US History Legislative Exam

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14th Amendment

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

veto whigs faction 1834 tyrannical king george federal internal national bank 1836 van buren lack organization helped crisis

Jackson's v___o of the bank & his Specie Circular helped galvanize opposition forces into a new political party, the W____s, a f_____n that began to form in 18__4. Opponents of Jackson saw him as exercising t_________l pwr, so they chose the name Whig after the 18th c. political party that resisted the monarchical pwr of K___g G______e III. Whigs championed an active f______l gov't committed to i______l improvements, including a n______l b____k. They made their 1st nat'l appearance in the presidential election of 183__, a contest that pitted Jackson's handpicked successor, Martin V__n B____n, against a field of several Whig candidates. Indeed, the large field of Whig candidates indicated the new party's l____k of o___________n compared to the Democrats. This h______d Van Buren, who carried the day in the Electoral College. As the effects of the Panic of 1837 cont. to be felt for yrs afterward, the Whig press pinned the blame for the economic c_____s on Van Buren & the Democrats.


Largely former slave owners who were the bitterest opponents of the Republican program in the South. Staged a major counterrevolution to "redeem" the south by taking back southern state governments. Their foundation rested on the idea of racism and white supremacy. Redeemer governments waged and agressive assault on African Americans.

sugar act 1764 competition revenue reversed molasses smugglers money offset cost troops

Parliament passed the S____r A__t (176__). For over a century, the Navigation Acts regulated col. trade to protect Br. commerce & manufacturing from c__________n; the duties imposed on the imports & exports weren't intended to raise r_______e. The Sugar Act r______d this policy. By reducing the tax on m_______s from Fr. West Indies & providing for stricter enforcement against s_______s through British vice‐admiralty courts, Br. hoped to raise enough m____y to o_____t the c___t of keeping t______s in the colonies

15th Amendment (1870)

Prohibited voting restrictions based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude (slavery)

strengthened rebellions caribbean saint domingue haiti burning sugar killing abolished spain england l'ouverture leader france

Unlike the Am. Revolution, which s___________d slavery & the pwrs of Am. slaveholders, the Fr. Revolution inspired slave r________s in the Caribbean, including a 1791 slave uprising in the Fr. colony of S____t-D______e (H____i). Thousands of slaves aligned to overthrow the brutal sys. of slavery. They took ctl of a large section of the island, b______g s____r plantations & k_____g the white planters who forced them to labor under the lash. (1794), Fr. revolutionaries a__________d slavery in the Fr. empire, & both S_____n & E______d attacked St-Domingue, hoping to add the colony to their empires. Toussaint L'_________e, a former domestic slave, emerged as the l_____r in the fight against Sp. & Eng. to secure a Haiti free of slavery & colonialism. Because revolutionary Fr. abolished slavery, Toussaint aligned himself w/F______e, hoping to keep Spain & England at bay

McCormick mechanical reaper 1840 chicago output john deere plows grain ohio agricultural

VA-born Cyrus M_________k wanted to replace the process of using a scythe to cut & gather wheat for harvest. In 1831, he & the slaves on his family's plantation tested a horse-drawn m________l r_____r, & over the next decades, he made improvements. More farmers began using it in the 18__0s, & greater demand for the McCormick reaper led McCormick & his brother to est. the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. in C______o, where labor was more readily available. By the 1850s, McCormick's mechanical reaper had enabled farmers to vastly increase their o_______t. McCormick—& also J___n D_____e, who improved on the design of p____s—opened the prairies to agriculture. McCormick's bigger machine could harvest g____n faster, & Deere's plow could cut through thick prairie sod. Agriculture north of the O___o River became the pantry that would lower food prices & feed the major cities in the East. In short order, Ohio, Indiana, & Illinois all become major a__________l states

American Missionary Association

What private organization sent Northern white women south to serve as teachers to freed blacks?


farmers who did not own slaves; made up majority of the population

Dawes Act

1887 law that distributed reservation land to individual Native American owners

Compromise of 1850

(1) California admitted as free state, (2) territorial status and popular sovereignty of Utah and New Mexico, (3) resolution of Texas-New Mexico boundaries, (4) federal assumption of Texas debt, (5) slave trade abolished in DC, and (6) new fugitive slave law; advocated by Henry Clay and Stephen A. Douglas

charles townshend quartering act nullify colony understood imports dickinson commerce assemblies board customs commissioners fines spy property

(1767) C______s T________d became prime minister of GB. After protests in NY over the 1765 Q_________g A__t (made col. legislatures pay for Br. troop supplies), Townshend threatened to n_____y all laws passed by the c______y unless pmts were made. NY backed down but u_______d that the threat interfered w/col. self‐gov't. (1767) The Townshend duties taxed Am. i_______s of glass, lead, paper, paint, & tea. John D________n argued Parliament couldn't tax c________e for revenue purposes bcuz that pwr was only in the col. a_________s. Townshend created the Am. B___d of C______s C___________s to regulate the collection of the duties. The commissioners levied heavy f____s for technical violations, to s__y on alleged violators, & even to seize p_______y for dubious reasons.

Mexican-American War

(1846-1848) The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory. Ended with the treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo

slavery boston superiority fears revolt constraints economy buying revolution stronger ties taste ideas

17th & 18th c. saw expansion of s______y in Am. colonies from SC to B_____n. It created a false sense of s___________y in whites, while also fueling f______s of slave r______t. White response to the threat of revolts led to overreactions & more c___________s on slaves' activities. The develop. of the Atl. e________y gave colonists access to more Br. goods than ever before. The b______g habits of both commoners & the rising colonial gentry fueled the consumer r__________n, creating even s________r ties w/GB through a shared community of t_____e & i______s.

wilmot proviso

1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

Homestead Act

1862 - Provided free land in the West to anyone willing to settle there and develop it. Encouraged westward migration.

reconstruction acts

1867 - Pushed through congress over Johnson's veto, it gave radical Republicans complete military control over the South and divided the South into five military zones, each headed by a general with absolute power over his district.

