded for it.

Gendered interruptions

Researchers look at the effect of gender, ideology, and seniority on interruptions between the justices during oral arguments. 1. This article shows that the highest court in our judicial branch suffers from disparate patterns of communication between men and women regularly and predictably 2. By analyzing judicial behaviors during oral arguments, this article determines which factor significantly affect the rate of interruptions between the justices 3. Finding the gender and ideology are highly protective, and that seniority is relevant but less influential. They found numerous instances where the mail just says it knowledge interrupting other men but very few where justice acknowledges interrupting a woman. This is despite everyone having more opportunity to interrupt men than women, given women's permanent minority status on the court.

13th amendment

Section 1: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2: the Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation

imposter syndrome

Self doubting / fraudulent feelings commonly experienced by successful minorities Feel like they're not as smart. Feel like they will be exposed as fraud.

2020 Presidential Candidates

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts Senator Kamala Harris of California Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii also has announced a long-shot bid for president, with considerable focus on her status as a military veteran "While Gillibrand sees and discusses politics and policy through a gender lens, Warren's primary focus has been on class. In her rollout, Kamala Harris has already shown that she will embrace and discuss being a black woman in power."

What not to do- Ivanka Trump

She wrote a stupid book, "Women Who Work" giving advice to women (mostly beneficial for well-off white bitches) "Buy American, Hire American"-- container ships carried about 500 pounds

The Tipping Point

Silicon Valley- "Elephant in the Valley" 90% reported witnessing sexist behavior 60% had personally been sexually harassed by a superior Still rife with harassment and stereotypes. Google approved $45 million exit package for executive accused of misconduct

Stereotype Threat

Social-psychological phenomenon When members of a group are made aware of a (-) stereotype, they are more likely to perform according to that stereotype Women most susceptible to negative feedback care most and want to succeed (-) memories lead to STEM aversion When girls are reminded of their gender before a math or science test, even by something as simple as checking off an M or F box at the top of the test, they perform worse

Thinking Big

Start a movement, make a difference

Tarana Burke

Started the #metoo movement 10 years ago In 1997, Tarana Burke sat across from a 13-year-old girl who had been sexually abused. The young girl was explaining her experience, and it left Miss Burke speechless. That moment is where the me too campaign was born. "I didn't have a response or a way to help her in that moment, and I couldn't even say me too" miss Burke said. It really bothered me, and it's not in my spirit for a long time she added. 10 years after that conversation, Miss Berke created just be Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps victims of sexual harassment and assault. She sought out the resources that she had not found readily available to her 10 years before and committed herself to being there for people who had been abused.

Howard vs. Heidi

Study that presented half the students with the actual resume of venture capitalist Heidi Roizen and the other half with the name changed to Howard Students rated Heidi and Howard as being equally competent but Heidi was rated as unlikeable and not the person to hire Howard seen as more likeable, Heidi as selfish

Activists and Advocates...Anthony, Addams, Paul, Abzug, Kennedy, Schafly?

Susan B. Anthony: right to vote, social gains are never handed out - they must be seized Jane Addams: social welfare, reformer, and pacifist Alice Paul: civil rights advocate Bella Abzug: women in politics Flo Kennedy: black feminist radical Phyllis Shafly: In 1972, when Schlafly began her campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment, it had already been ratified by 28 of the required 38 states. Only 24% of women in the US call themselves feminists Yet when offered a more specific definition of feminism - "a feminist is someone who believes in social, political, and economic equality of the sexes" - % of women rises to 65%

Susan Burton: Analysis, self-criticism

Susan Burton knows just how hard it is to get back on track after being released from prison. It's an experience she lived through six times, once for each of the prison terms she served. "One of the things about incarceration is that you're deprived. You lose all of your identity and then its given back one day and you're ill-equipped to actually embrace it and work it," Burton says. "Each time I left prison I left with the resolve to get my life together, to get a job, to get back on track. And each time the task became more and more and more daunting." Burton's prison sentences were all drug related. After her sixth release, she finally received the addiction treatment and counseling she so desperately needed. Slowly, she began to rebuild her own life — then she turned her attention to others in Watts, the Los Angeles neighborhood she had grown up in. In the beginning she simply wanted to give to women who were struggling to make it on the outside. Provide food, shelter, safety and some support as they piece their lives back together again. Eventually, lead a much broader human rights movement "A New Way of Life Re-Entry Project"

