Test: Microbiology

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Select effects of bacteria on the world around us.

decomposition make yogurt food spoilage make cheese flavor food

Archaea and Eubacteria are kingdoms composed of organisms which:

do not have a membrane-bound nucleus

Unicellular, colonial, filamentous, and multicellular are examples of

common thallii of algae

All species of the phylum Apicomplexa are


In plasmodial slime molds, the plasmodium transforms into reproductive stage called a(n) __________.


What is the main component of the tiny shells of the members of the phylum Actinopoda?

calcium carbonate

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is important to the food industry in what way?

causes bread to rise

What two pigments together create the color in golden-brown algae?

chlorophyll and carotenoids

The thallus type of Volvox is ___________.


Zooflagellates move by means of a whip-like structure called:


bacterial conjugation

genetic material is shared through direct cell to cell contact


sharing of genetic material through a bacteriophage.

Select businesses that have been negatively affected by a severe red tide in the Gulf Coast of Florida.

shellfish harvesters hotels restaurants fishing

Most species of the kingdom Zygomycota are called

terrestrial saprophytes


the kingdom of eukaryotic organisms which do not fit into the kingdoms Animalia, Plantae, or Fungi

The three-dimensional glass-like structure encasing each diatom is composed mostly of


This term refers to the structure in which spores are produced.


Long hyphae that act as anchors to a surface are called ________.


Termites and Trichonympha have a symbiotic win-lose__________ neutral relationship.



the kingdom of prokaryotic organisms which are commonly known as bacteria


the kingdom which contains multicellular eukaryotic organisms commonly known as animals


the kingdom which contains multicellular eukaryotic organisms which are capable of producing their own food commonly known as plants

The process of budding can be defined as:

the production of new organisms by pinching off a portion of the parent cell

If scientists noted that a protozoan developed a cyst, they could safely assume that:

the protozoan's living conditions deteriorated

Fungi are grouped into club fungi or sac fungi according to:

the shape of their spore-producing structures

Which of the following best describes the structure of sporangiophore?

tiny stalk-like structures which support the sporangium

Symbiosis is defined as a _______ relationship between two different species.


What characteristic makes the cell of a paramecium exceptional compared to other eukaryotic cells?

Each paramecium has two nuclei.


(sing. fungus) a kingdom of organisms lacking flowers, leaves, or chlorophyll which derive nourishment from dead or living organic matter

In the past, euglena have been classified as a protozoan because they have:

motility no cell wall pellicle

Amoeboid protists use their pseudopodium for:

motility and phagocytosis

What is the thallus type of Cladophora vagabunda?



naked genetic material is taken into the cell from outside the cell membrane

All eukaryotic cells contain a

nucleus and a cytoplasm.

the kingdoms that are composed of eukaryotes.

Animalia Protista Plantae Fungi

The general name for all animal-like protists is


Without spores, fungi could not:



an organism whose cells contain a nucleus and membrane bound organelles


an organism whose cells do not contain a nucleus that is bound by a membrane

What pigment is responsible for the color of watermelon snow?


Laminaria is the scientific name for:

kelp algae


the kingdom of prokaryotic unicellular organisms known for living in environments in which all other organisms are unable to survive in

Diatomaceous earth is used as a mild abrasive, as an insulator, and as a stabilizer in dynamite.


Which group of humans is likely to experience the most devastating symptoms of toxoplasmosis?

unborn babies

Fungi are classified as saprophytes when they exhibit which characteristic?

use spores to reproduce

The presence of Ochromonas indicates very clean ____________ salt water because it thrives in environments with contamination very high salinity very ______________ .

very clean very low nutrient levels

Euglenoid movement can best be described as:


The common name for foraminifers is


Discuss the similarities and differences between the feeding phase of the plasmodial slime mold and the cellular slime mold.

"Plasmodial slime mold and cellular slime mold are similar in that they both move by means of pseudopodia and are amoeba-like organisms. They are different in that cellular slime molds are individual cells during the feeding phase, and plasmodial slime molds exist as a large multinucleated plasmodium during the feeding phase with no individual cell membranes. "

During the Plasmodium life cycle, the asexual portion is responsible for the production transfer (a)____________ of malaria. The sexual portion releases the gametes (b) __________ flagellates into the human blood stream.

(a) clinical symptoms (b) spores

The function of a dinoflagellate's terminal (a)________ shorter flagellum is to aquire food attract a mate (b)____________, and the function of the flagellum that remains in the (c)____________ cell wall sulcus is to act as a rudder encourage new growth (d)______________ .

(a)longer (b)produce movement (c)sulcus (d) act as a rudder

Multicellular fungi are composed of thread-like structures called __________.


The Anopheles mosquito is the insect vector for _________.


The internal structures and nucleus of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells are


In what form do both golden-brown algae and diatoms store their food?


An organism which lives directly on or in another organism without providing any benefits to its host is called a:


What structure is responsible for maintaining the consistent shape of a paramecium?


