Physical Science Final part 6

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According to calculations made by modern astronomers, the age of the universe is close to

14 billion years

The core of the Moon is


The Big Bang is regarded as the expansion of


Asteroids orbit the


Comets orbit about the


The predominant gas in the atmosphere of Venus is

carbon dioxide.

Red giant stars are

close to exhausted their supply of oxygen

A supercluster is a

cluster of galactic clusters

The temperature of a star is evidenced by its


Cosmic background radiation refers to

faint microwave radiation emanating from all directions that is the remnant heat of the Big Bang

Edwin Hubble discovered that the farther away a galaxy is the

faster it is receding from us.

A spinning cloud of interstellar gas tends to


This part of the Milky Way is a spherical cloud of thinly scattered stars and globular clusters


The moon's maria are

heavily created lava flows

A Starburst galaxy has this name because of its

high rate of star formation

A star's luminosity tells us

how much energy a star produces

The North Star has very little apparent rotation in the night sky because

it lies directly above the earths rotational axis

A white dwarf is a former

low mass star

The H-R Diagram, an important tool of astronomers, relates stellar temperature to stellar


The Big Bang

marked the beginning of space and time

Spacetime is curved by


The determining factor in the stages a star will progress through from birth to death is its


A small rock in interplanetary space is called a


When the alignment of the Sun, the Moon, and Earth produce a solar eclipse, the body between the other two is the


One of Edwin Hubble's discoveries is that the known universe is expanding. This means that

most all observable galaxies are moving way from each other

The "Big Bang" refers to the

oint in time in which the known (and perhaps knowable) universe came into being.

On the H-R diagram our Sun is a

on the main sequence

heat death refers to the universe

reaching the lowest energy state possible, which will mean the greatest level of entropy.

After our Sun burns its supply of hydrogen, it will become a

red giant

Compared with the Population II stars in globular clusters, the Population I stars in the galactic disk are

richer in the heavier elements

A greater gravitational field causes time to

slow down

Supernovae are one of the most extreme events in the known universe. They are caused by

the collapse of a super-massive giant star

"Cosmological Redshift" refers to

the expansion of space itself

A cloud of interstellar gas is held together by

the gravitational force

How is a larger star like an SUV, while a smaller star like a fuel efficient hybrid vehicle?

the larger the star the faster it burns fuel

Cosmic Inflation refers to

the moment of the sudden brief burst in size of the universe after the big bang

eternal inflation refers to

the possibility that our universe is only a patch of a greater universe and that the process of universe spawning will continue forever.

Nebular theory pertains to the formation of

the solar system

The star nearest the Earth is

the sun

Cosmology is the study of the overall structure and evolution of

the universe

The planet that is most tipped to its orbital plane is


The difference between lightwaves approaching and lightwaves receding is

when approaching, light waves have higher frequency; when receding their frequency is lower.

dark energy

would be the opposite of gravity, is the phenonmon responsible for the acceleration of the universe, is energy that exerts and outward pressure, causing space time to expand

What is the likely cause of the 98° tilt of Uranus's axis?

A collision with a large body early in the solar system's evolution

The reason we don't have solar and lunar eclipses monthly is because of the

Moon's orbit is inclined about five degrees with respect to the Earth's orbit around the Sun

the big rip refers to

accelerating influence of dark energy, causing all matter to become completely ripped apart.

The "redshift" of a galaxy refers to the rate

at which is receding

Evidence of the solar wind on Earth is the

aurora borealis

The general direction of a comet's tail is

away from the sun

Between which planets is the asteroid belt found?

between mars and jupiter

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