Psych 210 Exam 2

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XYY Syndrome

"Super male" - old name -A genetic disorder in which males have an extra Y chromosome -XYY men tend to be tall, have below average intelligence and suffer from severe acne

Artificial Insemination, Cost

$200 - $500 per cycle

OP: Amenorrhoea

(Never have a period, or periods have stopped), the pituitary gland fails to produce FSH and LH. This,in turn affects the ovaries, which fail to produce estrogen

OP: Oligomenorrhoea

(Very erratic periods) there is a defect in the feedback from the ovary to the brain. In spite of this, levels of FSH, LH, and estrogen are normal, but there is usually a menstrual disorder

Post- Coital Test, how is it carried out?

-A speculum is gently inserted into the vagina, and a sample of mucus is taken from the canal of the cervix. -The mucus sample is then transferred onto a glass slide -While this is being done "stretch ability" of the mucus is noted -The mucus sample is then examined under microscope

Artificial Insemination, How

-Advisable for the patient to rest on her back for some 20 minutes afterwards -If there is no additional problem causing infertility, the pregnancy rate using frozen stored samples is 50%. -As in normal fertile population, 80% of the pregnancies will occur within a year of commencing treatment. -No increase in the miscarriage or abnormality rats

Biological Influences on Sexual Orientation

-Brain structure and function -Hormones -Genetics

First Trimester: Physical Changes

-Breasts are sensitive, causing either increased pleasure or pain -Breasts undergo the fastest changes -Nausea and fatigue may diminish appetite -Orgasms may seem longer, causing feeling of tension in vagina and clitoris

Sexual Orientation and Having Children

-Children from a previous relationship or marriage -Artificial Insemination -Adoption

First Trimester: Emotional Changes

-Couples may find desire for sex increases once you don't have to think about birth control -You may find that you are conflicted about sex as your mental images of yourself change to a more motherly view -some women find themselves preoccupied by the thought of sex, including dreams and strange fantasies

Sex After Pregnancy

-Delay till rested and comfortable -Physical factors such as episiotomy -Depends on psychological factors such as: weight gain and postpartum depression

HCG Cost

-Expensive and greater potential for causing complications than have other ovulation inducing drugs

Gonadotrophin ReleasingHormone (GnRH or LHRH)

-GnRH administered via a small automatic pump -Woman has to wear this pump night and day usually in a holster under the arm -The pump is set to deliver a 15 mg dose of GnRH every 90 minutes

Second Trimester: Emotional Changes

-Many women feel sexy with their new figures (especially when not sick) -Dads may be fearful of hurting the baby, or of the baby "knowing: what is going on, particularly once the baby has started moving and he can feel the movements -Some dads are jealous of the baby's closeness with the mother

Third Trimester: Emotional Changes

-Mom may be concerned that her body is repulsive to her partner, or that her figure may never return -To the contrary, most men are actually aroused by their wife's blossoming figure -Communication is essential for a healthy sex life, at all points of life -Mother is becoming more fatigued, making timeing difficult -Everyone has a different belly, so try different positions until you find the one that works for you both. Remember mom shouldn't lay on her back, she needs to be at least titled to one side -Women on top positions are great for the end of pregnancy as are spooning or rear entry

First Trimester

-Morning sickness and fatigue tend to decrease sexual arousal -Women often experience swollen painful breasts as well -Some women actually report heightened sexual arousal

IVF Stats

-Most common, 70% of all art -Success rate is 15-30%

Klinefelter's Syndrome

-Occurs when genetic male has an extra X chromosome -Occurs about once in every 500-3000 live male births -Testosterone production is usually also reduced -microscopic structure of the testes and penis is abnormal and no sperm production occurs, leading to sterility -These men tend to be tall and may have enlarged breasts, no facial hair, soft, female-like body hair and low sexual drive

Third Trimester

-Pronounced decrease in all type of sexual activity -Women most likely to report feeling less physically attractive -Partners usually concerned about inuring the fetus

HCG Stats

-Success rate: 60% -70% single baby, 27% twins, 3% more than 3 babies


-The inability of a couple to achieve conception or bring a pregnancy to term after a year or more of regular, unprotected intercourse -Only 25% of women conceive after one month of unprotected intercourse, 66% conceive by the end of 6 months, and 80% by the end of one year

Turner's Syndrome

-The result of a female who is missing an X chromosome -This occurs about once every 2500 live female births -Ovaries which never fully develop, are short, do not menstruate, and are sterile -Girls born with this syndrome look normal at birth, but signs of the disorder appear in puberty, when they fail to develop breasts and do not menstruate

Second Trimester: Physical Changes

-The vagina is more lubricated and more engorged -Many women will become orgasmic or multi-orgasmic for the first time during pregnancy because of this added engorgement