The molecular basis of the Gram stain is the amount of _______ in the bacterial cell wall.


What is the pigment that gives red algae its color?


The study of algae is called ___________.


A bacterium will travel through the structures of a paramecium in what order?

1. oral grove 2. gullet 3. cell cytoplasm 4. anal pore

Match the following vectors and zooflagellates.

1. water-borne cysts-Giardia lamblia 2. phlebotomine sand fly- Leishmania donovani 3. triatomine bug-Trypanosoma cruzi 4. tsetse fly-Trypanosoma

The cell wall of a Gram-negative bacterium is composed of:

20% or less of peptidoglycan

Select reasons why fungi are no longer classified as plants.

Fungi do not exhibit tissue differentiation. Fungi do not produce their own food. Fungi cell walls are composed of chitin.

How does longitudinal binary fission differ from other forms of binary fission?

It creates daughter cells that are mirror images of each other.

Select the reasons why the term 'prokaryote' can be problematic.

It implies that prokaryotes existed before eukaryotes. Prokaryote and eukaryote are used as a result of an evolutionary worldview. It implies that eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes.

A _________ cell is rod-shaped.


are commonly found growing on damp forest floors.


What was the ultimate cause of the large immigration from Ireland to the United States in the mid-nineteenth century?

Much of Ireland's potato crop was destroyed by blight.

Select reasons why chytrids differ significantly from other fungi.

The reproductive cells have flagellum. Most members are aquatic.

Even though algae can produce their own food through photosynthesis, they are not part of the Plantae kingdom. Select the reasons why.

They do not have true vascular parts. They possess significantly different reproductive features. Their cells do not differentiate.

How do rhizoids help fungi to obtain food?

They produce enzymes which break down organic molecules into a useable form.

How do contractile vacuoles help a cell with homeostasis?

They regulate water intake and excretion.

The Sargasso Sea is a large area in the Atlantic Ocean.


Describe conjugation between two paramecium.

Two paramnesia connect to each other through their oral surface. Then a cytoplasmic bridge connects them and they are bound together. Then it makes changes to the material in the nucleus, in the macronucleus and the micronucleus.

Select reasons why members of phyla Acrasiomycota, Myxomycota, and Oomycota not classified in the kingdom Fungi.

When present, the cell walls are composed of cellulose. At some point in their life cycle, these species are motile.

The rapid extensive growth of algae as the result of nearly perfect growing conditions is called:

an algal bloom

Penicillium chrysogenum is considered important because it is the first ________ discovered.


Where are you likely to find diatoms?

anywhere there is moisture

Carrageenan and algin are used in what way by the food-processing industry?

as thickeners

The name of the fruiting body for all sac fungi is ________.


Organisms are classified as either a prokaryote or a eukaryote based on their _______.

cellular structure

The two types of environments in which we are likely to find water molds are _______.

fresh water and as plant parasites

In what locations does this text suggest you might find zooflagellates living?

fresh water lakes inside other organisms

A person can become sick with NSP (Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning) by eating shellfish _______________.

from an area affected by red tide

The wide-spread destruction of elm trees in the United States was caused by _________.

Ceratocystis ulmi

Multiple select. Select the phyla of fungi you will be studying in this section.

Chytridiomycosis Zygomycotic Basidiomycota Ascomycota

___________are tiny hair-like structures on the outer surface of some protozoans that are used for motility and for________________________________________

Cilia moving food toward the oral groove of the organism

Select common organisms which are part of the phylum Ascomycota.

yeast morels

When hyphae from two fungi come in contact, a structure called a zygosporangium forms at the point where the hyphae touch. Inside this structure, the genetic material from each organism combines to form a zygospore. New complete organisms with a combination of the parental genetics can be formed from a single zygospore.

The Sexual Reproduction Cycle for Zygomycetes

Insect vectors can carry disease-causing organisms on their legs or mouthparts


Select the characteristics common to both green algae and plants.

Food is stored as starch. Cell walls are made of cellulose.

What is the final result of protozoan conjugation?

Four new protozoans are created.

is the scientific name of the algae Columbus encountered in the Sargasso Sea.


Entamoeba histolytica is an amoebic protozoan which is responsible for a disease known as amoebic anemia _________ malaria . Cysts formed by Entamoeba histolytica can live outside the human body and may contaminate water or be carried by fleas mosquitoes ___________ . Symptoms include__________ very high fever uncontrollable vomiting which can lead to death if not treated.

dysentery houseflies severe diarrhea

During phagocytosis, food particles are __________ and then digested in the __________.

engulfed by the cell membrane, food vacuole

What is a known function of the apical complex?

entry and interaction with the host cell

Kelp forests are often located on land near oceans.

false in the water

The breaking down of complex molecules into simpler molecules which cells can use for food is called ___________.


A(n) ________ best describes a Synura colony.

hairy ball

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