Neuro Pt 1. Practice Test on Coursepoint

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A client has just begun to experience an ischemic stroke. The blood supply from the middle cerebral artery is being blocked by a large blood clot. How long before brain cells begin to die due to lack of ATP?

4 to 6 minutes

Select the function of the occipital lobe.

Color, motion, and depth perception

The health care provider is concerned that a client may be at risk for problems with cerebral blood flow. The most important data to assess would be:

Decreased level of oxygen

T or F: The autonomic nervous system innervates the somatic organs.


Which substance provides the majority of the fuel needs of the neurologic system?


A client arrives in the clinic after having a tongue piercing performed and is unable to control the movement of the tongue. The nurse is aware that which nerve may have been damaged from the piercing?


Which neuron connects sensory and motor neurons?


Which is the primary component of white matter?

Myelinated fibers

Neurotransmitters exert their actions through specific proteins that are known as:


The transmission of impulses at the neuromuscular junction is mediated by which action?

Release of neurotransmitter acetylcholine from autonomic nerve endings

A nurse educator is explaining the divisions of the nervous system to a class of prospective nursing students. Which characterization of the organization of the nervous system is most accurate?

The ANS is represented in both the CNS and PNS.

The nurse is performing a neurologic assessment on a client. Which assessment finding would the nurse determine is considered normal?

The client is able to swing arms when walking.

The nurse cares for a client who experienced a stroke resulting in dysphagia and dysarthria. The nurse explains that which cranial nerve(s) involved in chewing and speech has likely been affected by the stroke? Select all that apply.

cranial nerve V cranial nerve VII cranial nerve XII

The nurse is aware that the primary function of the sympathetic nervous system is:

maintenance of vital functions and responding when there is a critical threat to the integrity of the individual.

After being thrown off the back of a bull, a client can move their arms but has a loss of motor function in the lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord. This is referred to as:


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