Psychology test 3

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Alfred Alder's individual psychology focuses on the role of feelings of ________ and the creative self in the formation of personality

conscious architect

Erik Erikson believed that to a large extent a person is a _______________ of his or her own personality

psychosocial development

Erikson labeled the first stage of ________ as the stage of trust vs mistrust


Eros is fueled by psychological or psychic energy, which freud labeled _________

self actualization

Maslow believed that we are separated from other animals by our capacity for _______


People with higher levels of ______ are more likely to control their alcohol intake


___ are more likely to conform to group judgement


____ are male sex hormones that masculinize the sex organs in the embryonic stage


____ are nearsighted when they are born

biological factors

____ such as pathogens, injuries, age, gender, and a family history of disease may strike us as the most obvious causes of illness


_____ is the creation of new ways of responding to objects or looking at the world


_____ is the turning of the infants head toward a touch


_____ learning is one of the foundations of social cognitive theory


_____ parents are parents who generally leave their children to themselves


______ hormones can heighten the sex drive in women


_______ factors play an important role in the human hunger drive

activating affects

_________ are the arousal producing effects of sex hormones that increase the likelihood of sexual behavior

adaptive thermogenesis

__________ can sabotage the efforts of overweight people to maintain a slender profile


a ___ period is a period of time when an instinctive response can be elicited by a particular stimulus


a feature of eriksons intimacy vs isolation stage is the establishment of ____ relationships

fat to muscle

a high ______ ratio is a biological factor responsible for obesity


a person romantically and sexually attracted to both males and females is ______

ego identity

according to Erickson, adolescents who don't develop ________ may experience role diffusion


according to Erikson, toddlers through about the age of 3 are said to be in the stage of _____ vs shame and doubt


according to James and Lange, emotions are the cognitive representations of __________ physiological and behavioral responses


according to Maslow, once physiological needs are satisfied, people try to fulfill their need for

preoperational stage

according to Piaget, the ______ is the second stage of cognitive development in children

cognitive developmental theory

according to Piagets _____, people try to eliminate inconsistencies or discrepancies in info


according to ainsowrth, ______ attached children seek interaction with mother upon reunion


according to freud, the id follows the ____ principle

super ego

according to freuds psychoanalytic theory, the _____ functions according to the moral principle


according to research more than 2 out of 3 adult Americans are _______


according to the five-factor model, the 5 basic personality factors are extraversion, neuroticism, ______, agreeableness, and openness to experience


according to the general adaptation syndrome, the alarm reaction is first triggered by perception of a ________

preserve life

adaptive thermogenesis is a mechanism that would help ________ in times of famine


an example of psychological need

analytical psychology

carl Jung developed the psychodynamic their called _______


carl Jung's analytical psychology emphasizes the collective unconscious and _____

moral judgments

children at the preconventional level base their _______ on the consequences of behavior


cognitive theorists note that people represents their world


crystallized intelligence is shown more generally by ______

sex organs

during the embryonic stage of prenatal development the _______ start to differentiate


fatty tissue in the body _____ food more slowly than muscle tissue does

inner concern hassels

feeling lonely and being socially isolated are examples of ____


feeling states with physiological, cognitive, and behavioral components are defined as ______

visual stimuli

fixation is the amount of time spent looking at a ______ by an infant


high self-efficacy expectations are accompanied by low levels of ____ and noradrenaline

sensorimotor stage

in Piagets stages of cognitive development of children, the _______ comes to a close with the acquisition of the basics of language at about age 2


in humanistic theory, the innate tendency to strive to realize one's potential is called ________


in psychological testing, ______ refers to the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure


in the ________ conflicts, both goals are attainable


in the case of stimulus motives, organisms seek to increase ______

anorexia nervosa

in the context of ________, affluent females may be at greater risk because they have greater access to fitness centers and health clubs


in the context of hunger, ______ is the state of being satisfied


in the context of hunger, we get signals of satiety from the______


is Hane Selye's term for stress that is healthful


is a risk factor for coronary heart disease


is a state of deprivation


maslows theory suggests that human behavior is not just ____ and aimed toward survival and the reduction of tension


men and women have similar _________ responses to sexual stimulation

post conventional

moral reasoning is based on a persons own moral standards at the _____ level

withdrawal reflex

newborns use the _______ to avoid painful lstimuli


ovaries produce _______ in women

immune system

people whose ______is damaged may be more likely to develop cancer


people with type A personality traits find it difficult to surrender _____ or share power


