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What is an embargo? Why did Jefferson order an embargo? What are some negative consequences of an embargo?

An embargo is an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country. Jefferson was frustrated at his inability to get England or France to stop attacking U.S. ships. Jefferson ordered an embargo to ban all U.S. trade with England and France. The negative consequences of the embargo is that it hurt U.S. trade more than England or France because merchants smuggled goods to continue trading with Europe.

What is judicial review? Give a modern example.

Judicial review is the ability of a court to examine and decide if a statue, treaty or administrative regulation contradicts or violates the provisions of existing law, state constitution or US constitution. A modern example would be the travel ban. Donald Trump, the president of the U.S, tried to pass a law which would temporarily bar entry to refugees and immigrants. It went under judicial review and was determined unconstitutional because it contradicted the first amendment. Because the travel ban states that Christians were allowed into the U.S, it did not support freedom of religion since no other religion was included in the ban.

Describe the tensions that arose when Missouri applied to become a state. Evaluate the effectiveness of the compromise.

Sectionalism is loyalty to the interests of one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole. So when Missouri applied to become a state, sectionalism arose. Citizens in the North did not want the Southern states to increase the power in the national government. The North was scared that the South would have more power, which would end up with 2 more Senators than the North. Maine later on became a state a free state which made a Missouri a slave state. This balanced the amount of free and slave states.

Describe Henry Clay's American system. What was the goal?

The American system that Henry Clay created was to have a national market economy. Northern states made manufactured goods while Western states farmed grains and raised livestock and South states farmed cotton. All the states helped each other to feed the nation. The U.S became more reliable on itself and did not have to base the economy with foreign trading.

Who has the power to declare war?

The Congress has the power to declare war. Since the president of the United States is unable to declare war without the approval of Congress Madison asked Congress for a declaration of war against England in 1812.

Describe the "Era of Good Feelings." What are some pro and cons of nationalism?

The United States of America became united with a sense of nationalism because they had beaten the British. Because of that, America entered an "Era of Good Feelings" with a president whom everyone looked up to and the national economy was booming. The war was the first America had won and that allowed them to feel stronger and superior to everyone else. A pro of nationalism is that it created a big government which allowed the gov. to look after the health and the education of the citizens of the U.S as well as protecting them. It also inspired people to make sacrifices which allowed them to become better people because of it. A con of nationalism is that it can cause discrimination to other groups of people, can cause others to turn against one another (the French Revolution).

How did nationalism effect our foreign policy?

The main policy that affected nationalism is the Monroe Doctrine which the U.S asserted to protect the Western Hemisphere. It was also the beginning of the westward expansion which included the U.S moving into foreign nation's territory. There were strains beginning to develop between Spanish Mexico and the U.S since the U.S was starting to move into their territory.

What caused the war of 1812?

The war of 1812 was caused by a series of economic sanctions taken by the British and French against the US as part of the Napoleonic Wars and American outrage at the British practice of impressment. The war began with an attack on Canada, both as an effort to gain land and to cut off British supply lines. The US neither gained nor lost any territory. The war was officially over, but news traveled slowly across the Atlantic Ocean. In New Orleans news did not travel in time and Andrew Jackson's army defeated the British which was an unnecessary fight, the U.S celebrated which created an uproar for the American nationalism.

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