The Likeability Trap

The very first question of Ms. Gillibrand's campaign was about her likability. "A lot of people see you as pretty likable," a reporter told her. Did she consider that a "selling point"? Ms. Warren's evaluation arrived with similar speed, in a Politico article that asked how she could "avoid a Clinton redux — written off as too unlikable before her campaign gets off the ground."

Brown v. Board of Education

Thurgood Marshall use Murray's paper to argued Brown v Board - racial segregation in schools was illegal

Pauli Murray

Two decades before the civil rights movement of the 1960s, Murray was arrested for refusing to move to the back of a bus in Richmond, VA - identifies as transgender Organized sit-ins that desegregated restaurants in DC Urged Howard classmates to head south to fight for civil rights Law Career: had a residential college named after her at Yale, where she was the first Black to earn a doctorate of jurisprudence Was originally rejected from UNC bc of race, went to Howard Law, rejected by Harvard bc of sex Thurgood Marshall: her legal scholarship helped him challenge segregation head-on in Brown v Board of Ed

Women making (or not making) partner

Valerie Radwaner deputy chairwoman of Paul, Weiss, said women had been made partners at the firm while working reduced or flexible hours. But the internal culture is not always inviting for women.

Paypal Mafia

Veterans of the company founded by Thiel and Max Levchin: early employees of PayPal, known as the PayPal Mafia, are more famous for their successes after leaving the company — many of which they collaborated on with one another — than for their initial breakthrough in digital payments. The group includes Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, as well as the creators of YouTube, Yelp and LinkedIn. Chang - successful women at Paypal but were written out of history bc they weren't founders

Psychological cost

Women who opt out by choice, who are still considered "players" by the c-suite, do so because the potential benefit of the higher climb no longer seems worth the cost In contrast to peer men, many women at this stage are not as motivated by achieving more money or a bigger title

Google Memo

Women's personalities make them ill-suited to work in tech. Men have a different drive for status (success) - men have a higher drive

Eleanor Roosevelt

appointed to the President's Commission on the Status of Women in 1962

Jane Crow

argued that the same reasons used to condemn race discrimination could be used to battle gender discrimination

VMI (United States vs.Virginia) (Virginia Military Institute)

boasted being the only male public college in VA; case found that Virginia Military Institutes's male - only admission policy violated the 14th amendment and rejected VMI's claims that separate (but equal) military school for women was good enough; ruled unconstitutional bc they didn't provide good justification for being male-only


four decades before Kim Crenshaw coined the term, Murray insisted on the indivisibility of her identity and experience as a woman, worker, and Black


in the 70s, Murray provided RBG with argument RBG used to persuade the SC that the 14th amendment protects not only blacks but also women

Free Speech vs. Full Speech

majority of behavioral research on gender and interruptions indicates men interrupt women more than women interrupt me → both have free speech, but women don't want to be interrupted anymore

Military Selective Service Act (MSSA)

requires males, but not females to register for the draft; Judge in Houston argued that the male-only requirement violated the constitutional requirement that gov treat men/women equally - quoted RBG's opinion declaring unconstitutional the exclusion of women from the state-supported VMI - "must not rely on broad generalizations about the different talents, capacities, or preferences of males/female"

Reed vs. Reed. (pedestal vs. cage, race and sex)

ruled that administrators of estates cannot be named in a way that discriminates between sexes

Plessy vs. Ferguson (separate but equal)

separate but equal facilities did not violate the Constitution

Annie Kadavy

uber executive who invested in the Self-Driving Truck Former uber employee: Blaine Light - trying to learn and make something better from working at uber. Try to resist the stereotypes of the past!

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