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What was included in sexual liberation?

1. Access to birth control and safe, legal abortions 2. Free sexuality, including the right to pleasure 3. The right to say no to sex 4. The sexual option of lesbianism

What are the three themes that dominate in heterosexually focused pornographic film?

1. All women want sex from men. 2. Women like all the suxal acts that men perform or demand. 3. Any woman who does not at first realize her desire for sex can be easily persuaded with a little force. Such force is rarely necessary, however, for most of the women in pronography are "nymphomaniacs", always on the lookout for sexual encounters and hyperorgasmic sex.

Sexual Revolution

1960's and 1970's. When Amerian's attitudes toward premarital sex became increasingly liberal.

Algeria Higher Education

60% of college students in algeria are women.

What is emotional labor?

A special kind of work that is invisible, associated with many occupations. This kind of work involves face-to-face or voice-to-voice contact between workers and customers.The employee is supposed to display certain feelings like attentiveness and caring and suppress others like boredom or irritation.

What is the self esteem changes between ethnicities for females?

African Americans maintain the highest, then whites, and Latina's experience the greatest drop.

pro-sex Feminists

Against Censorship because they view it as an attack on free speech and civil rights. Argue further that pornography has benefits for women.

What else playes a role in the income gap between men and women, other then race ethnicity and gender?

Age. Women and men are very close in median earnings from age sixteen until about thirty, when women's wages seem to stagnate.

Human Capital Theorists

Argue that people invest in their own human abilities, including the skills that allow them to move up the ladder at work and receive raises. Include our attitudes, education, and experience.

In the past 40-50 years, how have American attitudes towards sex changed, and why?

Attitudes have become more liberal. This is due to the efforts of feminists to discuss sex as a political issue, Femisists promoting frank talk about women's sexuality.


Began publication in 1953 and presented the alternative life of the bachelor playboy surrounded by beautfiul women who were willing sex partners.

How does self esteem change in high school between guys and girls?

Both genders have self esteem drops, however girls drops much faster and lower. Girls from a 4 to 2.8. Boys from a 5 to a 4.8.

What are the test-taking excellations of boys vs. girls?

Boys are better at multiple-choice, and girls are better at short-answer, essay and constructed response questions.

How can the gender gap in promotion be closed?

Building bridges from one job ladder to another creating formal processes raising the cost of discrimination


Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics -- advocate that prostitution be decriminalized in the US because it would give prostitutes more control over their bodies. Yet, it opposes legalization.

What are some examples of "backhanded tactics"?

Condescending Chivalry (withholding information to "protect" her) Friendly harassment Benevolant Exploitation (giving a woman a chance to work on a project to learn the job, but then taking full credit)

Comparable worth policy

Designs systematic ways to evaluate jobs and pay scalesthat do not discriminate against occupations that are dominated by women: skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions.

What are the three explanations for the gap that exists between women and men in pay?

Discrimination Human Capital Organization of Jobs

Agression in high-status occupations.

Displayed by women = high wage cuts. cuts for men if NOT displayed.

Equal Pay Day...?

Every year in april -- The average woman in a full-time job position would have to work until this day of the next year to catuch up with the wages of the average man from the year before.

SAT Gender Bias

Example: questions that are math stories may involve auto relations. 1998 -- college board forced to review test due to increased complaint of bias.

Oberlin College, 1833

First college to integrate by gender. Believed it would enhance the ducation of men to have women there. Men needed a "more wholesome and realistic vew of women".

"The Chilly Climate"

Gender Bias in academic settings. Not just students, but teachers and even the organization of schools are affected by this.

The Vagina Monologues

Highly controversial: Bans, boycotts, and protests have occurred at many catholic universities. The authors state that the reaction shows discomfort with women's sexuality.

Is Prostitution legal?

In some places, yes. For example there are ten counties in nevada where is is legal, and nevada is home to 35 licensed brothels. and 300 legally registered prostitutes.

Global rates of illiteracy

In the U.S. girls are more likely to go to school than boys. But across the world, 2/3 of children not going to school are girls. and 86 million out of 140 million illiterate in the world are girls.

