psyc 360 final

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Monozygotic (MZ) twins share ________ percent of the genes that vary across individuals, and dizygotic (DZ) twins share, on average, ________ percent of the genes that vary across individuals.

100, 50

social learning theory behaviorist

Albert Bandura

People are motivated as adults to overcome feelings of inferiority they developed as a child.

Alfred Adler

reaction times to photographs

B data

An IQ test and a projective test yield what kind of data?


operant conditioning model creator

B.F. Skinner

Human beings are a part of the collective unconscious, which includes inborn memories, ideas, and images

Carl Jung

Describe a time when labeling a patient would be appropriate

Dr. Powell has just seen a new patient and needs to diagnose him to appease the insurance company.

Any psychological research is at least "a little" psychoanalytic

Drew Westen

People develop through their confrontation with various conflicts throughout their life spans

Erik Erickson, D.W. Winnicot

There are no perfect indicatiors of persoality; there are only clues, and clues are always ambiguous

Funder's Second law

Who cares about self-awareness (generally, not a specific person)?

Humanisitc psychologists

a therapists description of her client

I data

your own responses to statements

I data

Judgments made by knowledgeable observers


Psychological development is the story of ego development because the function of ego is to make sense of everything a person experiences

Jane Loevinger

Janet consistently expects criticism, contempt, and rejection from others.

Janet has avoidant personality disorder

Individuals' early experiences with love shapes their future outlook on life and other people.

John Bowlby

S-R association theorist

John Watson

expectancy value theorist

Julian Rotter

Women lack confidence due to the structure of society rather than the biological differences between men and women

Karen Horney

the number of times someone has been arrested

L data

the arrest records would be


How do rewards affect social behavior?

Learning approach

an objective test example


People relate to other people through the images of them we hold in our minds

Melanie Klein

How are OCPD and OCD distinct?

OCPD generally doesn't include specific compulsions like obsessive hand-washing

How does unconscious conflict affect well-being?

Psychoanalytic approach

_____ data are the most frequently used basis for personality assessment


if... then contingency model creator

Walter Mischel

occurs when someone moves to a new place and gradually picks up the culture of the new location.


Rosie has recently been rejected from several graduate school programs. In response, she works on the weak aspects of her application and intends to gain experience and reapply the following year. Rosie is high in ________.

achievement motivation

The more information you have about someone, the more accurate your judgment of his or her personality.

acquaintanceship effect

The process by which a person seeks out compatible environments and avoids incompatible ones is called ________.

active person-environment transaction

Ashley has just graduated from law school and in the next few weeks will begin working as a junior partner at a national law firm. Ashley is beginning to see herself as an ________.


Combining many items in a test to eliminate idiosyncrasies of any one item


Which of these brain structures is thought to play a role in judging whether stimuli offer threats or rewards?


Which type of parenting style produces children who are the most psychologically healthy?


Susie is an infant participating in a strange situation. When her mother leaves the room, Susie does not seem to care. Upon her mother's return, Susie ignores her. What kind of attachment does Susie have to her mother?


Personality is an individual's characteristic patterns of ________.

behavior, emotion, thought

The field of study that attempts to explain how individual differences in behavior (i.e., personality traits) are shared by biological relatives

behavioral genetics

Talking about problems helps bring those issues into conscious awareness.

benefits of psychotherapy

Understanding the heritability and evolutionary basis of behavioral patterns

biological approach

The differences between men and women in mate selection and other behaviors are built-in through biological evolution

biological determinism

Emotional instability is the hallmart of which personality disorder?

borderline personality disorder

What is the most important criteria for personality disorders?

cause major problems for the person or others

According to a new theoretical model for personality change, if individuals ________, the trait change will follow.

change the relevant behaviors

Concepts that are readily available in the mind on such a frequent basis that they become part of one's personality

chronically accessible concepts

emphasizes passive learning

classical conditioning

Understanding the basic mental processes relevant to perception, memory, emotion, and motivation

cognitive approach

Jung believed that we all share inborn, species-specific ideas and memories. This is Jung's idea of ________.

collective unconscious

belief that the needs of the group outweigh the needs of the individual


According to one survey of employers, seven out of the top eight qualities sought in new employees involved ________.


What trait is most clearly associated with positive health outcomes?