Battle of Wounded Knee

1890 *Sioux natives wished to practice a dance that they believed would free their lands, rid them of whites, and lead to prosperity, but this plan frightened white settlers *The federal army believed Chief Sitting Bull was organizing a rebellion, and acting on the settlers' fear and their suspicions, the army captured the chief *In a sudden exchange of gunfire between the tribe and the army, Chief Sitting Bull and the others were killed *The remainder of the tribe fled to a camp near Wounded Knee Creek *When the army reached this camp, a shot was fired, and in reaction, the army killed two hundred men, women, and children in what is considered the last battle of the Indian Wars

Alien and Sedition Acts

4 laws passed by Federalist Congress & signed by Pr. Adams in 1798: the Naturalization Act ( increased the waiting period for an immigrant to become a citizen from 5 to 14 yrs); the Alien Act (empowered the president to arrest & deport dangerous aliens); the Alien Enemy Act (allowed for the arrest & deportation of citizens of countries w/the US); & the Sedition Act (made it illegal to publish defamatory statements about the fed. gov't or its officials). The first 3 were enacted in response to the XYZ Affair, & were aimed at French & Irish immigrants. The Sedition Act was an attempt to stifle Dem.-Rep. opposition, although only 25 people were ever arrested, and only 10 convicted, under the law. The Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions, which initiated the concept of "nullification" of federal laws were written in response to the Acts.

Gettysburg Address

A 3-minute address by Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War (November 19, 1963) at the dedication of a national cemetery on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg

joint-stock company

A company made up of a group of shareholders. Each shareholder contributes some money to the company and receives some share of the company's profits and debts.


A derogatory term for Southerners who were working with the North to buy up land from desperate Southerners


A form of government in which people elect representatives to create and enforce laws

9 ratify constitution convention newspapers pamphlets hamilton madison jay essays federalist papers federalists antifederalists states new hampshire

A min. of __ states was needed to r____y the C__________n. In the months after the C_________n finished its work (Sept. 1787), the debate over ratification raged in n__________s, p_________s, & on the floors of state legislatures. To educate voters & spark public discussion, Alexander H________n, James M______n, & John J__y wrote a series of e______s supporting the strong gov't in the Constitution, which were published in p______s nationwide. The articles are collectively known as the "F_________t P______s", & those who favored ratification of the new constitution called themselves F_________s. Their opponents were called A_____________s, believing the new document gave too much pwr to the nat'l gov't & left too little to the s_____s. On 6/21/1788, N__w H_________e became the 9th state to ratify the Constitution.


A northerner who went to the South immediately after the Civil War; especially one who tried to gain political advantage or other advantages from the disorganized situation in southern states

Manifest Destiny

A notion held by a nineteenth-century Americans that the United States was destined to rule the continent, from the Atlantic the Pacific.


A person who wanted to end slavery in the United States

popular sovreignty

A principle stating that citizens in the republic would determine who would represent them, & decide other issues, on the basis of majority rule.

Second Great Awakening

A second religious fervor that swept the nation. It converted more than the first. It also had an effect on moral movements such as prison reform, the temperance movement, and moral reasoning against slavery.

Ku Klux Klan

A secret society created by white southerners in 1866 that used terror and violence to keep African Americans from obtaining their civil rights.

Intolerable Acts

A series of laws set up by Parliament to punish Massachusetts for its protests against the British (which closed the port of Boston, limiting colonial assembly meetings & disbanded all town meetings, to punish Massachusetts & bring the colony into line)

transportation 1800s roads turnpikes canals railroads shrank distances progress ship country rural employment

A t____________n infrastructure rapidly took shape in the 1__00s as Am. investors & the gov't began building r____s, t_______s, c____s, & r________s. The time required to travel s_____k vastly, & ppl marveled at their ability to conquer great d_______s, enhancing their sense of the steady adv. of p_______s. The transportation revolution made it possible to s___p agr. & manufactured goods throughout the c_____y & enabled r_____l ppl to travel to towns & cities for e_________t opportunities.

war of 1812

A war between the U.S. and Great Britain caused by American outrage over the impressment of American sailors by the British, the British seizure of American ships, and British aid to the Indians attacking the Americans on the western frontier. Also, a war against Britain gave the U.S. an excuse to seize the British northwest posts and to annex Florida from Britain's ally Spain, and possibly even to seize Canada from Britain. The War Hawks (young westerners led by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun) argued for war in Congress. The war involved several sea battles and frontier skirmishes. U.S. troops led by Andrew Jackson seized Florida and at one point the British managed to invade and burn Washington, D.C. The Treaty of Ghent (December 1814) restored the status quo and required the U.S. to give back Florida. Two weeks later, Andrew Jackson's troops defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans, not knowing that a peace treaty had already been signed. The war strengthened American nationalism and encouraged the growth of industry.

13th Amendment (1865)

Abolition of slavery w/o compensation for slave-owners

stamp act protests sons liberty congress parliament taxes refused boycotted economic merchants 1766 declaratory act right legislate

After hearing word of the S____p A__t, violent protests broke out in colonies led by the S___s of L______y. Stamp distributors were hung & their homes destroyed. In Oct. 1765, rep.s from 9 colonies met as the Stamp Act C______s, agreeing P_________t could enact laws for the colonies but not to impose direct t____s. As the Stamp Act approached (Nov. 1765), colonists r______d to use the stamps & b_______d Br. goods. Noting that the boycott could have serious e_________c repercussions at home, Br. manufacturers & m________s got the Stamp Act repealed in Mar. 176__. The reversal was more beneficial than principled, & Parl. made it clear by passing the "D__________y A__t" on the same day that it still had the r____t to l_______e for the colonies.

Radical Republicans

After the Civil War, a group that believed the South should be harshly punished and thought that Lincoln was sometimes too compassionate towards the South.


