lab quiz 2b

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there are ___ pairs of spinal ___ branching off the spinal cord.

31, nerves

the cell bodies of interneurons are always located within the ___.


the neuroglia of the ___ include astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglial cells, and ependymal cells.


two primary divisions make up the nervous system: the ___, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the ___, which includes elements located outside the CNS. these ___ structures include nerves, sensory receptors, and some clusters of nerve cells.


the neuroglia of the ___ include schwann cells and satellite cells.


neurons classified by processes/extensions: ___ neurons have multiple dendrites and no axon. they communicate locally through dendrites and do not produce action-potentials. they are found in the brain, retina, and adrenal medulla.


the ___ ___ of the meninges consists of a simple squamous epithelium, the ___ ___, adhering to the inside of the dura, and a loose mesh of collagenous and elastic fibers spanning the gap between the arachnoid membrane and the pia matter. this gap, called the ___ ___, is filled with CSF. inferior to the medullary cone, the subarachnoid space is called the ___ ___ and is occupied by the cauda equina and CSF.

arachnoid matter, arachnoid membrane, subarachnoid space, lumbar cistern

neuroglia of the CNS: ___ are the most abundant glial cell in the CNS. its functions include providing the supportive framework, perivascular feet, blood flow, nerve growth factors, communication, the regulation of chemicals, and scerosis.


the axon in motor neurons begins just distal to a slightly enlarged cell body structure called the ___ ___. the point at which the axon hillock narrows to axon diameter is referred to as the ___ ___.

axon hillock, initial segment

small region of white matter with an accumulation of neurosomas

basal nuclei

neurons classified by processes/extensions: the ___ neurons have one axon and one dendrite. ex.) olfactory cells of nose, neurons of retina, sensory neurons of ear


in addition to the connective tissue wrappings, ___ ___ and ___ ___ serving the fibers also travel within a nerve.

blood vessels, lymphatic vessels

the cerebral peduncles, pons, and medulla oblongata are all a part of the ___.


the ___ is concerned with unconscious coordination of skeletal muscle activity and control of balance and equilibrium.


the ___ projects dorsally from under the occipital lobes of the cerebrum


the fourth ventricle continues down through the ____ and through the ___, forming the ___ ___ of the spinal cord.

cerebellum, brainstem, central canal

the third ventricle connects via the ___ ___ to the fourth ventricle.

cerebral aqueduct

the ___ ___ is a slender canal traveling through the midbrain; it connects the third ventricle to the fourth ventricle in the hindbrain below. this is located (ventral or dorsal?) to the brainstem, facing the ___.

cerebral aqueduct, dorsal, cerebellum

the ____ is the largest brain region, composing ___% of the brain. this includes a left and right ___ ___. the cerebrum is composed of 3 structures, ___, ___, and ___, which collectively help divide the brain structure into regions. the ___ are thick upfolds of brain tissue, comprising the upward ridges. the ___ are the shallow grooves in brain tissue, and the ___ are the deep grooves in brain tissue. these features divide the brain into ___ portions.

cerebrum, 83, cerebral hemisphere, gyri, sulci, fissures, gyri, sulci, fissures, functional

there are 3 major regions/landmarks of the brain, and they are the ___, ___, and ___.

cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem

each ventricle is lined by a ___ ___. this is a specialized structure with an accumulation of blood capillaries lined by ___ cells, which secrete ___. this is where the CSF is made in the brain, and it travels down the ___ ___ of the spinal cord. ___ provide a pathway for the CSF to travel through the brain. the CSF is made in the ___ ___.

choroid plexus, ependymal, CSF, central canal, ventricles, choroid plexus

the CSF, much like plasma in composition, is continually formed by the ___ ___, small capillary knots hanging from the roofs of the ___ of the brain. the CSF in and around the brain forms a watery ___ that protects the delicate brain tissue against blows to the head.

choroid plexus, ventricles, cushion

the ___ ___ is the major commissure connecting the cerebral hemispheres. this arches above the structures of the ___ and roofs over the lateral ventricles.

corpus callosum, diencephalon

if a nerve resembles a thread, a ___ resembles a knot in the thread. a ___ is a cluster of neurosomas outside the CNS

ganglion, ganglion

the ___ ___ are part of the PNS and not part of the brain proper, but they are most appropriately identified while studying brain anatomy. the ___ pairs of cranial nerves primarily serve the head and neck. only one pair, the ___ nerves, extends into the thoracic and abdominal cavities. all but the first ___ pairs (___ and ___ nerves) arise from the brainstem and pass through the foramina in the base of the skull to reach their destination.

