mgt304 e3 ch11

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3. What is defined as the process that begins when one party perceives that the other has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that he or she cares about?= A. conflict B. negotiation C. cohesion D. negative affect


9. Rachel and Heidi are coworkers who consistently have arguments. They both become angry andor disgusted when these arguments occur. Which of the following is the type of conflict for these two?= A. affective conflict B. process conflict C. substantive conflict D. personality conflict

A Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Hard AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

33. Which of the following is the process of raising differences in opinions regardless of the preferred course of action of the decision makers?= A. planned conflict B. task conflict C. process conflict D. relationship conflict

A Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Best Practices Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

15. Which of the following sources of conflict results from arguments over a piece of data that can be quantified or an event that can be documented?= A. differences over facts B. differences in perception and values C. personalities D. differences over goals and priorities

A Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

27. Which of the following is not one of the mechanisms that decrease the relationship between task and relationship conflict?= A. ignoring the conflict B. group emotional intelligence C. good working relationships D. norms for suppressing negative emotions

A Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

22. What is another term for unproductive conflict?= A. dysfunctional conflict B. functional conflict C. productive conflict D. task conflict

A Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

45. Jefferson has an avoiding conflict-handling style. All of the following are true of this style except ______.= A. Pretending conflict does not exist usually helps it go away. B. He is low on his own concerns and the concerns of others. C. It may be appropriate for trivial decisions. D. It may be appropriate when the possibility of unproductive conflict is so high that it is better to avoid discussion rather than risk performance.

A Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

41. The strength of the integrating conflict-handling style is ______.= A. It should provide a mutual benefits (win-win) solution and result in the conflict being resolved for the long term. B. It might be the best approach if the person is not sure they are right about a preferred course of action or it is politically best because the matter is so important to the other party. C. It is quick and relatively easy. D. Everyone gets something in a compromise.

A Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

52. Tran read a recent study focusing on self-managed work teams that improve or maintain top performance over time. Which of the following is not one of the conflict resolution strategies that these types of teams engage in? = A. They assign work based on volunteering, default, or convenience. B. They focus on the content of interactions rather than the delivery style. C. They explicitly discuss reasons behind any decisions in distributing work assignments. D. They assign work to members who have the relevant task expertise.

A Learning Objective: 11-3: Explain how team conflict affects team performance. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Team Conflict and Performance Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

53. The shape of the relationship between task conflict and team performance is generally which of the following? = A. inverted U-shaped B. U-shaped C. linear, downward sloping D. linear, upward sloping

A Learning Objective: 11-3: Explain how team conflict affects team performance. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Team Conflict and Performance Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

64. According to a study of conflict resolution styles of MBA students from different countries, which of the following is true regarding how conflict resolution differs across cultures? = A. Conflict resolution styles differed across cultures. B. U.S. students are more likely to report an avoiding style. C. Chinese students are more likely to report a competing style. D. There were no differences in conflict resolution styles across cultures.

A Learning Objective: 11-4: Provide an example of how managing conflict differs across cultures. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Resolving Conflict Across Cultures Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

74. Which of the following is enlarging the pool of resources, so that a negotiation can end in a win-win agreement where both parties feel that they got the best possible outcome? = A. expanding pie B. fixed pie C. distributive bargaining D. zero-sum game

A Learning Objective: 11-6: Describe the negotiation process, and explain the difference between integrative and distribute bargaining. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Negotiation Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

72. Which of the following refers to situations where a limited amount of goods are divided, and the goal is to get the largest slice? = A. fixed pie B. expanding pie C. BATNA D. integrative bargaining

A Learning Objective: 11-6: Describe the negotiation process, and explain the difference between integrative and distribute bargaining. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Negotiation Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

69. Which of the following steps in the negotiation process is an exchange of personal greetings prior to the actual bargaining process? = A. building the relationship B. preparation C. bidding D. gathering information

A Learning Objective: 11-6: Describe the negotiation process, and explain the difference between integrative and distribute bargaining. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Negotiation Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

39. Which of the following conflict-handling styles is when one party gives in to the demands of others and may neglect his own concerns? = A. obliging B. avoiding C. compromising D. integrating

A Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

59. Which of the following is defined as calling in a neutral third party to attempt to resolve the conflict? = A. conciliation B. ombudsman C. peer review D. facilitation

A Learning Objective: 11-5: Identify how third-party interventions can reduce conflict. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Third-Party Interventions Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

4. Conflict is a(n) ______.= A. behavior B. perception C. attitude D. mood


10. Marina manages a sales team. Together with her team, they have decided upon new sales procedures for handling potential orders. Chris does not agree with the new sales procedures. Which of the following types of conflict is likely to ensue?= A. affective conflict B. process conflict C. substantive conflict D. supervisory conflict

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Hard AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

21. Coleman and Clark are in conflict over a disagreement over facts. Which of the following is a good solution for this type of conflict?= A. try perspective taking B. have a neutral third party or expert arbitrate this dispute C. ask this question--"What else could this mean?"--before assuming a negative intent of the other person D. adopt the belief that negative behaviors may have a positive intention

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Hard AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

19. The majority of what looks like interpersonal conflict is actually a communication breakdown. This describes which type of conflict?= A. unfulfilled expectations B. misunderstanding C. competition for supremacy D. personalities

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

14. Which of the following sources of conflict results from the varying ways people view the world?= A. personalities B. differences in perception and values C. differences over facts D. unfulfilled expectations

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Hard AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

26. Which of the following best describes the relationship between task conflict and performance?= A. Task conflict is never good for performance. B. Too much conflict or too little conflict leads to low performance. C. A high level of task conflict is best for performance. D. A low level of task conflict is best for performance.

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Hard AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

16. Which of the following occurs when two sides may have similar goals but disagree on how to achieve them?= A. differences over goals and priorities B. differences over methods C. competition for supremacy D. unfulfilled expectations

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

23. Which of the following is defined as disagreements about resource allocation, policies, or even interpretation of data?= A. relationship conflict B. task conflict C. unproductive conflict D. personality conflict

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

34. The first step for a leader in becoming effective at resolving conflicts at work is ______.= A. recognize employees' predisposition toward conflict B. recognize his or her own predisposition toward conflict C. ignore the problem and hope it goes away D. develop a conflict resolution policy

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

8. Which of the following occurs when people disagree on what course of action to pursue or the best way to operate even after a decision has been made?= A. supervisory conflict B. process conflict C. affective conflict D. substantive conflict

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

28. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, how many people in the United States are victims of nonfatal violence at the workplace each year?= A. 1,000 B. 2 million C. 50 million D. 500,000

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

32. All of the following are true of workplace violence except ______.= A. It is difficult to profile the type of employee who may commit workplace violence. B. Most workplace violence occurs from disgruntled employees. C. It is important that leaders recognize it early. D. It is important that referrals are made to get employees the help they need.

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

46. Carol has a dominating conflict-handling style. All of the following are true of her style except ______.= A. She is high with respect to her own concerns but low with respect to the concerns of others. B. This style generally does not breed resentment among those affected by her decisions. C. It may be appropriate for small decisions. D. It may be appropriate when she knows the decision will be unpopular and discussion will not bring others on board.

B Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

40. Which of the following conflict-handling styles is when one person takes a win-lose approach to problem-solving and their focus is on winning their position at the expense of others? = A. obliging B. dominating C. compromising D. integrating

B Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

42. The strength of the obliging conflict-handling style is ______.= A. It should provide a mutually benefits (win-win) solution and result in the conflict being resolved for the long term. B. It might be the best approach if the person is not sure they are right about a preferred course of action or it is politically best because the matter is so important to the other party. C. Good for when the decision will be unpopular and discussion will not bring others on board. D. Everyone gets something in a compromise.

B Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

51. All of the following are true regarding conflict in teams except ______.= A. Conflict within teams produces stress and arguments that distract the team from working on the task. B. Moderate levels of relationship conflict improve team performance. C. All types of conflict (task, relationship, and process) are detrimental to member satisfaction. D. Moderate levels of task conflict improve team performance.

B Learning Objective: 11-3: Explain how team conflict affects team performance. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Team Conflict and Performance Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

65. Which of the following is not true regarding Chinese individuals and conflict? = A. Well-managed conflict contributes significantly to successful leadership in China. B. Chinese are more competitive and individualistic. C. Chinese are more likely to value harmony over discord. D. Chinese place an emphasis on openness and collaboration.

