OH&S 7 Psychosocial Hazards

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Faculty members talk negatively about today's students possibly suffering

Work-to-family conflict

Family responsibilities interfere with EE ability to keep pace with work demands family-to-work conflict

Main reason stress is related to increased workplace accidents in any job

Impaired concentration

procedural justice examples

Implementation of leadership training Performance M systems Continuous EE feedback Participative decision = max EE-perceived interactional, distributive, & procedural fairness

Org Interventions:

Redesign demanding job Respect EE' opinions in M decision-making processes Provide flex working conditions

preventative stress M strategies

Reduce exposure & experience of stress, if stressors are unavoidable provide tx options experience negative consequences of stress

Tertiary - Individual Interventions

Seek medical treatment Participate in psychological counselling

follows form of stressor-stress-strain

Stressor: Boss always yelling, chronic Stress: leads to feelings of tension Strain: manifests feelings of anger / anxiety, stomach ache, & nail biting

stress example:

When individual feels they do not have ability to cope with stressor

NIOSH model categories:

Work Schedules Interpersonal relationship job content & control

Pro sport team hire on contract basis= no guarantee of permanent job. Contract negotiation stressor


Work-to-family conflict

affect family, reduced performance in family role & absences from events

Family - to - work conflict

affect work, decreased work performance & absenteeism from work

Both work-to-family & family- to- work conflicts:

associated with negative consequences Outcomes in opposite domain from cause of conflict

work-family conflicts

childcare demands

career concerns stress:

defined role, unlikely to have multi demands from diff sources, role stressors are less likely to be issue, unless EE has work-family problems

Stress moderated by:

diff of personality & social supports

mood disturbances result

experience of depression & anxiety

Inter-role conflict

face incompatible demands from 2+ roles


form of interactional injustice

Perceive & respond diff to stressors

general adaptive syndrome & transactional model of stress

Inexperience & depression

has some of same symptoms

preventative stress M:

health of organ & health of EE is interdependent

Secondary & tertiary interventions:

help EE deal with stress / strain feeling as result of loss no way to eliminate catastrophic stressor

Re: NIOSH model of workplace stressors, job with most potential for stress

highly paid assembly line EE

Job content & control stress

highly repetitive, not making use of skills lack of control how when tasks completed

Behavioural strain

manifest in avoidance of certain situations, increase smoking, & consumption of alcohol & drugs

Secondary Interventions

min negative outcomes once feeling stress

Ergun salesperson works from home for drug Co. M determines if working from home is psychosocial hazard by

monitoring his sales activity & results

Organizational secondary stress intervention

offering on-site fitness centre

Primary interventions:

only truly preventative mechanism

4 components OH psychology focus on to reduce work-related psychosocial disorder

organizational change info psychological health services surveillance

4 components occupational health psychology focus on to reduce work-related psychosocial disorders:

organizational change info psychological health services surveillance

Team provides laptops Skype to communicate with family & friends while on road intervention type

organizational secondary intervention

Secondary & tertiary interventions

prevent stress & strain from getting worse

HR can manage mental health illness in workplace

preventive stress M framework

Distinction between acute & catastrophic stress

relates to intensity of stressor

Individual tertiary stress intervention:

seeing psychotherapist

secondary techniques

stress M & relax training to id negative health effects of stress

primary intervention involves

teach effective coping strategies to M stressto lessen negative effects of stress on health

personality characteristics particularly relevant to stress:

type A behaviour pattern & negative affectivity:

Risk factor

type of moderator aggravates EE response to stressor

Role ambiguity

uncertainty of what is expected in work

Team provides laptops Skype to communicate with family & friends while on road Type of stress intervention

work-to-family conflict

Gianni seems engaging in presenteeism, explanation for behaviour:

worried re: his job

1-3 categories NIOSH model in dishwashers

- Workload & work pace - Role stressors conflict, ambiguity, - Career concerns,security, obsolescence

Tertiary Org Interventions

- benefits packages with sick days & leave options - counsel services after major stressors - Support EE in med or psychological care