cranial nerves, 12, vagus, 2, olfactory, optic

the processes of a neuron include the ___ and the ___ (nerve fiber). ___ are the shorter, branched processes, and their job is to provide a site for communication that receives and transmits signals. ___ are the long processes that neurons transmit the signal on. a ___ is actually a bundle of axons wrapped in connective tissue. the axon originates in the neurosoma from the ____ ____, and this has to do with action-potential. the ___ ___, or the end of the axon, is where it branches off. this has the ___ ___ (bulbous region), which is responsible for communication with the next cell, forming the junction. the ___ ___ are sacs of neurotransmitters inside of the synaptic knob.

dendrites, axon, dendrites, axons, nerve, axon hillock, terminal arborization, synaptic knob, synaptic vesicles

neurons have two types of processes. ___ are receptive regions that bear receptors for neurotransmitters released by the axon terminals of other neurons. ___ form the impulse generating and conducting region of the neuron.

dendrites, axons

the ___ is embryologically part of the forebrain, along with the cerebral hemispheres. the visible structures that mark the floor of the diencephalon include the ___ ___ (synapse point of cranial nerve I) and tracts, ___ ___ (cranial nerve II), ___ ___ (where the fibers of the optic nerves partially cross over), optic tracts, ____ ___, and ___ ___.

diencephalon, olfactory bulbs, optic nerves, optic chiasma , pituitary gland, mammillary bodies

the ___ ___ of the meninges forms a loose fitting sleeve called the ___ ___ around the spinal cord. it is a tough collagenic membrane about as thick as a rubber kitchen glove. the space between the sheath and vertebral bones, called the ___ ___, is occupied by blood vessels, adipose tissue, and loose connective tissue.

dura matter, dural sheath, epidural space

neuroglia of the CNS: this type lines the internal cavities of the brain and spinal cord. it also secretes cerebral spinal fluid.


the ___ forms the roof of the third ventricle and is the most ___ portion of the diencephalon. important structures within this include the ___ ___ (a neuroendocrine structure) and the ___ ___ of the third ventricle.

epithalamus, dorsal, pineal gland, choroid plexus

there are 5 lobes- the ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___ lobes. the ___ ___ divides the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe, and the ___ ___ separates the temporal lobe from the parietal lobe. a fifth lobe of each cerebral hemisphere, the ___, is buried deep with the lateral sulcus and is covered by portions of the temporal, parietal, and frontal lobes.

frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, insula, central sulcus, lateral sulcus, insula

___ matter forms the cerebral cortex.


the cortex, nuclei, and specifically the neurosomas exist in the ___ matter.


the cell bodies of cerebral neurons involving these functions (language?) are found only in the outermost ___ matter of the cerebrum, the ___ ___. most of the balance of cerebral tissue- the deeper ___ ___ ___- is composed of fiber tracts carrying impulses to or from the cortex.

gray, cerebral cortex, cerebral white matter

____ matter consists of the cortex and nuclei. the ___ is where neuron cell bodies and dendrites are located. the ___ of the CNS myelinate the axons in the white matter. the ___ are a collection of neurons, specifically the neurosomas. however, the ___ can exist in white matter as well. this provides a region for a ___ with another neuron and its dendrites, allowing greater neural communication.

gray, cortex, oligodendrocytes, nuclei, nuclei, synapse

neuron cell bodies make up the ___ matter of the CNS, and form clusters there that are called ___. in the PNS, clusters of neuron cell bodies are called ___.

gray, nuclei, ganglia

as in the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum has an outer cortical area of ___ matter and an inner area of ___ matter. the treelike branching of the cerebellar ___ matter is referred to as the ___ ___, or "tree of life".

gray, white, white, arbor vitae

the ___ makes up the floor and the inferolateral walls of the third ventricle.


this is an important autonomic center involved in regulation of body temperature, water balance, and fat and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as in many other activities and drives (sex, hunger, thirst).


this type of neuron is found in the CNS, and its signals are processed by the brain.


this type of neuron is the most common, comprising 90% of all neurons.


this type of neuron processes, stores, and retrieves information.


within the brain, the CSF circulates from the two lateral ventricles (in the cerebral hemispheres) into the third ventricle via the ___ ___, and then through the ___ ___ of the midbrain into the fourth ventricle in the hindbrain.

interventricular foramen, cerebral aqueduct

the ___ ___, a tiny opening connecting the third ventricle with the lateral ventricle on the same side, are a feature of the ___ of the diencephalon.