B Learning Objective: 11-4: Provide an example of how managing conflict differs across cultures. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Resolving Conflict Across Cultures Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

58. Which of the following is defined as a panel of a grievant's peers that hears the concern and attempts to resolve it? = A. jury B. peer review C. ombudsmen D. sounding board

B Learning Objective: 11-5: Identify how third-party interventions can reduce conflict. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Third-Party Interventions Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

75. Which of the following is the last step in the negotiation process? = A. closing the deal B. implementing the agreement C. information using D. relationship building

B Learning Objective: 11-6: Describe the negotiation process, and explain the difference between integrative and distribute bargaining. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Negotiation Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

77. Which of the following is the ability to see things from another person's point of view that conflicts with your own? = A. distributive bargaining B. perspective taking C. BATNA D. sympathy

B Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Leadership Implications Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

38. Which of the following conflict-handling styles reflects an inability to deal with conflict in which the person withdraws from the conflict situation? = A. obliging B. avoiding C. compromising D. integrating

B Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

Dylan and Kelly are having intense relationship conflict. Their leader, Brandon, intervenes to resolve the conflict. Which of the following best describes Brandon's actions? = A. delegation B. facilitation C. mentoring D. litigation

B Learning Objective: 11-5: Identify how third-party interventions can reduce conflict. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Third-Party Interventions Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

71. Which of the following steps in the negotiation process is the execution of a contract? = A. building the relationship B. implementation C. bidding D. gathering information

B Learning Objective: 11-6: Describe the negotiation process, and explain the difference between integrative and distribute bargaining. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Negotiation Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

68. Which of the following is the first step in the negotiation process? = A. building the relationship B. preparation C. bidding D. implementation

B Learning Objective: 11-6: Describe the negotiation process, and explain the difference between integrative and distribute bargaining. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Negotiation Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

73. Which of the following is the best option available to one's side of the negotiation if negotiations fail? = A. distributive bargaining B. best alternative to a negotiated agreement C. expanding pie D. integrative bargaining

B Learning Objective: 11-6: Describe the negotiation process, and explain the difference between integrative and distribute bargaining. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Negotiation Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

2. According to a recent poll of CEOs, what was mentioned as the number one skill that CEOs are getting coaching for?= A. persuasion skills B. planning skills C. listening skills D. management skills


5. Which of the following is not listed in the text as one of the three general sources of organizational conflict?= A. substantive conflict B. affective conflict C. interpersonal conflict D. process conflict


11. Don and Roger have different opinions on which advertising campaign would be best to promote their new product. Which of the following sources of conflict may result from this differing of opinions?= A. affective conflict B. process conflict C. substantive conflict D. supervisory conflict

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Hard AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

25. Joseph senses that there is some conflict in his production team. What is the first step Joseph should take to effectively manage the conflict?= A. provide coaching on how to manage the conflict B. get rid of those who are responsible for the conflict C. diagnose the type of conflict (task or relationship) D. reorganize the team

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

35. Benjamin is learning about how leaders should deal with conflict in the workplace. He should know that all of the following are true regarding leaders and conflict resolution except ______.= A. Leaders need to take an active role in resolving workplace conflicts before they escalate. B. Leaders should be able to adapt to situations and adjust their conflict resolution style as needed. C. Leaders should generally let employees deal with their own conflict issues. D. Leaders should know what their tendencies are toward avoiding conflict.

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

17. Which of the following occurs when there are limited resources that must be allocated in an organization?= A. differences over facts B. differences over goals and priorities C. competition for scarce resources D. competition for supremacy

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

13. Which of the following source of conflict occurs when a person, because of low self-esteem, insecurity, or other factors in his or her personal life, sometimes feels attacked by perceived criticism?= A. differences in perception and values B. competition for scarce resources C. sensitivity and hurt D. misunderstanding

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

24. Which of the following is defined as personality clashes or differences in values?= A. task conflict B. productive conflict C. relationship conflict D. team conflict

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

7. Which of the following is described as conflict that engenders strong emotions such as anger or disgust?= A. supervisory conflict B. process conflict C. affective conflict D. substantive conflict

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

79. All of the following are true of workplace incivility in the classroom except ______.= A. Students' perception of incivility can relate to a professor's competence. B. Students' perception of incivility can relate to interest as well as respect for the individualism of students. C. Incivility in the classroom would not relate to workplace incivility as it is not a workplace. D. Perspective taking would be beneficial for classroom incivility.

