PSY 210 Test 3

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Null Hypothesis of Independent Samples t-test

-all comparison groups have same variance - p < .05 (reject null hypothesis) - p > .05 (do not reject null hypothesis)

C. the effect of the independent variable and sampling error

Sample mean difference can be caused by

B. negative relationship

Suppose that a researcher found that as introversion (as measured on a standardized questionnaire) of participants goes up, number of social activities attended per week decreases. This finding represents

B. false

Surveys are the least common data collection techniques used in psychological research

A. 5%

The critical region is the most extreme portion of a distribution of statistical values for the null hypothesis, determined by the alpha level, typically what percent?

A. two

The independent samples t-test is used when ______ samples of different individuals are compared

A. nonresponse error

The more participants in your sample who are willing to complete the survey, the lower chance there will be of _______ error in your study

C. alpha level

The probability level used by researchers to indicate the cutoff probability level (highest value) that will allow them to reject the null hypothesis is called:

B. three

There are _______ types of t tests used to compare means

B. split-half reliability

This is a method of testing scores' internal consistency that indicates if the scores are similar on different sets of questions on a survey that address similar topics:

Correlational Studies

examine the relationship between dependent variables, without manipulating any of the variables


asking about 2 things at one time EX: should senior citizens be given more money for recreation centers and food assistance programs?

Cronbach's Alpha

average correlation between scores on all pairs of items on survey


avoid jargon & technical terms EX: rate the extent to which you believe your child uses metacognition when completing homework assignments.

Statistical Tests

compares your sample data to what is expected under the null hypothesis.

Outcome Variable

dependent variable in correlational study that is being predicted by other variable.

Predictor Variable

dependent variable in correlational study used to predict score on another variable

Interaction effects

does the effect of one independent variable vary on the level of the other independent variable

Main effects

does the independent variable have an overall effect on dependent variable

What are the different pitfalls for writing survey items?

double-barreled, biased/leading, double negative, simplicity, yay-saying and nay-saying, make categories mutually exclusive, make categorises exhaustive

A. pearson r

hypothesized relationships are typically tested using correlational analyses such as

Construct Validity

hypothetical variable that is not directly measurable

Negative Relationship

increase in one variable, decrease in other variable (i.e. they vary in opposite directions)

Split-half reliability

indicates extent to which scores are similar on different sets of questions on a survey that address similar topics.

Test-retest reliability

indicates that the scores on a survey will be similar when participants complete the survey more than once

Non-response error:

individuals chosen for sample do not respond to survey

Loaded questions (biased/leading)

lead people to respond in a certain way EX: do you favor eliminating the wasteful excesses in the public school budget?

B. loaded

"are you in favor of programs designed to help lower the unreasonably high rent in the county?" is an example of a _______ question

Paired Samples t-test

-2 related samples (e.g. each individual in one sample is matched with one individual on other sample on some characteristic) are compared -2 sets of scores from the same individual are compared (i.e. within-subjects design) -You want to know if there are significant differences in the samples

Independent Samples t-test

-2 samples of different individuals are compared. -uses a between subjects experimental design -you want to know if there are significant differences in the samples

Homogeneity of Variances

-All comparison groups have same variance. -Levene's test assesses this assumption -Independent samples t-test

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

-Used for factorial designs -Includes more than 1 independent variable -ratio of average variance between conditions & average variance within conditions

B. experimental research

A causal relationship can be tested using what type of research


A developmental psychologist conducted an experiment to examine the effect of type of text used on math performance across age groups. Fifth grade and college students studied age-appropriate math concepts using either a traditional hard copy book text or an e-text available on the web. Performance on a math test of the concepts studied was then measured for all students. The appropriate statistical test to analyze the data in this study is

C. a paired/related samples t-test

A quasi-experiment was conducted to compare men's and women's attitudes about extramarital affairs. Men and women who are married were recruited to complete a survey about their attitudes, and they were matched on marriage experience (i.e. 1st marriage, 2nd marriage, never married). The researchers then compared scores on the survey for men and women. The appropriate statistical test to analyze the data in this study is

A. one-sample t-test

A researcher was interested in the effect of anxiety on intelligence measurement. A group of 100 individuals were placed in an anxiety-provoking situation before being given an IQ test. The scores for this group were then compared to the IQ population mean of 100. The appropriate statistical test to analyze the data in this study is

