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when psychologists note that the difference between two means is significant, they mean that the difference is:

unlikely to have occurred by chance

which guideline regarding animals in research is not mandated by the American psychological association?

animals cannot be used for psychological research

Karly intently watched the live tennis match and did not realize that a bird had landed on the adjacent empty seat next to her. Her inability to notice the bird can be explained by:

inattentional blindness

Makaila is able to discriminate speech sounds and can even read lips. Makaila is MOST likely about _____months of age.


many psychologists determine statistical significance as there being less than a _____ percent chance that the result is due to random error


Justina wishes to make a 10-minute meditation session part of her morning routine. Based on research described in the textbook, Justina should meditate every day for just over _____ days to ensure that meditation becomes a habit.


research discussed in the textbook suggests that it takes just over _____ days for a behavior to become a habit


In a set of normally distributed test scores that have a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15, it would be correct to conclude that approximately 68 percent of the scores would fall between _____and _____.

85, 115

more than _____ percent of deaf children are born to hearing parents


Dr. Penn is a clinical psychologist studying the onset of psychological disorders, such as schizophrenia. Dr. Penn is MOST likely to use which of these to get a glimpse of his subjects' brains?


Shonda is a night person, an owl. Based on research reviewed in the text, Shonda is MOST likely to be:


the limbic system structure that influences aggression is called the


limbic system is to brainstem as _____ is to _______

amygdala, pons

the prefrontal cortex is

an association area

a technique called _______ records the brains activity through scalp electrodes

an electroencephalogram

When Danielle texts Matt, he always texts back right away—like, every single time. Matt provides _____reinforcement for Danielle's texting.


the place theory is specialized to detect _______ sounds, and the temporal theory is specialized for ________ sounds

high-frequency, low-frequency

Lily is riding her bicycle and, after the fortieth mile, has one last hill to climb. As compared with the other hills she has climbed on her ride, Lily is likely to perceive this last hill as:


A nation experiences a rise in authoritarianism, along with an increase in hate crimes against ethnic and sexual minorities. One citizen remarks that he foresaw these events following the election of a minority leader nearly a decade earlier, and the subsequent passage of marriage equality legislation. It is possible that the citizen has fallen prey to:

hindsight bias

Joella watches her older brother brush his teeth and then attempts to brush her teeth on her own. Joella's older brother is serving as a _____ for Joella.


While surfing in Hawaii, Marcus was thrown by a huge wave that caused his surfboard to hit his head, causing him to temporarily lose consciousness and almost drown. After being revived by a fellow surfer, Marcus reported seeing a light in a tunnel that he felt impelled to enter. This experience can be explained as being caused by:

oxygen deprivation to the brain

one hormone released by the pituitary gland is


scientists have discovered in studies with felines that damages to the brain's ____results in sleep difficulties


The tactile sensitivity of a body part is _____ related to the amount of somatosensory cortex devoted to processing its sensations.


Marlee has just been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. As the disease progresses, communication to some of her muscles may slow down, and she could lose some muscle control as a result of the degeneration of the _____ sheath.


People overestimate the frequency of school shootings because such events are highly publicized when they do occur. This illustrates:

the availability heuristic

the hindsight bias, overconfidence, and the tendency to perceive order in what is actually random are best seen as ______ critical thinking


Daniel's daughter repeatedly hit her playmates during their game of tag. Daniel denied her dessert as a consequence. This is an example of _____ punishment.


Nannette's daughter refused to brush her teeth and threw her toys across the room. Nannette gave her daughter a 20-minute time-out. This is an example of a:

negative punishment

a neuropsychologist is interested in studying how the approximately 400 trillion synapses of an adult brain are organized into an information-processing system. his research will focus on neural ______


when a young child starts taking ballet lessons several times a week, the neurons involved in the complex ballet moves will connect with one another to form neural


much like a battery, ______ generate electricity from chemical events


An experimenter is comparing the performance of distracted and nondistracted adolescent drivers in a driving simulator. The _____ hypothesis refers to the assumption that there is a difference in simulator performance between the distracted and nondistracted adolescents.


which endocrine gland is matched with the correct function?

adrenal gland - triggers fight-or-flight response

An experimenter is comparing the scores of young and old adults on a memory test. The _____hypothesis refers to the assumption that a difference exists between young and old adults in memory scores


which of these drugs increases neural activity, causing accelerated body functions and associated energy and mood changes?


Colin was always a mild-mannered man. Suddenly his behavior changed radically. He instigated fights and was verbally abusive to the people around him. It is likely that Colin's problem began in his brain's _____


Dr. Han is studying which brain structure is associated with aggressive behavior among rats. Which part of the brain is she likely to see activated when using neuroimaging techniques?


An experimenter is comparing the performance of distracted and nondistracted adolescent drivers in a driving simulator. The _____ hypothesis refers to the assumption that there is no difference in simulator performance between the distracted and nondistracted adolescents.