The three cocentric circles of people who work together

Inner Circle -- power is concentrated, if women are let in they are tokens and must prove their ability. Friendly Colleagues Isolated Loners

Robert Jensen on Pornography

Males are consistently urged to "Be a Man". We have no research on women in pornography. There is nothing comparable to the deluge of women-hating products of the contemporary pronography industry.

Which classes tend to show the most bias against girls?

Math and science classes. Chemistry in particular.

In the past 30 years, what have the been the changes and similarities to thoughts about women in the workplace?

Men are becoming more accepting of women in the workplace, however, the gap still remains that many still are not convinced that employed mothers can take proper care of their children.

Who consumes more porn, on average, men or women?

Men. 72% of visitors to pornographic sites are men.


Most prescribed drug to students in highschool in the U.S. For ADHD purposes.

The correspondence principle

Much of what we learn at school is preparation for our future roles as workers in a capitalist society. Capitalists need a docile, obedient, motivated workforce and schools prepare us for this. What happens at school corresponds to what happens at work.

Michael Kimmel on Pornography

Porn is linked to a definition of manhood as continual sexual arousal/readiness, a definition that leads to men's feelings of powerlessness in the face of women's refusals of sex. We need honest conversations based on critisms of sexual violence and the construction of masculinity.

Liberal Feminists

Pornography, although it may be personally offensive or morally reprehensible to some, in the name of free speech and civil liberties it should not be regulated. Anticensorship but not pro-pornography.

In the United States alone what do Porn sales add up to be more then?

Profits of the NBA, the NFL and Major League Baseball combined.

What is the racialized "double standard"?

Punishing black men, and exploting black women for sex. Tied to potent myths about black sexuality that have led to lynchings of black men, and cloaked white men's sexual abuse of black women in silence.

Two ways of receieving "girl-on-girl" sexual behaviors:

Reactionary -- Women performing for the pleasure of men Subversive -- A challenge to compulsory heterosexuality

Bias Theorists

Scholars who argue that the pay gap is a result of discrimination. Argue that decisions about who will be hired, promoted, or fired and what an employee will be paid are made in ways that discriminate against women.

What caused the "sexual revolution"?

Slogans such as "Make Love, Not War", magazines like playboy, etc.

Where do most of the sex-trafficed women come from?

Thailand,Bangladesh, the former societ union, and Brazil.

What do WHISPER and COYOTE agree on?

That the current conditions in which prostitutes work must be improved.

What does Carpenter suggest we think about prostitution?

That women can be both the agent and the victim.

Compulsory Sexuality

The argument that social institutions and popular culture assume heterosexuality and that heterosexuality maintained women's subordination.

What countries have the lowest proportion of women in the labor force?

The countries in northern africa, the middle east, and west asia.

The feminization of poverty

The greter tendency for women to be poor

How does american cultural cconception of sex get portrayed?

The male is the aggressor and initiator while the women is passive, the receptor.


The process of transforming objects and putting something together from whatever happens to be avialable.

Harry Brod on Pornography

The root of the word is "harlot". Does not deny that porn might contribute to male power, but also claims it is destructive to men. Porn expresses both men's public power and their lack of personal power. Important to educate about ethics and meaning of freedom.

What do Barbara Reskin and irene Radavic argue is the reason for why women's wages remain lower than men's?

They believe that the political character of gender is the underlying and more important cause of the wage gap. They explain the cause as being due to men wanting to preserve their advantages by establish customs of such.

Gender and Development (GAD)

They point to the enormous differences in women's experience by race ethnicity, social class, and nation and call for a conceptual model and policies that recognize the diversity among women. We cannot talk about women in isolation, but must think of relationships, women and men, gender relations.

Women in Development (WID)

This approach maintains that poor nations should model themseves after wealthier ones and that women in all countries but especially the Global outh, should beocme more like men by moving into the paid labor force to work alongside men.

What is the focus of porn?

Vaginal, oral, and anal penetration, women perform fellatio on men and other women, and ejaculations onto women -- the cum, or money shot -- as indicators of men's heterosexual fantasies in the films.

What is the most popular form of porn?