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Workplace Incivility and Aggression Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

29. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, what is the leading cause of fatal injuries at work (about 1,000 per year)?= A. equipment malfunctions B. hazardous materials C. workplace violence D. lack of safety regulations

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

31. Most workplace violence emanates from unhappy ______.= A. supervisors B. coworkers C. clients or customers D. subordinates

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

47. Frances has a compromising conflict-handling style. All of the following are true of her style except ______.= A. She has a moderate level of concern for herself and a moderate level of concern for others. B. It is appropriate when both parties have strongly opposing views and there is little hope of an integrative solution. C. Both parties are completely satisfied with the outcome. D. It may be the only possible approach when both parties have equivalent influence in the organization.

C Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Application n Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

43. The strength of the dominating conflict-handling style is ______.= A. It should provide a mutually benefits (win-win) solution and result in the conflict being resolved for the long term. B. It might be the best approach if the person is not sure they are right about a preferred course of action or it is politically best because the matter is so important to the other party. C. It is quick and relatively easy. D. Everyone gets something in a compromise.

C Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

50. All of the following are true regarding conflict in teams except ______.= A. Stimulating information exchange among team members is a benefit of moderate levels of task conflict. B. Differences in opinion may improve decision quality. C. Moderate task conflict hinders creativity in a team. D. Task conflict helps force members to see other viewpoints.

C Learning Objective: 11-3: Explain how team conflict affects team performance. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Team Conflict and Performance Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

66. Of the following nationalities, which one used emotional appeals to persuade others and made more concessions during the bargaining process? = A. North American B. Russian C. Arab D. Chinese

C Learning Objective: 11-4: Provide an example of how managing conflict differs across cultures. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Resolving Conflict Across Cultures Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

57. Donna is a person who hears grievances on an informal basis and attempts to resolve them. Donna can best be described as a(n) ______.= A. ambassador B. mentor C. ombudsman D. judge

C Learning Objective: 11-5: Identify how third-party interventions can reduce conflict. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Third-Party Interventions Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

60. Which of the following is not a commonly used alternative dispute resolution approach as mentioned in the text? = A. peer review B. ombudsman C. counseling D. conciliation

C Learning Objective: 11-5: Identify how third-party interventions can reduce conflict. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Third-Party Interventions Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

20. Which of the following is a solution for conflict arising from unfulfilled expectations? A. Leaders must set and communicate the values for the organization and emphasize that everyone's contribution matters.= B. ask this question--"What else could this mean?"--before assuming a negative intent of the other person C. use active listening and questioning techniques to set and clarify expectations on a regular basis D. try perspective taking

C Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

37. Which of the following conflict-handling styles is a give-and-take approach to conflict in which concessions are made in exchange for getting some aspects of the desired outcome? = A. obliging B. avoiding C. compromising D. integrating

C Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

62. Helena is a person who resolves conflict between two or more parties. When she is brought in to resolve conflict, her decision is legally binding on both parties. Helena can best be called a(n) ______.= A. mediator B. facilitator C. arbitrator D. judge

C Learning Objective: 11-5: Identify how third-party interventions can reduce conflict. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Third-Party Interventions Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

55. Which of the following is not one of the questions a leader should ask when attempting to resolve a conflict? = A. Is the intervention necessary or appropriate? B. What type of intervention is most appropriate? C. How have we handled conflict in the past? D. Is the leader the appropriate person to intervene?