psychological hardiness is a cluster of _____ that buffer stress and are characterized by commitment, challenge, and control


psychological need for approval, ____, and belonging gives rise to drives


refers to some animals the become attached to the first moving object they encounter


skinner believed that the effects of _____ on behavior should be emphasized

personality test

the Minnesota multiphase personality inventory is an example of an objective ________

objective test

the Rorschach inkblot test is an __________


the ____ mind contains primitive instincts such as sex and aggression


the ____ stage of psychosexual development is characterized by repression of sexual impulses

exhaustion stage

the _____ is the third stage in the general adaption syndrome


the ______ acts as a medium for the passage of nutrients from the mother to the embryo


the ______ is the second phase of the sexual cycle

lateral hypothalamus

the ___________ is an area at the side of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a start-eating center

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

the ____________ contains cards with drawings that are subject to various interpretations

emotional upheaval

the belief that one must be preoccupied by threats is a prescription for perpetual ____

imaginary audience

the concept of the ________ may drive the intense adolescent desire for privacy

umbilical cord

the embryo is connected to the placenta by the ______

psychodynamic theory

the far reaching effects of childhood events on personality is a focus of the _________


the multiple approach-avoidance conflicts are most ____


the persistent secretion of steroids interferes with the formation of ______

adaptation stage

the resistance stage of the GAS is also known as _____


the risk of coronary heart disease can be reduced by ______ LDL serum cholesterol


type A people are highly driven, competitive, ______, hostile, and aggressive

less impatient

type b people are less ambitious and ______


During the germinal stage of prenatal development the ____ divides repeatedly while moving to the uterus


is an environmental hassle


is best defined as a demand made on an organism to adapt, cope, or adjust


is characterized by the development of abnormal, or mutant, cells that take root anywhere in the body


is the feeling of being pulled in two or more directions by opposing motives


karen Horney believed that the view that girls feel inferior to boys was based western culture ______


research suggests that ______ can moderate the effects of stress


the humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers defined the ____ as the center of experience


the trait theory focuses on describing traits rather than on tracing their _____


are inferred from behavior


are reasonably stable elements of personality that are inferred from behavior


Vygotsky's sociocultural theory focuses on the influence of ______ on children's cognitive development

objective tests

____ presents respondents with a standardized group of test items

overtime work

_________, assembly line labor, and exposure to conflicting demands can all contribute to CHD


according to freud, the ego stands for_____ ways of coping with frustrations

Electra complex

freud believed that the _____________ develops in the phallic stage pscychosex dev.


freud labeled the region of the iceberg the pokes into the light of awareness the ___ part of the mind


freud theorized that the human mind is composed of three parts, namely the conscious, ________, and unconscious


in the concrete operational stage, children center on the _____ of wrongdoers as well as the amount of damage

drive reduction theory

in the context of _______ acquired drives are developed through experience

fetal stage

in the context of prenatal development, the _____ lasts from the beginning of third month of pregnancy until birth

adrenal medulla

in the context of the GAS, the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are secreted by the

heart rate

in the context of the GAS, the mixture of adrenaline and noradrenaline arouses the body by accelerating the _____


infants with ______ attachment will alternately cling to and push their mother away


life changes occur at ______ intervals, whereas daily hassles occur regularly

phycological factors

many health problems are affected by ______ such as attitudes, emotions, and behavior


social relationships are a focus of Erikson's theory of personality and ______

amniotic sac

the ______ is a sac within the uterus that contains the embryo or fetus


the ______ of being in control allows people to feel that they are not at the mercy of the fates

germinal stage

the _______ is the first stage of prenatal development, during which the dividing mass of cells has not been implanted in the uterine wall

social cognitive

the _______ pays less attention to genetic variation in explaining individual differences in behavior

alarm reaction

the _________ stage is the first stage in a group of bodily changes that occur in the GAS

humanistic existential

the _____________ theories do not predict the sorts of traits and interests we will develop


the correct sequence of stages of Sigmund freud's theory of psychosexual development is oral, anal, ____, latency, and genital


Piaget described human thought, or intelligence, in terms of the concept of _______ and accommodation


allows us to brace ourselves for the inevitable and, in many cases, plan a way of coping with it

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