NCODLC_2.0 Assessment 1
Settle Strategy
"Let's split the difference and call it a day" Use one task and people orientation are similar or equal and there is a desire to develop compromising solution
Insist Strategy
"My way or the highway" Reflects a low interest in people orientation and a high interest in task orientation
Evade Strategy
"Not now, maybe later" Reflects a low interest in people orientation or task orientation
Comply Strategy
"We will do it your way" Reflects a low interest in task orientation and a high interest in people orientation
Metacognition Part 1 (Video)
- Becoming a passive learner to a proactive learner
Simple Domain
- Domain of best practice - "known knowns" ** sense, categorize and respond ** - e.g. Airmen outside w/o hat
Complex Domain
- Domain of emergent practices - "unknown unknowns" - things you don't know, retrospect, probe, sense, respond - e.g. Apollo 13 encounter a crisis - e.g. a PCS or change in leadership
Complicated Domain
- Domain of good practice - "known unknowns" ** things you know, sense, analyze, and respond ** - e.g. car broke down, know something wrong but don't know what's wrong - based on cause and effect
Chaotic Domain
- Domain of novel practices - "unknowables" - act, sense, and respond - e.g. comm network crashes base wide - don't have to figure out pattern, just stop bleeding and stabilize
Intro to Metacognition
- Plan, monitor and assess one's understanding and performance - John H. Favell said "thinking about your own thinking"
Cynefin: Order System
- exists - repeatable - predictable
Cynefin: Complex System
- exists - unpredictable - unknowns
Cynefin: Chaotic System
- indeterminate - scope undefined
4 Steps in Effective Problem Solving Process
1. *Define the problem*, create a problem statement 2. *Generate alternative solutions*, come up with possible ways to solve a problem 3. *Select an effective solution*, pick up a solution that will solve the problem effectively 4. *Implement solution and monitor*, apply the solution picked and watch to see if it solves the problem
Option 2 Elements
1. Defined the problem that need solving 2. Identify possible resources that may be available
Reviewing and Analyzing the Outcome
1. Measure the success of the solution by comparing the outcome of the action with the expected results 2. Analyze any discrepancy to identify the reasons for it 3. Take further action if necessary
Cynefin: Order Domains
1. Obvious - sense, categorize and respond - best practices 2. Complicated - sense, analyze and respond - 'good' practice (e.g. car broke down)♀️ 3. Complex - probe, sense and respond - emergent practices (e.g. interview) 4. Chaotic - act, sense and respond - novel practices (e.g. system down)
Implement and Monitor Stages
1. Planning and preparing to implement the solution 2. Implementing and monitoring the solution 3. Reviewing and analyzing the success of the solution
Personal Powers:
1. Referent (charisma) 2. Information 3. Expert
The Cynefin Framework (4 domains)
1. Simple 2. Complicated 3. Complex 4. Chaotic
Employ Metacognition
1. Summon your prior knowledge 2. Think aloud 3. Ask yourself questions 4. Use writing 5. Organize thoughts 6. Take notes from memory 7. Review Exams 8. Take a timeout
Categories of Trust
1. Trust in a person 2. Trust in a process
Rules of Brainstorming
1. Withhold judgement 2. Encourage Freewheeling 3. Hitchhike
A technique designed to stimulate a chain reaction of ideas relating to a problem
Decision Analysis Matrix Tool
A useful technique to use for making a decision; works by listing your possible solutions as rows on a table and the factors you want to consider them as columns; then score each solution and weigh the score; good alternative options
Brainstorming Session Techniques: Unstructured approach
A.k.a. Freeform brainstorming; allows team members to call out ideas as they come to mind
Hitchhike ideas
Allow an idea to piggyback or hitchhike off of another idea
Encourage freewheeling
And he was all individuals to make a contribution
Are the parties interested in negotiation? Do all parties know their alternatives? Are the issues negotiable?
_____ helps you take the time to be introspective and honest with yourself about your comprehension.
Asking yourself questions
A ____ is the tendency, inclination, or prejudice toward or against something or someone.
A technique designed to stimulate a chain reaction of ideas relating to a problem.
Structured, unstructured, and silent approaches are all ____.
Brainstorming session techniques
Leaders must act, sense, and respond in this domain.
Chaotic domain
The Domain of Novel Practices is the:
Chaotic domain
In this domain, it is identified that " there are things we don't know what we don't know".
Complex domain
In this domain, there will be multiple right answers, many of which may be excellent.
Complicated domain
Leaders my sense, analyze, and respond in this domain.
Complicated domain
This is the domain of known unknowns.
Complicated domain
Deals with the leaders perceived ability to provide rewards and incentives that people like
Deals with the leaders perceived ability to provide sanctions, punishment, or consequences for not performing
The ____ is particularly powerful when you have a number of good alternatives to choose from, and many different factors to take into account.
Decision Analysis Matrix Tool
____ are inevitable when participants bring their differing expertise and experience to a problem.
Differing perspectives
Categories of Negotiation
Distributive (single issue/win-lose) Integrative (doesn't see resources as necessarily fixed/win-win)
Does a solution actually address and fix the problem?