American colonist who favored American independence


American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence

1840 import export market goods prices unregulated commercial 270,000 boom bust labor materials consumer credit imbalance wage employment investors assets 1819 land

By the 18__0s, the US economy bore little resemblance to the i____t-&-e_____t economy of col. days. It was now a m______t economy, one where prod. of g____s, & their p_____s, were u___________d by the gov't. C_________l centers, where job seekers flocked, grew. NYC's pop. skyrocketed. In 1790, it was 33,000; by 1820, it had reached 200,000; & by 1825, it had swelled to 2___,000. However, the expansion of the Am. economy made it prone to the b___m-&-b___t cycle. Mkt economies involve fluctuating prices for l____r, raw m________s, & c________r goods & depend on c______t & fin. instruments—either can be the source of an i_________e & an econ. downturn in which businesses & farmers default, w____e workers lose e___________t, & i__________s lose assets. This happened for the 1st time in the US (181__) when waves of enthusiastic speculation (expectations of rapidly rising prices) in l____d & commodities gave way to drops in prices

land environment hunting grounds private ownership made wealth bible land game taking

Clashing beliefs about l___d ownership & use of the e_________t would be the greatest area of conflict w/Europeans. Although tribes often claimed the right to certain h_____g g______s, Indians didn't practice p______e o________p of land. A person's possessions included only what they had m___e, such as tools or weapons. The European Christian worldview, viewed land as the source of w_____h. According to the Christian B____e, God created humanity in his image w/the command to use & subdue the rest of creation (included land but also all animal life). Upon arriving in N America, Europeans found no signs designating ownership. They believed l___d, & the g____e that populated it, were there for the t_______g

trading network africa west indies triangular trade new england rum african slaves vessels shipbuilding mercantile theory iron coal finished goods competition export apprentices

Colonies were part of an Atlantic t______g network linking them w/Eng., A_____a, & the W____t I______s. The pattern of commerce (the T___________r T______e), exchanged products from col. farms, plantations, fisheries, & forests w/Eng. for manufactured goods & the West Indies for slaves, molasses, & sugar. N__w E______d turned molasses & sugar into r__m to buy A_______n s______s. Col. industry was closely assoc. w/trade. A big % of Atlantic shipping was on v______s built by colonies, & s__________g stimulated other crafts (sewing of sails, milling of lumber, & manuf. of naval stores). M_________e t______y encouraged colonies to give raw materials for Eng.'s industrializing economy; pig i___n & c___l became important exports. Also, restrictions were placed on f_______d g______s (ex. Parliament, concerned about possible c___________n from col. hatters, prohibited the e______t of hats b/w colonies & lim. the # of a____________s in each hatmaker's shop.

Indentured Servants

Colonists who received free passage to North America in exchange for working without pay for a certain number of years (typically 4-7)

1609 john rolfe cash crop james export labor capital headright system 1618 acres land indentured servants fixed term passage slaves 1619 slowly 1200 malnutrition debt indians expanded revoke royal colony 1624

Conditions deteriorated after Smith left in 160__, but there were important developments over the next decade. J___n R____e introduced tobacco as a c___h c___p. Even though J____s I was anti-smoking, it quickly became a valuable e____t for the colony. To attract l____r & new c_____l, the London Co. instituted the h_______t s______m in 161__. Anyone who paid their own passage to Jamestown received 50 a____s of l___d + another 50 acres for each add. individual they bring. The latter were i__________d s________s, who agreed to work for their sponsor for a f____d t____m (usually 4-7 yrs) in return for their p_______e. There were also newcomers to the colony that came in chains. The 1st ship to bring s______s to N Am. landed at Jamestown in 161__. Even w/the headright sys. & the influx of indentured servants, Jamestown grew s_____y. There were only about 1__00 settlers by 1622. Death from disease & m____________n took its toll, the co. was in d____t to its shareholders, & conflicts w/the I______s became more common as the colony e________d. These problems led the king to r_____e the charter of the London Co.; Virginia became a r_____l c________y under the direct ctl of the crown in 162__.

compromise of 1877

Ended Reconstruction. Republicans promise 1) Remove military from South, 2) Appoint Democrat to cabinet (David Key postmaster general), 3) Federal money for railroad construction and levees on Mississippi river

federalists james madison bill rights 1791 10 amendments personal state opposition legitimacy

F__________s followed through on the promise to add a bill in 1789, when VA Rep. J____s M_____n introduced & Congress approved the B___l of R____s. Adopted in 179__, the bill consisted of the 1st 1__ a_________s to the Constitution & outlined many of the p_______l rights s____e constitutions already guaranteed. The adoption of the BoR softened the Anti-Federalists' o________n to the Constitution & gave the new federal gov't greater l_________y among those who distrusted the new centralized pwr created by men of property during the secret 1787 Philadelphia Constitutional Convention.

federalists democratic republicans monarch republic haiti slave uprisings pinckney treaty spanish federalists whiskey federal tax washington mob action white indian

F_________s & D________c-R_________s interpreted the execution of the Fr. m______h & violent est. of a Fr. r______c differently. Revolutionaries' excesses in Fr. & the slaves' revolt in the Fr. colony of H____i raised fears among Fed.s of similar radicalism & s____e u________s on Am. shores. They looked to better relationships w/GB through Jay's Treaty. P______y's T_____y, made bcuz of Jay's Treaty, improved U.S. relations w/the S_____h & opened the Sp. port of New Orleans to Am. commerce. Dem-Rep.s took a more positive view of the Fr. Revolution & grew suspicious of the F_________s when they brokered Jay's Treaty. The partisan divide came to a dramatic head in western Pennsylvania when w______y distillers (who aligned w/the Democratic-Republicans) took action against the f______l t__x on their product. W_________n led a massive force to stop the uprising, demonstrating Federalist intolerance of m__b a_____n. Though divided on many issues, the majority of w____e citizens agreed on the necessity of eradicating the I_____n presence on the frontier.

Battle of Fort Sumter

First fired shots of the Civil War. Confederate Victory, fought in South Carolina.

1606 james plymouth london colonies maine joint-stock corporation stock ships supplies

In 160__, Elizabeth's successor, J____s I, issued charters to the VA Co. of P______h & the VA Co. of L_____n to est. c______s along the Atlantic coast from modern‐day North Carolina to M____e. These were j____t‐s___k companies, the forerunner of the modern c_________n. Individuals bought s____k in the companies, which paid for s____s & s_______s, hoping to gain profit from their investment.

1774 1775 gage munitions powder concord arrest adams hancock boston riders revere minutemen lexington concord ambushed

In 177__-1775, tensions in New England grew. On 4/19/177__, Gen. G___e ordered troops to seize m________s stored in a p______r magazine in C_______d, MA. Instructions from London called for the a_____t of rebel leaders Samuel A____s & John H_______k. Hoping for secrecy, his troops left B______n @ night, but r_______s from Boston let militias know Br. plans. (Paul R______e was a rider, but the Br. captured him & he never finished his ride.) M________n met the Br. troops & fought them @ L_______n & then C_______d. The Br. retreated to Boston & were a_______d from other militias along the way.