An experimenter is comparing the scores of young and old adults on a memory test. The _____hypothesis refers to the assumption that there is no difference between young and old adults in memory scores.


the _____ hypothesis refers to the assumption that there is no difference between the groups in an experiment, whereas the _____ hypothesis states that there is a difference between the groups in an experiment

null, alternative

neurotransmitter is to synaptic gap as hormone is to:


peers influence

both beginning drug use and quitting drug use

with respect to the two-party system in the US, partisan bias is present among:

both parties at about the same level

Tony fell two stories while working on a construction site. The left side of his head hit some concrete steps. During his recovery, his doctors noticed that although he can understand what others are saying to him, Tony has a hard time speaking even though there is nothing wrong with the muscles that control his speech. Tony MOST likely suffered damage to:

brocas area

Dr. Zane has been studying monkeys' ability to classify photographs of cats and dogs. After the monkeys became competent at this task, Dr. Zane found that specific frontal lobe neurons fired in response to new catlike or doglike images. This suggests that the monkeys:

can form concepts

With the use of _____, early scientists were able to determine that the right side of the body was connected to the left side of the brain and vice versa, that damage to the back of the brain resulted in vision damage, and that damage to the left-front part of the brain produced difficulties with speech.

case studies

The process occurring when memories temporarily stored in the hippocampus migrate for storage elsewhere in the brain is called memory _____.


Denise wears an extremely bright safety yellow sweatshirt when she cycles to the gym after dark. The sweatshirt's brightness reflects the _____ of the light it reflects.

high amplitude

Randy agreed to join a biology study group. When the study group leader gave him her phone number, he had nothing on which to record the number. So, Randy repeated the number to himself several times until he found a pen to write the number on his hand. The process Randy used to encode the number into longer-term memory is called _____


In research studies in which subjects were asked to make a choice regarding a complex problem, they made the best decision when they:

were slightly distracted

As Trent reads a textbook, he actively integrates sentences with the memory representation of earlier sentences that he is maintaining in memory. Trent's active processing is taking place in _____ memory


Jill is learning how to play tennis. For her first lesson, her instructor models serving and backhand returns while Jill patiently watches. Jill then tries to imitate the sequence of swings and motions made by her instructor. Which concept BEST describes how Jill is learning to play tennis?

observational learning

Bart was struck by a two-by-four to the back of his head. He is having severe difficulties with his vision because the injury he sustained was to his _____ lobe


Using a newer "tool of discovery" called _____, researchers have probed the biological basis of sensations, fear, depression, and substance use disorders by programming individual neurons to respond to light.


shelly can speak one-word sentences. shelly is most likely about ____ months of age


what is the range in this set of scores: 5, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 20?


during a normal night of sleep, about ______ percent of one's sleep time is spent in REM sleep


Lisa and Priti are both adults. Lisa dropped out of high school, whereas Priti has a PhD. All else being equal, there is a _____ percent chance that Lisa smokes cigarettes and a _____ percent chance that Priti does so.

26, 6

Which is NOT an example of learning?

A woman reflexively pulls back her hand from a hot burner.

A person who has difficulty recognizing emotional responses in others following a head injury MOST likely suffered damage to the _____.


which statement is the best example of value-laden research?

Dr. Anderson's line of research is on bilingual children because she grew up in a household learning two different languages and firmly believes in its positive effect

Dr. O'Malley is telling participants before he begins his experiment that their participation is completely voluntary and that they can stop taking part at any time. Dr. Quick is providing a detailed explanation to participants who have just completed a study. Which statement is true?

Dr. O'Malley is obtaining informed consent from his participants. Dr. Quick is debriefing her participants

Which person is demonstrating creative thinking?

Forty-one-year-old Mary is a worldwide traveler who invents various dishes that combine dishes she has sampled from around the world

seizures may reflect an undersupply of the neurotransmitter _____ or an oversupply of the neurotransmitter _______

GABA, glutamate

John was injured in a car accident and lost consciousness for 10 minutes. He sustained numerous lacerations, a right femoral contusion, and, most important, had a large, open wound on his head. When he arrived at the emergency room, the attending physician immediately ordered a(n) _____to rule out any soft tissue damage to the brain


Which statement does NOT illustrate classical conditioning?

Marcus always pays his cell phone bill on time in order to avoid a late charge

Roger went to see his doctor with complaints of erectile disorder (ED). His doctor has him participate in a sleep disorder study to determine the cause of his ED. The cause of his ED was determined to be psychological. Why?

