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The concentration of K+ within a cell is required to be than the external concentration.


The chemical unit or building block of protein

amino acid

cleavage furrow plus centrioles in cell division:

animal cell

no cell wall, only plasma membrane:

animal cell


cell wall

colonial organisms:


An interconnected series of tubes in the cytoplasm is called the _____.

endoplasmic reticulum

a dog pulled on a wagon through a spring loaded door

facilitated diffusion

round structure within the cell


Which lens is closest to the object that you are viewing?

objective lens

cell plate and no centrioles in cell division:

plant cell

Any molecule can pass through without hindrance

semipermeable membrane

allows some substances to pass through; excludes others:

semipermeable membrane

muscle, fat, bone:


What is one of the contributions made to the development of the microscope by Galileo?

used mathematics to improve the focus of the lens

Glucose is stored in within the cell.


a child eating a doughnut


large hypertonic vacuole:

plant cell

The end product of glycolysis in the breakdown of glucose

pyruvic acid

When oxygen is lacking, animal cells change to .

pyruvic acid lactic acid

Makes up the structure of the ribosomes


channels for transporting molecules within the cell

endoplasmic reticulum


keeps the tissues involved free of disease

A group of biochemicals including DNA and RNA

nucleic acid

algae, frog, rabbit:


The diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane


Multiple organs which are engaged in a specific process form a(n) .



the maturation of a cell for a specific function

A particular function performed by an arrangement of similar cells is characteristic of .


Causes the separation of the cytoplasm


The reproductive cells in sexual reproduction


Which of the following organelles acts as the cell's powerplant?


The Krebs Cycle:

needs oxygen produces more ATP than glycolysis produces carbon dioxide produces water

Ribosomal RNA is produced by:


hypertonic: the cell

out of

transports proteins, nucleic acids


Packets within the cell cytoplasm that contain digestive enzymes




hypotonic: the cell


Having slightly negative and positive charged ends


The energy required for the mechanism of "active transport" comes from:

the product of ATP decomposition

tissue level

A degree of organism complexity. Organisms at this level have their cells arranged into tissues.

produce and package cell secretions

Golgi bodies

The simplest operational cell is still more complex than a computer.


The intercellular material that holds plant cells together

cell cement

A plasma membrane and a cell wall:

have different structures and different functions

The relative concentration of water in a hypotonic solution is:


store glucose as glycogen


The purpose of the Krebs cycle is to:

release energy for making ATP

respiratory, digestive:


Science has shown how information can only be gathered by the known laws of physics and chemisty.


Sodium and potassium need to be pumped and not just travel by passive or facilitated diffusion because the cell is concentrating sodium and ridding itself of potassium.


An "organism" is considered the highest level of organization of cells, yet it is also found at the lowest level of cellular organization.


Some organisms consist of just one cell.


no chlorophyll or chloroplasts:

animal cell

A molecule which serves to make reactions work


Lysosomes are able to help digest the food material in the vacuole because they contain that they spill into the vacuole.


A higher salt concentration than inside the cell


What is the contribution made to the development of the microscope by Robert Hooke?

identifying the first cell

The same salt concentration as inside the cell


The substance produced by body cells when there is not enough oxygen

lactic acid

Active transport requires energy because it moves molecules from a to a concentration against diffusion.

lower higher

Not having a charge or partial charge


Subunits within the cells that perform specific functions are called .


The passage of water through a semipermeable membrane is called .


allows all substances to pass through:

permeable membrane


A group of organs working together for a common purpose.


A group of tissues working together as a unit for a particular purpose in the body.

The plasma membrane has a of with dispersed throughout.

bilayer phospholipids proteins

A "flea glass" is another name for a .

magnifying glass

The process involving the division of the nucleus in a reproductive cell


supply the cell with energy (ATP)


Substances produced by the Golgi bodies


The primary function of the cell's membrane is to:

selectively permit or restrict substances from entering or leaving the cell

A membrane which limits the type of molecules which will pass through it is called .


Which statements describe organisms referred to as "colonial"?

similar bacteria or protozoa which group together

Multicellular organisms exhibit a division of labor among cells known as .


The fibers which direct the even distribution of chromosomes


cell stays the same:

isotonic solution


The limiting of the function of a cell to a specific function.

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a internal environment by the body.


The relative concentration of water in a hypertonic solution is:


presence of cell wall:

plant cell

The cell wall of a plant is like a laminated two layer structure.


play a role in the formation of the spindle during cell division


The source of stored energy in the form of food for all animals and humans ultimately comes from:


The cell mechanism of "active transport" involves the transport of insoluble chemicals across the membrane with protein acting as the carrier.


The cell wall of a plant is made from phospholipids and cellulose.