1900 1800 textile mills machines finished goods banned mechanics Samuel Slater knowledge merchants water cotton mill technology founder

In the late 17__0s & early 1__00s, GB had the most adv. t______e m____s & m________s in the world, & the US cont. to rely on GB for f_______d g_____s. GB hoped to maintain its economic adv. over its former colonies, so as to prevent the knowledge of adv. manufacturing from leaving the Empire, the Br. b______d the emigration of m________s (skilled workers who knew how to build & repair the latest textile machines). Some skilled Br. mechanics, including S______l S______r, managed to travel to the US in the hopes of profiting from their k_________e & experience w/adv. textile manufacturing. He understood the workings of the latest water-powered textile mills. (1790s) In Pawtucket, Rhode Island, Slater convinced several Am. m__________s to finance & build a w_____r-powered c_______n m___l based on Br. models. His knowledge of both t_________y & mill org. made him the f________r of the 1st successful cotton mill in the US

pueblo spanish town stone mud stories rooms

In the southwestern part of today's US dwelled several groups we collectively call the P____o. The S______h first gave them this name, which means "t____n" or "village," because they lived in towns or villages of permanent s____e-and-m__d buildings w/thatched roofs. Like present-day apartment houses, these buildings had multiple s_____s, each w/multiple r_____s. The 3 main groups of these people were the Mogollon, Hohokam, and Anasazi.

1776 continental congress thomas jefferson john adams declaration independence written grievances republic preamble enlightenment rights values patriot france spain foreign recognition

In the summer of 177__, C_________l C________s met in Philadelphia & agreed to cut ties w/GB. Virginian T______s J________n & J____n A______s of Massachusetts, w/Congress' support, articulated the justification for liberty in the D__________n of I_____________e. W_______n mostly by Jefferson, it included a long list of g__________s against King George III & laid out the foundation of Am. gov't as a r_________c where the consent of the governed was really important. The p_______e to the Declaration began w/a statement of E___________t principles about universal human r_____s & v______s. Additionally, the document served another purpose: P_____t leaders sent copies to F_____e & S_____n hoping to win their support & aid against GB. They knew how important f_______n r___________n & aid would in creating a new, independent nation.

colonists ohio tribes proclamation 1763 boundary appalachian unlicensed banned challenge iroquois cherokee settlement

Intended to separate c_______s & O___o Valley t_____s as much as possible, the P___________n of 17__3 est. a b________y running along the crest of the A__________n Mtns. U_________d traders & settlers were b______d west of the boundary. The colonists considered it a c_________e to their land claims & cont. pushing west, making its orders ineffective. W/in a few yrs, Br. Indian agents negotiated treaties w/the I_______s, C________e, & other tribes, opening up large areas of western NY, PA, Ohio, & VA to s__________t.

Emancipation Proclamation

Issued by abraham lincoln on september 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free

liberty 1803 louisiana purchase agrarian republic yeomen trade port produce mississippi river napoleon source food haiti agreed

Jefferson, who wanted to expand the US for his "empire of l_____y," realized his greatest triumph in 180__. Bought LA from Fr. (for $15 million) & the US doubled in size. The L________a P_______e greatly enhanced the Jeffersonian vision of the US as an a_______n r_______c where y_____n farmers wkd the land. Jefferson also wanted to bolster t_____e in the West, seeing the p___t of New Orleans & the Mississippi River as crucial to Am. agricultural commerce. In his mind, farmers would send their p______e down the M_________i R____r to New Orleans to be sold to European traders. The purchase of Louisiana came about bcuz of circumstances beyond Jefferson's ctl, though the timing proved advantageous. N______n couldn't restore the empire lost w/Fr.'s defeat in the Fr. & Indian War. His vision of Louisiana & the Mississippi Valley as the source for f____d for H____i, the most profitable sugar island in the world, had failed. The emperor therefore a_____d to the sale in early 1803.

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

Johnson was impeached for the charge of High Crimes and Misdemeanors on February 24, 1868 of which one of the articles of impeachment was violating the Tenure of Office Act. He had removed Edwin M. Stanton, the Secretary of War, from office and replaced him with Adjutant General Lorenzo Thomas

Battle of Bull Run

July 21, 1861. Va. (outside of D.C.) People watched battle. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson: Confederate general, held his ground and stood in battle like a "stone wall." Union retreated. Confederate victory. Showed that both sides needed training and war would be long and bloody

black codes

Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War

jim crow laws

Limited rights of blacks. Literacy tests, grandfather clauses and poll taxes limited black voting rights

Election of 1860

Lincoln, the Republican candidate, won because the Democratic party was split over slavery. As a result, the South no longer felt like it has a voice in politics and a number of states seceded from the Union.


Member of a militia during the American Revolution who boasted that they could be ready to fight in 60 seconds

colonists wheat oats fish lumber trade land climate diversify cattle rice indigo population south limited german farms survive

Most c________s were farmers. New England crops —barley, w____t, & o____s—were the same in Eng., so they had little value compared w/the staples of south. plantations. Many New Englanders left farming to f___h or produce l________r, tar, & pitch to trade for Eng. manufactured goods. In the Middle Colonies, richer l____d & a better c________e created a small surplus. Tobacco was still the most important cash crop around Chesapeake Bay, but the volatility of tobacco prices led planters to d_______y. Cereal grains, flax, & c_______e became important to VA & Maryland economies in the 18th c. R___e cultivation grew in SC & GA, & i_____o was added around 1740; used for blue dye much in demand by the Eng. textile industry. P_________n growth put pressure on the lim. supply of northern land, while the best land in the s____h was already taken by planters. W/chances for newbies l_____d in the settled coastal areas, many G______n & Scotch‐Irish immigrants pushed into the interior. Filtering into the backcountry of PA, VA, & Carolinas, they est. f____s on the frontier & grew enough food to s______e.

