Ortho Tech NBCOT exam

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90* or more of all patellar dislocations occur in what direction?


For femoral rod, pt should be in what position?


where do you wedge the cast for a patient that has a 70% valgus tibial angulation?

lateral side

Ligaments of the ankle

laterally = Post tibfib Ant tibfib Post talofib Ant talofib - Medially = Deltoid ligament complex 2. THREE LATERAL LIGAMENTS a. Anterior talofibular lig b. calcaneofibular c. Posterior talofibular lig 3. M/C INJURED LIGAMENT = Anterior Talofibular ligament - usually injured from INVERSION of ankle 4. Achilles tendon - inserts on heel

The broad portion of a long bone. ln adults, the metaphysis is adjacent to a joint. ln children, the broad portion of the bone includes the epiphysis, the physis, and the metaphysis.


the contoured flare at each end of the diaphysis is called the


Serial casting

the initial treatment for an infant born with club deformity

when applying a cast to the upper extremity, the cast should be cut away from the palmar crease to allow

the pt full finger flexion

When applying cast padding for plaster or fiberglass keep

the thickness even

Balkman frame max weight is (double frame)

350 lbs

To prevent ring necrosis when pulling a pin out, you should...

Pull pin out slow

Collection of fluid in a cavity (joint space) is called


Extensor tendon (itis) at the wrist (most common in Kayak and canoe sport enthusiast)

cross-over syndrome

This type of fracture mechanism of injury occurs through compressive forces

crush fractures

Elbow. Cubitus varus is adduction deformity of the elbow. cubitus valgus is the opposite deformity.


Term less than carrying angle of elbow

cubitus varus

in the foot (most lateral Tarsal bone)


type of sling used to manage humeral fx?

cuff and collar

The McMurry exam to evaluate what diagnosis?

meniscus tear


metacarpophalangeal joint

A thinning of osseous tissue of bone with an increase in size of marrow cavities accompanied by leukopenia

osteofibrous dysplasia

Bone tumors can be subdivided into benign (non life threatening) or malignant (types and malignant tumors are further classified as primary or secondary (metastatic). Which is a benign tumor?


infection of the bone


Classification used to describe femoral head fractures


What type of joint is the axis and atlas involved in


What is the name of the distal articulating surface of the tibia?


Adequate immobilization of a metacarpal fx can be obtained with a

plaster cast with a finger splint

Location of the Bakers cyst?

popliteal fossa (space behind the knee)

What is a Bohler Braun frame?

portable leg elevating skeletal traction unit



Patient has bilateral femoral shaft fractures what is the best cast?

Double Hip Spica

Who is the person responsible for a signed consent?


When performing the Neer or Hawkins-Kennedy examinations what joint is being examined?

. shoulder

Pavlick harness treats what age

0 - 6 months

flexion of PIPJ:

0 -100 to 115 degrees

What position of flexion do splint a mallet finger

0 degrees

ROM of forward flexion of glenohumeral joint

0 to 180 degrees

What is the ROM of internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint

0 to 90 degrees

ROM of flexion of hip joint

0-110 to 720 degrees

ROM of flexion of knee joint

0-135 degrees

The knee is flexed between what degrees while applying a long leg cast


ROM of abduction of hip joint

0-30 to 50 degrees

A pavlik harness is most useful if used at what age?

0-6 month

ROM of wrist extension

0-70 to 90 degrees

ROM of flexion of wrist

0-80 to 90 degrees

flexion of DIPJ:

0-80 to 90 degrees

flexion of MCPJ:

0-85 to 90 degree

ROM of flexion for elbow joint?

0-i40 to 150 degrees


(ventral) toward the front

Wilmington Brace

- A custom-fitted based on a cast taken of the patient while lying down, facing up. After the cast is made, corrective forces specific to the patient's spinal curve are added before the brace is completed. This brace goes onto the body similar to a tight jacket and is known as a full contact TLSO due to its lack of gaps or open spots.

Instability pathology labral tears

- Load and shift, sulcus sign

Ligaments of the ankle

1. Deltoid Ligament - Medial, protects against EVERSION

When applying 5 pounds of weight to Russels traction how much force is being applied to the patient?

10 pounds

What is proper mm/hg over systolic heartrate for a tourniquet


Maximum tourniquet time?

120 minutes

colles fx complications

1:Mal-union, 2:delayed rupture of extensor pollicis longus, 3:reflex sympathetic dystrophy, 4:CTS, 5:post traumatic Arthritis.

A LLNVVBC position is

30 degrees

When using crutches, the elbow should be in what position

30 degrees of flexion

plaster WB cast is best if not walked on for what period of time

32-48 hours

The short arm cast is applied how far distal to the antecubital space

2 inches

Plaster casts take approximately how long to cure?

24 to 48 hours

What is the minimum drying time recommended from plaster casting

24-48 hours

Resting position of tibial femoral joint

25 degrees

if 1.5Kg of weight are used with Russell's tx, the resulted weight would be

3 kg

halo vest has how many bolts

4 bolts

Number of lumbar vertebra?


Position of flexion of knee when immobilizing patella fracture.

5 to 10 degrees (Anything more can result in Distraction of fracture fragment):

How much flexion should a cylinder cast at the knee be placed?

5-10 degrees

Resting position of glenohumeral joint

55 degree Abduction , 30 degree horizontal adduction

Maximum Bucks Traction weight is


Vertebrae in cervical spine


How many cervical nerve roots are there in the cervical spine?


Expected time of an intra-articular malleolar fracture without complications to heal?

8-12 weeks

. The axial skeletal system has how many bones


person who performs autopsies


A posterior splint is secured to the patient's injured leg with ankle immobilized at what degrees


In the application of sugar tong splint ,the elbow is immobilized ln what position?


The ankle is dorsiflexed at what degree angle while applying a long leg cast


ln the application of a long arm cast, the elbow is placed at what degree position


What is the neutral position of the elbow in a long arm cast

90 degrees

position of the ankle in a WSLC.

90 degrees

position of the elbow on a LAC

90 degrees

Russell's Traction (skin) Hamilton-Russell's Traction (skeletal).

A Steinmann Pin is inserted through the proximal tibia. Two Böhler Steinmann Pin Holders are then applied one pin holder (with a pulley) applies the traction force, while the second holder provides lift to the knee.

The mechanism of injury for the cervical spine involving forced flexion will not cause

A bilateral facet dislocation

What is SCFE (Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis)?

A shift at the upper part of the thigh bone, or femur, that results in a weakened hip joint. Usually children 11-16 going through growth spurts. More common in boys.

Delbert cast

A short-leg cast that is trimmed away from the anterior and posterior portions of the ankle and from the heel. This allows dorsiflexion and plantar flexion while maintaining lateral stability

Segond fracture is produced with indirect trauma. What other structure is commonly injured


to maintain stability of the knee you need

ACL and Colateral lig or (LCL)

Main ligaments that stabilize the knee


for ankle instability; The heel is pulled forward with the leg being restrained by the opposite hand. A precise lat. Radiograph is obtained with the patient supine and both the popliteal area and heel supported and 5kg applied to the ankle.

Anterior drawer sign:

Which nerve is responsible for providing sensation to the lateral border of the sole of the foot.

Anterior tibial nerve:

Patient has a 10% of recervatum (leg goes back) where would you wedge the cast?


abnormal internal torsion of a bone ( usually the femur).


Tibia fracture in 10 degrees of recurvatum what type of opening wedge do you use?


What is responsible for stabilization of the knee?

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL):

The pivot shift exam is to test for what diagnoses?

Anterior Cruciate Ligament laxity

SLC and/or LLC should be put in a neutral position to prevent.

Achilles tendon shortening

What is the major complication of a femoral neck fx?


What is the most stable position for the hip in traction once reduced

Abduction and flection'

The definition of a 2percent Strain is

About half of muscle fibers torn

Avulsion fx and disruption of the ulnar collateral ligament?

Gamekeepers thumb

Term used for resection of the acromion to decompress impingement


Pierson attachment allows what for a patient in traction

Allows flexion of the knee (balanced suspension)

What does a Thompson splint with pearson attachment do

Allows knee flexion

A disarticulation of a joint is a

Amputation or separation through the joint:

According to occupational safety and health administration(OSHA) standards, all health care practitioners should review "Protective precaution guidelines"


Highest statistical type of shoulder dislocation?


For differentiating ligamentous from meniscal injury; Tibial rotation on femur w/ traction or compression with the patient prone and knee flexed.

Apley test

This blood vessel maintains a middle layer of smooth muscle and elastic connective tissue


The radial artery common circulatory pulse location is

At the wrist, lateral to the flexor carpi radialis tendon

ln fractures of Hip and acetabulum what is the most feared delayed complication

Avascular Necrosis





What condition is found at the posterior aspect of the knee

Baker's cyst

Name the surgical procedure that consists of a capsular repair in the glenoid for chronic anterior dislocation of the shoulder


Name of the surgical procedure that repairs the shoulder from anterior dislocation?