Third Trimester: Physical Changes

-Uterus will occasionally have spasms lasting upwards of one minute during orgasms, that is different from contractions -Contractions may occur near your due date after sex for about half an hour -Because of all the engorgement in the vagina and clitoris, orgasm may not relieve the sexual tension you feel -If your baby's head is deep in the pelvis you may have pain or spotting during or after sex, this is normal -Try using shallow penetration (rear entry positions offer this benefit) -SEx will not start labor if your cervix is not ripe, so the average woman does not have to worry about preterm labor

Pregnancy: Avoid all forms of sexual activity if

-You have a previous history of spontaneous abortion -Your doctor suspects danger of miscarriage -Any vaginal or uterine bleeding has occurred at anything during pregnancy -Your practitioner has advised against it -You have a history of premature birth or labor -Placent previa (where part of the placenta is covering the cervix) -Your water has broken -You are currently experiencing bleeding -Your or your partner has an active sexually transmitted disease

How many follicles mature every month after birth?


Menarche in US avg


Menstrual Cycle: Proliferate Phase, Ovulation

14 days before the onset menstrual cycle. In response to the spurt of LH secreted by the pituitary gland, the mature follicle ruptures and the ovum is released.

Menarche decreased by 18 months since ____


Assisted Reproductive Technology

20-30% chance of multiple births -Increased risk of complications: prematurity, birth defects, low birth weight, fetal death

How many immature follicles are in the ovary at birth?

300,000 to 400,000

Sex After Pregnancy OBGYNs

6-8 weeks

Clomiphene Statistics

80-90% of the patients who take clomiphene therapy should ovulate and 55% of this group should get pregnant -There is a 1 in 16 chance (6%) that the therpay will result in pregnancies and in most cases these will be twins -No increased risk of miscarriage or abnormalities in the babies

How is IVF carried out?

A combination of clomiphene and pergonal is usually given to promote the maturation of several follicles. -One the follicles are ready the ovulation, HCG of 5000 units is given. -The eggs are retrieved 33-36 hours following the HCG injection. -The eggs are retrieved from their follicles using a very find suction needle. -The eggs are now incubated for 4-24 hours in a specially prepared culture medium in order to ensure that adequate maturation has occurred. -Several fertilized eggs of about 2-8 cells each are put in the uterus. ____ One cylce of IVF takes four to six weeks to complete

Androgenital Syndrome or Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

A genetic (XX) female who has female internal sexual structures (ovaries


A genetic condition in which an individual is born with both testicular and ovarian tissue -Some cases there is one ovary and one testis -Other gonads are mixtures of ovarian and testicular tissue

IT: Human Chronic Gonadotrophins (HCG)

A hormone manufactured by the early embryo and the placenta. It has an effect identical to that of LH. -Therefore administered at the end of the expected LH surge in order to tripper ovulation in an egg bought to maturity by clomiphene -Taken in intramuchaler injections -10-20% of women fail to conceive on clomophene and HCG

Domestic Partnerships

A legal contract between two members of the same sex that imparts all or most of the legal benefits of marriage but is not socially or religiously equated with heterosexual marriage


A painful pelvic or lower abdominal cramping, accompanied by a backache, headache,feelings of being bloated, nausea and or vomiting. Although this was once thought to be psychosomatic, it has since been found to have a biochemical basis. Usually, these women have an excess release of prostaglandins from the uterus Women who have been pregnant report a lower incidence of sharp menstrual pain, but a higher incidence of PMS.


A person may be emotionally, psychologically, and physically attracted to members of the same sex

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

A promising new micro-manipulation technique which involves the injection of a single sperm into the egg. Success rate is 24%

Psychological Defense Mechanism: Reaction Formation

A type of defense mechanism in exaggerated behaviors in the opposite direction of internal urges felt to be unacceptable or intolerable

Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

A woman's BBT drops briefly and then rises half a degree following ovulation, and remains elevated until the start of the next period -Has to be taken everyday before getting out of bed

Identity Assumption

Acknowledge being gay to oneself

Advantage of GIFT

Allows fertilization to take place naturally within the fallopian tube with a higher chance that implantation will also occur naturally

Ovarian Cycle: Luteal Phase

Always takes 14 days; after ovulation, around day 14-28, the empty follicle forms a structure called the corpus luteum, which produces the second female hormone called the progesterone and some estrogen

IVF Cost

An IVF cycle in the US averages 10K

Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT)

An IVF procedure of transferring the fertilized egg which has not yet dividied, into Fallopian tube. Considered the most invasive of all fertility treatments, ZIFT is the choice of only 2% of people who turn to ART. Eggs are harvested like IVF.

