The Republicans' 1994 Contract with America is an example of which of the following ideas?

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No level of government may try a person under an ex post facto law, meaning a law that was passed

after the alleged crime took place.

Which of the following best expresses the federal government's chief reason for providing grants-in-aid?

aiding and influencing states

The power to borrow money is which type of power?


Which of the following is a power reserved to the states?

controlling public school systems

Which of the following was a key issue in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland?

Could a state tax a federal institution?

Which of the following is the best description of federalism?

Different levels of government share authority over the same land and people.

How was the relationship between the federal and state governments generally understood during the period of dual federalism?

Federal and state governments were each sovereign in their own sphere.

Which of the following was a significant feature of the welfare reform of 1996?

Federal block grants gave the states more control over welfare

Why did President Reagan use block grants in the 1980s?

He wanted to reduce the size of the federal government.

What is the meaning of the supremacy clause?

If federal and state laws conflict, valid federal laws take precedence.

Why is the Sixteenth Amendment an important element in the system of fiscal federalism?

It allows for a significant increase in federal income through the income tax.

Which of the following proposals is an example of the kind of federalism favored by Ronald Reagan?

Provide federal aid to the states with fewer conditions.

Which statement best describes the doctrine of secession?

States have the right to separate themselves from the Union.This answer is correct.

Which of the following is the best argument for giving states a role in controlling immigration?

States must deal with many of the effects of immigration.

The main responsibility for resolving conflicts between the states and the federal government lies with which of the following?

U.S. Supreme Court

Under his program of creative federalism, Lyndon Johnson's aim was to

Use the national government to eliminate poverty and social inequality

Which of the following is an expressed power of the federal government that is not shared with the states?

declaring war

The Republicans' 1994 Contract with America is an example of which of the following ideas?


Under the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution, a state must

honor the public acts and court proceedings of other states.

When Congress places demands on states without grant money, it is

imposing an unfunded mandate.

The term cooperative federalism refers to

joint federal and state efforts to resolve problems during and after the New Dea

According to the doctrine of nullification, states could

refuse to obey or enforce federal laws with which they disagreed.

Which of the following best defines federal mandates?

requirements imposed by the federal government as a condition of receiving grant money

Creating local governments is which type of power?


The federal government is denied the power to do which of the following?

take away freedom of speech

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