Secondary - Organizational Interventions

- comprehensive benefits programs - on-site fitness centres - balanced nutrition on cafeteria menu

Signs of organizational strain:

- increased absenteeism - disturbances of interpersonal relationships at work - decreased performance - evidence of job search - increased workplace accidents

Secondary -Individual Interventions

- talks with friends & co-EE - make time to exercise - use relaxation techniques

Chronic & catastrophic

2 categories stressor can have over long duration

athletes experience depression & other mental health issues during & after career


Stressors categories

Acute, Daily, Chronic, Catastrophic

Individual Interventions

Avoid overload of work Adequate leisure time Reduce Type A behaviour

Socio-technical model

Celine screaming loudly at office's network admin

Serious physical conditions most prominent outcome of stress

Coronary heart disease

experienced by EE ~ feels salary is too low given amount of responsibility & long hrs works:

Distributive injustice

Emerging EE stressor injustice in workplace

EE who experience unfairness in workplace also experience higher levels of workplace stress & strain

increased EE perceived unfairness i.e.

Reduce commitment, Retention, Increase absenteeism

Work-family conflict is bi-directional:

Work interferes with ability to meet family demand

Id & Describe 4-6 categories NIOSH found in dishwashers

Work schedules Interpersonal relations Job content & control

NIOSH model categories of workplace stressors:

Workload & work pace Role Stressor Career Concern

Ruby always late meetings I just tried to get 1 more thing done Javier is always on time, drums fingers while waiting

both Type A personalities

Interactional justice

fairness of interpersonal treatment

distributive justice

fairness of outcomes

procedural justice

fairness of processes

Social factors

family circumstances, exposure to violence, & workplace policies

Tangible form of social support

flexible hrs to help EE take parents to Dr. appointments

NIOSH model

id's major categories of workplace stressors

EE psychological involvement

id's with particular role & sees role as central to self-concept, also predictor of work-family conflict

Role conflict

incompatibility from 2+ sources

Organizational strain

increased absenteeism, decreased performance & increased risk of workplace accidents

Stressors vary along dimensions of

intensity frequency of occurrence duration predictability

stress dimensions

intensity frequency of occurrence duration predictability

Work-family conflict:

inter-role conflict, role in work & family = incompatible Participation in 1 role is made more difficult by virtue of participation in other

If coach not bench under-performer, type of injustice team experiences:

interactional injustice


internal response to, or evaluation of demand that arouses negative feelings

Physical strain

lead to coronary heart disease, strokes, hypertension,, ulcers, asthma, & some cancers

Psychological factors

levels of self-esteem & anxiety, ability to cope with pressure

Social moderator buffers athletes from negative effects of stress due to recent losses

locker room jokes & pranks

Most likely outcome of family - to - work conflict

long lunch breaks


more likely to get colds vs. garbage collectors

work & family roles

more time dedicated to 1 role = less time available to spend in other role


negative emotional response to, or evaluation of, stressors

Work schedule stress

night shifts disrupt physio-circadian rhythms & social activities


objectively verifiable event occurs outside individual & has potential to cause stress event appraised by as taxing, exceeding coping resources, & negatively affecting health

Senior manager resistance

primary reason stress interventions not widely implemented in Canada

Primary stress intervention

provide flexible working conditions

Strain: result of continued stress, & classified in categories of reactions:

psychological physical behavioural organizational

4 categories of strain reactions

psychological physical behavioural organizational

4 categories of strain reactions:

psychological physical behavioural organizational

Secondary Tertiary Interventions

psychological therapy med attention strategies - after fact, help EE not able to M workplace stress now experiencing symptoms of strain

Canadian Standards Association

publish new voluntary standard for psychological health & safety in workplace

Psychological strain

reactions include disturbance in affect mood or cognition concentration - disturbances in mood can result in experience of depression & anxiety

Primary Interventions

reduce / remove actual stressors effective reduce work-related stress & strain remove sources of stress from workplace will reduce EE stress & strain

Interpersonal relations stress

well-established sources of social support reduces effects of other workplace stressors

Most relevant stressors for restaurant chef:

workload & work pace work scheduling interpersonal relations job content & control

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