The phospholipid molecule has two ends, the nonpolar charged end and the polar uncharged end.


no large vacuole, only small ones:

animal cell

Cells in a person's body obtain glucose from the digestion of .


produce the spindle fibers for cell division

endoplasmic reticulum

Involves the production of ethyl alcohol from glucose


Segments of DNA contained on chromosomes


The enormous complexity of cells supports the theory of .

intelligent design

DNA is located within the:


selective membrane:

plasma membrane

What kind of microscope allows you to look through two eyepieces?


tiny structures which synthesize proteins


Describe why plant cells are rigid:

You can demonstrate the importance of water to a plant's rigidity by depriving a plant of water. The stem and leaves will wilt because the vacuoles are not filled. When you water the plant, it will become rigid once again provided it has not died from extended water loss.

Blood sugar used by the cells in the production of energy



keeps tissues involved alive, provides oxygen for energy for motion

The concentration of Na+ within a cell is required to be than the external concentration.


The Krebs cycle takes place within the :


Of the following types of transport, which two may the cell utilize if a large molecule or organism cannot pass through the membrane?

pinocytosis phagocytosis

The process involving the division of the nucleus of a body cell


A functional plant or animal, existing through the cooperative organization of interrelated systems, is called a(n) _____.


body systems working together for the good of the whole:


Select the five variations of the light microscope.

the dark field microscope the phase contrast microscope the fluorescence microscope the polarizing light microscope the bright field microscope

Why will external fluid flow into a plant cell?

because the external water concentration is greater because the external salt concentration is less

Why do creation scientists believe that God created the "cell"?

because the known principles of chemistry do not support evolution because the proper organic chemicals found in cells cannot form spontaneously or remain in the presence of the earth's atmosphere because the complex organic chemicals of life can only be produced within and by the direction of a cell.

division of labor

The work being divided up into specialized tasks as in a cell or a society.

A gene is a subunit of information within a chromosome.


are the highest level of cellular organization.



Organisms that live in a group called a colony.

What is the function of the energy released by the mitochondrion?

adds a phosphate to ADP changes ADP to ATP

Converted into ATP during glucose breakdown

adenosine diphosphate

A chemical substance coming from an organism


What is the contribution made to the development of the microscope by Charles A. Spencer?

built microscopes capable of magnification of up to 1250 x using regular light

gives strength to cell:

cell wall

organism level

The highest level of complexity of a living thing in which the systems work together for the good of the whole. Any living thing must be considered to have reached this level.

Chloroplasts contain , necessary for photosynthesis by green plants.


Serves to trap the sun's energy for photosynthesis


A packet of chlorophyll arranged in stacks within a plant cell


The natural tendency of molecules to move from higher to lower concentrations is:


What is the contribution made to the development of the microscope by Max Knott and Ernst Ruska?

discovered the electron microscope

The relative concentration of water in an isotonic solution is:


molecules helped by protein, move insoluble molecules across plasma membrane

facilitated diffusion

transports glucose, amino acids

facilitated diffusion

If a particular biological amino acid, protein, or DNA could accidentally form by chance, it could wait around for millions of years (remain stable) while ALL the hundreds of other necessary cellular chemicals were also being formed by accident. because:

false biological chemicals are unstable

What is the contribution made to the development of the microscope by Anton van Leeuwenhoek?

first to document careful observations of different cell types

Each physical trait of an organism is produced by the instruction of a particular _____.


Chain molecule made of many glucose molecules linked together


The first step in the chemical breakdown of glucose


The maintenance of a constant internal body environment


greater than, high


cell shrinks:

hypertonic solution

A lower salt concentration than inside the cell


cell bursts:

hypotonic solution

lower salt concentration than inside the cell:

hypotonic solution

same salt concentration as inside the cell:

isotonic solution

Which statements are correct concerning human DNA?

it contains 46 chromosomes each strand contains the chromosomes from one parent

Living creatures which can be seen only by using a microscope are called .


Structure within the cell responsible for the production of energy


a crowded roomful of people gradually standing up, wandering around, and leaving the room

passive diffusion

molecules move in and out freely from high to low concentration

passive diffusion

Some leukocytes absorb entire bacteria by the process of .


cellular level

A degree of organism complexity. Organisms in this level are either unicellular or colonial.

produce r-RNA to make ribosomes


The new cells resulting from the division of the mother cell

daughter cell

Of the five transport mechanisms, which one will the cell utilize if the substance being transported is insoluble?

facilitated diffusion

The primary cell wall is the layer made of arranged cellulose fibers.

inner randomly

The outer layer of a cell which acts as a gatekeeper to the cell is called the .

plasma membrane

process of photosynthesis.

6CO 2 + 12H 2 O--------CHLOROPHYLL C 6 H 12 O 6+ 6O 2 + 6H 2 O

No cell is "simple."


