KIN muscle tissue and system

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Many choice: The central nervous system includes

- the brain -the spinal cord

The equilibrium potential for potassium is about -90 mV. If potassium channels remained open and all other ion channels were closed, the voltage inside a neuron would be

-90 mV

Imagine that the middle head of the deltoid were the only muscle supporting the outstretched arm below. If the deltoid contracted so that the hand moved at a speed of 1 meter per second, the insertion of the deltoid would move

Slower than one meter per second

Smooth muscle appears smooth because

Smooth muscle cells do not have sarcomeres

The threshold voltage in a muscle fiber is

The voltage at which voltage-gated sodium channels open

Moving the arm away from a mid-sagittal plane is called


The equilibrium potential for sodium is about +66 mV. If only sodium channels were open in a cell's plasma membrane, the membrane potential would be

About +66 mV

The membrane potential in a muscle fiber treated for a long time with with succinylcholine would be

Above threshold

Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which myelination of neurons is disrupted. This is a problem because

Action potentials from non-myelinated neurons are not timed correctly

An action potential that begins at the axon hillock travels only towards the axon terminal. This is because

After depolarizing, each portion of the axon enters the absolute refractory period so can't transmit a signal either backwards or forwards.

A motor unit refers to

All fibers stimulated by a specific motor neuron

If we shock an axon in the middle, bringing the voltage inside the middle of the axon above threshold,

An action potential will be generated and will travel in both directions

Many choice: Lidocaine would block sensory signals while allowing muscle contraction if

Answer: it blocked voltage gated sodium channels in sensory neurons

The brachialis flexes the elbow when it shortens. In order to extend the elbow,

Antagonists to elbow flexion must contract

A synergist is a muscle that

Assists the prime mover for a motion

Many choice: When a muscle contracts

Z-lines move closer together

Which of the following joint types is least stable?

a synovial joint

Raising the arm sideways (within a frontal plane) represents


Organophosphates block the action of acetylcholinesterase. In this case, muscle fibers would spend more time

above threshold

Which of the following types of bone contains osteons?

compact bone

Which of the following would result in lowest bone mass over two weeks?

consuming high levels of calcium while physically inactive

Muscle is a motor because it

converts chemical energy to mechanical energy

When the pectoralis major contracts while throwing a ball, the hand moves

faster than the insertion of the muscle

An intervertebral disc contains


When the splenius capitis contracts to elevate the mandible, it is acting as a

first class lever

A muscle that originates on the ischial tuberosity and inserts on the head of the fibula would

flex the knee and extend the hip

tendons are connected to bone by

Collagen fibers from connective tissue in the muscle interweaving with collagen fibers from the periosteum and bone tissue

A muscle that originates on the coracoid process of the scapula and inserts on radial tuberosity would (you may assume the muscle is located on the anterior side of the arm)

flex the shoulder and flex the elbow

if a muscle fiber fired a single action potential but never depolarized, the fiber would

generate force for a short period of time and relax(a twitch)

Which of the following would relax a neuron?

graded hyper polarization

Chicken bones that are dissolved in vinegar for a week become flexible. This is due to elimination of ____________ from the bone.

ground substance

The cartilage the covers the lateral condyle of the femur consists of

hyaline cartilage

Which of the following makes up articular cartilage that reduces friction in joints?

hyaline cartilage

In an adult, the joint between two parietal bones in the skull is


Where would you look for osteocytes in a slide of bone tissue?

in lacunae

During the absolute refractory period, voltage gated sodium channels are


The equilibrium potential for chloride is about -65 mV. If a neuron's membrane potential is stuck at -63 mV and chloride channels open, chloride would travel

into cell

Ion channels that predominate in the dendrites of neurons are

ligand gated channels

Imagine you were locked in a room for a year without exposure to sunlight. Your diet was healthy, but included no supplements. Which of the following would be of most concern?

Flexible bones

Many choice: Effector tissue in the autonomic nervous system consists of

-glands -smooth muscle

Many choice: Which of the following cells are involved in bone remodeling?