Tubual Patency Tests: Hysterosalpingography (HSG)

An x-ray of the uterus and Fallopian tubes. An instrument is gently passed into the canal of the cervix and a special radio-opaque dye is carefully injected into the cavity of the uterus -The dye shows up on the x-ray screen and the doctor is able to see the fluid filling the uterus and then passing along both tubes to enter the cavity of the abdomen

Civil Unions

Another term for a domestic partnership

FIC: Immunological Factors

Antibodies against sperm can be found in woman's cervical mucus; a man can even produce anitbodies to his own sperm

Tubal Patency Tests: Gas Insufflation

As instrument is inserted into the canal of the cervis and carbon dioxide gas is "blown" into the cavity of the uterus. The machine controlling the flow of carbon dioxide also records the pressure of the gas as it builds up in the uterus. -There will be an increase in pressure of the gas within the uterus if the tubes are blocked.

Post- Coital Test

Asses the ability of sperm to reach the canal of the cervis and survive in the mucus; scheduled as close to the time of ovulation as possible;must have intercourse around 8 hours before test is performed -A completely normal post- coital test will show very flowing "stretchable" mucus containing a significant number of moving sperm

Identity Acceptance

Being comfortable with one's sexuality

Identity Synthesis and Commitment

Being openly gay and incorporating a gay sexual orientation into one's routine life with pride and without shame


Binds to interstitial cells which then secrete testosterone Testosterone diffuses into seminiferous tubules and binds to spermatogonia


Born with gonads that match their sex chromosomes but a genital appearance that resembles the opposite sex -More common that hermaphroditism -Occurs in about 1 infant per 1000

Artifical Insemination

Carried out only during the fertile phase of the cycle ideally as close to the time of ovulation as possible. -Clinic carry out insemination 1-3 times per cycle -The semen sample is painlessly introduced into the entrance of the cervical canal


Cervial Factors/Uterine Factors; anatomical problems; cervical infections; mucus quality; benign tumors; smoking, douching, tubal scarring from STDs; unexplained infertility

What does BBT reflect?

Changes in progesterone output

FIC: Azoospermia

Characterized by the absence of sperm due to either an obstruction in the outflow system from the testicle, in the epididymis or vas deferens, or due to a failure of sperm production -biopsy of the testicle showed that spermatogenesis was normal, this then would indicate that an obstruction was a cause -A detailed history would be gathered to find out if he has had any operations on his testicles, or for undescended testicles in childhood, major injury or infection

Hormone Assays (Tests)

Checks progesterone level at mid point of the luteal phase of cycle -Low levels at this time (about day 21 to 28 day cycle) indicates normal ovulation in this cycle has no occured


Chemicals that cause the uterus to contract`


Condition in which endometrial tissue (uterine lining) grows outside the uterus; enometrial lesions can block the Fallopian tubes or impair ovulatory function

MIC: Oligospermia

Condition when sperm count is low; sperm count below 20 mil may cause difficult conception -The lower the sperm count the poorer the sperm quality the more difficult it may be for a pregnancy to occur

Polycystic Ovary Disease

Condition where there are multiple tiny cysts in the ovaries. Cysts form when the follicle doesn't rupture but continues to grow instead -The LH levels is characteristically high with normal FSH and estrogen levels. There is often oligomennorrhoe or amennorrheaoa

Menopause and the Pituitary Gland

Continues to pour normal levels of FSH and LH into bloodstream, but for reasons that are not well understood, the ovaries gradually lose their capacity to respond. The ovaries no longer ripen egg cells or produce the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Brain Structure and Function: LeVay's study of heterosexual and homosexual men

Correlation between the size of the third interstitial nuclei in the hypothalamus and sexuality -Smaller in homosexual men (similar to women) than in heterosexual men


Cost in US cycle 8-10K Success is 24%

Enjoying sex during pregnancy

Couple should utilize positions with minimize depth of penetration; laying on side and penetration from rear (spooning, hands and knees, side lying) -All of these positions also allow for manual stimulation of the clitoris either by yourself or your partner -Gets you off your back -A couple should utilize positions which minimize depth of penetration In general, orgasms are very good for you and your baby -When you have an orgasm the baby is unware of what you are doing, but does experience the euphoric hormone rush that you will experience

Gay Bashing

Criminal acts or violence motivated by homophobia and committed against nonheterosexual individuals

Endometrial Biopsy

Determines whether the endometrium stage of development is in line with the stage of the cycle; if there is a lag of more than 2 days it may indicate insufficient secretion of progesterone

Secondary Dysmenorrhea

Diagnosed when there is a physical condition causing the pain, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease and ovarian cysts.