Roger had a morning erection

shelby just finished eating lunch. her ____ nervous system is responsible for the digestion of her food


sleep researchers agree that

We need REM sleep

Wilson was born deaf. At 3 years of age, his parents had the doctor put in this device so he will be able to hear

a cochlear impact

A person can detect a single drop of perfume diffused in an area the size of a one-bedroom apartment. This is a(n) _____ threshold


The textbook suggests that when a person performs a verbal or mathematical task, "a brain scan often reveals increased activity (brain waves, blood flow, and glucose consumption)" in the left hemisphere. Which technique would demonstrate this increase in activity by examining brain waves?

an electroencephalogram (EEG)

The easier it is for an individual to remember a circumstance in which a car battery failed to function, the more they expect such an event to recur. This BEST illustrates the impact of the _____ heuristic.


Sarah's mother suffers from frequent panic attacks. The doctor has prescribed Seconal (a depressant drug that reduces anxiety and induces relaxation). Seconal is classified as a(n):


After an evening at the opera, as Enrique walks out into the fresh air, he notices his ears are ringing. This ringing indicates possible damage to the hair cells of his:

basilar membrane

While shopping at the local supermarket, Nora notices the "reduced for quick sale" table, which has discontinued items as well as dented cans. She buys some of the discontinued items and avoids the dented cans because she knows that improperly canned food can form:


This is the portion of the brain that controls the muscles that are responsible for speech.

broca's area

A man is at a large party with lots of music and conversations going on simultaneously. While talking to a friend about her latest romantic breakup, he hears his name spoken from the other side of the room. He immediately looks in the direction of the voice and sees the person who spoke his name. This ability to detect one's name being spoken in this situation is an example of the _____effect.

cocktail party

Marquis is afraid of entering an elevator by himself. The mere sight of an elevator at the end of a hallway makes him anxious. For Marquis, the sight of an elevator is a(n):

conditioned stimulus

Steve had a stroke last year. Although he can remember many things from his childhood, he is unable to remember what he just ate for breakfast. It is MOST likely that the stroke:

damaged his frontal lobes

Research implies that if a language has terms for differentiating between colors, then actual discrimination/perception of those colors will be affected. This seems to provide evidence for the linguistic _____ hypothesis.


In a television interview, a once-famous rapper insists that he did not steal the hook of his only hit from a song by a well-known rock band of the era. The rapper hums the melodies of both songs in succession, claiming that the final notes are not the same. Most viewers cannot distinguish the notes. At least in the rapper's hummed rendition, the frequencies of the final notes are separated by less than the typical person's _____threshold


According to the principle of belief perseverance, when faced with evidence that conflicts with one's point of view on a controversial issue, one tends to:

discount the information

the genes associated with alcohol use disorder and tobacco dependence appear to produce deficiencies in the brain pathways associated with the neurotransmitter


If you study for a test by reviewing multiple-choice items but your test is given in an essay format, you are not likely to do as well as you might have if the test were also multiple choice. This is explained by the:

encoding specificity principle

the recuperative functions of sleep do not include

encouraging the production of free radicals

"slow and lasting" is an apt description of ______ system messages

endocrine but not nervous

according to the _______ principles of the American psychological association and the British psychological society, it is acceptable to stress or deceive research participants


Mental sets hamper our ability to see a problem from a fresh perspective. In other words, mental sets are an example of:


Pat turns to look directly at a brightly colored bird her friend has spotted in the garden. Pat is ensuring that the bird's image falls directly on her:


The way an issue is posed or how an issue is presented can significantly affect decisions and judgments; this is known as _____


Juan and Joseph are opera singers. Juan is a baritone. Joseph is a tenor, so his voice is higher pitched than Juan's voice. With respect to their physical properties, the sound waves corresponding to Juan's voice are lower in _____ than those corresponding to Joseph's voice.


As an elementary schoolteacher, Lisa has many students for whom English is a second language. She notices that many of these students have more difficulty understanding new vocabulary terms than the rest of the class and have a tendency to misplace adjectives in their writings. These students are experiencing difficulty with:


shaping is a method used by skinner to

guide an organism to exhibit a complex behavior using successive approximations.

Kirsten is trying to remember events from her life as an 18-month-old. However, as hard as she might try, she has no conscious memory of anything that occurred before her third birthday. This is likely due to the fact that her brain's _____, an area involved in storing explicit memories, was not fully developed at that age.


Shelby was in a car accident and now has problems moving information from her short-term memory into her long-term memory. The _____ in Shelby's brain was damaged in the car accident.


some patients with anterograde amnesia have learned how to spot hard-to-find figures in the Where's Waldo?series without any conscious awareness that they can do so. This BEST illustrates their retention of _____memories.


Josie intently watched the live tennis match and did not realize that a bird had landed on the adjacent empty seat next to her. Her inability to notice the bird can be explained by:

inattention blindness

Alex was an African gray parrot who could

indicate which of two numbers was greater.