Bankhart Laterjet Bristo

For dysplastic hips in infants, an abduction flexion, external rotation splint

Barlow Brace/Splint:

For dysplastic hip in infants; Holding the symphysis pubis to sacrum with one hand, the opposite hip is flexed and an attempt is made to dislocate the hip. Pulling the hip back up or abducting the hip should produce a perceptible reduction

Barlow Test

Interarticular fx of the distal radius with dorsal angulation?

Barton's fx

ln cast application, the stockinette is applied

Before webril

An option sometimes used when pt. has a swollen limb in a cast.


V-shaped fracture of the distal tibia into the tibiotalar joint

Gosselin Fracture

A transverse fracture is usually caused by what type of force


Anteroposterior sectioned, posterior or anterior opening; thermoplastic fabrication; control restriction: general immobilization and intracarity pressure; may be designed to provide some distraction; used for conditions such as postsurgical management of fusion, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, and scoliosis.

Body Jacket (TLSO):

Screw fixation of the clavicle to the acromion for AC separation.

Bosworth Procedure

-Resection of portion of radial head ligament and muscle attachment for tennis elbow.

Bosworth procedure

the surgical procedure that consists of screw fixation of the clavical to the coracoid for AC seperation is

Bosworth procedure

hard, bony outgrowths or gelatinous cysts on the PIP joints

Bouchard's nodes

Rupture or tear of the central portion of the extensor-tendon would be called...( Associated w/RA)

Boutonniere deformity

Why is it often necessary to complete. "Greenstick" fracture during reduction.

Bowing deformity may reaccure if this is not done:

Fx of the neck of the fifth mtecarpal

Boxer's Fx

Which orthopedic traction technique is generally used in children with femur fracture?


mainly used in young children who have fractures of the femur or congenital abnormalities of the hip Both the patient's limbs are suspended in the air vertically at a ninety degree angle from the hips and knees slightly flexed pt must be less than 30 lbs

Bryant's traction

A patient has a hip fx, what tx do you put them in?

Buck's TX

Orthopedic mechanisms by which pull is exerted on the lower extremity with ropes weights and pulleys may be unilateral or bilateral used to immobilize position and align the lower extremity in the treatment of contractures and diseases of the hip and knee

Buck's Traction

Split Russell's traction

Buck's traction with a sling, may be used in distal femur fx in children and used as a knee and hip exerciser

A bone fragment shaped like a butterfly and part of a comminuted fracture, Usually involves a high energy force delivered to the bone.

Butterfly Fragment/Fracture





what does a positive Tinel's sign indicate?

CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)



The term for the fibrous tissue of cartilage and immature bone that forms at the fx site to create the first stability of the bone is


The part of the nervous system made up of the brain and spinal cord

Central nervous system

A patient who presents with any kind of shoulder pain should always be examined to r/o for what?

Cervical spine injury

Joint destruction caused by loss of normal sensation.

Charcot joint disease

For scoliosis, used only at night to hold the patient in maximum side bending correction.

Charleston bending brace

the 4 items needed when obtaining patient's history

Chief complaint, Patient history, Family history. work history.

A degeneration of cartilage cells, ending in cell death


Plastic surgery on cartilage by repair of lacerated or displaced cartilage.


Name the arterial supply vessels of the femoral head?


lnadequate blood flow to large muscle groups of lower limbs causing pain, numbness, or heaviness in muscle groups brought on by exercise and decreased with rest. (Found in people with arteriosclerosis)


how do you treat humerus fx

Coaptation splint - U-shaped splint, start at the axilla end at humerus used with shoulder immobilizer or arm sling and cuff n collar

Physical therapy exercises for proximal humerus fx


ln the treatment of proximal humeral fxs, it is necessary to get early motion. What is the term used to describe the exercises for these injuries


For rupture of the supraspinatus tendon; the arm can be passively abducted without pain, but when support of the arm is removed and the deltoid muscle contracts suddenly, pain occurs again.

Codman sign:

a fracture of the distal radius in the forearm with dorsal (posterior) displacement of the wrist and hand.

Colles fractui'e

Fx of distal radius, either articular or non articular, with dorsal angulation of the distal fragment producing a silver fork deformity; generally associated with a fracture of the ulnar styloid.

Colles, Moore, Poutecue (Same fx):

a serious condition that involves increased pressure in a muscle compartment. lt can lead to muscle and nerve damage and problems with blood flow.

Compartment syndrome

Any contraction in which a muscle shortens while tension, is generated is a...

Concentric Muscle Test

A habitual response to a particular stimulus is a

Conditioned Reflex Test

The metacarpophalangeal (knuckle)joint is considered what type of joint?

Condylar Joint

what is the pavlik harness used to treat

Congenital hip dysplasia

peripheral nerves

Connects your central nervous system to other parts of the body

Before treating an patient you should

Consider everyone involved as infected and consider the procedure to be performed

CPM stands for

Continuous passive motion

What type or quality of pain does muscle pain exhibit

Cramping, dull, aching

Describe Salter Harris type 5 fracture

Crush fracture

CPT stands for

Current Procedural Terminology

What does CPT stand for and what is it used for?

Current Procedural Terminology and Used for lnsurance to identify Procedures

The patient is unable to actively control bringing the arm down from full abduction position past 90 degrees. The arm drops at 90 degrees. Best performed with local anesthetic injected into the subacromial space.

Drop arm test:



A patient is in a SLC c/o severe calf pain. On examination the cast appears to be fitting well and not restricting circulation. What would be your primary concern?

DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis

combination of a wrist scaphoid fracture with volar dislocation of scaphoid fragment and lunate.

De Quervain Fracture:

A cast including the thumb index and middle fingers?

Dehne cast

Which nervous structure carry impulses toward the cell body?


Rigid bar attached to the shoes for pediatric limb alignment?

Dennis Brown Bar

A special brace with cuffs that go around the thighs and are attached to a bar. This holds the hips and knees up (flexed) with the legs apart (abducted). Treats club foot, TibiaI Torsion, Equinovarus.

Dennis Browne Bar

Rigid bar riveted or clamped to shoes. Provides hip abduction and controls rotation. Used for treatment of clubfoot, equinovarus , tibial torsion.

Dennis Browne bar

lncision or division or cutting of a ligament


Diagnosis for the application of a Pavlik harness?

Developmental hip dysplasia

Difference between steiman pin and K-wire


Fractures involving the central shaft of a long bone are considered


Central shaft portion of long bone


The central shaft of the long bone?


Tendons in the neck

Digastic Tendons

Which palmar crease is the furthest diagonal line on the volar aspect of the hand

Distal palmer crease

Skin Tx should be wrapped

Distal to Proximal


Divides body into upper and lower parts superior/inferior

Signing of the informed consent is the responsibility of


Type of traction used for elbow fx?


name the term for an abrasion on the humeral head usually seen following anterior shoulder dislocation


Spiral fracture of the distal end of the fibula; associated with ankle diastasis

Dupuytren Fracture

Water or fluid in a joint


Other than traction purposes what is a bohler braun frame used for?

Elevation of an injured extremity:

The Patella Tendon Bearing Cast will

Eliminate rotation of tibia, Allow for full knee extension, lmmobilize ankle at a 90' angle

For determining tightness of the rectus femoris, contracture of the lateral fascia of the thigh, or femoral nerve irritation; with patient in prone position, flexion of the leg on the thigh causes buttocks to arch away and leg to abduct at the hip joint.

Ely test:

Occurs through one of the two epicondyles, medial or lateral.

Epicondylar Fracture

: Fractures that involve the chondro-osseous end of a long bone

Epiphyseal Fracture

The end of a bone that lies between the joint surface on one side and the physis "epiphyseal plate" on the other. After growth stops it becomes part of the meta physis (Completely cartilaginous structure).


The end of a long bone in a child that develops from one or more secondary ossification centers.


Describe Salter Harris type 3 fracture

Epiphysis and physis fracture

After Achilles tendon surgery what position would you place the pt's foot in cast?

Equinus or (plantar flexion)

A fracture of the radial head with a dislocation of the distal radial and ulnar joint and a tear of the interosseous membrane is called:

Essex Lopresti

A childhood metastatic endothelial sarcoma of bone

Ewing's tumor

Responsible for Dorsiflexion o the toes and MP joints

Extensor Digitorum Longus:

The tendon responsible for pulling the great toe into dorsiflexion is called the

Extensor Hallucis Longus

The classic sign of a fractured hip is an injured leg rotated

Externally and shortened



Tourniquet application for Achilles tendon repair?


Balanced suspension skeletal traction is for the reduction of?

Femur fx

When treating a closed, mid shaft clavicle fracture which would be the most appropriate means of treating this type of injury

Figure 8 brace

Jewett brace treats what position


the flexor pollicis longus is responsible for what action?

Flexion and adduction of the thumb and first metacarpal

Responsible for plantar flexion of the toes.

Flexor Digitorum Longus

Responsible for flexion of the great toe while walking as well as supporting the medial longitudinal arch of the foot.

Flexor Hallucis longus:

: To prevent post surgery infections, the most important thing to do is?

Follow Aseptic-Technique

Which of the following is/are suggested when applying a compression dressing with a plaster splint?