19 cotton gin eli whitney 1794 production needed demand end slavery seeds raw hand crank extracted carding fibers spinning

One of the most influential advancements of the early 1__th c. was the c______n g_n invented by E_i W_____y & patented in 179__. Whitney, who was born in Mass., had spent time in the South & knew that a device to speed up the p_________n of cotton was desperately n______d so cotton farmers could meet the growing d______d for their crop. He hoped the cotton gin would e__d s_______y. Whitney's simple invention cleaned the s_____s from the r__w cotton far more quickly & efficiently than slaves could by hand. The raw cotton w/seeds was placed in the cotton gin, & w/the use of a h___d c_____k, the seeds were e________d through a c_______g device that aligned the cotton f______s in strands for s________g.

william paterson new jersey plan expanded revenue commerce state 1 executive removable judges binding

Opposition to Madison's proposal developed immediately. W______m P_______n of NJ, noting that the large‐state plan would give considerable pwr to states like VA & NY, offered a less radical departure from the AoC. The N__w J______y P__n kept the 1‐house legislature of the Confederation Congress but e_______d its powers to include raising r_______e & regulating c________e. The members were chosen by the state legislatures & each s____e got __ vote. A multi‐person e_______e elected by the legislature was proposed. The executives, who were r__________e by action of the majority of the governors, also appointed j_______s to a supreme court. Laws passed by the legislature were b_______g on the states, & the multiperson executive was authorized to compel obedience to the law.

American Equal Rights Association

Organization founded in 1866 by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to secure equal rights for all citizens regardless of race or sex.

Freedmen's Bureau

Organization run by the army to care for and protect southern Blacks after the Civil War

rioting soldiers fired killing trial adams paul revere boston massacre

R______g in Boston over the actions of the Board of Customs Commissioners brought Br. s_______s to the city in Oct. 1768. Over the next yrs, animosity toward the soldiers grew & finally boiled over on 3/5/1770, when troops f____d on a crowd of rock‐throwing demonstrators, k_____g 5. Although the soldiers were provoked, & several were brought to t____l, patriots Samuel A_____s & P___l R_____e tried to use the incident to stir up anti‐British passions. In fact, the "B_____n M_______e" didn't trigger further resistance, & tensions b/w the colonies & Br. eased, although temporarily.

robert fulton steamship engine 1807 paddle albany 32 hudson 1,000 faster cheaply economic settlement

R_____t F______n invented the s________p e_____e in 180__. His 1st steamship, the Clermont, used p_____e wheels to travel the 150 miles from NYC to A____y in a record time of only 3__ hrs. Soon, a fleet of steamboats was traversing the H_____n River & NY Harbor, later expanding to travel every major Am. river (including the Mississippi). By the 1830s there were over __,000 of these vessels, radically changing water transportation by ending its dependence on the wind. Steamboats could travel f_____r & more c______y than sailing vessels or keelboats. Steamboats also arrived w/greater dependability. The steamboat facilitated the rapid e________c develop. of the massive Mississippi River Valley & the s__________t of the West.

Nat Turner's Rebellion

Rebellion in which Nat Turner led a group of slaves through virginia in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow and kill planter families

Union League

Reconstruction-Era African American organization that worked to educate Southern blacks about civic life, built black schools and churches, and represented African American interests before government and employers. It also campaigned on behalf of Republican candidates and recruited local militias to protect blacks from white intimidation.

william pitt objected taxation representation interests everywhere colonists americans know concerns interests

Some Br. leaders, most notably W______m P__t, o________d to the Stamp Act bcuz it raised the question of t_______n w/out r____________n. Prime Minister George Grenville countered that all Br. subjects enjoyed virtual representation; that is, the members of Parliament represented not only the constituents of their district but the i_______s of Br. citizens everywhere, including those in America. The c_______s, of course, sided w/Pitt & claimed if A_________s weren't sitting in Parliament, there was no way members could k____w their c_______s & i________s

eastern woodlands adena hopewell hunter trading rocky mountains gulf coasts

The "E_______n W__________s" refers to the large, heavily forested area extending from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic seacoast, where several important cultures flourished. The A_____a of the Ohio River Valley (5th c. B.C.), who left hundreds of burial mounds, developed into a larger cultural group known as the H________l, which continued to build elaborate earthen works. Although these people remained primarily h______r‐gatherers, archeological evidence indicates that they had an extensive t_____g network stretching to the R_____y M_______s & the G___f & Atlantic c_____s.

national articles confederation ratified 1781 continental congress permanent states western unicameral confederation congress delegates state 1 9 unanimous

The 1st n_______l gov't was created through the A_______s of C___________n, a doc. adopted by the 2nd Continental Congress (Nov. 1777) that went into effect when r_______d by all the states in Mar. 17__1. During the intervening period, the bus. of gov't & the conducting of war were carried out by the C__________l C________s. The delay in moving from a temporary to a p_________t gov't was caused by dispute among s_____s over w______n lands. Under the Articles, the nat'l gov't consisted of a u_________l (1‐house) legislature (C___________n C_______s). There was no nat'l executive or judiciary. D________s to Congress were appointed by s_____e legislatures & each state had __ vote, regardless of how many delegates. __ votes passed a law. Amending the Articles required a u___________s vote.

mississippians cahokia forty thousand food villages

The 1st true farmers of the Eastern Woodlands were the M____________s of the central Mississippi River Valley. The most important Mississippian center was C_____a, which was located near the confluence of the Missouri & Mississippi Rivers. Cahokia had as many as f____y t______d residents in a 6‐square‐mile area, & by the 13th c. its large population was straining to grow enough f___d to sustain itself. Aggressive neighbors also contributed to the instability of Cahokia, & the people finally scattered to form smaller v______s.

chesapeake virginia tobacco jamestown powhatan john smith grow employees virginia company london investors capital profit shareholders gold silver food

The C_________e colonies of V______a & Maryland served a vital purpose in the developing 17th c. English empire by providing t_______o, a cash crop. However, the early history of J________n didn't suggest the English outpost would survive. From the outset, its settlers struggled both w/each other & w/the powerful P_______n who ctld the area. One member, J___n S_____h, took ctl & exercised near-dictatorial powers, which furthered aggravated the squabbling. The settlers' inability to g___w their own food compounded this unstable situation. They were essentially employees of the V_______a C_________y of L________n, an English joint-stock company, in which i________s provided the c______l & took the risk as to reap the p_____t, & they had to make a profit for their s__________s as well as for themselves. Most initially devoted themselves to finding g____d & s_____r instead of finding ways to grow their own f____d.

constitutional convention 1787 12 philadelphia franklin madison hamilton lawyers congress revise structure government