What two types of processes are included in most dual-process models?

conscious and unconscious

Evolutionary psychologists are not concerned with the moral justification or condemnation of any one aspect of the human psyche

conservative bias

your particular experience of the world


"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck"

convergent validation

Dr. Low is interested in studying the relation between mood and willingness to help a stranger. Every participant in her study completes a mood-rating questionnaire and is then given an opportunity to donate money to a homeless stranger. Dr. Low is using a(n) ________ design.


The trait approach is based on empirical research that is mostly from ________.

correlational studies

A current study is surveying people of different ages in order to understand whether or not individuals' levels of subjective well-being change across the life span. What type of developmental study is this?


A current study is surveying people of different ages in order to understand whether or not individuals' levels of subjective well-being change across the life span.

cross-sectional study

psychological attributes of groups


contains information about who we are

declarative self

John is 65 years old. Relative to his personality as a 20-year-old, John has likely ________ in openness to experience.


goals to improve oneself

development goals

The study of personality consistency and stability.

developmental personality psychology

belief that one's value is unrelated to others' opinion


What are essential traits according to Jack Block?

ego control, ego resiliency

Which the best way to get information into long-term memory?


Components of ideas that are particular to a specific culture are called ________, and components that are universal across cultures are called ________.

emics, etics

For your final version of the test, you decide to keep only the 15 items that the depressed and nondepressed groups answered differently. You are using a(n) ________ method of test construction.


Faking responses in order to influence test results is most difficult on ________ constructed tests.


Explain the three philosophical principles behaviorism is rooted.

empiricism, associationism, and hedonism

occurs when a child picks up the cultural influences of the place where he or she grows up.


how research findings are used, how truthful researchers are when they are describing their work, which research topics are used

ethical issues involving research

In a series of studies about intellectual expectancies, Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) found that schoolchildren randomly identified as "bloomers" showed an average IQ increase of about 15 points by the end of the school year. These studies demonstrated ________.

expectancy effects

Julie does not like to attend parties because she is shy and convinced that people will not like her. When Julie does go to a party, she avoids eye contact, gives abrupt responses to other people's questions, and quickly withdraws from interactions. As a result, she spends most of the evening in a corner by herself, convinced that no one at the party likes her. This is an example of ________.

expectancy effects

Self-fulfilling prophecies. In a series of studies about intellectual expectancies, Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) found that schoolchildren randomly identified as "bloomers" showed an average IQ increase of about 15 points by the end of the school year

expectancy effects

Jane feels inferior to the people around her, but she tries to act like she is powerful and in control. Adler would say that Jane is ________.

experiencing the masculine protest

Which design is best suited for addressing the third-variable problem?


Positive emotionality in Tellegen's three-factor model is closest to which trait in Eysenck's model?


avoidance of social conflict through hierarchy, humility, and harmony


Too much libido becomes invested in a given stage of psychosexual development.


The therapeutic technique that involves instructing the patient to say whatever comes to mind is called ________.

free association

what part of the brain is responsible for both an individual's strong time management skill and ability to consistently do the morally right thing

frontal lobes

A result applies behind the context of the current study


Martha just turned 55 years old and is about to see her last born off to college. According to Erikson, what psychosocial crisis is Martha likely to experience?

generativity vs. stagnation

emphasis on attaining goals


People who adjust their behavior to best fit the situation are called

high self-monitors

high sensitivity to threats to reputation


Evolution of a cerebral cortex enables humans to have the ability to overcome innate urges.

human flexibility

Understanding moment-to-moment conscious awareness and the ability to experience free will

humanistic approach

Explain the internal structure of the mind according to Freud

id, ego, superego

your view of what you could do

ideal self

goals that are specific to the individual

ideographic goals

The trait approach focuses exclusively on ________.

individiaul differences

Goals to validate an attribute in oneself

judgement goals

people whose behavior is guided by their personality are called

low self-monitors

two purposes of the DSM

make diagnosis more objective, facilitate insurance billing

Generally speaking, what is the function of a parapraxis?

manifest unconscious conflict in one's behavior

The major difference between the experimental and correlational methods is that in the experimental method the presumed causal variable is ________, whereas in the correlational method the same variable is ________.

manipulated, measured

A researcher seeks to understand the reasons that a person uses drugs. Which approach is the researcher most likely to adopt


A researcher who starts with an interest in delinquency and then identifies the traits associated with that category of behavior is taking a ________ approach.