-osteoblasts -osteoclasts

Many choice: Which of the following is a component of a synovial joint

-synovial fluid -synovial membrane -articular cartilage -joint capsule

Many choice: Joints between adjacent vertebra include

-synovial joints -fibrocartilaginous joints

Many choice: In which of the following places would you find fibrocartilage?

-the joint at the pubic symphysis -the knee -an intervertebral joint

Many choice: Which of the following proteins is a component of the thin filament?

-troponin -tropomyosin -Actin

As a patient is developing osteoporosis,

.Osteoclast activity is greater than osteoblast activity

If a muscle fiber fired repeated action potentials at a rapid rate, it would

Generate force until ATP depleted

Which of the following predominate in a neuron's dendrites?

Graded potentials

Which of the following gives bone the ability to resist compression?

Ground substance

Chronically elevated levels of which hormone would result in osteoporosis?

Parathyroid hormone

Which of the following hormones primarily elevates blood calcium

Parathyroid hormone (PTH)

A motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates is a

motor unit

A group of muscle fibers surrounded by perimysium is a

muscle fascicle

Which of the following would result in brittle bones?

mutations in the gene encoding collagen

Presume tubocurarine binds to the nicotinic ACh receptor at the motor end plate and locks it in a closed position. In this case

no action potentials would be fired

Tendons are connected to bone by

not answer: Nerves from the periosteum stimulating specific muscle fibers

Which of the following joint types is most stable?

not answer: a synovial joint

Bending our elbow 90 degrees from anatomical position is called

not answer: adduction abduction

Bringing the knee to the chest represents ________________ of the hip

not answer: extension

In a muscle fiber, motor proteins are located in the

not answer: thin filament

A neuron has

one nucleus

During the relative refractory period, voltage-gated potassium channels are


The tissue that surrounds a muscle fascicle is called the


Which of the following cell types creates new bone?


A muscle fiber treated with tubocurarine would be


Dissolving bone with vinegar is similar to the activity of which of the following cell types?


Which of the following cell types dissolves bone tissue?


Many choice: Which of the following cells live in lacunae?

osteocytes -something else

The organizational unit of compact bone is called a(n)


Which of the following hormones increases when blood calcium drops?

parathyroid hormone

The layer of connective tissue surrounding a bone is the


Which of the following gives bone some flexibility and resists stretching?

protein fibers

A muscle fiber treated for a long time with succinylcholine would be


The triceps surae (gastrocnemius and soleus) act as a

second class lever

Afferent neurons carry

sensory signals

The least stabile joint in our body is the


The most mobile joint in the body is the


Many choice: Which of the following are synovial joints?

shoulder knee

Effector tissue in the somatic nervous system consists of

skeletal muscle

Red bone marrow is found primarily in

spongy bone

Where are blood cells synthesized?

spongy bone

When frightened by a lion, which branch of the nervous system is increases heart rate?


Which of the following would transmit signals the fastest?

Myelinated large diameter fibers

In a long bone, red bone marrow is located in the

Not answer: diaphysis

Even without having studied a feedback loop that restores red blood cells mass after we bleed, you know that effector tissue in the feedback loop must be located in

Not answer: kidney

If a muscle fiber fired a single action potential but never repolarized, the fiber would

Not answer: not generate force

The primary motor proteins in muscle are found in the

Not answer: nuclei or sarcoplasmic reticulum

The cells that myelinate axons in the central nervous system are

Not answer: oligodendrocytes or ependymal cells

Many choice: Which of the following is a synovial joint?

Not answer: the joint between the teeth and the mandible

Many choice: Which of the following are effectors in the feedback loop that helps maintain blood calcium homeostasis?