According to the textbook, which student is MOST likely to remember more newly learned information for an exam in the morning?

jaime, who studied for her psychology exam and then went directly to bed and slept for 7 hours

All else being equal, which individual is MOST likely to experience disordered drug use?

jamar, who is an evangelical christian

Differences between two samples are MORE likely to be statistically significant if the samples are _____ and the standard deviations of the samples are _____.

large, small

Matthew tries to finish the day's most important business by 1:00 P.M., before his brain "runs down." His graduate student Meghna claims that her brain "comes alive" at 10:00 P.M. Matthew may be described as a(n) _____, whereas Meghna is better called a(n) _____.

lark, owl

Neil wants to complete several on-campus errands as efficiently as possible during a break between classes so that he can spend at least a few minutes reviewing lecture notes. To plan his route, he consults a picture in his mind of the campus's layout. In terms of latent learning, Neil is using a cognitive:


In a particular language, conjugating a verb by adding a suffix to its root shades its meaning by placing the action on a timeline of potential events and by indicating the relationship of the actor to the speaker. Conjugating verbs in this way BEST illustrates the function of:


new neurons are formed in the brain on a daily basis, a process known as


there is ______ scientific evidence to support the existence of extrasensory perception


Is psychology free of value judgments?

no, it is not

many sets of scores form a symmetrical, bell-shaped distribution called the:

normal curve

The notion of vicarious reinforcement is MOST relevant to:

observational learning

A pigeon receives food for pecking a key but only rarely and on unpredictable occasions. This BEST illustrates:

partial reinforcement

After some practice, Carol was able to read books while holding them upside down. This BEST illustrates:

perceptual adaptation

After some practice, Lori was able to read books while holding them upside down. This BEST illustrates _____.

perceptual adaptation

Manny has volunteered to participate in an experiment studying vision. He has agreed to wear a pair of glasses that invert his vision. Due to _____, after about a week he is able to perform his usual tasks, like riding a bike or reading a book.

perceptual adaptation

At a block party, Cyndi meets nine new neighbors. Moments later, she can remember the names of only the first three and last two neighbors she met. The fact that Cyndi can remember the first few people she met BEST reflects the _____ effect


Lana cannot recognize faces. She has to pretend to know or recognize people she has already met. Lana MOST likely suffers from:


_____memory refers to our memory for intended future actions


The cliché of the individual with extrasensory perceptual abilities bending a spoon with their mind illustrates the more specific phenomenon of:


the adjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters is called the


Free nerve endings in the skin that respond to sensations of pressure, pain, or temperature are examples of sensory:


Dr. Perry is examining academic performance based on parental income level. Dr. Jian finds that the sample variances are small and that the differences between the groups are large. Which is MOST likely?

results are significant

which of these is not a measure of retention?


Darlene is trying to remember the name of a woman sitting next to her on the bus. She knows she met her at a party, and she is trying to remember which one. Darlene is able to imagine where the woman was seated at the party as well as what she was eating. Darlene is using _____ to remember the woman's name.

retrieval cues

After studying biology all afternoon, Alonzo is having difficulty remembering details of the organic chemistry material he memorized that morning. Alonzo's difficulty BEST illustrates:

retroactive interference

Drivers detect traffic signals more slowly if they are also conversing on a cell phone. This BEST illustrates the impact of:

selective attention

Hermann Ebbinghaus observed that it is much easier to learn meaningful material than to learn nonsense material. This BEST illustrates the advantage of:

semantic encoding

You are playing "Ring Around the Rosie" with your little cousins and are spinning around and around. When you stop, you still feel as though you are spinning because your _____ and _____ have not returned to their neutral state.

semicircular canals, kinesthetic receptors

Billy Bob works at the airport as a member of the ground crew. He typically takes off his hearing protection, as he finds it cumbersome. Prolonged exposure to the roars of the jet engines will result in:

sensorineural hearing loss

the neurons that carry information from the receptors in the eyes, ears, and skin to the brain and spinal cord are called _____ neurons


After listening to her high-volume car stereo for 15 minutes, Marcy fails to realize that the music is too loud. This BEST illustrates:

sensory adaptation

Samar's teacher read a list of U.S. presidents and instructed him to find several facts on each as part of a homework assignment. However, Samar failed to write the list down. He can remember the first several presidents the teacher mentioned as well as the last few but not the ones in the middle. Samar's memory for the first and last several presidents reflects the _____ effect.

serial position

Once Frederic learned of Amelia's abusive past, he began to perceive her cautious behavior around men as more self-protective than rude. This BEST illustrates the impact of perceptual ____


Jackie is worried about her young children being exposed to the violence on television. You do NOT tell Jackie that:

she should not worry

voluntary is to _____ as involuntary is to _______

somatic, autonomic

The area at the front of the parietal lobes that registers the sense of touch and physical movements is known as the _____ cortex


