Psych 241 Exam 1

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Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the steps involved in measurement?

After you operationally define a construct, you must conceptually define the construct.

According to the Dowdell & Clayton (2019) article as discussed in class, what percentage of the sample responded that they had ever texted in their sleep?

Around 25%

According to the syllabus, what are the criteria for the grade you receive on in-class lab activities?

Attendance, completeness, and accuracy

Which of the following method of acquiring knowledge is incorrectly paired with its definition?

Authority; acquiring knowledge through observation and experience

Where in a research paper should you include information about whether or not your results supported your hypotheses?

Beginning of Discussion section

What dies BRUSO mean in in terms of survey items?

Brief, Relevant, Unambiguous, Specific, Objective

What does the acronym "BRUSO" stand for?

Brief, relevant, unambiguous, specific and objective

Validity that correlates with other variables we would expect it to relate to is referred to as:

Criterion Validity

In what section of a scientific paper will you find a description of the study's limitations?


True of False: A writhing subjects experiment is when participants are only testing in 1 of the conditions


True or False: Random assignment and random sampling are essentially the same thing


True or false: The use of deception is not allowed in psychological research.


True or False: Conveniecne sampling is apart of probability sampling

False (Probability- every member of a population has an equal chance of being recruited, not based off who is available to you.)

Laboratory experiments typically have _____ internal validity.


What are the four types of validities we are interested in when determining how valid an experiment is?

Internal validity, external validity, construct validity, and statistical validity

Which of the following terms matches this definition: A level of measurement that is numerical and has no true zero?


The mean, median, and mode can be computed for which types of measurement?

Interval and ratio only

Which of the following is true of the Tuskegee Syphilis study?

It contributed to the development of regulations regarding the protection of human research subjects. The study is a major example of injustice as an ethical violation in research. The subjects were not given enough information prior to the study to give truly informed consent.

What is one reason that scientists avoid the word "prove" when talking about theories:

It is always possible that another test of a hypothesis derived from the theory will be disconfirmed.

The purpose of informed consent is to:

Make sure participants truly understand what the study is about, including risks, costs, and benefits.

Which of the following are a part of descriptive statistics?

Mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient

Which of the following is NOT one of the qualities of a good hypothesis?


A researcher is assigning participants to categories based on their occupation. Which level of measurement is he using?

Nominal Level

Slide has changed: Which of the following terms matches the definition: a level of measurement in ranked categories Which of the following terms matches the definition: a level of measurement in ranked categories


What did Zhao et al. (2017) conclude about the relationship between praise and cheating behavior in young children?

Praising children's intelligence may increase children's fixed mindset and therefore makes them more likely to cheat.

Beliefs that claim to be scientific but aren't is called:


Biorhythms, psychic powers, and astrology are all examples of:


What are two of the most common databases for searching for academic journal articles in psychology?

PsychINFO and Google Scholar

Which of the following is true about ethical issues in psychological research?

Psychological research must be carried out in ways that maximize benefits and minimize risk.

What software do you need on your computer to run statistical analyses in this course?

R and RStudio

Which of the following is NOT an important feature of experimental research?

Random Sampling

A thermometer consistently measures the temperature to be about 4 degrees colder than it actually is. This thermometer's measurement would be considered:

Reliable but not valid.

In the video shown in class, Dr. Jennifer Manly found that rates of dementia were higher among Black and Hispanic Americans. What did Dr. Manly do after seeing these results?:

She was skeptical of the results and questioned whether memory impairment was being diagnosed accurately or if they instead reflected educational disparities.

Demand characteristics refer to

Subtle cues that indicate to the participant how the researcher wants them to respond.

Which of the following is true about survey research?

Survey research generally involves random sampling and recruitment of a large number of participants.

A researcher is testing out a new personality measure. She administers the measure to a group of 500 people, then administers it again one week later to those same 500 people and compares the scores. What feature of the measure is she most likely evaluating in this scenario?

Test-retest reliability

When participants are tested twice at separate times, this is called

Test-retest reliability

A(n) ______ is a coherent explanation of one of more phenomena, whereas a(n) _______ is a specific prediction about a phenomenon.

Theory; hypothesis

According to the textbook, why must scientists cultivate a "tolerance for uncertainty"?

There are many claims or beliefs out in the world that we do not yet have enough evidence to fully evaluate

Which of the following is true according to the meta-analysis on smartphone use by Vahedi & Saihpoo (2018) as discussed in class:

There is a positive correlation between smartphone use and stress and anxiety.

Which of the following is true about the ethical issues related to the 2014 Facebook study discussed in class?

There was no real informed consent as part of the study. The study was not fully reviewed by the IRB because the data were collected by Facebook, a private company. Participants were not told about their participation and were not debriefed at the conclusion of the study.

What are the three main goals of science?

To describe, to predict, and to explain

What is the primary role of an institutional review board (IRB)?

To review research protocols for potential ethical problems.