The C_________l C_________n. In May 178__, 55 delegates from ___ of the 13 states met in P_________a. Among them were George Washington (chosen as the chair), Benjamin F______n, James M______n, & Alexander H______n. As a group, the delegates were in their 30s & 40s, many were l______s, & most served in C______s. Although the stated purpose of the Convention was to "r_____e" the Articles of Confederation, the participants quickly moved to develop a new s_______e of g_________t.

president congress electoral college state number 2 votes tie house representatives constitution separation powers checks balances

The Convention accepted a 1‐person executive but hotly debated how the p________t should be elected—by C________s or by the ppl. Election of the executive was resolved through the invention of the E______l C_______e. The s____e legislatures would choose the same n______r of electors as their ttl # of representatives in Congress, & the electors would vote for __ pres. candidates. The candidate w/the most v_____s would be president & the person w/the next highest ttl would become VP. If there's a t_e, the election would be decided by the H____e of R_____________s. Other methods of the new gov't were chosen at the Convention. The C___________n provides for the s__________n of p______s, meaning that gov'tal functions are in the hands of the executive, legislative, & judicial branches, & that a sys. of c_____s & b________s ensures that 1 branch doesn't dominate the others.

declaration independence contradiction slavery equal fifth jefferson 100 white men nonwhites savages realization

The D__________n of I__________e also reveals a fundamental c____________n of the Am. Revolution: the conflict b/w the existence of s______y & the idea that "all men are e_____l." One-f____h of the pop. in 1776 was enslaved, & when he drafted the Declaration, J_________n himself owned over __00 slaves. Further, the Declaration framed equality as "only among w____e m__n"; women & n_________s were entirely left out of a document that referred to native ppl as "merciless Indian s________s" who killed all men, women, & children. Nonetheless, the promise of equality for all began future struggles waged by slaves, women, & many others to bring about its full r___________n.

corrupt bargain john quincy adams henry clay jackson washington elitism populist democrats clearing loyal cycle

The Democratic-Republicans' "c______t b______n" that brought J____n Q_____y A______s & H____y C__y to office in 1824 also pushed them out of office in 1828. J_______n used it to highlight the cronyism of W_________n politics. Supporters presented him as a true man of the ppl fighting against the e______m of Clay & Adams. Jackson rode a wave of p_______t fervor all the way to the White House, ushering in the ascendency of a new political party: the D__________s. Although Jackson ran on a platform of c_______g the corruption out of Washington, he rewarded his own l_____l followers with plum gov't jobs, thus continuing & intensifying the c____e of favoritism & corruption.

enlightenment benjamin franklin condition science american philosophical society colonies denomination wood stove lightning rod revival 1770

The E_____________t in Am. was best represented by B________n F_______n, who believed the human c________n could be improved through s______e. He founded the A________n P________l S______y, the 1st truly scientific society in the c_______s & his academy grew into the University of Pennsylvania, the only college est. in the 18th c. w/no ties to a d___________n. Franklin's new w_____d s______e (1742) improved heating & ventilation in colonial homes, & his experiments w/electricity led to the invention of the l_______g r__d (1752). Although a deist himself, Franklin was curious about the religious r______l that swept through the colonies from the 1740s into the 17__0s.

great awakening unimportant edwards whitefield fire brimstone fate repent 1738 thousands tents membership churches opponents supporters sects institutions learning

The G____t A_______g grew when religion was becoming u__________t in ppl's lives. Leaders: Congregationalist Jonathan E_______s & Eng. Evangelist George W________d. Edwards was known for his "f___e & b_______e" sermons warning sinners about God's f___e for them if they didn't r______t. In 173__, Whitefield spread his message about each individual's need to be "born again". T_________s of ppl came to revivals, meeting in the open or under t____s. The revival helped increases in church m____________p & creation of new c_______s. Congregations split b/w o_________s (Old Lights) & s__________s (New Lights) of the revival & more evangelical s____s grew (Baptist & Methodist). The rel. mvmt is also encouraged new i__________s of higher l_______g (Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Rutgers, & Dartmouth).

industrial revolution manufacturers inherit working mobility discipline elite cities hard work planter leisure northerners inherited

The I________l R__________n led some former artisans to reinvent themselves as m___________s. These enterprising leaders of manufacturing differed from the est. commercial elite in the North & South bcuz they didn't i_______t wealth. Instead, many came from humble w_______g-class origins & embodied the dream of achieving upward social m_______y through hard work & d________e. As the beneficiaries of the econ. transformations swept the republic, these newly est. manufacturers formed a new econ. e____e that thrived in c____s & cultivated its own distinct sensibilities. They created a culture that celebrated h___d w___k, a position that put them at odds w/southern p______r elites who prized l______e & w/other elite n___________s who i_________d their wealth & status.

missouri crisis slavery congress join morality civil war missouri compromise maine free slave louisiana

The M______i C_____s created a division over s_____y that shaped sectional identities & rivalries as never before. Conflict over the uneasy balance b/w slave & free states in C_______s came to a head when Missouri petitioned to j___n the Union as a slave state (1819) & the debate broadened from simple issues of representation to a critique of the m_______y of slavery. The debates also raised the specter of disunion & c_____l w__r, leading many, including Thomas Jefferson, to fear for the future of the republic. Under the M_______i C__________e, Missouri & M____e entered the Union at the same time, Maine as a f___e state, Missouri as a s____e state, & a line was drawn across the remainder of the L_______a territory north of which slavery was forbidden

circular letter samuel adams townshend no taxation dissolved orders merchants consumers daughters liberty thread cloth value revenue repealed tea 1770

The Mass. House of Representatives circulated the Massachusetts C______r L_____r (by S_____l A_____s) protesting T_______d's policies & again raising the issue of "n__ t_______n w/out representation." When the letter wasn't rescinded, the royal governor d_______d the legislature on o_____s from London. A boycott again was the most effective weapon the colonists had against Parliament. M_______s & c________s in Boston, NY, & PA, & then throughout the colonies agreed not to import or use Br. goods. The D_______s of L______y supported the boycott by making their own t_____d & c____h. As a direct result of the boycott, the v____e of col. imports from Br. dropped significantly from 1768-69, a loss far exceeding the r______e from the Townshend duties. Parliament r_________d the law for all goods except t__a in 177__.

northwest ordinance 1787 indiana wisconsin michigan states governor judges males legislature constitution 60,000 congress union