interventricular foramen, thalamus

the ___ ventricles compose the first two internal chambers of the brain. there is a left and a right side, and this is the most ___ portion of the brain. this connects to the third ventricle via ____ ___.

lateral, rostral, interventricular foramen

the ___ ___ divides the left and right cerebral hemispheres, and the connection point between the two hemispheres is called the ___ ___. this is the thick bundle of nerve fibers (___) that connect the left and right hemispheres, allowing ___ between the two.

longitudinal fissure, corpus callosum, axons, communication

the ___ ___, relay stations for olfaction, bulge exteriorly from the floor of the hypothalamus just posterior to the pituitary gland.

mammillary bodies

___ schwann cells or oligodendrocytes are needed to cover one nerve fiber because they are very long. this causes myelination to be ___ because it takes more than one neuroglial cell to myelinate an axon. the slivers of axon that aren't segmented (covered by myelin sheath) form the ___ __ ___. the ___ ___ insulates the electrical signal being conducted up and down the axon. the ___ are the sections that are myelinated. by the neurosoma is the __ __, which is above the formation of an axon. this breaks into the ___ ___of the axon hillock, which is responsible for ___ communication and forms the ___ ___. the ___ ___ is the beginning of the axon that isn't myelinated.

many, segmented, nodes of ranvier, myelin sheath, internodes, axon hillock, initial segment, nervous, trigger zone, initial segment

the spinal cord and brain are enclosed in three fibrous membranes called ___. these membranes separate the soft tissue of the ___ from the bones of the vertebrae and skull. from superficial to deep, they are the ___ ___, ___ ___, and ___ ___.

meninges, CNS, dura matter, arachnoid matter, pia matter

neuroglia of the CNS: these types are macrophages, and they function as part of the immune system in the brain. they look for debris/bacteria in the CNS and engulf it in order to rid the body of it.


this type of neuron sends signals from the CNS to the effectors.


neurons classified by processes/extensions: the ___ neurons are the most common type and include most neurons of the brain and spinal cord.


classification of neurons by structure: 1.) ___- contains one axon and multiple dendrites 2.) ___- contain one axon and one dendrite 3.) ___- contain a single process leading away from the soma 4.) ___- contains many dendrites but no axon

multipolar, bipolar, unipolar, anaxonic

most long nerve fibers are covered with a fatty material called ___, and such fibers are referred to as ___ fibers. axons in the PNS are typically heavily myelinated by special supporting cells called ___ ___, which wrap themselves tightly around the axon in a jelly roll fashion.

myelin, myelinated, schwann cells

a ___ is a cordlike organ composed of numerous nerve fibers (___) bound together by connective tissue. nerve fibers of the PNS are ensheathed in Schwann cells, which form a ___ and often a myelin sheath around the axon. external to the neurilemma, each fiber is surrounded by a ___ ___ and then, a thin sleeve of loose connective tissue called the ___. in most nerves, the fibers are gathered in bundles called ___, each wrapped in a sheath called the ___. several fascicles are then bundled together and wrapped in an outer ___ to compose the nerve as a whole.

nerve, axons, neurilemma, basal lamina, endoneurium, fascicles, perineurium, epineurium

a ___ is a bundle of nerve fibers (___) wrapped in connective tissue. these can be ___, ___, or ___. ___ nerves only have sensory processes. these transmit signal toward the CNS. most cranial nerves are ___. ___ nerves only have motor processes. these transmit signal away from the CNS. the ventral roots of the spinal cord are considered a ___ nerve. ___ nerves have both sensory and motor processes. ___ nerves in the body are mixed.

nerve, axons, sensory, motor, mixed, sensory, sensory, motor, motor, mixed, most

the cytoskeleton consists of a dense mesh of microtubules and ___ (bundles of actin filaments), which compartmentalize the rough ER into dark-staining regions called ___. these are unique to neurons.

neurofibrils, nissl bodies

the cytoskeleton of a neuron contains ___, which support the cell and allow transportation of materials, and ___, which have an accumulation of rough ER and assist in metabolic activities.

neurofibrils, nissl bodies

___ serve the needs of the delicate neurons by bracing and protecting them. in addition, they act as phagocytes (___ cells), myelinate the cytoplasmic extensions of the neurons (___ and ___ cells), play a role in capillary-neuron exchanges, and control the chemical environment around neurons (___). ___ are not capable of generating and transmitting nerve impulses.

neuroglia, microglial, oligodendrocytes, schwann, astrocytes, neuroglia

___ are nerve cells. list their 2 jobs.

neurons, detect stimuli, transmit signals

___, or nerve cells, are the basic functional units of nervous tissue. they are highly specialized to transmit messages from one part of the body to another in the form of nerve ___. all have a ___ ___ (___) from which slender processes extend.