At a faculty-student mixer, Mildred's psychology professor introduces her to a faculty member from the linguistics department. Mildred's professor remarks that the linguist is one of North America's foremost phonologists. Based on her study of the psychology of language, Mildred surmises that the faculty member studies:


_____ is the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response

spontaneous recovery

On a business trip last year, Susan and Pam flew from Los Angeles to Boston. Susan really hates to fly. In the middle of the flight, Susan and Pam experienced 20 minutes of very severe turbulence. Susan remembers this incident as if it were yesterday, but Pam cannot recall it. Why?

susan experienced emotion-triggered hormonal changes

Public speaking frightens Pavel. Unfortunately, he is scheduled to give a presentation when his class begins in five minutes. Pavel's _____ nervous system is probably kicking into high gear.


A psychologist is conducting a research study with 24 men on the effects of movies and sexual violence. The psychologist will have the men watch three violent films over the next two days and then assess their attitudes toward women and violent sexual acts by reading actual cases of rape victims. The psychologist should find that, as compared with men in a control group:

the men express less sympathy for the rape victims

Antjuan's pupils are dilating. Based on the textbook's discussion, Antjuan is MOST likely _____someone.


one's brain keeps track of sleep debt for a period of about:

two weeks

Mark, a toddler of 2 years of age, is starting to put nouns and verbs together for the first time. Mark is experiencing the _____ stage.


Happy Moon Restaurant uses monosodium glutamate in most of its dishes to enhance the flavor. This also stimulates the fifth taste of _____.


Roast beef with a rich brown gravy is often described as a savory dish. The basic taste prominent in such a dish is:


Tyler has just been released from a drug rehabilitation center where he was treated for heroin addiction. His therapist recommended that he stay away from old drug-related associates and places where he once used the drug. Studies show that this is a(n) _____ recommendation because _____.

wise; he will experience the craving for drugs when in these situations due to classical conditioning

concussions and electroconvulsive therapy are MOST likely to result in the elimination of memories from ____ memory


Valentina is engaged in naturalistic observation. in which project is she most likely engaged?

observing interactions between subordinates and their supervisors in a large corporate office

behavior that produces consequences is called _______ behavior


in classical conditioning, ______, whereas in operant conditioning, _______

organisms learn associations between events they do not control; organisms learn associations between their behavior and resulting events

Racial and ethnic stereotypes can sometimes bias the way one sees others' behaviors. This BEST illustrates the impact of:

perceptual set

"Sound it out," Mrs. Sands encourages her first-grade students when they struggle to read a word aloud. Mrs. Sands is introducing her students to the use of:


the smallest, distinctive sounds of any language are


the hormone oxytocin is released by the

pituitary gland

It is common wisdom that if a person does not have the use of one sense, such as vision or hearing, the other senses become more enhanced. This BEST illustrates:


when bits of information do not compete with each other and actually facilitate memory, it is called _____

positive transfer

the term _______ is used to describe a culture where peoples emotions and personal beliefs often override their acceptance of objective facts

post truth

Carol decides to send out a survey to see what her coworkers think of the new dress code policy. If she chooses a sample of the population that gives each person an equal chance of participating, this would be a(n) _____ sample


Dr. Miller decided to conduct an exercise in his class in which two students each flipped a coin and record how many times they received heads or tails. One student had five heads in a row, whereas the other student's coin toss had no pattern. Dr. Miller explained that, although the five-head pattern is interesting, it is BEST explained by:

random events

To ensure he gets the most he can out of his cruise vacation, night after night Felix stays up late. He tries to sleep during the day, but his cabin is too noisy and he suffers from REM sleep deprivation. Felix can expect to experience REM _____ during his first several nights back home.


If one has NOT studied well for a test, in which format is one likely to get a higher score


Given what is known about the relationship between distraction and pain, if Charlene is trying to pick the BEST hospital room for a loved one who is in a great deal of pain, she should pick:

a shared room with a television that is near a window

According to the text's introduction to sensation and perception, male silkworm moths' odor receptors can detect one-billionth of an ounce of chemical sex attractant released by a female 1 mile away. This is an example of a(n) _____ threshold.