For leg application, use purified cotton (Robert Jones) Splint secured with elastic bandages, For hand application, use kerlix fluffs

Crutchfield or Vinke cervical tongs

For serious cervical spine fractures or injuries, Crutchfield or Vinke cervical tongs are inserted directly into the skull and attached to the traction system. This stabilizes the vertebrae and reduces the chances of spinal cord damage or further injury.

Mallet finger deformity

Forced *hyperflexion* of DIP MCC: volleyball or basketball Complication: *Swan neck deformity* Tx: Splint in *extension* 4-8 weeks can be caused by a blunt force on the DIP. Patients who are diagnosed with mallet finger have an inability to extend their finger and experience pain and numbness. Depending on how severe the injury is, the patient can be prescribed medication in order to prevent infection. Also, most mallet finger injuries can be treated without surgery.

All of the following instructions should be given to a patient in a plaster cast except

Foreign objects may be inserted into the cast

Describe Salter Harris type 4 fracture

Fracture through epiphysis, physis and metaphysis

Avascular necrosis (osteochondrosis) of the metatarsal head epiphyses, usually the 2nd, but occasionally the 3rd and 4th metatarsals.

Frieberg's Disease

Distal Radial and Ulnar Fractures

Frykman fx

treatment which comes under DME billing would

Functional Braces

Balanced suspension and traction with Thomas or Brady leg splint is used for?

Fx femoral shaft, hip fx, lower extremity fx

Fracture of the distal radial shaft. With dislocation of radio ulnar joint.

Galeazzi Fx-Dislocation

For congenital dislocation of the hip; The dislocated side is shorter when both thighs are flexed to 9o degrees, as demonstrated in infants; in an older patient, a curvature of the spine is produced by shortened leg.

Galeazzi sign:

Bowleg Deformity

Genu Varum

specific type of ankle taping?

Gibney bandage

Strip of adhesive tape applies in alternate directions about the ankle;

Gibney bandage (Ankle taping):

Excision of the femoral head & neck for a fractured intertrochanteric hip joint and other diseases.

Girdlestone Resection

what type of joints are the carpal bones


Protective wear when pulling out skeletal fx

Gloves, Mask, Goggles

What is the hip extensor muscle?

Gluteus maximus

What is the force acting in a hanging arm cast?


Viral disorder involving spinal cord, peripheral nerves and nerve roots. Recovery of lost voluntary muscle function usually occurs, but the disease can be fatal

Guillain-bare syndrome

Pain on the superior and lateral side of the heel usually associated with a callus of the skin bony prominent, and bursitis. A variety of condition's and shoe types can contribute to this condition.

Haglund's disease

Definition of second degree strain

Half of muscle fibers are torn

What traction is important to understand the true force exerted because of the pulleys

Hamilton-Russell's - Buck's

With universal precautions, what is the most effective way to prevent the the spread of infections in the hospital

Hand washing

placing the patient face down on a couch or table allowing the arm to hang freely without the patient holding on to the legs or supporting the arm in any way.

Hanging arm technique

This fracture is sustained via acute hyper extension

Hangman's Fracture

Posterior element (pedicles) fracture with anterior subluxation of the cervical neck C-2 on C-3.

Hangmen's Fracture:

durable SLWC what is the most important characteristic it should have

Have an even amount of layers

For rotator cuff disorder; forward flexion of humerus to 90 degrees followed by horizontal adduction and internal rotation produces pain.

Hawkin's Sign

Talar Neck Fractures. Type I = minimal displacement only one source of blood supply might be disrupted. Type ll = Subtalar subluxation or dislocation, two or three sources of blood supply might be affected. Type lll = Body of talus dislocated from ankle and the subtalar joint.

Hawkins Fracture

Classification of internal fixation devices (hansen st, kuntscher, lottes, schneider)

Intramedullary nail

OSHA requires sharps containers to be:

Highly visible, leak proof, puncture proof, marked biohazardous

The term for the lesion seen following recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation?

Hill sacs lesion

name the term for an abrasion on the humeral head usually seen following anterior shoulder dislocation

Hill-Sachs lesion

Cast incorporating the lower torso and extending to one or both lower limbs

Hip spica

involves laying the patient on the floor, lifting and pulling the arm upwards and pushing the humeral head back into its correct position with the unbooted forefoot

Hippocratic Method

A condition affecting knee. The disease is characterized by acute or chronic inflammation of the fat pad lying between the patella (knee cap) and the lower end of thigh bone (femoral condyle). Impingement of Hoffa 'fat pad' between these two causes moderate to severe pain in frontal area of knee.

Hoffa disease

For testing digital reflex; increase irritability of the sensory nerves, the ulna is tested. Nipping of three fingernails (index, middle, ring) produces flexion of terminal phalanx of thumb & second& third phalanx of some other finger.

Hoffman's sign

A sign of deep vein thrombosis. A positive sign is present when there is resistance (not pain) in the calf or popliteal region with examiner's abrupt dorsiflexion of the patient's foot at the ankle while the knee is fully extended

Homan's Sign

What is a hanging arm cast for

Humeral fracture

The velpeau dressing is used to treat fx of the


Salter Harris fx classification identification

I=Across, II=Up, III=Down, IV=Both V= Crushed

Where are bone grafts most often harvested from (autografts)

Iliac Crest

Condition seen with distance runners and other types of endurance athletics. This syndrome causes pain on the lateral side of the knee anterior to the lateral collateral ligaments secondary to swelling in a bursa or thickening of the iliotibial band.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Which structure is NOT located in the knee joint

Iliotibial band

Basic Casting


What is a Tillaux fx?

Lateral distal tibial fx caused by pull from the anterior inferior tibial fibular ligament

What causes foot drop?

Injury to the common fibular nerve of the sciatic nerve

ln the application of a(n) upper extremity fiberglass cast, which of the following/are appropriate patient instructions on cast care?

Instruct patient to call office with any concerns, Provide cast care booklet, lnstruct patient to extend, flex & wiggle fingers

Anterior frame with superior and inferior pads; three-point fixation provided by additional posterior pad; control restrictions: maintains hyperextension and tends to increase lumbar lordosis; used for spondylitis compression fx's, osteoporosis, arthritis, spina I fusion, adolescent epiphysitis, a nd osteochondritis.

Jewett Brace:

a hyperextension orthosis, which allows extension but prevents flexion of the spine.

Jewett brace

Cervical thoracic orthosis. Provides external immobilization in planes flexion extension rotation and lateral bending at all cervical levels.

Johnson CTO

What is arthrodesis?

Joint fusion (surgical)

Avulsion fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal

Jones Fracture

Fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal such that the fracture line extends from the lateral cortex in the direction of the proximal portion of the articulation of the fourth and fifth metatarsals.

Jones Fracture:

A fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal eponyms?


Used to transfix fractures or reduce fractures with the use of external appliance.


Avascular necrosis of the lunate is called?

Keinboch disease

Acromioclavicular separation reduction brace?

Kenny-Howard brace

he lachman, pivot shift and drawer are exams of the


Type of TLSO brace. Pushes towards extension

Knight Taylor

For scoliosis treatment; a pre Chairback- taylor combination; posterior and lateral with corset front. Control restrictions: anterior flexion extension and lateral flexion. Used for high-spinal fusion, lordosis & osteoporosis fabricated TLSO

Knight Taylor (TLSO):

Warm occlusive saline dressing placed on a limb with cellulitis.

Koch Mason Dressing:

Consists of a slow external rotation of the arm to relax the spasm of the subscapularis muscle. When full external rotation has been achieved, the humeral head could be easily replaced.

Kocher's Method

An exaggeration of post concavity of the thoracic spine?


the knee ligament tested with a varus stress test is the


Incomplete fx of femur. What cast do you put them in?


With the patient supine and the knee flexed to 20 degrees, the tibia is pulled anteriorly a "give" reaction or mush end point indicates a torn anterior cruciate Ligament (ACL).

Lachman Test

How do you make a plaster cast solid?

Laminate while rolling plaster

How would you correct a hanging arm cast with posterior angulation

Lengthen the sling and keep it in a neutral loop

For scoliosis treatment; a prefabricated TLSO

Lexan Jacket

Crano-cervical ligament

Ligaments in the neck...

an injury of the foot in which one or all of the metatarsal bones are displaced from the tarsus. A fracture and dislocation of the midfoot.

Lis Franc

Usually a fracture dislocation, with displacement of the proximal metatarsals.

Lis franc fx

Fx dislocation of the tarsal metatarsal joints?

LisFranc fx

A 25 year old had a MVA and is not complying with treatment. What do you do?

Listen and try and understand specific complaint

Numbness commonly associated with ulnar nerve entrapment effects the

Little and Ring fingers

An exaggeration of post concavity of the lumbar spine?


(Forward) Anterior curvature of the spine.




Spiral fx of the proximal third of the fibula associated with a tear of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis and interosseous membrane?

Maisonneuve fx

The loss of function of a 3percent Strain is

Major reflex inhibition

A vertical shearing type of fracture involving the pelvis


Unilateral pelvic fx?