What limits the amount of magnification that can be produced using light?

the resolving power of the microscope

less than, low


a dog being dragged into a bathtub against its will

active transport

molecules "pumped" in or out from low to high concentration

active transport

transports sodium, potassium

active transport

Having two layers


A small structure within the cell which serves specialized functions


oxygen, carbon dioxide

passive diffusion

A process in green plants which involves the use of the sun's energy


a woman drinking tea


cell engulfs molecules in cell "drinking"


The level of magnification that produces the best images using an electron microscope is .

250,000 times

If you have two solutions separated by a semipermeable membrane, one having a 7 % concentration of salt in water and the other having a 12 % solution of salt in water, the water will flow from the side with the % solution to the side with the % salt solution.

7% 12%

organ level

A degree of organism complexity. Organisms at this level have their cells arranged into organs.

system level

A degree of organism complexity. Organisms at this level have their cells arranged into systems.


A group of cells working together to perform a particular task.

higher salt concentration than inside the cell:

hypertonic solution

A plant cell does not have a plasma membrane like animal cells.


Which of the following is a system operation in amoeba?


muscle fiber

A very long, contracting cell which makes up the muscles of our body.

Click on objects to label the chemical reaction which allows the cell to store chemical energy.


The complete process which is needed to produce is called the Krebs cycle.


Click on the pieces of the chemical reaction to show what occurs within the mitochondrion.

C 6 H 12 O 6+ O 2 --- CO 2 + H 2 O + ENERGY

Which statement(s) corresponds to cellular respiration?

CO2 diffuses passively out of the cell O2 diffuses passively and then is converted to CO2

A plant cell will become soggy and limp when it is filled with water.


A unicellular alga is specialized.


Cell division of both plants and animals is an identical process.


Energy is always required to force molecules to move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.


Hans and Zaccharias Janssen have made contributions to the development of microscopes through their work with mathematics.


It would appear logical that the first cell could have started to function from one organelle having formed by accident.


Ribosomal RNA is produced in the cytoplasm.


An example of homeostasis in the human body is the glucose, pH, CO2 concentration in the blood being kept constant.


The role of protein in facilitated diffusion is to move insoluble molecules across the plasma membrane; diffusion supplies the power.


It serves as an energy source for the cell

adenosine triphosphate

Which molecule has greater energy potential?

adenosine triphosphate

muscle fiber

causes the actual contraction of muscles to raise leg

A septum which forms to separate the two new plant cells

cell plate

amoeba, paramecium, euglena:


Material which makes up the structure of the cell wall


Rod-shaped structure contains the genes


the double strand is twisted and coiled


contain genes with the information controlling cell


The pinching in of the animal cell during cell division

cleavage furrow



What characteristic is completely unique about DNA?

it contains coded information

The cell that is about to undergo binary fission

mother cell

A functioning organism:

must possess interrelated systems can be unicellular can be plant or animal

Which lens is closest to your eye when looking through a microscope?

ocular lens

Two or more tissues which cooperate as a unit are considered a(n) .


kidney, heart, stomach, liver:


tissues arranged into units to perform a function:


Allows some molecules to pass through but excludes others

permeable membrane

cell engulfs microorganisms in cell "eating"


Makes up the plasma membrane together with protein


chloroplasts and plastids:

plant cell

Tiny sacs in the cell which may contain starch


contain starch and oil or plant pigments


A long chain molecule made up of amino acids


Glucose will pass through a cell membrane with the aid of .


What part of a microscope rotates to change from the low power objective lens to the high power objective lens?

resolving nosepiece

The _____ are responsible for linking amino acids together.


Glucose is one of the simple sugars in the long chain polymer, and animal cells store it is as .

starch glycogen

In what form is coded information found in DNA?

the type and sequence of molecules along each strand

Why do O2 and CO2 pass through the plasma membrane?

they are nonpolar and soluble

When is facilitated diffusion necessary?

when the molecules are insoluble

When are you never supposed to use the coarse adjustment knob?

when using the high power objective

When the required direction of transport is opposed to concentration levels, a cell expend energy to force across its membrane.

will ions

If you were stranded on the ocean in a raft, what would happen if you kept drinking ocean water?

your blood would become hypertonic the concentration of water in your blood would decrease water would flow out of your body cells

groups of cells performing a common function:


Click on objects to label the chemical reaction which occurs within the cell when it needs energy.


Since all muscle cells are specialized, they are necessarily identical.


Involved in producing and packaging secretions

Golgi bodies

phospholipid and protein:

plasma membrane


sends message from brain to move up

The ultimate source of energy for starting the food chain is:


organs grouped to perform a common process:


The highest level of cellular organization requires the cooperation of multiple .


How is all the information contained in the DNA molecule able to fit in the nucleus?

the double strand is twisted and coiled

From the following list, which is a limitation to using an electron microscope?

the high expense

digest foods


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