Dihydotestosterone; secreted around the 8th week of conception and its presence starts the eternal male genitalia to begin forming

Menstrual Cycle: Proliferate Phase, Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

Drops slightly at ovulation and lasts until menstrual flow begins again. This is what is measured when women chart their BBT to find their fertile times

IT: Clomiphene (seophene, clomid)

Drug of choice for patients whose ovulation defect is associated with normal levels of estrogen; taken orally. -Works by stimulating the brain to stimulate the pituitary and so lead to ovarian stimulation and ovulation


During fertilization, the 23 chromosomes from the father's sperm combine with the 23 chromosomes from the mothers ovum, furnishing the typical 46 chromosomes in the offspring. Among the 23 chromosomes born by the sperm cells is one sex chromosome (X or Y).

frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

During some ART procedures excessive resulting embryos may be frozen for use and implantation in future ART procedures. Often these subsequent FETs are less expensive because they only require a single surgical procedure and so- called "super ovulation" drugs are generally not required.

Menstrual Cycle

During the menstrual cycle,the endometrium is preparing for implantation of the fertilized ovum. If fertilization does not occur, the lining is sloughed off as menstrual flow


Each test (1.5 inches long 1 inch in diameter) is divided into 300-400 cone shaped lobules, which contains two to three tightly coiled seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells. The interstitial cells or LC synthesize and secrete sex hormones


Early stage of sperm cells. Divides into two spermatids; each have 23 chromosomes, half have an X and half have a Y.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Embryo trapped in distorted tube

Spermatogenesis: FSH

Enables androgen binding protein (ABP) to bind to spermatogonia

The World Health Organization (WHO)

Estimates that approx. 8-10% of couples experience some form of infertility problem -that means that 50-80 million people suffer from infertility

Christine Jorgensen

Ex- GI who became a blond bombshell

Premenstrual Syndrome Treatment

Exercise, eating several small meals; limiting intake vitamin supplements, hormone treatments, and ibuprofen.

Theories of the Origins of Sexual Orientation: Biological- Environment Interaction Approach

Exotic becomes Erotic Theory: Bem's explanation for the interaction between biology and environment in sexual orientation

Hormonal Hypothesis

Exposure of the fetus while in the uterus to male or female hormones in combinations or levels that vary from those of heterosexuals


Extreme fear, discomfort, or hatred of nonheterosexual individuals

Identity Confusion

Feeling unsure of one's sexuality

Alfred Kinsey, Sexual Orientation

Few people are totally heterosexual or totally homosexual -Most people fall on a continuum -Because of this, Kinsey created a Sexual Orientation Scale

Dysmenorrhea Fluid Retention

Fluid retention can lead to a gain of several pounds, sensations, of heaviness and breast swelling (mastalgia).

Ovarian Cycle (3)

Folicular Phase, ovulatory phase, luteal phase

Brain Structure and Function: PET Studies

Found differences in brain activation between hetero- and homosexuals not accounted for by environmental issues

Psychological Defense Mechanism

Freud; A psychological distortion of reality serving to defend against personally unacceptable thoughts or urges

Triple X Syndrome

Genetic disorder in which females have an extra X chromosome, making them XXX instead of XX -Women with this disorder are physically normal except for menstrual irregularities and premature menopause -Mental retardation is common

Menstrual Cycle: Proliferate Phase, Mittelschmertz

German for "middle pain" Cramping women experience during ovulation The pain occurs on the same side of the abdomen as the ovary releasing an ovum

Oligospermia, Cuases

Heat, long hours of sitting, too frequent intercourse, smoking over 20 cigarettes a day, excessive alcohol, poor diet, mumps in adolescence, hydrocele, varicocele, retrograde ejaculation, fatique

FIC: Excessive Drinking

Heavy drinking can effect a women's menstrual cycle


Heavy or prolonged bleeding (defined as soaking through a pad or tampon in one hour for several consecutive hours). Can be caused because of a hormone imbalance that causes the lining to continue to build up during the proliferate phase. Can also be caused by uterine fibroids and/or endometrial cancer.

Hate Crimes and Sexual Orientation

Homophobia, gay bashing, hate crimes, hate crime laws

Coming Out: Dangers, Pitfalls, and Joys of Coming Out

Homosexuality and Suicide

Theories of the Origins of Sexual Orientation: Experiences and Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation

Homosexuals have been found to have different nonconforming gender behavior than heterosexual counterparts (no explanation as to why)


Hormonal Hypothesis, length of the ring finger, diethylstilestrol exposure, big brother effect

How to test for ovulation problems

Hormone assays (tests), endometrial biopsy

Menopause Symptoms

Hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, dizziness, difficulty with balance, diminished pleasure from touch, itchy or burning skin, sensitive to clothing and touch, numbness or tingling in fingers or toes, severe headaches, short term memory loss, difficulty concentrating, depression, and/or anxiety.