An avulsion fracture of the dorsal base of the distal phalanx of any digit that includes insertion of the extensor apparatus, thus allowing the distal segment to "drop" into flexion is called...

Mallet Fx mallet finger

Avulsion fracture of the extensor mechanism of the distal interphalangeal joint.

Mallet finger

Patient has extensor tendon injury and cannot extend distal phalynx of middle finger. Name the deformity

Mallet finger

an injury of the extensor digitorum tendon of the fingers at the distal interphalangealjoint (DlP).

Mallet finger

the following are indications for cast removal?

Marked indentation. lncreased pressure felt by patient and "Hot Spot" sensation

For noting joint menisci tears or tags; there is a cartilage clicking medially or laterally on manipulation of the knee.

McMurry Circumduction Maneuver:

A click either audibe or palpable on this test is a positive sign of meniscal- tear


The Deltoid ligament is found

Medial aspect of the ankle

what nerve is decompressed for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Median nerve

A fx involved in the expanding end of the bone, which is composed of extensively remodeling new bone.

Metaphyseal Fx's

Describe Salter Harris type 2 fracture

Metaphysis and physis fracture

What is a hanging arm cast used to treat

Mid shaft humeral fx

What is a collar and cuff used for

Mid shaft humerus

Leather or thermoplastic pelvic gurdle, throat mold, occiput pads, neck ring, and full, connecting superstructure with control pads as necessary; used for spinal scoliosis or kyphosis.

Milwaukee Orthoses

A cervical and upper thoracic orthosis. Provides good orthotic control of the neck

Minerva Brace

Cast immobilization extending along the side and in back of the head & neck chest to hip area, incorporating a plaster of Paris headband

Minerva Jacket

A cast applied from hips to head that is used to immobilize cervical fractures is a

Minerva jacket

The dislocation of the radial head and fracture of the proximal ulna is known as

Monteggia Fracture

The type of cast used for progressive control of joint contracture is


An upper extremity cast that goes above the condyles to prevent pronation and supination, but allows some flexion and extension of the elbow. Also called a supracondylar cast.

Muenster cast

The term for the operative procedure involving the resection of the distal clavicle for chronic AC separation?


for Achilles tendon bursitis at the heel; Dorsiflexion of the foot produces pain

Murphy sign:

Name the sensory nerve of the radial aspect of the forearm?

Musculocutaneus nerve

A disease state of the spinal cord caused by compression. or a disease process


Ossification of muscle in response to trauma

Myositis Ossificans

What do you do to a pt. who is in the lateral position in the OR to prevent brachia plexus injury during the procedure.

Pad under the arm (axilla)

What is deformation of bone

Pagets Disease

ls a Pelvic sling a method of traction?


Impingement syndrome

Neer, Hawkins-Kennedy test

LLC skeletal traction device with pin at end of Tibia to reduce fracture with single bar over head

Neufeld roller traction

An abnormal condition involving a peripheral nerve


incision of the nerves.


Are pins and screwdriver needed for a colles Fx when performing a closed reduction?


What kind of gas is released when plaster is put in water?


With patient lying on side w/ hip and knee flexed the opposite hip is extended while the knee is flexed. inability to place the knee being tested on the table surface indicates a tight fascia latae.

Ober Test:

Inflammation of the bursa located between the skin and tip of the ulna at the elbow

Olecranon Bursitis

For congenitally dislocated hip; An audible click is heard when the hip goes into the socket as noted in infancy. lf the sign is elicited, the dislocation should be corrected at that time to avoid hip dysfunction later.

Ortolani sign

an irritation of the patellar ligament at the tibial tuberosity. lt is characterized by painful lumps below the knee and is most often seen in young adolescents

Osgood Schlatter

cartilagenous bone fragment brakes loose from the medial femoral condyle

Osteochondritis Dessicans

Formation of a separate center of the bone and cartilage on the epiphyseal surface. The osteochondral fragment may remain in place, be absorbed and replaced slowly or: break loose and become a loose body. AKA Osteochondrolysis

Osteochondritis dissecans

lnflammation of bone. condition refers to a number of conditions in which the pathologic findings and cause may vary. ,.


A malignant tumor containing bone and fibrous and cartilaginous tissue


This inherited brittle bone disease causes bone collagen to form incorrectly or inadequately. As a result, a child can have very fragile bones and teeth.

Osteogenesis imperfecta

An inflammation/ infection of bone marrow, cortex tissue, and periosteum, which can be caused by any organism_usually bacteria.


A lesion that has a similar appearance to fibrous dysplasia, except that the bone is being formed by osteocytes instead of fibrocyte-like cells.


The medial meniscus is wider (thicker) at the

Outer Perimeter

Mechanism of injury for a 1percent Sprain is


What are the primary reasons buck's traction is applied to acute femoral head or neck fractures.

Pain relief and Prevent muscle contracture:

Eponym for epiphyseal necrosis of the capitellum?


Common i u from a neumatic cuff is


Acetabular fractures require ORIF becuase

Part of pelvis, interarticular, weight bearing

With the knee extended the examiner internally rotates the leg and with a valgus stress gradually flexes the knee. There is a shift at 30 degrees to 40 degr.ee

Pivot-Shift test ( Macintosh)

Sarmiento is also called what?

Patella tendon bearing cast

The reflex test when they strike the patellar tendon is called

Patellar reflex test innervation

What is innervation of L2,L3,L4 & L5

Patellar tendon test

The abbreviation of DRG

Patient diagnosis

For testing lower back or sacroiliac joint disorder by using a forced position of the hip; the letters stand for Flexion, Abduction, External Rotation in Extension

Patrick test/ fabere test

treatment for dislocation of the hip joint that is present at birth. The condition is found in babies or young children.

Pavlic harness

A series of straps passing over the shoulders both anteriorly, posteriorly, transversing the chest and leading to the feet where they are attached to plastic booties; design for hip flexion, abduction and external rotation

Pavlik Harness

2nd most common cause of death in trauma

Pelvic fracture

Leg cast should be padded @ fibular head to prevent.

Perineal nerve paralysis (foot drop):

The nerve is located on the lateral side of the knee and if compressed may cause neurologic compromise.


lf a patient is unable to dorsiflex an ankle, it is called...

Peroneal Paralysis (Drop-foot):

Fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal are usually secondary to the pull of what structure?

Peroneus brevis

Flattening of the longitudinal each of the foot. pes planovalgus is a flat foot with associated heel valgus

Pes Planus

For carpal tunnel syndrome; irritation of the median nerve is determined by holding the wrist flexed or extended for 30 to 60 seconds, producing symptoms.

Phalen Test/Maneuver:

Fractures that involve the endochondral growth mechanism.

Physeal Fractures:

According to OSHA, a needle stick is what kind of injury?


A person that identifies, treats acute or chronic disabilities is a...

Physical Therapy

Describe Salter Harris type l fracture

Physis fx

What position do place an achilles tendon for casting

Plantar flexion

Which statement is true?

Plaster casts univalve better than synthetic casts

if a position of a cast is NOT specified, the cast should be applied in what position?

Position of function (neutral)

what is an early complication of a closed fx


With the hip at 45 degrees and the knee flexed at 90 degrees the examiner sits on the foot and pushes the tibia backward; also w/ the hips and knees flexed at 90 degrees the heels are held together and the two knees observed for comparison of relative posterior sag of the tibia

Posterior Drawer Test:

the following is NOT appropriate when laminating casting materials?

Press fingertips into cast

Muenster Cast

Primarily used for immobilization of a scaphoid fx. It limits the pronation and supination of the arm without preventing flexion and extension of arm.

CPT code is designed for what?

Procedures / services

How would you correct a hanging arm cast with lateral angulation (Varus)

Pronate forearm and put it in a dorsalloop

Mal-union of the radial head and ulna can lead to the loss of

Pronation, Supination, Flexion, and Extension

A False joint produced when a fracture or arthrodesis fails to heal.


Collar-N-cuff is used for what type of fractures?

Proximal Humeral Fxs

ln which instance would a bone growth stimulator NOT be tried


With the patient supine the involved knee flexed at 90 degrees and the foot rests on the table. With one hand, the examiner supports the thigh and palpates the relaxed quadriceps muscle; the other hand stabilizes the foot. When the p0atient is asked to slide the foot down the table, the proximal leg is pull forward by the particular tendon, indicating a posterior cruciate tear w/ resulting posterior sagging of the leg.

Quadraceps Active Test:

What muscle group does the vastus lateralis belong to?

Quadriceps femoris muscle has four parts: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius

Tissue structures normally separated that adheres together because of itis or injury.


With the patient supine, the lateral tibial plateau shifts from posterior subluxation to reduction as the knee is brought from flexion to extension.

Reverse Pivot-Shift:

Costal cartilage is located between the

Ribs and Sternum

Specialized body cast with Iocalizer pressing over convex side of curvature.

Risser Localizer:

layered bulky dressing applied to the lower limbs for a variety of injuries (4layers)

Robert Jones

A multi layered compressive dressing used to control or reduce extremity edema?

