Technical Eclecticism (stupid)
What two reasons have been drawn from research as to why we are trending towards eclecticism?
1) the equal outcomes/ dodo bird phenomenon - research has failed to demonstrate superiority of one type of psychotherapy over another; they have roughly equal effectiveness 2) the importance of relationships and other common factors - common factors across treatments account for most of the gains in interventions; relationship factors are the most commonly mentioned and powerful predictors of client outcome and a good helping relationship is necessary for a good outcome regardless of the approach to therapy
Explain theoretical eclecticism?
Uses eclectic theory and is complimented by artistic processes and guided by the problem solving model. Considers the relevance of multiple theoretical frameworks to each clients problem situation in order to develop, collaboratively with the client, a more complex, comprehensive understanding that fits for the client. Then choosing intervention strategies or techniques that fit with this in-depth understanding.
What is the empirically supported treatment (EST)?
pushes for specific treatments for specific disorders and only use treatments proven effective in RCT's
What does the best SW practice integrate?
scientific (theoretical/technical) and artistic (intuitive-inductive) elements
What is missing from the contextual meta-model that is included in theoretical eclecticism?
the emphasis on an open, holistic assessment that is conducted collaboratively with the client
What is one potential drawback to theoretical eclecticism? How is this remedied?
without a primary theoretical base or a synthesis of multiple bases there can be a lack of structure and guidelines for practice; remedied by SW's general problem solving model which provide structure and guidelines from engagement to termination but they are general and flexible enough to allow for eclecticism
What are the four approaches to eclecticism that are most commonly identified? and what is an example of that therapy?
1) Technical eclecticism - doesn't subscribe to any one theory, but uses techniques from different theories based on knowledge of what has worked best with similar clients and problems. Multimodal behavior therapy includes CBT, humanistic, psychodynamic, and family systems theory. 2) Theoretical integration - integrates the strengths from 2 or more theories to create a more comprehensive theory. The transtheoretical model initially focuses on the symptom/situation level and then proceeds to deeper levels. 3) Assimilative integration - incorporates other theories and techniques into one's primary theory. Widening the scope of cognitive therapy to incorporate aspects of psychodynamic and humanistic theories. 4) Common factors - attempts to identify and utilize the effective aspects of treatment shared by all forms of psychotherapy. Outcome informed clinical work focuses on the therapeutic relationship and ongoing feedback from the client
What are the 6 elements of the generalist perspective that are central to our generalist-eclectic approach
1) a person-in-environment perspective that is informed by ecological systems theory- viewing interdependence and mutual influence of people and the various systems with which they interact 2) emphasis on developing a good helping relationship that fosters empowerment 3) flexible use of the problem solving model to provide structure and guidelines for work with clients (collaborative process) 4) a holistic, multi-level assessment that includes sensitivity to diversity and oppression issues, focus on strengths 5) flexible and eclectic use of a wide range of theories and techniques that are selected based on their relevance to each unique clients situation 6) a focus on the problem
Two reasons why it is important that direct practice is grounded explicitly within the generalist perspective
1) most theories that clinical SW use have been developed outside of the profession and aspects of these may not fit well with some SW principles 2) generalist perspective can broaden the mandate and role of direct practitioners beyond narrow clinical confines, such as linking them to resources or social advocacy
What approach to theoretical eclecticism is the authors approach closest to?
Common factors, especially contextual meta-model and eclectic-integrative approach
What does direct and indirect practice refer to?
Direct - clinical or micro Indirect - macro
What perspective is direct SW practice grounded in?
Generalist perspective
What do high level or meta-theories, mid-level practice theories, and low-level models provide?
High - general guidance for holistic assessment and generation of ideas for intervention Mid - more specific ideas and direction for intervention for a range of concerns Low - more specific guidelines for work with specific populations and problems
How has a trend towards eclecticism been noticed?
Shown by the number of practitioners responding to surveys as being eclectic; an international organization (SEPI) has been influential in furthering the study of eclecticism in psychotherapy; there has been a proliferation of literature on the topic