Spermatogenisis Stats

Hundrends of tubules lie tightly coiled within each testis, and each tubule is between 1 and 3 feet long. All of them, placed end to end, would span the length of several football fields. Sperm are produced within the seminiferous tubules. Sperm production is called spermatogenesis.

Blocked Fallopian Tube: Completely

If the tubes are completely blocked, the sperm are unable to reach the egg to fertilize it -If you have intercourse at the time of the "dip" of temp. and then "chase" the temp rise you will not miss ovulation

Cryptorchidism and sperm production

Impairment because testes are inside the body which is generally too warm for optimal sperm growth (which is why they normally hang outside of the body, at a slightly cooler temperature)

Hormone Replacement Therapy Stats

In January of 2003 a new boxed warned appeared, warning women about the increased risk for heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, and breast cancer. The FDA has also modified the approved indications for Premarin, Prempro, and Premphase to clarify that these drugs should only be used when the benefits clearly outweigh the risks.

Ovarian Cycle: Folicular Phase

In a typical 28 day cycle, the first 10 days are when a hormone called Follicle Stimulating Hormone or FSH is released from the pituitary gland. FSH stimulates a follicle (egg sac) on the surface of the ovary to grow. As the egg grows and matures, estrogen is produced by the ovaries and enlarge follicle. If enough estrogen has been produced, this feedback process decreases the production of FSH.

Ovarian Cycle

In the ovarian cycle one immature egg matures, is released, and either is fertilized or dies and is discarded with the menstrual flow. Varies from 21 to 40 days, with most women having a 28 day cycle. The degree of variability is usually high in prepubescent women and again towards menopause, but more stable in between.


Infertility Treatment

FIC: Advance Age

Infertility increases with age; fertility peaks for both sexes in the mid twenties and then appears to decline steadily in women over 30 and men over 40

Secondary Amenorrhea

Involves the disruption of an established menstrual cycle.No period for 3 months or more.

Vaginal Injection of Sperm Peritoneally (VISPER)

Involves the injection of sperm alone, or with retrieved eggs into the peritoneal cavity via the vagina. It is hoped that techniques such as VISPER will be more straightforward to perform that GIFT and will if performed under the control of ultrasound guidance alone, remove the need for a general anesthetic, which is always associated with ....?

Infertility and Intercourse Pattern

It is essential that you are having sex during your fertile days, which are only about 24-48 hours each month. Also if you are trying too often in a particular cycle, you may be reducing the sperm count.

Sexual Orientation Scale

Kinsey Alfred; 0=exclusively heterosexual 6=exclusively homosexual Most people fall somewhere above 0 and below 6

As the progesterone levels increase, ___ decreases


What causes the ovary to release a mature ovum?


Menstrual Cycle: Menstrual Phase

Lasts 3-5 days, the uterus sheds its endometrial lining if an egg is not fertilized. The shedding of the endometrium is triggered by reduced progesterone and estrogen levels in the bloodstream. Typically 1-2 fluid ounces (i.e., 2-3 tbs) of menstrual flow occur with each menstrual period. As these hormones fall, the hypothalmus stimulates the pituatiry glands to release FSH. This action initiated the second, proliferate phase, of the cycle.

Hate Crime Laws

Laws prescribing more stringent penalties for crimes motivated by bias or prejudice

Interstitial cells or Leydig cells

Located in the connective tissue between the seminiferous tubules

Spermatogensis: Testosterone levels

Low= signal of hypothalamus to secrete hormone called LH- releasing hormone (LH-RH), this in turn causes the pituitary to secrete LH which in turn stimulates the testes to releases testosterone into the blood system

Around the time a woman's period starts, all five hormones are at their ____ levels.


Ovarian Cycle- After ovulation

Maintain the endometrium in a state of readiness to receive the fertilized egg

Spermatogensis Stats

Mathematically speaking, 10-20 ejaculates hold enough sperm to populate the world.


Mature sperm; look like tadpoles, and are about 1/5000 of an inch long. They are one of the smallest cells in the body.

Postpartum depression

May delay arousal for year or more

What are the 2 cycles that control female production?

Menstrual cycle and ovarian cycles

Menstrual Cycle (3)

Menstrual phase, proliferate phase, secretory phase

Partial Zona Dissection (PZD)

Micromanipulation procedure whereby the surrounding shell of the egg is opened to facilitate the entry of sperm

Surgery: Vasovasostomy

Most common reasons for reversal are divorce and remarriage, death of a child, and the desire for couple to have more children after initially electing for sterilization (5K)


Name given when the testes do not descend; happens only in a small percentage of males

Premenstrual Syndrome Facts

Nearly 3 in 4 women experience some form of PMS. Of American women, 2-10% reportedly have PMS that is severe enough to be temporarily disabling. Approximately 40 to 50% of the women who crave chocolate or sweets due so primarily during the premature part of their cycle. Women are hormonally most like men during PMS; estrogen and progesterone levels drop, prostaglandin levels rise.