Robert-Jones dressing

Bennets vs Rolando fracture

Rolando - COMMINUTED Intra-articular fx of base of 1st. metacarpal. Bennett - OBLIQUE intra-articular fx of the base of the 1st metacarpal

-skin traction on the lower limb from thigh to ankle or knee to ankle, attached to a sling that suspends the distal thigh. -Often used in the elderly as a temporizing treatment for fractured hips or in the very young in treatment of femoral fxs. -Most commonly used in treatment of certain types of knee injuries and fx's of the shaft of the femur as well as hip fractures.

Russell Traction:

Skin traction on the lower limb from thigh to ankle or knee to ankle, attached to a sling that suspends the distal thigh is

Russell's traction

Traction to hip injury that will both pull on extremity and flex knee

Russell's traction

a unilateral or a bilateral orthopedic mechanism that combines suspension and traction to immobilize, position, and align the lower extremities in the treatment of fractured femurs, hip and knee contractures, and disease processes of the hip and knee

Russell's traction

What are the rotator cuff muscles?

SITS Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres Minor Subscapularis

Physeal fracture classification

Salter Harris

A fracture that passes through the physis and a portion of the epiphysis in children is

Salter-Harris type 3

injection of anesthetic agent into the brachial plexus at the part of scalene muscles. (used for shoulder and other UE procedures.)

Scalene block:

Classification used to describe tibial plateau fxs


Disruption of circulation to bowel, resulting in abdominal pain and diarrhea. Found in people with a body cast

Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome :

How would you correct a hanging arm cast with medial angulation(Valgus)

Supinate the forearm and put it in a volar loop

Pelvic band, bilateral free-motion hip joints, proximal thigh cuffs, adjustable tubular spreader bar w/ universal joints at inferior medial aspect of cuffs; ambulatory system providing hip abduction for treatment of legg-nerthes diseas.

Scottish rite orthosis

When DC a femoral tx pin, the tool you will not need is

Screw driver

What is not used when removing a pin from a patient


Buck's Leg Traction is applied with the patient in which position?


Removal of dead bone


What type or quality of pain does fracture pain exhibit

Sharp, severe, intolerable

What type or quality of pain does nerve root pain exhibit

Sharp, shooting

How would you correct a hanging arm cast with Anterior Angulation

Shorten the sling and keep it in a neutral loop

signs of hip dislocation

Shortening, external Rotation

What is a western velpeau used for

Shoulder Dislocation

Cast that incorporates the upper torso and envelopes a part or all of the limb in a position of abduction; For proximal humeral fractures and rotator cuff tears.

Shoulder Spica (airplane cast)

What are the 3 types of traction

Skin, Skeletal, manual

Union of two surfaces or structures that are normally separate


Gradual or sudden movement of femoral head toward posterior or medial direction

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)

For rotary instability of the knee; The examiner pulls on the upper calf of the supine patient with knees flexed 90 degrees. Then, while sitting on the patients foot, the examiner pulls anteriorly comparing the amount of give with the foot turned in 15 degrees neutral and turned out 30 degrees.

Slocum Test

dorsal radius fracture angulation eponym?


The part of the nervous system that controls the skeletal system

Somatic nervous system

Ultrasound US

Sound waves with frequencies above the normal human range of hearing

Muscle tendon pathology rotator cuff tears

Speeds, Yergasons Lift off sign

Genera lterm denoting a narrowing of the spinarlcanal in the lumbar area, leading to nerve root compromise.

Spinal Stenosis:

Unilateral or bilateral defect in the pars interarticularis. lf bilateral, spondylothesis may develop.


Degeneration of intervertebral discs.


When applying a body cast, the patient's position should be?


Utilized in Bryant's traction to achieve abduction and angulation of legs for infants with femoral fractures or congenital hip dislocation.

Stephan spreader bar

Post operatively, first thing applied to wound should be..

Sterile Dressing

For determining nerve root irritation; The supine patient elevates the leg straight until there is back or ipsilateral extremity pain or until the pain is increased with dorsiflexion of the foot.

Straight leg raising Test

an overuse injury that occurs when muscles become fatigued and are unable to absorb added shock. The break occurs in the metatarsal bone

Stress FX (March)

What is another term that can be used interchangeable with reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

Sudek's Atrophy

For inferior shoulder instability; A downward longitudinal force is applied to t humerus of a resting arm. The thumb of the opposite hand can press into the lateral subacromial area, indicating a developing sulcus.

Sulcus Sign:

ln the application of a long arm cast, which mold is used to prevent movement of the humerus in the cast.


Fx that are located above the level of the condyles and epicondyles

Supracondylar Fx

Treatment for SCFE (slipped capital Femoral epiphysis)

Surgery (pinning)

Treatments for Mallet finger

Surgery, mallet finger splint (stack splint)for 6-B weeks, extension block K-wire for 4weeks

Hyper extension injury to the proximal inter phalangeal joint

Swan neck deformity

What type of joints are the vertebra, and intervertebral disc involved in.


What is a Jewitt brace and a Boston brace used for


A Dennis-Browne bar is treatment for what

Talipes Equinovarus (club foot)

infant turning in of the foot or club foot?

Talipes Equinovarus Congenita

Fractures located transversely across the condyles and are usually physeal fractures of the distal humerus.

Transcondylar Fracture

Eponym for lateral epicondylitis?

Tennis elbow

Operative division of a tendon


TLSO/Boston Brace

The Boston brace works by applying corrective pressure on the convex (outer) side of the curve and cutting out corresponding areas of relief on the concave (inner) side of the curve so the spine can migrate in that direction. The brace opens in the back, so the patient may need help getting into and out of it.

Minerva Jacket/Milwaukee Brace

The Minerva is a semi-rigid CTO with a 2-poster design. It features anterior and posterior chest plates that are connected by shoulder straps, along with a chin plate and an occipital piece that connect to anterior and posterior struts. The brace has poor control of flexion, extension, rotation, and lateral bending at C1-C2.

Mass involved in bone; usually proximal phalanx (#1" Primary Bone Tumor)


A bony elevation or protuberance that is commonly the site of muscle or tendon attachment.


Humeral fractures with minimal shortening of less than 2cm are initially most commonly treated with?

U shaped co-aptation splint.

compartment syndrome?


Subcapital fx's of femoral neck

garden fx

bryant's traction

Used for fractures of the femur in children under two years old or weighing less than 30lbs. (14kg). Provides stabilization of the hip joint where use of cast is not indicated. Bilateral traction helps prevent rotation and facilitates stabilization of the patient.

femoral neck fracture disp1acement classification

garden fx

balance suspension

Uses weights to counterbalance the traction force and floats the extremity in the traction apparatus.

Used to hold the arm in abduction. (Removable cast or metal device)

airplane splint

The blood vessel that supplies the hand with oxygenated blood

Volar arch

SAC extending from above or proximal to the wrist to some point in the palm. Usually has an outrigger to control one or more digits. ( used for metacarpal and phalangeal Fxs' or dislocations).

gauntlet cast

Pain in calf on dorsiflexion of foot (passive or active). Once considered a reliable test in diagnosing deep vein thrombophlebitis. (DVT)

homan's sign

For hip joint flexion contracture; When patient is walking, the fixed flexion of the hip can be compensated by lumbar lordosis. With the patient supine and flexing the opposite hip, the affected thigh raises off the table.

Thomas sign

Russels traction

horizontal pulley system doubles the weight amount vector of forces

A test is used to examine the integrity of the Achilles' tendon. A normal non-injured response to this maneuver is slight plantarflexion of the ankle. Lack of ankle movement can indicate a rupture of the Achilles' tendon

Thompson Test

Compression of calf muscle with foot at rest results in ankle flexion if Achilles tendon is intact.

Thompson Test

Test for Achilles Tendon tear.

Thompson test

What type or quality of pain does vascular pain exhibit

Throbbing, diffuse

Prepatellar bursitis of the bursa in front of the patella

housemaid's knee

The deltoid tuberosity is located on which bone?


Brace used for thumb injury

Thumb Spica

denhe cast

Thumb spica cast covering index and middle finger for treatment of navicular fx.

A PTB cast is used mostly for?

Tibia Fx (secondary tx)

occluded digitally. First one artery is released, then the other to observe pattern of axillary refill in the hand. This can be performed with a Doppler placed on the digits during test. The test is valuable prior to an invasive procedure on the arteries at the wrist

allen test

Tissue or organs transferred between members of the same species.


The properly applied short arm cast will

allow complete elbow flexion & extension, Restrict wrist movement, Allow full ROM at thumb

Thomas Splint with Pearson Attachment

allows knee flexion

genu recuvatum

hyper-extended knees

How many cervical vertebrae are there?

The cervical spine is made up of 7 vertebrae. The first 2, C1 and C2, are highly specialized and are given unique names: atlas and axis, respectively. C3-C7 are more classic vertebrae, having a body, pedicles, laminae, spinous processes, and facet joints.

Which statement is true when rolling a cast?

cold water slow setting time and Hot water, fast setting time

For noting a partial lesion or beginning regeneration of a nerve; tingling sensation of the distal end of a limb when percussion is made over the site of divided nerve as in carpal tunnel impingement on the median nerve of the hand.