Video pornography

The Glass Escalator

When men are put in woman-dominated professions, they are given preferential treatment when they are tokens. Instead of being held back, men face invisible pressures to move up in their professions.

Who stands out as getting paid the most out of all the racial ethnic groups?

White males.


Women Hurt in Systems of Prostitution Engaged in Revolt -- holds that prostitution is never freely chosen by women.

The Glass Ceiling

Women and miorities seem to be able to only go so far in their jobs because some invisible force is holding them back.

Women's "rap" groups

Women coming together to discuss their place as women in a society torn by political debates over war and over the constraints on women's private and public lives, they shared their private troubles and turned them into public issues.

What do you human capital theorists believe?

Women do not have as much commitment to paid work men invest more in themselves than women do men obtain more eduaction or job training

Emotional Labor differences, example?

Women nurses, male police. Both are supposed to be emotionally expressive and sometimes they are supposed to express emotions that are generally similar, but often they must be framed in gendered forms.

What happened to Walmart in 2001?

Women who are current of former employees at Wal-Mart filed a mssive nationwide sex discrimination lawsuit in U.S. District Court. In 2003, it became the largest class-action lawsuit ever-with well over 1 million participants.

Is access to water directly related to education?

Yes, it's the girl's burden, and it leads to them not being able to attend school.

Rational Choice Theory

argue that as boys and girls we may learn to identify some housework tasks with girls and women and others with boys and men. It comes from their interactions with one another as adults in hourseholds. Argue that we rationalize coices such as which partner has other responsibilities, etc.

Women and Development (WAD)

asserts that women already are active workers although they may not be receiving wages. Think that international economic policies should recognize the invisible work of women and design ways to support and compensate it.

Social Security

benefits are tied to income... men on average earn more than women, they are more likely to be eligible for mazimum benefits. Men are allso more likely to be in the paid labor for more more years.

What are the four substructures of masculinity?

division of labor, power relations, emotional relations, and symbolization.

"No Child Left Behind" Act

education policy established by the Bush administration in 2002. May increase same-sex schools in the United States because it encourages schools to try same-sex classrooms.

Types of invisible work:

emotion work, housework, sociability work.

Socializaton Theorists

emphasize the early experience of children especially in families. we teach our boys and girls skills in certain kinds of housweork and we train them to feel responsible and comfortable with some activities and not others.

What are the three lessons taught to us by schools?

follow the rules of the social institution. accept the hierarchy of authority. most important goals of student are external rewards.

Cool Pose

heterosexual black and latino homeless. Respect is the central feature of this countermasculinity. Be buff, demand respect.

What is associated with low education levels among women?

higher fertility, lower paid jobs, decreased income, greater poverty, and higher mortality rates.

Perfect Copy

homosexual homeless men. This consists of either hypermasculine or hyperfeminine roles. In both cases the exaggeraton of the roles juxtaposed with homosexuality destabilize stereotypes of manliness.

What does Kimmel (2000) asser that the promotion of single-sex schools will do?

it is a sign that we have abandoned the goal of transforming our social institutions as safe equal places for both women and men.

Title IX

made it illegal for schools that received any federal assistance, including universities that received federally funded scholarships or research grants, to discriminate against girls and women. 1972.

Urban Hermits

mostly white heterosexuals. identified themselves as self sufficient and many retreated into isolation, spendingtheir time alone in hotel rooms. Depite their failure to succeed in the dominant society, they persisted in their belief in indicidual responsibility for everything that happens to them.

Socal Structural Explanations of the pay gap

point to the ways the workplace and labor market are organized. -Homosociality -segregation of occupations -

Antiporn Feminists

porn is an expression of men's sexual dominance that commodifies objectifies and exploits women. Pornography is an instrument of power that reinforces women's oppression.


refers to the integration of the world's economies, political systems, informational networks and ecology into one large system.

Warrior Narratives

the stories in their play-acting centered around fighting, destroying and identifying "good guys" and "bad guys".

Feminist Theorists

the way in which housework is divided cannot represent two equals negotiating an equitable and rational decision because gender inequality interferes with those rational choices. it is a way in which gender inequality is generated.

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