Coming Out: When do people come out?

No exact timeline exists; early as puberty or as late as old age

FIC: Retroverted Uterus

No longer believed to be a problem; certain sexual positions are recommended

Sub-zonal insemination (SUZI)

Once the shell of the egg has been opening, the SUZI procedure directs sperm into the region between the zona and the egg


One cycle in US 8-10K -Success rate 28%

OP: Menopause like condition

Ovaries fail to respond or may be resilient to FSH as is the case in menopause, the FSH levels are very high and the estrogen level very low


Ovulation Problem

Premenstrual Syndrome

PMS is a transient, recurrent condition occurring in the two to three days before menstrual flow begins, which is marked by emotional and physical symptoms such as: tension, social withdrawal, depression, irritability, anger, anxiety, insomnia, breast tenderness, tearfulness, nausea, constipation, headaches, bloating, and alcohol intolerance. The specific cause is unclear, but some researchers think it relates to the estrogen progesterone ration, the adrenal hormones controlling water retention, or chemical substances in the brain influencing mood.

Dysmenorrhea Pelvic Pressure

Pelvic pressure and bloating may be traced to pelvic edema, the congestion of fluids in the pelvic region.

Tubal Patency Tests: Laparoscopy

Performed under a general anesthesia and will require your admission to hopital; a tiny incision is made at the lower border of the umbilicus. The abdominal cavity is then distended with carbon diozide gas in order to create more space to accurately view the pelvic organs. -A slim telescrope called a laparoscope is then inserted into the abdominal cavity and the uterus, tubes and ovaries are thoroughly inspected.

HCG Making

Pergonal is a combination of human FSH and LH -Hormones have been extracted from the urine of menopausal women and purified


Permanent inability to reproduce

What feedback does the estrogen exert on the hypothalamus?

Positive; secreting a larger amount of releasing hormone which causes the pituitary to secrete a burst of LH

H-Y antigen

Present in XY embryos; stimulates the gonads to become testicles, which start producing hormones in proportions that cause the embryo to develop a male

Name for immature follicles


Spermatogenesis: Testis

Produces inhibin, a hormone involved in regulating sperm production. When sperm count rises, inhibin signals the brain to inhibit further production of sperm. When sperm count decreases, inhibit secretion decreases and sperm production begins again.

As LH decreases, ___ decreases


Dysmenorrhea Reduction

Reduced by aspirin and ibuprofen, also birth control. Orgasm can help relieve menstrual discomfort by reducing pelvic congestion that leads bloating pressure. Orgasm may also increase menstrual flow and thus shorten this phase of the cycle.

How does the menstrual cycle work?

Regulated by intricate relationship among the hypothalamus and various endocrine glands, including the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, the ovaries and the uterus. FSH stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen and causes ova to mature in follicles within the ovaries.

FIC: Excessive drinking, smoking, or drug use

Research has shown that excessive consumption of alcohol or the use of illicit drugs by a potential father can decrease sperm count, damage the sperm, reduce testosterone levels, and change testicular functioning

Interpersonal Qualities of Non- heterosexual Relationships

Research has shown that non- heterosexual couples have similar overall relationship satisfaction and quality as heterosexual couples -Differences life in the couples' emotional interaction (handing conflict and difficulties related to support from family members)

Ovarian Phase: Ovulatory Phase

Rising estrogen levels also trigger the output of another hormone from the pituitary gland called Luteinizing Hormone (LH). This LH surge leads to the release of the mature egg from the follicle. The escape of the egg from the ovary is known as ovulation. Happens around day 11-14. Is the final preparation for and release of this egg.

Surgery: Laparoscopy

Same day surgical procedure in which a telescope is inserted into the bellybutton and the pelvic organs are examined; using the laser, electrocautery or other tools, endometriosis and/or scar tissue can be resected. This is usually done under general anethesia, but in some instances is done under local anesthesia only.

Menstrual Cycle: Secretory Phase, Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

Secreted by the pituitary gland triggers the ruptured ovarian corpus lute to secrete high levels of progesterone. This extra progesterone mixes with estrogen causing the endometrium to thicken even more and become engorged with blood vessels.

Mature Follicle

Secretes estrogen in increasing amounts; the rising levels of estrogen exert negative feedback on the pituitary to gradually lower the levels of FSH

Sperm Cell Development

Several different stages, taking about 72 days to produce a mature sperm cell. Each one containing 46 chromosomes, including one X and 1 Y.