Tinels sign:

White protein contained iu connective tissue and bone


The meniscus main function is

To act as a shock absorber to the knee:

what is a treatment of humeral shaft fxs

collar and cuff

What is the Position for surgery on Achilles tendon repair?

The patient is placed in the prone position with both prepped feet dangling from the end of the table.

What is Friebergs disease?

avascular necrosis of the metatarsal head

Where would you find a baker's cyst

The medial boarder of the popliteal fossa

Skeletal traction-

The most effective means of traction, applying to a bone with wire pins or tongs. - allows the use of up to 20 or 30lbs. (9 or 14kg) of force for as long as three to four months, if necessary. Moreover, it not only exerts a longitudinal pull, but also controls rotation

What muscles stabilize the ankle

The two peroneal muscles, longus and brevis, are located on the outside of the ankle, and push the foot down (plantar flexion) and turn it out (eversion). They also supported by the anterior tibialias to stabilize the ankle anteriorly. The posterior tibialis muscle works with your peroneal muscles to stabilize the ankle. This muscle starts behind your shin and connects to the inside part of your ankle -- known as the medial malleolus. This muscle helps to point the foot and turn it inward. Two muscles comprise the calf muscle on the back of the lower leg: the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. These muscles lie on top of each other. The soleus is underneath the gastrocnemius. Both connect to the back of the ankle up to the back of the knee. These muscles support the back of the ankle and help to bend the ankle as you point the foot.

Filled with fluid and is found in places where friction would otherwise develop. Also act as cushions, relieving pressure between moving parts.


a normal body cast is trimmed distally to allow

comfort in sitting

Originally designed to help splint fresh fx's; composed of a full ring around the thigh and two rectal rods that extend down either side of the limb and are joined distally to the foot.

Thomas Splint:

What is the function of the muscle origin?

To move the least mobile bone in the fulcrum

A CPM machine may be used following which procedure

Total knee replacement

A hanging arm cast is used primarily to produce which of the following


The distal carpal row consists of

Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate & Hamate

identify the proximal row of carpal bones

Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

For muscle weakness in poliomyelitis; Ununited fracture of the femoral neck; RA; coxa varus and congenital dislocations. With the patient standing, weight is removed from one extremity. lf gluteal fold drops on that side, it signifies muscular weakness of the opposite weight bearing hip

Trendelenburg Test:

Compression of the ulnar nerve within guyon's canal at the wrist

Ulnar nerve entrapment

where should pressure be distributed for a patient in a LLNWBC on crutches?

Unaffected leg and hands

patient complains of swelling the cast should be

Uni-valved and padding cut to skin

Indicated for fractures of the femoral shaft, hip, lower leg, or any combination of these.

Universal brady balanced suspension system

: How should you use a saw to avoid cutting or burning a patient during removal of cast?

Up and down motion





Used for shoulder injuries. Dressing applied to arm and torso such that the elbow is at the side in flexion and the hand is pressed against the upper chest.

Valpeau Dressing

ln a Grade lll acromioclavicular joint injury, the most appropriate device for treatment is

Varney Brace

it doubles the weight applied. Eg when applying 5 pounds of weight in a russell's traction the limb receives 10 lbs. of force.

Vector of force



For scapholunate instability; The examiner can elicit a painful wrist click by compressing the scaphoid while the patient moves the wrist.

Watson Test:

Which Weber fracture classification is non operative?

Weber A

The most common bimalleolear ankle fracture eponym

Weber B

classification used to describe ankle fractures.

Weber or Danis-Weber:

What is the term for the device used as a shoulder immobilizer that consists of a single, t2' long 3" tubular stockinette with only two cuts in it

Western Velpeau

Which is not a appropriate treatment method for an acute, closed, mid shaft, humeral fx? sarmiento cuff, coaptation, Shoulder spica, hanging arm cast, Western velpeau

Western Velpeau

Posterior frame; lateral sliding uprights with apron from anteriorly; control restrictions: extension and lateral flexion; permits free anterior flexion; used for herniated disks, severe lordosis, and situations where it is desirable to increase intervertebral space posteriorly.

William Orthoses:

Used in scoliosis in circumstances in which control through the cervical spine is not essential

Wilmington Jacket (TLSO):

Fx of the proximal volar prate of the middle phalanx is known as a

Wilson's Fx

Vector of force are important for what type of traction?

With the vectors of force principle, it is important to remember that the actual horizontal pulling force on the extremity is double the amount of applied weight. For example, the vectors of force illustration shows two pulling forces (A & B) on the footplate. Each has a pulling force of five pounds. These two forces combine to produce what is known as the resultant force (R), or as in this case, 10 pounds. The vertical pull on the knee sling (C) remains at 5 pounds and serves only to suspend the knee off the bed.

The law which states that bone will remodel in relation to stress is

Wolf's Law

Pediatric spica positions

abduction and flection

The abnormal backward bending of a joint

abnormal backward bending of a joint

The term of a slightly moveable joint


Connection of 2 distinct parts of cavities forming a passageway. Resulting from trauma or surgery.


What is the position of function for a short leg walking cast?

ankle at 90 degrees

Marked stiffness of a joint secondary to bridging bone, cartilage, or connective tissue. Typically observed in a joint affected by end-stage arthritis


Name the ligament that holds the radial head in place?

annular ligament

Nerve sensation dermatome for the lateral border of sole of the foot?

anterior tibial nerve S1

sterile field, specifically, what is considered not sterile once you're gowned and gloved.

anything below the waist

what process lncreases localized circulation, decreases stiffness, pain and muscle spasms.

application of heat

A volar splint is defined as a splint that is

applied to the anterior forearrn

The walls of arteries deteriorate and lose their elasticity as a person age


Excision of a joint.


Pathologic itis of a joint may be crippling, can be degenerative joint disease. Various types of osteoarthritis rheumatoid, septic, traumatic, infectious, allergenic, hemophilic.


Procedure to remove cartilage of any joint to encourage bones of the joint to fuse or grow together.


Which test will confirm a rotator cuff injury?


The Apley scratch test

assess shoulder range of motion. In this test, abduction and external rotation are measured by having the patient reach behind the head and touch the superior aspect of the opposite scapula. Conversely, internal rotation and adduction of the shoulder are tested by having the patient reach behind the back and touch the inferior aspect of the opposite scapula.

The Deltoid ligament complex is located

at the medial ankle

The first cervical vertebra is known as the


Mallet finger is the result of?

avulsion of the extensor tendon

injection of anesthetic agent into nerves immediately around the axillary artery. (used for elbow, forearm, and hand procedures)

axillary block

what is the name of the second vertebra?


Name the largest tarsal bone?


Why is the scaphoid healing process impaired?

bad blood supply

cystic disease in the posterior fossa of the knee

baker's cyst

What type of traction is used for repair of femoral shaft fx.

balance suspension (skeletal tx)


below-the-knee amputation

A fracture of the base of the 1st metacarpal is known as a

bennett's fx

A site at which any given structure divides in two


cutting a cast on both sides



bone mineral density


bow legged

The nerve branch that is compressed with the wrong use of crutches

brachial plexus

Tx that is bilateral to prevent rotation and provide stability

bryant's traction

What type of bone des the calcaneus primarily consist of?


What type of bones generally heals faster Cancellous or cortical bone


A general class of nail bit or screw or tap that is hallow is


The Phalen exam test what diagnosis?

carpal tunnel syndrome

What is a positive Tinel's sign indicate?

carpal tunnel syndrome

What is modified cast divided into two part joined together with hinges (at knee)?

cast brace

What does not influence the setting of a cast

cast elevation

what do you use first to remove a cast?

cast saw

the use of heat or an electric current to stop local bleeding


Excessive height of the longitudinal arch of the foot.


Halo traction is a treatment for

cervical spine

What is the condition in which the underside of the patella is no longer smooth?


The formation of empty spaces in cartilage


A scar left by a healed wound


The system that transports substances to and from the cells.

circulatory system


clavicle fx.

Which bones belong to the appendicular skeleton?


The mechanism of injury for the cervical spine involving forced flexion will cause the following fracture patterns.

clay-shoveler fracture, hangman fracture, flexion tear drop fracture

lf a wound is soaked with drainage what would not be appropriate for the ortho tech to do

cleanse the wound, redress, change dressing

A Fx that does not disrupts the skin

closed fx

Manipulation of a fx or dislocation to restore acceptable alignment. No incision is made.

closed reduction

Splint used for stabilization of midshaft humerus fx?

coaptation splint

compromise of circulation and function of tissue within a closed space caused by increased pressure within the space.

compartment syndrome

Jewett brace-

compression fx T-11 - L-5 The Jewett orthosis uses a 3-point pressure system to control flexion with 1 posterior and 2 anterior pads. The anterior pads place pressure over the sternum and pubic symphysis. The posterior pad places opposing pressure in the midthoracic region.


congenital dislocation of the hip

Tissue that supports and forms the framework of all parts of the body

connective tissue

Fixed shortening of a muscle, ligament, and/or joint capsule that results from injury, disease, or prolonged immobilization (patho logic).


what is the structure located on the scapula

coracoid process

Partial forward dislocation of the tibia to produce a fracture of the posterior inferior margin of the tibia, sometimes called the posterior malleolus. This is most commonly associated with a fibular fracture.

cotton fx

Condition in which there is a hip deformity in which the angle of the head and neck of the femur and the axis of its shaft is increased

coxa valga

Condition in which there is a hip deformity. The angle of the head and the neck of the femur and axis of its shaft is reduced.

coxa vera

A plane perpendicular to the long axis of an organ.

cross section

Cleansing a wound of devitalized, contaminated or foreign material.