Ed has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. he is taking an experimental medication. this medicine is designed to increase the level of the neurotransmitter ______


Stefan has volunteered to participate in an experiment studying vision. He has agreed to wear a pair of glasses that invert his vision. Due to perceptual _____, after about a week he is able to perform his usual tasks, like riding a bike or reading a book.


the endocrine glands that play an important role in helping us respond to stress are the _____ glands


According to observational learning theory, when children have _____ models, they imitate the negative behaviors they see around them. When children have _____ models, they imitate the helpful and positive behaviors they observe.

antisocial, prosocial

when people are told that a bottle of wine is much more expensive than it really is, they are likely to

believe it tastes better than it would otherwise

Stacy is participating in a local psychology experiment in which the research assistant asks Stacy to hold two pencils in front of her and touch the tips together. She then asks Stacy to do this with one eye closed. Stacy finds this terribly difficult, which demonstrates the importance of:

binocular cues

Dr. Gonzales seeks to account for the substance abuse of her therapy clients in terms of their abusive home environments, their limited sense of life purpose, and the altered functioning of their neurotransmitter systems. Dr. Gonzales is MOST clearly using a _____ approach to understanding addictive behaviors


Dayton's Narcotics Anonymous sponsor advises him to avoid the people, places, and things associated with his drug use. These people, places, and things are BEST viewed as _____ within the framework of _____ conditioning.

conditioned stimuli, classical

A narcissist fishing for compliments is an over-the-top example of people's tendency to seek affirmation for their opinions; that is, of:

confirmation bias

A door casts an increasingly trapezoidal image on our retinas as it opens, yet we still perceive it as rectangular. This illustrates shape _____.


with respect to the concept of post truth, critical thinking and the scientific attitude are best seen as _____ post-truth


Tarik has a chemistry test in 2 days. He has to memorize the elements on the periodic table, so he writes them on index cards. He keeps the cards with him at all times and periodically reads through them. Tarik is using _____ to encode information for storage

distributed practice

During an argument, Trinh tries to rescue the discredited proposition that "we only use 10% of our brain" by suggesting that the saying is intended to mean that we are only aware of a small percentage of our brain's work and that a lot of processing goes on that we are unaware of. Trinh's argument references the notion of _____ processing.


_________ processing is the principle that information is often simultaneously processed on separate conscious and unconscious tracks


This drug became popular in the 1990s in nightclubs and all-night raves.


Dr. Destri argues that sleep functions to conserve energy during periods in which hunting and gathering would be dangerous or unproductive. Dr. Destri's views reflect the _____ perspective in psychology.


Whenever Tarik reminded himself that his musical skills could earn him fame and fortune, he became less creative in his musical performance. This BEST illustrates that creativity may be inhibited by _____ motivation.


with respect to their functions, the _____ lobe of the cortex is to speaking as the _____ lobe is to hearing

frontal, temporal

Laurie and her lab partner conditioned a rat to press a lever for food when a red light was on but discovered that the rat would also press the lever when a white light was on. Laurie and her partner reported that the rat had exhibited _____ through _____ conditioning.

generalization, operant

As Ted walks through a park, he hears the sound of a dog barking and is able to recognize the direction of the sound and if the dog is nearby. Ted can do this because:

he has two ears, and the sound will travel to the ear nearest to the sound first

What was the ultimate result of Stratton's experiment on perceptual adaptation

he was eventually able to perform most daily taks

What was the ultimate result of Stratton's experiment on perceptual adaptation

he was eventually able to perform most daily tasks

To ensure he gets the most he can out of his cruise vacation, night after night Toby stays up late. He tries to sleep during the day, but his cabin is too noisy and he suffers from REM sleep deprivation. What can Toby expect to happen during his first several nights back home?

he will experience REM rebound

Because of abuse and neglect, Marcy was not exposed to spoken or signed language until age 10. Research suggests that:

her ability to master any language is lost

When you are asked a multiple-choice question, eliminate options that are obviously incorrect and eliminate options that contain absolute terms such as all or every. These rules of thumb are known as:


A college student using the effortful processing strategy of _____ is LEAST likely to demonstrate superior retention on a test of the material they learned in one of their college courses.

massed practice

in an experiment, the dependent variable is

measured by the researcher

The _____ may be considered the base of the brainstem


The tendency to approach a problem in one particular way, often a way that has been successful in the past, is known as a(n) _____

mental set

hammer, anvil and stirrup are to hair cells as _____ is to ______

middle ear, inner ear

After being verbally threatened by a person in a passing car, Samantha was asked if she recognized the "man" who was driving the car. Several hours later, Samantha mistakenly recalled that the driver was male rather than female. Samantha's experience BEST illustrates the _____ effect.


Emily has epilepsy. based on the textbook's discussion of neurotransmitters, Emily should avoid foods made with

monosodium glutamate

Rory agreed to join a biology study group. When the study group leader gave him her phone number, he had nothing on which to record the number. So, Rory repeated the number to himself several times until he found a pen to write the number on his hand. The process Rory used to encode the number into longer-term memory is called:


Tarik has a chemistry test in 2 days. He has to memorize the elements on the periodic table, so he writes them on index cards. He keeps the cards with him at all times and periodically reads through them. Tarik is using _____ to encode information in short-term memory for longer-term storage.


