Module 5: Male Sexual Anatomy

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Match the reproductive structure with its correct description. Corpus spongiosum Corpus cavernosa Urethra Pubococcygeus muscle stiffens during erection contracts during orgasm enlarges during erection passes both semen and urine out of the body

Corpus spongiosum: enlarges during erection Corpus cavernosa: stiffens during erection Urethra: passes both semen and urine out of the body Pubococcygeus muscle: contracts during orgasm

The __________ muscle is responsible for lowering and raising the testicles in order to keep them at the right temperature for producing sperm.


The midpiece of the sperm is located at the top of the _________, near the head of the sperm.


The concentrated nerve endings near the surface of the penis that are highly sensitive to tactile stimulation are called:

genital end-bulbs

________ is a dangerous condition in which an erection is sustained when there is no stimulation or when stimulation has ended.


Describe some of the common signs of prostate cancer. How might this diagnosis impact someone's sex life?

(Own Opinion) Some of the warning signs of prostate cancer are urination is weak/painful, pain during ejaculation, blood in urine/semen, and pain/stiffness on the back. This could impact someone's sex life greatly because the pleasure they need to experience is instead a painful one.

What do you think kept Dr. Davies from getting the lump on his testicle checked by his physician when he first went in?

(Own Opinion) Dr. Davies could have just felt awkward or uncomfortable. It doesn't always feel right to have people observing your genitals and could make anyone nervous to be checked.

Describe how much information you have received about testicular cancer in either sex ed or elsewhere. Do you think enough attention is given to it given the high rates among young men?

(Own Opinion) From my experience the was never any education I received on testicular cancer. Most cancer topics that were focused on in school were breast cancer but even then the topic was just skimmed over. I don't believe that there was enough attention given to this topic because just like Dr. Davies said, for young men, it is difficult to talk about. If they aren't provided any information how are they supposed to feel comfortable?

Is your perception of penis size similar to the study cited in the text that put the average at 5.6 inches? How much do you believe "size matters" in sexual satisfaction?

(Own Opinion) I don't think size matters, if your partner knows how to please you and what you like you will still get sexual satisfaction no matter what. I think society paints an image that bigger is better and what girls want. With the connection the partners have size won't matter.

Would you either get or recommend someone get a prosthetic testicle if one had to be removed? Why/Why not?

(Own Opinion) It is all up to the person if they feel that it is the best option and feel comfortable doing that then so be it. If they think it'll make them more comfortable and feel confident, it's their decision. Getting a prosthetic is a choice, not something that needs to be forced.

What is your opinion of penile circumcision? If you have a penis, are you circumcised? If so, how has it affected you? If you do not have a penis, how do you feel about circumcised versus uncircumcised penises? Do you have a preference?

(Own Opinion) Similar to labiaplasty I believe it is a choice, different aspects will determine the result. Whether the family of the young child wants to do it or not. There are some benefits that would lower HIV and HPV and if people think those reasons are worth getting a circumcision then that is their choice. I don't have a penis and don't have a preference. I don't think anyone who doesn't have a penis should have a preference because it is ultimately up to the person on what they think is best.

How often do you think young men check themselves for testicular cancer? What factors might influence this?

(Own Opinion) Young men probably do not check themselves as often as they should. With the little knowledge, they may have on testicular cancer they probably don't know what to look for or even know that they are at risk. I think the biggest factor influencing this is that they don't have the proper education and without that, they don't know what they need to do.

Which of the following statements about the corona and frenulum is correct? A. They are the most erotically sensitive part of the penis. B. They only exist in males who are circumcised. C. They are the least sexually sensitive areas of the penis. D. They generally do not play a role in sensation.

A. They are the most erotically sensitive part of the penis.

The connects up to the body through the spermatic cord, which is located within the . A. vas deferens: inguinal canal B. bladder: testicles C. corpus cavernosa: corpus spongiosum D. urethra: vas deferens

A. vas deferens: inguinal canal

Surrounding the top of the head of a sperm is a(n) __________, which facilitates fertilization of an ovum by containing various enzymes and receptor sites.


Which of the followings statements regarding prostate cancer is FALSE? A. It is the most common type of non-skin cancer in men. B. It mostly affects men in their 20s and 30s. C. It is recommended that men over 40 receive regular prostate checks so as to enable early detection. D. When caught early, it is usually, but not always, curable.

B. It mostly affects men in their 20s and 30s.

Match the disorder with its correct description. Balanitis Phimosis Paraphimosis Peyronie's disease Swollen glans as a result of infection. Unnatural curvature of the penis usually due to scar tissue. Foreskin cannot be retracted over glans. Foreskin is trapped behind corona and cant be pulled back over the glans.

Balanitis: Swollen glans as a result of infection. Phimosis: Foreskin cannot be retracted over glans. Paraphimosis: Foreskin is trapped behind corona and cant be pulled back over the glans. Peyronie's disease: Unnatural curvature of the penis usually due to scar tissue.

Which of the following statements about the fluid released (or secreted) from the prostate gland is true? A. It is released from the ejaculatory ducts. B. It contains fructose. C. It prevents semen from coagulating. D. It contains sperm.

C. It prevents semen from coagulating.

Which of the following is not considered to be an accessory sexual structure in the male body? A. Nipples B. Anus C. Penis D. Perineum

C. Penis

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the seminal vesicles? A. secrete fructose B. secrete prostaglandins C. store sperm D. contribute about 70% of semen volume

C. store sperm

Which of the following statements about fluid from the bulbourethral gland is true? A. It always contains sperm. B. It is incapable of causing pregnancy. C. It is released immediately after ejaculation. D. None of the above are true.

D. None of the above are true.

Match the disorder with its correct description. Testicular cancer Epididymitis Orchitis Hydrocele Varicocele Swelling of the testicle due to collection of fluid around the membranes of the testicle. Causes the veins in the testicles to swell and feel like "a bag of worms". Swelling of the epididymis due to an infection often caused by an STI or other bacteria. Symptoms include a lump in the testicle and sometimes pain in the lower abdomen. Inflammation of the testicle that frequently co-occurs with epididymitis.

Testicular cancer: Symptoms include a lump in the testicle and sometimes pain in the lower abdomen. Epididymitis: Swelling of the epididymis due to an infection often caused by an STI or other bacteria. Orchitis: Inflammation of the testicle that frequently co-occurs with epididymitis. Hydrocele: Swelling of the testicle due to collection of fluid around the membranes of the testicle. Varicocele: Causes the veins in the testicles to swell and feel like "a bag of worms".

During ejaculation, a sphincter in the ____________ closes off to prevent the backflow of semen, forcing it to exit the male's body.


Match the term on the left to its correct description or function on the right. testicles seminiferous tubules epididymis spermatogenesis tightly-coiled structures where sperm development begins key function is to transport sperm from the rete testes to the vas deferens development of sperm cells within the testes key function is to produce sperm and sex steroids

testicles: key function is to produce sperm and sex steroids seminiferous tubules: tightly-coiled structures where sperm development begins epididymis: key function is to transport sperm from the rete testes to the vas deferens spermatogenesis: development of sperm cells within the testes

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