Withhold judgement
First and foremost role is to withhold judgment of any sort; no evaluation, criticism or judgment
The diagram used to depict the relationship between specific categories of process inputs in the undesirable output is known as the ____.
Fish Bone Diagram
The ____ aids in determining the cause-effect relationships in a problem or a failure event.
Five-Why Method
Cooperative Negotiation Strategy (CNS)
Flicks high interest in people and task orientation; depends heavily on each parties collaborative efforts and desire to achieve mutually satisfactory outcome
The Cynefin Framework for problem-solving is composed of:
Four domains
When ____, the first thing to keep in mind is the more the better.
Generating solutions
When you trust the person or group with whom you are engaging in negotiations, you believe the ____ they present is truthful and accurate.
Fishbone Diagram (Cause and Effect Diagram)
Is a diagram used to depict the relationship between specific categories of process inputs in the undesirable output (3Ms and a P) (Materials, Methods, Machines and People)
Is a tendency, inclination, or prejudice towards or against something or someone
Root Cause Analysis
Is a trade-off between digging as deeply as possible and finding the deepest point that's still within your sphere of influence (Why!?)
Is the foundation of relationships with others and faith in the system
Is the solution capable of working successfully?
It's suggests that you gain power and the ability to influence through education, experience, and job knowledge
Assess Metacognition
Key element is recognizing the limitations of one's knowledge or ability and figure how to expand or extend one's learning capacity
You should identify whether or not the results being achieved are fixing the problem, and if not ____ is required.
____ is the communication process involving two or more people/groups were the parties have a degree of difference in positions, interest, goals, values or beliefs or the parties strive to reach an agreement on issues or course of action.
Defining the problem and identifying possible resources are all ____ to potentially solve a problem.
Or what you stand for, or are willing to lose if negotiations go awry
Using concept maps or graphic organizers is another great way to visualize material and see the connections between the various concepts you are learning is considered _____
Organizing your thoughts
____ Power is made up of Referent, Information and Expert
The key to successful implementation is ____.
Planning and preparation
Coercive, Reward, Connection and Legitimate power are ____ Powers.
Power over = used to gain advantage (pulling rank) Power with = improves opportunity
In the Complex domain, leaders must:
Probe, sense, respond
____ is the process of describing in interpreting a stated problem to arrive at a problem statement.
Problem Framing
____ is the process or art of finding a solution to a problem.
Problem Solving
Problem Framing
Process of describing and interpreting a stated problem to arrive at a problem statement a.k.a. define the actual problem
Position powers
Provide you with authority to make decisions, requests, and issue lawful orders based on your position
The key to metacognition is asking yourself _____ questions.
Decisions are on question because all parties share a common understanding of the issue or problem in this domain.
Simple domain
In this domain, problems require straightforward management and monitoring.
Simple domain
Brainstorming Session Techniques: Structure approach
Soliciting when I get a time from each person on the team; everyone shut up while some else talks; 'pass' if you don't have an idea
5 Steps CNS Process
Step 1: positions Step 2: interest Step 3: BATNA (best alternative to negotiation agreement) Step 4: brainstorming Step 5: solution
Before you begin to study, look at the topic that is covered and ask yourself what you know about it already. This is known as:
Summoning you're prior knowledge
When you're learning, it's important to periodically _____ to make sure you're engaging in metacognitive strategies.
Take a time out
This technique ensures that you were actively engaging with the material as you were reading and taking notes.
Taking notes from memory
Methods such as thinking aloud, using writing, and taking notes from memory can help you when you are _____.
Testing yourself
Aspiration point
The best outcome each negotiator hopes to achieve from negotiated agreement
The capacity of parties to decide it is in their best interest to negotiate an agreement rather than continue a dispute
Problem Solving
The process or act of finding a solution to a problem
There's power pertains to who you know. This can erode if you use it as a primary source of influence.
_____ is when you talk through your material and verbalize your thoughts to help you make more sense of the material and internalize it more deeply.
Thinking aloud
People Orientation
This approach centers on the relationship that exist between the individuals or group involved
Task Orievtation
This approach place is more importance on reaching outcome, solutions or resolutions; high task orientation means we are motivated to resolve the problem; low task orientation means we do not wish to resolve the situation at this time
This is based on one's rank, position, or level of authority.
Referent (charisma)
This power afford the opportunity to encourage, motivate, inspire others
The foundation of relationships with others and faith in a system is called ____.
TIPO Model
Trust, Information, Power, Options - Identifies how trust influence is your use of information and power affects the way you develop options or solutions
Cynefin: Disorder Domain
Where you are when you haven't picked another domain within Order Domain
Knowing the ___, the ____, and the ____ is critical in determining how to negotiate.
Who, stakes and situation
Will the solution fix the problem conveniently and be financially stable?
Brainstorming Session Techniques: Silent approach
Write down ideas
Aim for quantity, not quality
Write down the input of each participant in aim for quantity, not quality
_____ helps you organize your thoughts and assess what you know.
is a communication process involving two or more people/groups where: - the parties have a degree of difference in positions, interests, goals, values or beliefs - the parties strive to reach an agreement on issues or course of action