Not answer: the parathyroid gland

Skeletal muscle fibers generate maximal force when

Not answer: they are longest

The primary sensors in the feedback loop that helps maintain blood calcium are

the parathyroid glands

When acetylcholine binds its receptor at the motor end plate,

A graded depolarization occurs

The membrane potential in a muscle fiber treated with tubocurarine would be

Below threshold

Imagine you had a mutation that disrupted the gene encoding collagen. Which of the following would be of most concern?

Brittle bones

In the nervous system, most information processing occurs in the


Many choice: Imagine that the voltage of a muscle fiber were held constant at -70 mV even when ions are injected. Injection of which of the following ions would cause muscle contraction?


Skeletal muscle relaxes because

Calcium pumps are always removing calcium from the sarcoplasm

which of the following has the smallest blood supply?


Glutamate is a major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. From this information, you know that most glutamate receptors

Depolarize a neuron

The tissue that surrounds an entire muscle (the organ) is called the


If a person has been dead for a day, calcium concentration in the fluid surrounding the myofibrils would be

Equal to the calcium concentration in the sarcoplasmic reticulum

The meniscus in the knee consists of


If we blocked release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, a person would experience

Flaccid paralysis

If a neuron's resting membrane potential is -70 mV and there were consistent graded membrane potentials, you would expect the voltage inside the cell to become

I need more information


Insulates axons and causes action potentials to travel faster

If the immune system destroyed all ACh receptors on a skeletal muscle fiber,

Membrane potential would remain negative, voltage-gated sodium channels would be closed, and the muscle fiber would not generate force.

Imagine that the middle head of the deltoid were the only muscle supporting the outstretched arm below. The muscle must support the weight of the arm plus a five pound weight. If we measured the force generated by the muscle is would be

More than five pounds

When we throw a ball, the muscles moving our arm exert force on a third class lever. In this case,

The distal part of the arm moves faster than the insertion of the brachialis

Voltage gated sodium channels open when (reminder: choose the best answer)

The membrane potential reaches a threshold voltage

When the pectoralis major contracts while throwing a ball, it acts on the arm as a

Third class lever

Astronauts may run on a treadmill with elastic cords that stretch and contract to simulate gravity on earth. The most likely reason for this is

To provide stress on bone so that astronauts do not experience osteoporosis before returning to earth

The structural units of spongy bone are


In skeletal muscle, the protein that covers myosin binding sites when the muscle is at rest is


In skeletal muscle, the protein that binds calcium in order to initiate contraction is


Bone has a rich blood supply


Estrogen helps maintain bone mass


Weight bearing exercise maintains bone mass


estrogen helps maintain bone mass


In skeletal muscle, an action potential is most directly caused by opening of

Voltage gated sodium channels

Many choice: Which of the following articulate with the humerus in the shoulder joint?

answer: scapula not answer: clavicle

Which of the following cells maintain the blood-brain barrier?


Which of the following cells control the activity of smooth muscle in the gut?

autonomic motor neurons

If we get insufficient sunlight, which of the following would be the most likely change to bone tissue?

bones would become more flexible

If the gene for collagen were damaged such that the collagen in bone became non-functional, the bone tissue would be


During the absolute refractory period, a neuron

cannot fire another action potential

As a long bone grows,

cartilage is replaced by bone tissue

Many choice: Similarities between bone and hyaline cartilage include

cells residing in lacunae

Which of the following would relax a neuron?

chloride moving into a cell

During the relative refractory period, voltage gated sodium channels are


Cartilage has a rich blood supply


Of the choices below, when does a muscle fiber generate the most force?

during an isometric contraction

The tissue that surrounds an individual muscle fiber is called the


Growth of a long bone occurs at the


The origin of a muscle refers to

the "fixed" attachment

A herniated disc involves damage to

the fibrocartilage between adjacent vertebral bodies

Many choice: Which of the following bones articulate with the femur at the knee?

the tibia

skeletal muscle fibers generate maximal force when

they are at intermediate length

Many choice: Which of the following bones articulate with the humerus in the elbow?

ulna radius

Which of the following is considered the most effective stimulus for bone growth in adults?

weight bearing exercise and bone stress

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