True or False: One of the purposes of standardizing procedure is to reduce experimenter expectancy effects


True or False: The Belmont Report was published following the Tuskegee syphilis study


True or False: The purpose of debriefing is to ensure that participants genuinely understand what the study entails, the risks, costs, and benefits


True or false: Research has found that "Scared Straight" programs as discussed in lecture are not actually helpful in reducing criminal behavior and may in fact increase criminal behavior.


True or false: When coming up with a research question, it is important to review previous research to see how your study will fit within the previous literature.


Which term describes the extent to which the scores from a measure represent the variable they are intended to measure?


Which of the following includes all the characteristics of a good hypothesis?

Watching televised news leads to greater self-reported stress than reading a news article.

Double-blind sided study

When neither the participant nor the experimenter knows which condition the participant is in.

Which of the following would be considered an ethical violation?

Writing about someone else's idea in a research paper without providing a citation.

According to the syllabus, what is the format of the group research project for this course?

You will design your research project as a group, but you will each write your own research paper on the project

An extraneous variable that varies systematically with the independent variable is called:

a confounding variable.

Candidates listed on a ballot first get a 2.5% boost in votes among undecided voters. What is this an example of?

a context effect

A researcher is conducting a within-subjects experiment examining the effect of music (classical vs. hip-hop) on the time it takes to complete a maze. She finds that participants complete the maze faster in the second condition they were tested in, regardless of whether it was the classical or hip-hop condition. This is an example of:

a practice effect.

A researcher is interested in studying depression and is using the total score on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to measure participants' symptoms of depression. This BDI score is an example of:

an operational definition.

In lecture, we conducted an experiment examining the effects of the gender of a job applicant on ratings of _______, _______, and ________ (in other words, these were our dependent variables).

competence, hireability, and salary

Would the dictionary definition of anxiety be considered a conceptual or operational definition?


The different levels of the independent variable in an experiment are called:


According to the Belmont Report, the principle of justice refers to:

conducting research in a way that distributes risks and benefits fairly across different groups in society.

The tendency we have to seek out information that confirms our view rather than trying to seek information that disconfirms our beliefs is called

confirmation bias

A variable that systematically varies with the independent variable is called a :

confounding variables

Which of the following terms matches this definition: Degree to which the research question is clearly operationalized by the study's methods

construct validity

Recruiting introductory psychology students to participate in a study is an example of which type of sampling?

convenience sampling

Varying the order of conditions across participants in a within-subjects experimental design is called:


The degree to which we can generalize findings from a study to other circumstances / real-world situations is called:

external validity

If a study is mainly prioritizing internal validity, that means that the researchers want to emphasize:

identifying the causal relationship between variables.

What are two main criteria for developing a good research question?

interestingness and feasibility

If a researcher is most interested in determining a causal relationship between variables, they will prioritize:

internal validity

Intelligence quotient (IQ) is an example of what type of measurement?


An advantage of using a single, standardized protocol in an experiment is that:

it helps reduce experimental expectancy effects

When conducting an experiment, researchers ___________ the independent variable by systematically changing its levels and ___________ other variables by holding them constant.

manipulate; control

Slide has changed: Which of the following is a PRO of a between subjects design? Which of the following is a PRO of a between subjects design?

no order effects

A psychologist is measuring an individual's working memory capacity as part of a neuropsychological exam. To do this, she reads a list of digits to the individual then asks them to repeat the list back to her in reverse order. She repeats this several times, increasing number of digits each time until the individual makes a mistake. The individual's score on this task is the longest length of digits the person can remember and repeat back correctly. This score is an example of a(n):

operational definition

A psychologist would like to assess the prevalence (frequency) of mental health disorders resulting from a recent natural disaster in her community. She contacts local mental health counselors and asks them to pass along information about her study to their clients. This method of sampling is most likely going to __________ the prevalence of mental health disorders in the community due to ____________:

overestimate; sampling bias.

On a survey question that asks, "How many alcoholic drinks do you consume in a typical day?", the respondent needs to decide what constitutes an "alcoholic drink" and whether a "typical day" means a typical weekday, weekend or both. This cognitive process is called:

question interpretation.

When running an experiment, a researcher must use ________________ to decide which participant is tested in which condition.

random assignment

A between-subjects experimental design in which participants are randomly assigned to a psychotherapy treatment or control condition is called a(n):

randomized clinical trial.

Which of the following is a CON of a within subjects experiment?

takes more time per participant

In class, we found that students reported spending more time watching TV when:

the response options ranged from "up to 2.5 hours" to "4.5+ hours" compared to "up to 0.5 hours" to "2.5+ hours"

One advantage of a between-subjects experiment compared to a within-subjects experiment is that:

there are no order effects in between-subjects experiments.

A researcher is interested in the effect of education level on perceived attractiveness. Participants rate the attractiveness of 10 dating profiles in which people are described as college-educated and 10 dating profiles in which people are described as high school educated. What type of design is this?

within-subjects experimental design.

Slide has changed: To study if humor improves learning, students listened to either a serious or funny lecture, then were tested on the material. A manipulation check.

would asses whether students found the funny lecture more humorous than the serious one

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