Sexual orientation is pre- programmed at conception -Twin studies have shown that identical twins are more likely to have the same sexual orientation than fraternal twins or nontwin siblings -Scientific support that genes play a role in sexual orientation (have not found the gay gene)

The Brain Testicular Axis

Sim,ilar to female ovarian cycle. Low testosterone levels signal hypothalamus to release GnRH (gonadotropic releasing hormone). GnRH stimulates pituitary to relaase FSH and LH; although chemically identical, LH in the male is referred to as interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ISCSH).

Presence of Anitbodies

Soemtimes a semen sample when seen under a microscope will show sperm clumping. This may indicate the presence of sperm antibodies that are causing the sperm to stick together. -A blood sample can be tested for the presence of agglutinating and other sperm inhibiting antibodies

Menopause Statistics

Some 10-15% of North American women experience no problems with menopause. Another 10-15% have severe symptoms. The remaining 70-80% have some symptoms that come and go over a period of years.

Menopause Pain Reduction

Some women find that a healthy diet, regular exercise, moderate alcohol use, not smoking, and street- reduction provide the help they need. Other women find alternatives therapies such as acupuncture to be helpful.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Some women who experience symptoms have been helped with HRT. Which typically consists of estrogen and progesterone. Only about one in four postmenopausal women use it, and only about half of those stay on it more than a few years. It can increase the risk of endometrial and breast cancer. It can lower the risk of colon cancer, Alzheimers and osteoporosis.

Spermatogenesis Time Frame

Sperm production varies among and within tubules, with cells in different areas of the same tubules undergoing different stages of spermatogenesis. It takes about 72 days for the testis to produce a mature sperm cell. They can turn out about 1,000 sperm per second or 30 billion a year.

Menstrual Cycle: Secretory Phase

Starts immediately after ovulation and lasts about 14 days, until menstruation begins again. During this phase the uterus is preparing for implantation of a fertilized egg.


Stimulates growth and maturation of a follicle

Dysmenorrhea Symptoms

Symptoms usually begin approximately 24 hours before menstrual flow starts and continues for 2-3 days. Headaches,food cravings, cramping, lack of energy, sleep disturbances, breast tenderness and lack of energy are other symptoms.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Test tube babies; fertilization of an egg by sperm outside the woman's body in a glass dish -Eggs are surgically removed from the ovaries -The sperm is then introduced to the eggs IF FERTILIZATION OCCURS, eggs are placed in uterus several days later

Ovarian Phase: Luteal Phase, if the egg is fertilized

The CL continues to grow and inhibits GnRH, progeserone and estrogen production The embryo will then produce HCG HCG stimulates the CL to produce hormones until the placenta can take over

Ovarian Cycle: Luteal Phase, if the egg is not fertilized

The CL deteriorates into a Corpus Albicans The hormone levels fall, GnRH is no longer inhibited, FSH is released and it starts all over

Menstrual Cycle: Proliferate Phase, Supporting Pregnancy

The Lining must be think enough and endowed with the complex network of blood vessels necessary to sustain successful implantation and development of an embryo for the 9 months of prenatal development. When the level of ovarian estrogen circling the bloodstream reaches its peak, the pituitary gland depresses the release of FSH and stimulates LH production.


The absence of menstruation. When body fat falls below 5% the body stops producing estrogen and ovulation ceases. Women with eating disorders, and women athletes ingraining can experience this estrogen shut down.

The Stonewall Riot

The beginning of the Gay Rights Movement

Surrogate Mother

The couple "hires" a fertile female who agrees to carry their baby to term, then give the baby over to the couple, terminating all her "parental" rights. Cost about 10K

Primary Amenorrhea

The failure to begin menstruating at puberty. May be due to problems with the reproductive organs, hormonal imbalances, poor health, or an imperforate hymen.


The first menstrual period; usually begins in early teens, between 11 and 15

How does polycystic ovary disease make conception difficult?

The irregular ovulation -women having this condition have a chronic tendency to have their periods at intervals ranging from every 6 weeks to six months

OP: Hyperprolactinaemia

The level of the hormone proclactin is very high and the levels of FSH and estrogen are lowered -This condition occurs due to hormonal imbalance and is marked by absent or infrequent menstruation

Menopause or "The Change"

The permanent cease of menstruation. Occurs as a result of certain physiological changes. Gradual decline in the reproductive capacity of the ovaries. Age range of about 35-60, with a mean age of 51. Takes about 2 years. During menopause the pituitary continues to secrete FSH hormone however the ovaries cease production of mature ova. After about age 35 the menstrual cycles of many women shorten, from an average of 28 days to 25 days at age 40 to 23 days by mid 40s. Climatic change from fertility to infertility; generally lasting 15 years, approx. 45-60.