C Learning Objective: 11-5: Identify how third-party interventions can reduce conflict. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Third-Party Interventions Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

70. Which of the following steps in the negotiation process occurs when offers and counteroffers are extended until a mutually agreeable solution is attained? = A. building the relationship B. preparation C. bidding D. gathering information

C Learning Objective: 11-6: Describe the negotiation process, and explain the difference between integrative and distribute bargaining. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Negotiation Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

76. All of the following are tactics that can be used when using integrative bargaining except ______.= A. be willing to share information B. sweeten the deal C. use a deadline to put pressure on the person you are bargaining with to make a decision faster D. get past the fixed position of one another and discuss what their real interests are

C Learning Objective: 11-6: Describe the negotiation process, and explain the difference between integrative and distribute bargaining. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Negotiation Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

Chapter 11: Managing Conflict and Negotiation Test Bank Multiple Choice 1. According to a recent poll of CEOs, what was mentioned as the number one skill that CEOs and their boards believed they needed development in?= A. persuasion skills B. leadership skills C. planning skills D. conflict management skills


78. All of the following are benefits of perspective taking except ______.= A. People are more likely to empathize with the other person. B. relates to positive attributions about another person's behavior C. People can recognize the effects of external circumstances on what they do. D. generally lead to unsatisfactory negotiation outcomes

D Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Leadership Implications Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

12. Which of the following is a source of conflict that occurs when one person differs with another based on how he or she feels about that person?= A. competition for supremacy B. differences over goals and priorities C. differences over facts D. personalities

D Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

30. All of the following are examples of workplace violence given in the text except ______.= A. robberies and other crimes B. actions by dissatisfied clients or customers C. acts perpetrated by disgruntled coworkers or coworkers who have been fired D. accidents and errors

D Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

18. Which of the following occurs when one person seeks to outdo or outshine another person?= A. differences over facts B. differences over goals and priorities C. competition for scarce resources D. competition for supremacy

D Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Hard AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

6. Which of the following occurs because people have different opinions on important issues in the organization that affect them?= A. supervisory conflict B. process conflict C. affective conflict D. substantive conflict

D Learning Objective: 11-1: Describe the causes of conflict in organizations and devise solutions for them. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: What Is Conflict? Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

49. Which conflict resolution style is considered the best? = A. avoiding B. compromising C. dominating D. It depends on the situation.

D Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

48. Jara has an obliging conflict-handling style. All of the following are true of her style except ______.= A. She has a low concern for herself but a high concern for others. B. She should consider requesting a reciprocated exchange in the future after she gives in. C. If it becomes a pattern, she may become resentful over time. D. Problems generally take a long time to solve.

D Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

44. The strength of the compromising conflict-handling style is ______.= A. It should provide a mutually benefits (win-win) solution and result in the conflict being resolved for the long term. B. It might be the best approach if the person is not sure they are right about a preferred course of action or it is politically best because the matter is so important to the other party. C. It is quick and relatively easy. D. Everyone gets something in a compromise.

D Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

36. Which of the following conflict-handling styles is when both parties confront the issue directly and discuss alternative courses of action?= A. obliging B. avoiding C. compromising D. integrating

D Learning Objective: 11-2: Compare and contrast the five conflict resolution styles. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Conflict Resolution Styles Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

61. Jerry is a person who is formally trained to help parties who are in conflict reach an acceptable solution. He does not actually make the decision, but he is a third-party neutral person. Jerry can best be called a(n) ______.= A. arbitrator B. facilitator C. conciliator D. mediator

D Learning Objective: 11-5: Identify how third-party interventions can reduce conflict. Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Third-Party Interventions Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

63. Which of the following is not true regarding mediators and arbitrators? = A. They are neutral third parties. B. Arbitrators make the decision, while mediators help the two parties come to a solution. C. They are generally brought in when conflict has become so complex that a more formalized dispute resolution method is needed. D. They are generally less expensive than an ombudsman or peer review.

D Learning Objective: 11-5: Identify how third-party interventions can reduce conflict. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Third-Party Interventions Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

67. Which of the following steps in the negotiation process is doing one's homework to have all of the facts and possible options researched prior to negotiation? = A. closing the deal B. relationship building C. information gathering D. preparation

D Learning Objective: 11-6: Describe the negotiation process, and explain the difference between integrative and distribute bargaining. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Negotiation Difficulty Level: Easy AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

56. Which of the following is defined as methods to resolve conflict that both parties agree to without involving litigation? = A. ombudsing B. conciliation C. peer review D. alternative dispute resolution

D Learning Objective: 11-5: Identify how third-party interventions can reduce conflict. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Third-Party Interventions Difficulty Level: Medium AACSB Standard: Leading in organizational situations

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