At the zoo, a chimpanzee has figured out how to use the right kind of stones to crack open the nuts thrown to him by spectators. In Skinner's terms, the chimpanzee's problem solving has been shaped by:


Janel was sexually abused by her uncle when she was 5 years old. This experience was so devastating and traumatic that she removed the memory from her conscious awareness. This is an example of:


Alisha is paralyzed on the right side of her body. She is unable to move both her right arm and leg and has no sensation at all on her entire right side. She is convinced, however, that she is not paralyzed and can move the right side of her body. Her inability to understand her paralysis is due to damage to her:

right hemisphere

Jacob suffered a stroke that affected his _____. Now Jacob cannot make copies of drawings.

right hemisphere

Nathan was in a horrible car accident that resulted in partial paralysis. However, he claims that he is able to move his right paralyzed arm. The damage was to his:

right hemisphere

Margaret suffered from a stroke over six months ago. She lost the ability to recognize faces and the ability to move her left arm and leg. She went through physical therapy to regain the use of her left arm and leg. Although she is now able to walk with the use of a cane and can do many things with her left arm, she still has problems recognizing faces and is often unable to recognize her own children and grandchildren. Her stroke MOST likely impacted which part of her brain?

right temporal lobe

When subjects look at a picture of the Moon's surface, some of them report seeing a human face. This is due to:


Michelle always drives down Hampton Avenue to go to work. One morning, Michelle discovers that Hampton Avenue is closed at Wood Street because of construction. Michelle immediately takes a different route to work. She is able to make a quick route change because:

she has formed a cognitive map of the area

all of these were early theorists in associative learning except:

sigmund freud

A guest will be spending time in Mrs. Bartos's classroom. To make sure her students imitate this guest's prosocial behaviors, Mrs. Bartos should pick someone who the children think is:

similar to them

Chuck has always been a chronic snorer, much to the dismay of his wife Elaine. For the last three months, he has been waking up in the middle of the night gasping for air. He MOST likely suffers from:

sleep apnea

If one has a difficult problem to solve and cannot seem to come up with a good answer, often the BEST way to tackle the problem is to:

sleep on it

Several months after watching a science fiction movie about space travel and alien abduction, Steve began to remember that aliens had abducted him and had subjected him to many of the horrors portrayed in the movie. His mistaken recall BEST illustrates:

source amnesia

Leiko is paralyzed below the waist following an accident. Although her genitals do not respond to erotic images, she does experience an increase in vaginal lubrication in response to genital stimulation. Leiko has MOST clearly suffered damage to her:

spinal cord

with respect to its function, sleep does not

spur the production of free radicals

the _________ is a measure of how much the scores vary around the mean score

standard deviation

Ella is certain that she sees the fact of a recently deceased loved one in the shape of the clouds. Ella is demonstrating:

the perception of order in random events

based on the textbooks discussion, it is ever okay to stress or deceive the people who take part in psychological research?

yes, but only when it is essential to a justifiable end

Kluver-Bucy syndrome is a rare condition resulting from damage to a very specific brain area. Affected individuals display such symptoms as hypersexuality, compulsive eating, and an inability to recognize faces. Our knowledge of the effects of brain damage depends greatly on the intense investigation of individual patients; it therefore rests on a foundation of _______ research

case study

at the broadcast level, the nervous system is divided into the ____ and the ______ nervous system

central, peripheral

taste is a _____ sense


psychoactive drugs are

chemicals that change mood and perception

Andrew Wakefields 1998 publication of fake data represented an especially harmful example of scientific fraud in psychology. the publication concerned the potential basis of:

childhood autism

Jaylen found the item number of the product she wanted to order from a catalog. To remember the 11-digit number, 19772552901, she thought of the number as the year her best friend was born (1977) and her aunt's phone number (255-2901). Jaylen was using the strategy of _____ to help her remember the item number


Mrs. Costello lives in Florida. She is gripped by a vision of her sister, gravely injured in a car wreck happening at that very moment in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Costello is inconsolable. Her husband calmly disproves Mrs. Costello's vision by calling his sister-in-law; her cheery voice greets him on the phone. Cleary, Mrs. Costello does not have the ability of _____ that she believes she possesses


In an interview, a movie star was going on and on about how horrible it is that people use psychoactive drugs. She proudly announced that she had quit smoking, stopped drinking, and had never touched any illegal drugs in her life. While talking, she would periodically take a sip from a cup on the table. What she did not realize was that the _____ in her cup also contains a psychoactive drug.


Evolution has prepared us to react with a feeling of satisfaction or even craving when we taste something sweet. Even the giant close-up of a donut on an advertising billboard can induce the same craving. In this example, the craving we experience when we see the billboard is a(n):

conditioned response

A noted social psychologist publishes a journal article appearing to offer evidence for extrasensory perception. The psychologist is aware that the findings appear "anomalous" and remarks that "I may well be wrong when all is said and done; I eagerly await the data from scientists who wish to replicate my findings!" With respect to the elements of the scientific attitude discussed earlier in the textbook, this statement suggests that the social psychologist possesses:


"surviving a natural disaster is associated with an elevated risk for depression" is an example of an:


prediction is to explanation as _____ is to _____

hypothesis, theory

The textbook uses the term "memoryless memory" to refer to priming because priming is a type of _____memory.