neurons, impulses, cell body, neurosoma

despite its complexity, nervous tissue is made up of just two principle cell types: ___ and ___.

neurons, neuroglia

a neuron is comprised of a ___, ___, and ___. the ___ is the massive cell body of a neuron. a ___ is still a regular body cell with all the basic organelles and structures. its ___ includes mitochondria, lysosomes, golgi complex, inclusions, rough ER, and cytoskeleton. the ___ has microtubules, neurofibrils, and nissl bodies. ___ are specialized structures that are composed of groups of microfilaments, creating divisions in the neurosoma. these form the ___ of cavity-like areas that are filled with an accumulation of ER. this forms ___ ___. neurosomas stain so darkly because they are full of ___.

neurosoma, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, neurosoma, neuron, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, neurofibrils, matrix, nissl bodies, ER

neuron structure: the neuron's body is called its ___. its ___ branch from the neurosoma and are receptive to signals being passed along neurons. the ___ form the nerve fiber that signal is conducted upon. since neurons are ordinary cells, they also contain ___ and a ___.

neurosoma, dendrites, axons, cytosplasm, cytoskeleton

the ___ contains a large round nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm. two prominent structures are found in the cytoplasm: one is cytoskeletal elements called ___, which provide support for the cell and a means to transport substances through the neuron.

neurosoma, neurofibrils

a neuron is excited by other neurons when their axons release ___ close to its dendrites or cell body. the electrical signal produced travels across the cell body and if it is great enough, it elicits a regenerative electrical signal, an ___ ___, that travels down the axon.

neurotransmitters, action potential

in addition to the gray matter of the cerebral cortex, there are several clusters of neuron cell bodies called ___ buried deep within the ___ matter of the cerebral hemispheres. one important group of cerebral nuclei, called the ___ ___ or ___ ___, flank the lateral and third ventricles.

nuclei, white, basal nuclei, basal ganglia

which cranial nerve? primarily motor- somatic motor fibers to inferior oblique and superior, inferior, and medial rectus muscles, which direct eyeball, and to levator papebrae muscles of the superior eyelid; parasympathetic fibers to iris and smooth muscle controlling lens shape (reflex responses to varying light, intensity, and focusing of eye for near vision).

oculomotor/ III

which cranial nerve? purely sensory- carries afferent impulses associated with sense of smell.


neuroglia of the CNS: this type forms myelin sheaths around the nerve fibers (axons) in order to insulate it. this functions similar to the rubber coating around an electrical cord.


myelination in the CNS: ___ myelinate many nerve fibers at once. this makes the myelin sheath differently. it doesn't wrap around the ___, rather, it extends and has ___ that wrap around it. just the cell ___ branch out and wrap around all of the body. this doesn't have ___ or ___. this spirals ___.

oligodendrocytes, axon, processes, membranes, neurilemma, endoneurium, inward

which cranial nerve? purely sensory- carries afferent impulses associated with vision.

optic/ II

neuroglia of the CNS: astrocytes have a structure called ___ ___, which are branches that come off the neuroglia and make pads of feet that are attached to blood vessels. the feet clamp on to the blood vessels and surround them. the ___ transports materials, and ___ tissue and central nervous tissue especially must be protected. blood vessels are ___, and the feet encase this to form a ___ barrier. this creates the ___-___ barrier.

perivascular feet, blood, nervous, permeable, protective, blood-brain

the ___ ___ of the meninges is a delicate, transparent membrane that closely follows the contours of the spinal cord. it continues beyond the medullary cone as a fibrous strand, the ___ ___, within the lumbar cistern. at the level of vertebra ___, it exits the lower end of the cistern and fuses with the ___ matter, and the two form a ___ ___ that anchors the cord and meninges to vertebra Co 1. at regular intervals along the cord, extensions of the pia called ___ ___ extend through the arachnoid to the dura, anchoring the cord and limiting side to side movements.

pia matter, terminal filum, S2, dura, coccygeal ligament, denticulate ligaments

the primary somatosensory cortex is located in the ___ ___ of the parietal lobe. impulses traveling from the body's sensory receptors (such as those for pressure, pain, and temperature) are localized in this area of the brain.

postcentral gyrus

the primary motor cortex, which is responsible for conscious or voluntary movement of the skeletal muscles, is located in the ___ ___ of the frontal lobe. a specialized motor speech area called ___ ___ is found at the base of the precentral gyrus just above the lateral sulcus. this is located in ___ cerebral hemisphere, typically the ___.