The N_________t O_________e of 178__ est. the Northwest Territory (Ohio, I______a, Illinois, W________n, M_______n) & outlined the process where almost all territories became s______s. When a territory was organized, Congress 1st appointed a territorial g_______r & j______s. When 5,000 adult m_____s lived in the territory, a territorial l__________e was elected & a temporary c___________n written. When the total pop. reached __0,000, a state constitution was prepared, & the territorial residents petitioned C________s for admission to the u_____n as a state.

divide constitutional convention large proportional small equal great compromise elected senate 2

The New Jersey Plan was rejected, but the apportionment of representation in Congress continued to d_____e the C____________l C_________n. L____e states wanted p___________l representation (based on pop.) & s____l states wanted e____l representation (1 state, 1 vote). Solution: the G____t C_________e which made the # of seats in the HoR proportional to each state's pop. & each representative e_______d directly by the ppl. In the S______e, each state would have __ independently voting senators chosen by state legislatures.

land property iroquois tribes expansion settlements ohio river creek alexander mcgillivray confederation congress peace

The Northwest Ordinance pledged that Native Americans' l___d & p_______y wouldn't be taken w/out their consent. In fact, the treaties by which the U.S. acquired Indian lands were often negotiated under duress. EX: U.S. commissioners wouldn't recognize the 6 Nations & insisted on dealing w/individual I_______s tribes. Most of the tribes repudiated the treaties & openly resisted the e_________n of s___________s. By 1786, fighting was common along the O___o R_____r frontier, involving the Shawnee, Delaware, Wyandotte, & Miami tribes, & had broken out in GA w/the C____k. A_________r M__G________y, the Creek leader, won some concessions by playing Spain against the U.S. The inability of the C____________n C_______s to maintain p____e on the frontier added to calls for a stronger nat'l gov't.

separatists anglican netherlands habits culture 1620 mayflower pilgrims religious massachusetts jurisdiction compact civil government plymouth plantation colony

The S__________s were a small group who opposed any accommodation w/the A______n Church. Unlike the Puritans,(aka Non‐Separatists), they wanted to completely leave the Church of England. They 1st left Eng. for the N__________s, but later found the Dutch a little too tolerant cuz their children adopted the h_____s & c______e. When the chance came to settle on land from the Virginia Co. of London, the Separatists took it. In 16__0, they sailed to America on the M________r. Bcuz of the migration, they were called P_______s, ppl who undertake a r________s journey. Instead of landing on Virginia Co. land, the Pilgrims landed in what's now southern M_____________s. Bcuz they were outside the j__________n of the co. & concerned that new Pilgrims among them might cause problems, the leaders signed the Mayflower C________t, an agreement est. a c_____l g____________t under the sovereignty of King James I & creating the P_________h P___________n c________y.

stamp act paper stamps contracts newspapers bought transaction penalties internal directly goods services

The S_____p A__t required the use of specially marked p_____r or the affixing of s_____s on all wills, c_______s, other legal documents, n________s, & even playing cards. Any colonist who b_____t a newspaper or engaged in any business t_________n was required to pay the tax, & violators faced severe p_________s. In contrast to the duties charged under the Navigation Acts and even the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act charges represented the 1st i________l tax, falling d_______y on the g______s & s_______s in the colonies.

Headright System

The Virginia Company's system in which settlers paid for their own passage to Jamestown & the family members who came with them each received 50 acres of land


The Virginia port where British General Cornwallis surrendered to American forces

responsibility head provider wife after field pregnant job sick support network

The division of r____________y b/w husband & wife was much the same as in white society: the husband acted as the h____d of the household & was a p_______r—fishing & hunting for extra food, collecting firewood, & fixing up the cabin; the w__e cared for their children when they were very young & did the cooking, sewing, & any other domestic chores. Many slave narratives note how much work women did a____r they had spent a long day in the f_____d tending cotton. A p_______t woman would work in the fields as long as the overseer believed she could do her j__b. Mothers would be given time off to nurse a young child who was s___k. Beyond mother, father, & children was an extended family of uncles, aunts, & grandparents as well as individuals who had no direct familial ties, all providing a strong s_______t n_______k in the slave community.

jefferson federalist marbury justice peace district columbia petitioned james madison marshall legal remedy rights president judicial review court power congress president

The earliest years of the 19th c. were hardly free of problems b/w the 2 political parties. When J_______n took the oath of office, he refused to have the commissions for F________t justices delivered to the appointed officials. One of Adams's appointees, William M______y, had been selected to be a j______e of the p_____e in the D______t of C_______a, & when his commission didn't arrive, he p_________d the Supreme Court for an explanation from Jefferson's secretary of state, James M______n. In deciding the case, Marbury v. Madison (1803), Chief Justice John M______l agreed that Marbury had the right to a l____l r_____y (est. that individuals had r_____s even the p________t of the U.S. couldn't abridge). However, Marshall also found that Congress's Judicial Act of 1789, which would've given the Supreme Court the pwr to grant Marbury remedy, was unconstitutional bcuz the Constitution didn't allow for cases like Marbury's to come directly before the Supreme Court. Thus, Marshall est. the principle of "j______l r_____w", which strengthened the c____t by asserting its p_____r to review the actions of C________s & the p________t. Jefferson was not pleased, but neither did Marbury get his commission.

james madison virginia plan bicameral make laws levy taxes lower voters upper states legislatures president 1 all judges supreme lower

The early constitutional debates focused on a proposal submitted by J____s M______n that became known as the V______a P___n. It called for a b________l legislature that could m___e l____s & l___y t____s w/the representation in both houses based on pop. Members of the l_____r house would be elected by v______s in each state, & members of the u_____r house would be chosen by the lower house from candidates nominated by the s______s l___________s. The plan had no provision for electing an executive; the p_________t would be chosen by the nat'l legislature to serve for __ term & was responsible for executing a__l laws. It also appointed j_______s to 1 + supreme courts & l_____r nat'l courts.

expense native americans acres five civilized tribes farmers slaves language laws constitution court worcester georgia federal protections andrew jackson resettle indian removal act oklahoma trail of tears