The cumulative effect random influences have on the outcome of interest


For any theoretical proposal in science, alternative explanations are always possible.


Which trait is associated with positive first impressions but more negative impressions in longer-term relationships?


Becoming an author enables you to form a(n)________.

narrative identity

Belief that one's value is directly linked to one's own success overcoming obstacles

need for achievement

Who uses the same research methods Freud used (Patient histories and introspection)?


What would happen to your emotional responses if zombies ate your amygdala

no more emotions

goals that everyone has

nomothetic goals

What is the big disadvantage of the case study method?

not generalizable

If a test consists of a list of True/False questions and is graded using a computer-scored answer sheet, then it is a(n)

objective test

Personality inventories that are designed to measure a wide range of traits

omnibus inventories

emphasizes active learning

operant conditioning

Which of the following is the correct order of Freud's major stages of psychosexual development?

oral, anal, genital, phallic

your view of what you should do

ought self

What do Persnalty Psychologists mean when they say people are inconsistent?

people act differently in different situations

the process whereby the perceptual system filters out information that might make the individual uncomfortable or distressed

perceptual defenses

goals that are long-term and can organize broad area's of a person's life

personal strivings

According to Mischel, every individual's if ... then pattern of contingencies is unique and comprises his ________.


the measurement of any characteristic pattern of behavior, thought, or emotion

personality assessment

Personality psychology and clinical psychology overlap most often when approaching which topic?

personality disorders

The processes by which people respond to, seek out, and create environments that are compatible with their personalities.

personality-envrionment transactions

A scientist who studies how patterns of behavior characteristic of the entire human species originated because of the survival value they had for our ancestors.

perspective of an evolutionary psychologist

How do people from individualist cultures differ from others?

phenomenological approach

In a series of studies about intellectual expectancies, Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) found that schoolchildren randomly identified as "bloomers" showed an average IQ increase of about 15 points by the end of the school year. These studies demonstrated ________.

power of expectancies

refers to the idea that the concepts recently activated in the mind influence one's perceptions of the world


contains information about what you do

procedural self

Understanding the unconscious mind and the effects of motivations and conflicts that we are not aware of

psychoanalytic approach

predicts behavior in the long term

purpose of personality traits

Dr. Akita is designing a test to measure sociability. She writes items that seem directly and obviously related to sociability, such as "I like to go to parties" and "I enjoy the company of other people." Dr. Akita is using the ________ method of test construction.


A method or instrument that provides the same information repeatedly


. It is not necessary for people to be consciously aware of what evolutionary theory says is required for reproductive success.

reproductive instinct

If a psychologist describes a research result as statistically significant, what does he or she typically mean?

result is unlikely to have occured by chance

In high school Jane was made fun of for being a geek. As an adult, she is a molecular biologist who now proudly wears the "geek" badge of honor. Jane's experience is an example of which of the principles of personality development?

role continuity principle

The questionnaires used in Dr. Robbins's study would be _____.


The highest need proposed by Maslow was


sensitivity to success and failure


the cognitive structure that contains the declarative self


Flow most likely arises when one's activity entails a balanced ratio of __ to __

skills, to challenges

Jack's friends don't think he is very smart; however, Jack considers himself to be quite intelligent.

someone high in self-enhancement

Walter Mischel and his 1968 book Personality and Assessment are noteworthy because this work ________.

started the person situation debate claiming that traits are not as important as situational factors

Gloria is at a job interview and is asked to tell the interviewer a little about herself. Gloria says that she is friendly, hardworking, and reliable. What self is she describing?

the me

What is the common first impression someone has when they meet a person with narcissistic personality disorder?

they are charming and extroverted

What is Geworfenheit?


limited acceptance for those outside cultural norms


Availability of goals and the ways to achieve them are limited


Understanding individual differences and the ways in which we are psychologically unique

trait approach

What technique can be used to temporarily knock out regions of the brain without having to create lasting lesions?

transcranial magnetic stimulation

During therapy, Bob feels the same hostility toward his therapist that he feels toward his father. What term describes Bob's experience?


Imagine that a researcher conducts a study and finds a statistically significant correlation between eating pizza and aggression. However, there is no real association between eating pizza and aggression in the population. What kind of error has this researcher made?

type I

An instrument actually reflects the construct of interest


belief that people are unique


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