A patient in a short leg cast c/o calf pain. Examination shows well fitting non constricting cast. what is your primary concern?

deep vein thrombosis (DVT)


degenerative joint disease

The separation of the edges of a surgical wound where the expectation was for the wound to remain closed is called...


Name the structure of ligaments that supports the medial aspect of the ankle?

deltoid ligament

The coronoid fossa is a

depression on the humerus

Medical terminology for skin


The Total Contact Cast is used "exclusively" for which patient population listed below?


What is the difference between a K-wlre and a Steinman pin


hat is the difference between a Steinman pin and a k-wire


The trochlea of the humerus is located on the

distal end of humerus

most common pin placement site

distal femur


distal interphalangeal joint

When applying cast padding begin at the?

distal point working proximally

Sagittal plane

divides body into left and right

You remove a cast from a patient that just had surgery, you notice an open wound oozing, what do you do.

do nothing, notify physician

Artery of the foot?

dorsalis pedis

which test is used for rotator cuff injuries? (Pt can't abduct arm pas 90 degrees)

drop arm test

Mallet finger also baseball finger

dropped finger, dolphin finger, Hannan Finger, "PLF Finger," and (more generally) extensor tendon injury, is an injury of the extensor digitorum tendon of the fingers at the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP).[2] It results from hyperflexion of the DP due to the lack of an extensor digitorum tendon, and usually occurs when a ball (such as a softball, basketball, volleyball or dodgeball), while being caught, hits an outstretched finger and jams it, creating a ruptured or stretched extensor digitorum tendon.


dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry - a test of bone mineral density

Thickening and contracture of the palmar fascia of the hand resulting in flexion deformities of the fingers.

dupuytren's contracture

What is the benefit of using synthetic cast material vs. plaster


Excessive over use of the forearm muscles in motions that requires rotation of the arm and wrist extension most commonly cause?


infiltration of anesthetic agent into the spinal canal but OUTSIDE the dura.

epidural block

the entire rnuscle is encased in tough connective tissue sheet called


Plantar flexed position of the foot


What is used to exsangunate an extremity before surgery?

esmarch bandage

reaction, that plaster and fiberglass has after dipped in water is called?

exothermic reaction

an anatomical term that refers to the special connective attachments by which the extensor tendons insert into the phalanges.

extensor expansion (dorsal hood)


extracorporeal shock wave therapy

Sheets of dense connective tissue that envelop muscular components and holds muscles, blood vessels , and nerves into bundles.


49. Primary use for Buck's traction?

femoral neck fx

part of the group of muscles responsible for External and intrernal rotation of the hip.

femoris quadratus

ln the O.R., draping a limb for arthroscopy you should use what type of drape?

fenestrated drape

which casting material is more durable?




Bending the thumb into the palm to determine synovitis of the abductor pollicis longus tendon at wrist. Passively flexing and ular deviating the wrist with the'' thumb in fall opposition will elicit pain over the first dorsal extensor compartment in de quervain disease

finkelstein's test

the most common error in SLC is

foot in equines

Where is the weight hung at, in bucks traction?

foot of bed

Any disruption, complete or incomplete within the continuity of a bone.


For ulnar nerve loss; there is a paralysis of the adductor pollicis and first dorsal interosseous and second palmar interosseous. The flexor pollicis longus flexes the interphalangeal joint up to 90 degrees to effect power pinch.

froment sign

Coronal plane

front and back (anterior and posterior)

What is a Galiazzi fx eponym?

fx of the distal radial shaft with radial ulnar joint dislocation

Distal or middle 33d radius fracture with associated sublux or dislocated ulna is what kind of fracture?


A fracture of the distal third of the radius with a dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint

galeazzi fx

partial or total disruption of the ulnar collateral ligament at the first metacarpal phalangeal joint

gamekeeper's thumb

A fluid filled sack located along a joint?

ganglion cyst



Posterior bowing of the knee?

genu recurvatum

Knock-knee deformity

genu valgum

When pulling a pin you should be wearing

goggles gown gloves

Formation of new tissue composed of largely of newly growing capillaries in types of wound left open


Great pointing toward second toe, often rotated in frontal plane so that the nail plate is facing away from second toe.

hallux valgus

Where can't you put a pin in

head of fibula

The stopping of blood flow. Or control of bleeding


control bleeding


Posterior lateral defect of the humeral head caused by chronic anterior shoulder dislocation

hill-sachs lesion

The knee is considered what type of joint?


The elbow joint is considered what type of joint

hinge type

When performing the Ortolani exam which joint are you looking to produce an audible reduction click?


Band that runs from the outer portion of the thigh to the tibia.

iliotibial band

A fracture in which one fragment is driven into the other conferring a degree of stability


The examiner forces the shoulder into flexion and internal rotation with downward pressure on the acromion produced by the other hand. Pain is a positive sign of impingement. Subacromial injection of local anesthetic transiently relieves shoulder symptoms and eliminates impingement sign.

impingement sign

What position would you cast a pt with ruptured achilles

in plantar flexion

The Weber fracture classification is based on what type of injury?

indirect trauma

Major concern of open fx


What are the 3 phases of fracture healing?

inflammatory, reparative, remodeling

lis franc fx and treatment

injury affecting the middle foot. Lis franc joint complex is in the midfoot. It is made up of the bones and ligaments that connect the metatarsals to the midfoot. Tx - immobilization and or surgery.

the thinnest part of the meniscus is the?

inner perimeter

To schedule a patient for surgery you need to know

insurance type, Length of procedure, Procedure name.

The carpal bones are examples of ________ bones.


5 stages of osseous tissue regeneration

l- : Fracture hematoma, 2 : Formation of fibro cartilage, 3 :Callus formation, 4:Ossification, 5: Remodiling

A fracture line that classified as a "Greenstick" is one that

is bent and only one cortex breaks.

How should you dispense older supply stock with limited shelf life?

issue older stock first

Bursting fracture of the ring of the first cervical vertebra

jefferson fx

brace that Prevents back flexion

jewett brace

Fibrous tissue that encloses a joint.

joint capsule

Where do you position a hinged knee brace?

knee joint

Genu Valgum and Genu Varum

knock knee

Patient with a huntchback has


Round shoulder deformity, humpback also refers to any forward bending/deformity of the spine.


Blood vessels in the neck...

left & right common carotid arteries (external & internal carotid arteries branch from common carotid arteries) left & right external jugular veins (primary drainage of head) vertebral artery


left lower extremity


left upper extremity

Bryant's traction may be used on femur fx in children weighing?

less than 30 lbs

The physical examination process measures or establishes

limb length, asymmetry, circumference, AROM, PROM, joint stability and power testing function, reflexes, peripheral circulation and dermatomes

The purpose of supracondylar cast is to

limit supination and pronation

Well define superficial soft non-tender on palpation


A CPM machine is most effective when applied 1)two weeks before surgery

lmmediately after surgery

Which of the following is/are accurate in the application of fiberglass cast materials?

lnitial measurements should be taken on the uninjured side, lf cast padding is wrinkled, it must be removed Webril should be overlapped 1/2 inch the previous wrap

ln a short arm cast, which mold is used to prevent movement of the wrist in the cast.


immobilization for the reduction of a Smith's fx?

long arm supinated

patella baja

low riding patella

Pelvic Tx is mostly used for

lower back

Where do you apply Bucks traction?

lower extremity

Pelvic traction is mostly used for treatment of

lower spine

Acute or chronic decrease blood flow to an organ or limb caused by obstruction of inflow of arterial blood or by vasoconstriction. Acutely symptoms may include the (6 P's) Pain, Pallor, Pulselessness, Paresthesia, Paralysis and poikilothermia =(coldness)


Tissue or organs transplanted between genetically identical members of the same species.


The loss of function of 3rd degree strain

major reflex instability

Double verticle fx of one side of pelvis

malgaigne fracture

Lateral tibial plateau fx is associated with what ligament strain or tear?

medial collateral ligament

which ligament is often torn when a person sustains a lateral tibial plateau fracture?

medial collateral ligament (MCL)

ICD-9 codes are used to identify a

medical diagnosis

another name for scaphoid fx

navicular fx

Two organ systems that regulate body function by means of impulse and hormones

nervous and endocrine

A LLWC position is

neutral 5-10 degrees

ls a mother's nutrition during pregnancy a possible cause for clubfeet?



non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Failure of a fracture or an osteotomy to unite.