B. coverage error

A sampling error that occurs when the sample chosen to complete a survey does not provide a good representation of the population is called

D. factor analysis

A set of statistical techniques used to analyze responses from a survey or questionnaire to group items together by concept is called

A. criterion-related validity

A strong, positive relationship between scores on a new survey and scores on a previously validated survey on the same topic indicates good:

B. independent samples t-test

An experiment was conducted to compare participants responses to two different social situations. Some participants viewed a scene with two children playing cooperatively and some participants viewed a scene with two children arguing while playing. Participants responded to a questionnaire measuring anxiety after viewing the scene to determine if the type of scene viewed had an effect on anxiety scores. The appropriate statistical test to analyze the data in this study is

A. regressions

Analyses that allow predictions include

A. two

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to test an effect when more than ________ groups/means are being considered

C. does not

Correlation ______ equal(s) causation

A. Causal

Correlational studies are not well-suited for answering ________ research questions

B. internal consistency

Cronbach's alpha is a measure of _______ of a survey

What types of research question is used for correlational research studies?

Descriptive and predictive

Make categories mutually exclusive

EX: Where do you workout? -at home & at neighborhood gym -at park and at campus rec center

Make categories exhaustive

EX: Why do you drink alcohol? -for fun -to escape my problems

Criterion Validity

Examines relationship between the survey scores and other established measures of the behavior of interest

B. rejected

If the p value for the statistic is less than or equal to the alpha level, the null hypothesis is

A. word half the questions in a positive way and half the questions in a negative way

In order to eliminate the problem of a person always agreeing or disagreeing on all items in a questionnaire (i.e. yea-saying or nay-saying), a researcher would

A. quasi

No groups of subjects are compared in a correlational study as they are in _______ experiments.

A. face validity

On the surface, a study or scale appears to be intuitively valid. This is called

A. experimental

Only a(n) _______ study has an independent variable

C. double-barreled

When a question on a survey is actually two questions in one this is called a _______ question

B. third variable problem

When a variable that is not of interest in a study may explain the results of a study this is called

C. social desirability bias

When individuals provide survey responses that represent them in the most positive way, even if the responses are untrue, this is called

B. is possible

Whenever a strong relationship exists between variables, prediction of one variable from other variables _______________.

B. participants take a handedness questionnaire with score indicating the degree of right and left-handedness to look for a relationship between handedness score and time to complete a cognitive task

Which of the following represents the correlational research design?

What is the numerator and denominator in the t statistic calculation?

You're looking at mean difference and you want the numerator to be BIG and the denominator needs to be small

What is the numerator and denominator in an F statistic calculation?

You're looking at variance and you want the numerator to be BIG and you want the denominator to be small.

C. interaction

_____ effect tests the effect of one independent variable at each level of another independent variable in an ANOVA

B. internal consistency

_________ of scores indicates how similar scores are on the different items of a survey

C. construct

_________ validity indicates that a survey measures the behavior it is designed to measure

D. homogeneity of variances

_______is the assumption of independent samples t-test and ANOVAs that the variance in the scores is equal across groups

Survey Research

a research study that uses the survey observational technique to measure behavior.

Yay-saying & nay-saying

agreeing with all items on survey or disagreeing with all items on survey. EX: 1. I feel isolated from others 2. I feel part of a group of friends.

Face Validity

on the surface, do the items appear to measure what they are supposed to measure

Negative wording (double negative)

phrasing questions with negatives EX: do you feel that the city should not approve the women's shelter?

One Sample t test

population mean is known and is being compared to sample mean. also used when chance performance is the comparison value.

3rd Variable Problem

presence of extraneous variable affects dependent variable(s). making it difficult to say that DV1 caused DV2 or vice-versa.

Social Desirability Bias

results of survey are affected when people respond in such a way just to make themselves look good

Coverage error:

sampling technique used does not provide good representation of population

Factor Analysis

set of statistical techniques used to analyze responses from a survey or questionnaire to group items together by concept

Pearson r Test

significance test used to determine whether a relationship exists between 2 variables -indicates direction & magnitude -values range from -1.0 to + 1.0

Internal Consistency

tests relationship between scores on different items of a survey

Positive Relationship

varies increase together or decrease together (i.e. they vary in same direction)

Testing Effects

when people are tested more than once, early testing can affect later testing.

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