Ed has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. He is taking an experimental medication. this medicine is designed to:

increase the level of acetylcholine

a researcher obtains ____ when she gives participants enough information about a study to allow them to decide if they wish to take part

informed consent

Scott is a young engineer who just started work at a company that has several seasoned engineers on staff. During a regular meeting, several of these seasoned engineers are discussing how to solve a problem. After about 15 minutes of listening to this, Scott jumps up and yells, "Eureka, I've got it!" This is an example of:


the vast majority of neurons in the body's information system are:


learning that is not immediately demonstrated in overt behavior is called

latent learning

Dr. Huang is considering "changing up" her teaching style, moving from passive lectures to an active-learning format. Recalling a recent study by Deslauriers et al. (2019), a colleague states, "Well, if you make that change, your students will _____ than your students do now."

learn more but feel like they learn less

A long time ago, Leslie was stuck in an elevator for over 3 hours. Although generally not claustrophobic, after 2 hours she felt like the elevator walls were closing in on her. Now 10 years later, she still vividly recalls the details of the emotionally traumatic experience. What is MOST likely causing her long-lasting robust memory of this event?

stress hormones increase glucose activity, which then fuels brain activity

Today, a man on television described his experience of _____, a condition in which the senses become joined. He explained that when certain types of music are played he often sees patterns of colors.


While on vacation in Mexico, James attempts to speak Spanish. However, he is finding it difficult to communicate with others. He is using Spanish terms, but he places words together according to the English language. James is having difficulty with _____.


Which phenomenon relates MOST closely to productive language?

telegraphic speech

When we encounter a stimulus we may have seen before, our feeling of familiarity reflects processing in the _____ lobe, whereas our conscious memory for its details reflects _____ lobe processing.

temporal, frontal

Your friend has a cockatiel that he has trained to discriminate between pictures of dogs and cats. Your friend shows him a picture of a dog, and the bird pecks at a dog symbol on the cage. Your friend shows him a picture of a cat, and the bird pecks at a cat symbol. The bird is showing:

that it can form concepts

Jarmilla dreamt that she was driving a shiny red sports car and that she was pulled over by the police, but the officer was her best friend. Her psychoanalyst interpreted this as meaning that Jarmilla feels her friend is holding her back. In this case, _____ represents manifest content, and _____ represents latent content.

the dream content, the interpretation

In a social psychology experiment, one group of participants is reminded of a social stereotype they are likely to hold, and another group is not reminded. All participants then interact with a member of the stereotyped group, and the nature of their interactions is recorded. Which statement is true?

the reminded group receives the treatment and is the experimental group

Of the thousands of studies conducted to date on claims of extrasensory perception (ESP), what is the general consensus regarding its existence?

there is no evidence to support such claims

Which statement BEST expresses the relationship between stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination?

they are opposites

the word THIS has ______ phonemes and _____ morpheme(s)

three; one

"I know it! It's um . . . um . . . it starts with G," begins a trivia game contestant excitedly. The contestant is falling prey to the _____ phenomenon.


The phenomenon of perceptual set underscores the contribution of _____ processes to perception.


________ processing is guided by higher-level mental processes such as expectations


In conditioned taste aversion, spoiled or poisoned food is a powerful

unconditioned stimulus

Researchers' values influence their choice of topics. Perceptions can bias observations and interpretations. In other words, psychology is NOT:

value free

José is trying to quit smoking. a withdrawal symptom that he would not experience is

weight loss

Sleep deprivation may encourage the development of obesity because it _____ levels of the hormone cortisol and _____ the body's metabolism

increases, decreases

cognitive maps are created through a process called

latent learning

James has suffered hippocampal damage from a near-fatal bus crash. He is not able to remember verbal information but retains the ability to recall visual designs and locations. He may have suffered damage to his:

left hippocampus

Researchers often find it more challenging to train dolphins rather than dogs even though dolphins are smarter. One of the reasons for this difficulty is that dolphins have _____ shared evolutionary heritage with humans than dogs, so they condition to stimuli that are different than what will affect dogs and humans.


Akira was born to a Japanese-speaking mother and an English-speaking father and is fluent in both languages. She recently participated in a study of bilingual university students. When she took a personality test in Japanese, she had very different results than when she took the same test in English. According to Benjamin Whorf, this difference is caused by:

linguistic determinism

______ memory is a relatively permanent and limitless storehouse in one's memory system


Dr. Anders's line of research is on bilingual children because she grew up in a household learning two different languages and firmly believes in its positive effect. this illustrates that research is:

value laden

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