What does the GnRH from the hypothalamus stimulate?

The pituitary to produce FSH

Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)

The process of combining the eggs and sperm outside of the body and placing them immediately into the Fallopian tubes; here the fertilization may occur. -Eggs are retrieved from the ovaries as in IVF using either laparoscopy or TUDOR -Those eggs are then transferred with a specially prepared sperm sample into the outer fimbrial opening of the fallopian tube by laparoscopy under general anaesthetic

Spermatogenesis: FSH and LH

The same pituitary hormones, FSH and LH that regulate the activity of the ovaries also regulate the activity of the testes. FSH regulates the production of sperm by the testes. LH stimulates secretion of testosterone by the interstitial cells.

Menstrual Cycle: Secretory Phase, if fertilization does not occur

The second phased of the secretary phase begins with a decline in estrogen, LH and progesterone. The corpus lute degenerates, and the endometrium begins to die, ultimately leading to tits sloughing off during the menstrual phase.

Blocked Fallopian Tube: Damaged, not complete blockage

The sperm may be able to reach the egg, but the early embryo is more likely to be trapped in the distorted tube - a dangerous condition

Ovulation Predictor Test Kits

The test measures the level of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in an early morning urine sample by using a sample by using a specially designed urine dipstick which changes color when exposed to increasing amounts of LH. -Ovulation is preceded by a surge in level of LH. When the LH surge occurs there is an easily detectable color change indicating that ovulation is likely to occur within the next 24 hours.

Surgery: Hysteroscopy

This is a same- day surgical procedure in which a telescope is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. The cavity of the uterus can be examined, the procedures such as removal of the fibroid tumor, polyp or scar tissue can be performed

Surgery: Laparotomy

This is the traditional approach to surgery in which an open incision is made in the abdomen and the procedure through that decision. This allows for greater precision but has a substantially longer recovery time and more posoperative pain.

Menstrual Cycle: Proliferate Phase

This phase takes about 9 days and ends with ovulation. It offices between the 6th and 13th day of the menstrual cycle. During the proliferate phase, the body gets ready once again for possible pregnancy, and the rich lining rebuilds. The pituitary gland increases production of FSH which stimulates the developing follicles (about 10-20) to mature and to produce several types of estrogen. Only one reaches full maturity. Estrogen in turn causes the endometrium to thicken.

HCG Given

Two main ways -Three equal alternative day injections -Daily injection program in which the dosage is increased until a satisfactory response has been obtained

Coming Out: The Coming Out Process

Two models that share the same basic stages; identity confusion, identity assumption, identity acceptance, identity synthesis and committment

Menopause Statistics

Until the last 200 years or so, most women never experienced menopause because they didn't live that long. Today the average life expectancy for a women in Western societies is approaching 80 years. This means the average women can expect tho live about one third to half of her adult life after menopause.

FIC: Klinfelter's Syndrome

Very small testicles may be the manifestation; this cuased by a chromosomal aberration. Thus a chromosome investigation will show the presence of an extra X (female) chromosome.

Hate Crimes

Violent crimes motivated by prejudice and discrimination, targeting specific groups or individuals

Weight Gain

Women who experience considerable weight gain may not feel comfortable with their body


X-rays of the vas deferens; can be performed to identity the location of obstruction from azoospermia

With low levels of estrogen and progesterone, the hypothalamus _____.

can now begin again to secrete GnRH so the cycle starts over

As LH decreases, the _______ starts to disintegrate

corpus luteum

Effect of burst of LH on mature follicle cause a rupture, releasing the egg, forming a _____.

corpus luteum

FSH before puberty

egg never fully matures

Unless an embryo has implanted, near the end of the post-o vulatory phase, without the stimulation of LH, the corpus luteum stops producing ______ and _______

estrogen and progesterone Thus the endometrium is no longer maintained and begins to deteriorate and is shed

After ovulation, LH stimulates the corpus luteum to secrete progesterone and estrogen to prepare the uterus for _____.


The rising/high levels of the estrogen-progesterone combination in the blood exert a negative feedback effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary, causing ______.

levels of LH to decrease

LH stimulates the development of the corpus lutuem (that portion of the follicle that remains after the matured egg has been released) which produces the hormone ____


10 weeks after conception

testes and ovaries descend to the upper edge of the pelvis

Tubal Patency Tests: Hysterosalpingography, if the dye fails to enter the tubes

this may indicate an obstruction at the junction between the uterus and the tubes or simply a temporary spasm of the tubes at this site. Sometimes the dye can be seen to enter the tubes, which then become distended owing to an obstruction at their outer ends

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