precentral gyrus, broca's area, one, left

this type of neuron detects stimuli


two terms describing the location of brain structures are ___ and ___. ___ means toward the nose or forehead, and ___ means toward the tail or spinal cord.

rostral, caudal, rostral, caudal

myelination in the PNS: the ___ neuroglia cell wraps itself around the nerve fiber (axon). this is still a normal ___. as this is being wrapped around the axon, all cellular components are being squeezed to the ___ layer (___). this is where the ___ will be. the neuroglia cell is then wrapped in the ___ ___ beyond this, and then it is encased in ___, a type of connective tissue. in general, this looks like a toilet paper roll.

schwann, cell, outermost, neurilemma, nucleus, basal lamina, endoneurium

neuroglia of the PNS are located everywhere else in the body (besides the brain and spinal cord). ___ neuroglial cells behave like oligodendrocytes, meaning that they myelinate the nervous fibers (axons) and produce myelin sheath. the ___ neuroglial cells surround the neurosomas in ganglia of the PNS. these behave like ___ by surrounding these ganglion neurosomas, which are clusters of neurosomas in a nerve. this provides ___ support and can ___ chemicals.

schwann, satellite, astrocytes, mechanical, reabsorb

neuroglia of the CNS: astrocytes have a special function called ___. this is because nervous tissue ___ regenerate. therefore, astrocytes come and form ___ tissue where the dead neuron once existed.

sclerosis, doesn't, scar

___/___ neurons respond to light, heat, chemicals, and pressure.


classification of neuron by function: 1.) ___/___ neurons- carry impulses from sensory receptors to the CNS; typically are ___ neurons in structure 2.) ___/___ neurons- carry impulses from CNS to viscera, muscles, and glands; typically are ___ neurons in structure 3.) ___- aid pathways that connect sensory and motor neurons; typically are ___ neurons in structure

sensory/afferent, unipolar, motor/efferent, multipolar, interneurons, multipolar

sensory/afferent neurons receive signal from the ___, ___ ___, ___, and ___ ___, which are transported to the CNS.

skin, skeletal muscles, joints, sensory organs

the axon ends in many small structures called ___ ___, which form ___ with neurons or effector cells. these terminal arborizations store the ___ chemical in tiny vesicles called ___ ___.

terminal arborizations, synapses, neurotransmitter, synaptic vesicles

the ___ is a major integrating and relay station for sensory impulses passing upward to the cortical sensory areas for localization and interpretation.


the major internal structures of the diencephalon are the ___, ___, and ___.

thalamus, epithalamus, hypothalamus

the ___ consists of two large lobes of gray matter that laterally enclose the shallow ___ ventricle of the brain.

thalamus, third

which cranial nerve? primarily motor- provides somatic motor fibers to superior oblique muscle that moves the eyeball.


neurons classified by processes/extensions: ___ neurons have a single process leading away from the soma. they're represented by the neurons that carry sensory signals to the spinal cord.


the ___ provide a space for the CSF to flow.


within the brain, there are 4 internal chambers/spaces called ___. these are the ___ (2 of these), ___, and ___, ventricles. The___ ___ is a special characteristic of these ventricles.

ventricles, lateral, third, fourth, choroid plexus

motor/efferent neurons carry impulses from the CNS to the ___, ___, and ___.

viscera, muscles, glands

a rather poorly defined region at the junction of the parietal and temporal lobes is ___ ___, an area in which unfamiliar words are sounded out. like its counterpart, this area is located in ___ cerebral hemisphere only, typically the ___.

wernicke's area, one, left

the ___ area is located deep to the cerebrum in the insula. this gives the ability to recognize written or spoken words and formulates the plan for how you want to speak or write. this plan is sent to the ___ area.

wernicke, broca

there are 2 regions associated with language. 1.) ___ area- formulates the phrases 2.) ___- generates the motor plan

wernicke, broca

tracts, axons/nerve fibers, oligodendrocytes, and myelin sheath are located in ___ matter.


there are two types of brain tissue- ____ and ___ matter. the difference lies in the coloration of the tissue. ___ matter has a heavy presence of myelin sheath surrounding the axons, causing a pearly white color. this is where all the ___ are located. the central portion of the brain is composed of ___ matter, and this is surrounded by ___ matter (a covering). the white matter also includes ___, or bundles of axons.

white, gray, white, axons, white, gray, tracts

the ___ matter of the nervous system is made up of axons. in the CNS, bundles of axons are called ___.

white, tracts

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