Medicare patients are required to pay what % of their bill?


A fracture that is not seen initial post trauma radiograph is called?

occult fx

A fracture that disrupts the skin

open fx



A cell that produces bone is called a(n)


Basic cells that form all bones. Make bones.


In this disease young adults sustain a separation of the articular surface of a joint due to a cleavage plane through the subchondral bone

osteochondritis Dissecans

Multi-nucleated bone cells that re-sorbs mineralized bone matrix.


Bone cells that exist in trabecular and cortical bone maintain bones.


A reduction of bone mass below normal. lncludes osteoporosis and osteomalacia


Diminution of both the mineral and matrix components of bone such that the ' remaining bone is normal- in composition but reduced in total bone mass. Secondary causes include immobilization lie casting. Primary is age related.


Operative procedure in which a bone is cut and realigned.


incision of a bone


Mechanism of injury (MOI) for 1st degree strain

overload, overstretched


palmar surface of the hand and forearm

Pressure epiphysis (avascular necrosis) of capatella

panner's disease

What is avascular necrosis of capitellum

panner's disease

describe 'Joint play"

passive movement

What does PTB stand for

patellar tendon bearing

PTB cast

patellar tendon bearing cast (Sarmiento) Usually the final stage of tx for lower leg (tibial) fractures and knee rehab. A well fitting below the knee cast is applied and molded between the gastrocnemius heads. The actual weight is born on the patellar tendon region anteriorly

person who performs autopsies


The most inferior body cavity is the

pelvic cavity

Firm, thin, 2-layer fibrous outer covering of bone. The outer layer contains blood vessels while the inner layer contains connective tissue cells and elastic fibers. important for circumferential bone growth and repair.


The tight fitting fibrous membrane that covers the bone is called?


fibrous membrane that covers bone is called the


Drop foot

peroneal injury

The fx of the base to the fifth metatarsal is a tension or avulsion fx secondary to the pull of what anatomical structure?

peroneus brevis

The cartilaginous zone between the epiphysis an the metaphysis responsible for the longitudinal growth of bones formed by endochrondral ossification. AKA the growth plate or epiphyseal plate.


The growth plate. Specialized cartilaginous tissue between the metaphysis and the epiphysis in long bone, of children. Provides growth in length of the bone.


Why would you use a walking PTB on a patient.

prevent rotation during healing process

The muscle that produces a given movement

prime mover

Major cause of paralysis from a limb from a tourniquette

prolonged time

Patient's surgical position for Achilles tendon surgery.


What.position do you put a patient who is having surgery on a ruptured achilles


position of patient when aspirating a bakers cyst


The position of the patient for an achilles tendon repair should be

prone position

When a patient is in the OR and is going to have an Achilles Tendon repair what position should the patient be put in the table

prone with feet hanging over table

A cast is usually wedged to do which of the following

properly align a fractured bone

For Achilles tendon repair, apply the tourniquette at.

proximal femur

Most appropriate tourniquette in achilles tendon repair is

proximal thigh

Allen test to evaluate what structures?

radial and ulnar arteries

Holstein Lewis fx complication?

radial nerve entrapment

A colles' fx involves witch of the following bones?


Which is a bone on the thumb side of the forearm


During cast application, an exothermic reaction is/are:

response between water & fiberglass, safe & common occurrence, warm initially & will cool within 2-5 minutes

Abnormal external torsion in a bone (usually the femur or humerus)


A post op compressing dressing

robert bulkey jones dressing

The drop arm test is to check what Iesion?

rotator cuff lesions

which on of these things tend to make a cast stronger

rubbing,layering, laminating

On a body cast, where should you trim to allow patient to sit comfortable


What is the most important mold in a body cast?


The type of joint of the 1st metacarpal (thumb) and trapezium bones.

saddle joint

A hinged elbow brace may be used for all of the following except?

scaphoid fx radius fx ulnar fx distal humerus fx

Periformis syndrome affects which nerve


General term that applies to any side to side curve in the back, that is a lateral and rotational deviation of the spine from the midline.


This type of fracture implies three or more fracture fragments single bone.


What is the initial treatment for club foot?

serial casting

Diaphysis of the bone?

shaft of a long bone

What is a trocar tip

sharp point

Anatomical exam of the anteriorly dislocated hip?

shortened and externally rotated

External rotation

should be measured with the patient's arms at the side and elbows flexed to 90 degrees.

What type of traction is Bucks?


An elderly patient with a humerus fx is best treated with

sling and swathe

plaster application must include specific technique

smooth out each layer

Blood from needle already used is?

source blood

infiltration of anesthetic agent into the spinal canal WITH-|N the dura in the Lumbar region.

spinal block

A line is produced that makes one complete rotation around the circumference, resulting in long sharp ends with or without fragmentation.

spiral fx

inflammation of vertebrae, including types such as ankylosing, rheumatoid, etc


A slippage or subluxation of one vertebral body in relationship to the one below. The slippage may be anterior, posterior, or lateral.


position of applying a body cast in a dr.'s office is

standing with arms raised

Decreased or absence of flow in the venous circulation


Plaster should be rubbed at every layer for


A fracture that is more likely to affect the metatarsals.

stress fx

These fractures consist of metaphyseal involvement adjacent to the physis of certain bones such as the proximal femur or radius

sub capital

Which of the following types of plaster splints extends from the metacarpophalangeal joint dorsally around the elbow to the palmar crease

sugar tong

When immobilizing a smith's fracture in a LAC. What position for immobilization.


when dealing with a smith's fx, a long arm cast is applied ,with the forearm in what position


what position do you position a patient to have an anterior hip procedure?


distal humerus fx

supracondylar fx 142. know comminuted intra articular dsistal humerus fx.

What are the four rotator cuff muscles?

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis


surgical removal of bone

Hyperextension of proximal interphalangeal of finger secondary to disruption' of the volar plate

swan neck deformity

Surgical fusion of any two or more bones that would otherwise be separated. Could occur from natural causes as well.


Articular cartilage receives its nourishment from?

synovial fluid

Where does articular cartilage receive its nourishment?

synovial fluid

a major source of nutrition for the articular cartilage

synovial fluid

where does articular cartilage receive its nourishment

synovial fluid

The thin membrane of tissue that lines a joint capule. it attaches to bone at the juncture of a articular cartilage and bone.


Turning of the heel inward with increased plantar flexion. More precisely, a club foot often having the components of talipes equinovarus with metatarsus adductus. This condition can result from disease, causing paralysis, or from unknown causes

talipes eqinovarus syndrome (clubfoot)

Fractures deriving from indirect trauma include all but the following:

tapping fx

Sheath around tendon


lncision of a tendon


Club foot or clubfoot

term for the medical condition congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV). It is a congenital deformity involving one foot or both. The affected foot appears to have been rotated internally at the ankle.

one of the most immediate complications that can happen after a cast is applied is

thermal burn

The primary difference between cortical and cancellous screws is?

thread, pitch, and width

When two crutches and the injured lower extremity move together with full weight bearing on the unaffected leg, what type of gait is used

three point

The bone of the medial malleolus


A PTB cast is applied to the?

tibia to prevent rotation

characterized by a Salter-Harris III fracture of the anterolateral distal tibia epiphysis caused by an avulsion of the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament in peds.


A tufts fracture is located at the

tip of finger

Why do you pad the fibular head specifically?

to prevent peroneal nerve palsy foot drop

A fracture seen most commonly in children, that buckles only one side of the cortex.

torus fx

Metaphyseal compression of long bone

torus fx

cast used for patients with diabetic ulcers

total contact cast


toward the foot


toward the head


traction Skin Because of the possibility of severe skin irritation, skin traction should not be used on fractures which require more than 5 to 7lbs. (2.7 to 3.2kg) of longitudinal force. It is also not recommended for continuous traction which is expected to exceed three to four weeks. Finally, skin traction is not recommended when controlling limb rotation is of major importance.

Simply a fracture that is across the shaft at right angles to the long axis of a bone.

transverse fx

What is osteochondritis dessicans?

traumatic avascular necrosis of subchondral bone

Which muscle group is primary for the displacement of the olecranon fx?


Which muscle group is responsible for the common displacement associated with olecranon fracture.


What is the name of a rounded prominence from a bone?

tubercle (condyle)

Bi-valving a cast involves what

two cuts

The Tinel's sign at the elbow is to test what structure?

ulnar nerve

Dermatome of the little finger and ring finger?

ulnar nerve C-8 to T-1 spinal root

Hip spica brace indication

used after hip has been dislocated or after hip replacement revision surgery

Angulation of a distal bone toward the midline in relation to its proximal partner.


on any A.P. x-ray of a humerus, what angulation can be measured?


ln Russel's tx the horizontal pull of the leg is double the amount.

vectors of force

Lamina is a posterior portion of the


what bones are showed

vertebrae and hyoid bone

classification is a method of describing ankle fractures. It has three categories:[1]

weber fx

The Allen test is to check what structures?

wrist vascularity

Tissue or organs transferred between species, Eg Gorilla to Human


The fatty material found inside the central cavities of a long bone is

yellow bone marrow

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