The econ. growth of the US was achieved at the e_______e of N_____e A_______s. Despite giving up a shit ton of a_____s through treaties, the tribes found the demand for land by settlers & speculators insatiable. Even the willingness of N Am.s to acculturate didn't relieve the pressure on their land. The Cherokee—1 of the "F___e C_______d T______s"—were f_______s & even had s_____s. They developed a written l_______e in which books, tribal l___s, & a c__________n were published, & they were ready to press the case for their sovereignty in c_____t. Even though the Supreme Court found in W_________r v. G_______a (1832) that the Cherokee were entitled to f______l p_________n of their lands against state claims, President A______w J________n didn't enforce it. His solution to the land question was to r________e the tribes west of the Mississippi, which Congress authorized through the I_____n R_______l A__t of 1830. W/in a few years, Indians gave up their lands in AL, AK, & MI & moved to the Indian Territory in what is today O_______a. Of the approx. 15,000 Cherokee who took the grueling trek from GA to the west (the T____l o_ T_____s), a 25% died of disease & exposure.

mercantilism 1500 1700 limited bullion power mining colonial mercantilists free control colonies

The economic philosophy of m___________m shaped Eur. perceptions of wealth from the 1__00s to the late 1__00s. It held that only a l______d amount of wealth, as measured in gold & silver b______n, existed in the world. In order to gain p_____r, nations had to get wealth by m_____g precious raw materials from their c_______l possessions. During the age of Eur. exploration, nations employed conquest, colonization, & trade as ways to increase their share of the bounty of the New World. M____________s didn't believe in f___e trade, arguing instead that the nation should c______l trade to create wealth. In this view, c______s existed to strengthen the colonizing nation.

bering strait boat cultures aztec woodland

The first inhabitants of the Americas migrated across this bridge in search of food. When the glaciers melted, water engulfed Beringia, & the B_____g S_____t was formed. Later settlers came by b____t across the narrow strait. Continually moving southward, the settlers eventually populated both North & South America, creating unique c______s that ranged from the highly complex & urban A____c civilization in what is now Mexico City to the w______d tribes of eastern N America.

decline federalist presidential 1820 1816 james monroe never

The gradual d______e of the F________t Party is evident in its losses in the p__________l contests that occurred between 1800 and 18__0. After 181__, in which Democratic-Republican J_____s M______e defeated his Federalist rival Rufus King, the Federalists n_____r ran another presidential candidate


The head slave, given a horse to ride around on to make sure other slaves were doing their work.

count confederation congress house direct taxes whole three fifths compromise trade fugitive returned

The issue of whether or how to c____t slaves in each state's pop. was resolved by a formula used by the C___________n C________s in 1783. For purposes of representation in the H_____e & assessing d_____t t_____s to the states, pop. was determined by the "w____e number of free persons" & "3/5 of all other persons." (aka slaves). In addition to the T____e‐F____s Compromise, the delegates allowed the slave t____e to continue, by denying Congress the power to prohibit it before 1808, & agreed that f_______e slaves should be r________d to their masters.

seven years war planters ohio million duquesne competing washington 10 maine 1763 treaty paris sugar islands trading posts empire debt imperial

The last imperial war, the S_____n Y____s' W__r (1754-1763), tore apart Br. & Fr. in America. VA p_______s wanted a better chance to profit off of tobacco. They est. the O___o Co. of VA (1748), & the Br. crown granted 1/2 m______n acres (1749). The Fr. also claimed the same lands. To protect the region they est. Fort D______e (1754). The war began that May bcuz of their competing claims. George W_________n, a surveyor whose family also found the Ohio Co., gave the command to fire on Fr. soldiers. For the next 1__yrs, fighting took place along the frontier of New France & Br. Am. from VA to M____e. The war ended 17__3 when Fr. signed the T____y of P___s & New France ceased to exist. The Br. Empire gained gained New France & Fr. s____r i_______s in West Indies, t______g p____s in India & on the w. coast of Africa. GB's victory in the war meant became a global e_____e. However, the war created trouble & led GB deeply into d____t. In the 1760-70s, efforts to deal w/debt through i______l reforms caused stress & strain that threatened to tear the Empire apart.

revolution of 1800

The peaceful transfer of power from the Federalists to the Democratic-Republicans with the election of 1800 with Thomas Jefferson as president

migration 1492 rivalries colonies wealth power religious Spain life diseases god christianity indians

The story of the Atlantic World is the story of global m_______n greatly driven by the actions & aspirations of the ruling heads of Europe. This historic moment in 14___ sparked new r_______s among Eur. pwrs as they scrambled to create New World c______s, fueled by the quest for w_____h & p_____r as well as r________s passions. S____n achieved early preeminence, creating a far-flung empire and growing rich w/treasures from the Americas. Native Americans who faced Europeans suffered unprecedented losses of l___e as previously unknown d_______s sliced through their populations. They also were victims of the Europeans' arrogance who viewed themselves as uncontested masters of the New World, sent by G__d to bring C___________y to the "I_______s."

poor whites

They rented farm land from landowners and paid for rent with crops. Owned no slaves, but could vote.

sharecropping crop-lien landowners freed rented paid crops half independent debt buy stop owed

Throughout the South, s____________g took root, a c___p-l___n system that worked to the advantage of l__________s. Under the sys., f_______d ppl r______d the land they worked, often on the same plantations where they had been slaves.Sharecroppers p___d their landlords w/the c_____s they grew, often as much as h__f their harvest. Sharecropping favored the landlords & ensured that freed people couldn't attain i___________t livelihoods. The year-to-year leases meant no incentive existed to substantially improve the land, & high interest pmts siphoned add. $$ away from the farmers. Sharecroppers often became trapped in a never-ending cycle of d___t, unable to buy their own land and unable to s___p working for their creditor because of what they o___d

war foreign policy coin post office native american borrow army navy tax states trade authority

Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had the pwr to: - declare w__r - develop f______n p______y - c___n money - run the p____t o_____e - regulate N______e‐A________n affairs in the territories - b_____w money - appoint officers to a___y & n___y Quite significantly, all pwrs not specifically given to Congress belonged to states. The Articles had several weaknesses. - couldn't t__x s_____s - couldn't regulate interstate or foreign t_____e. Although Congress could declare war, it had no a________y to raise its own army; it had to requisition troops from the states.

1776 secede independence rights status support pamphlet january common sense thomas paine radical argument

W/the events of 1775 fresh in their minds, many colonists concluded in 177__ that it was time to s______e from the Empire & declare i_____________e. Over the past 10 yrs, colonists argued they deserved the same r_____s Englishmen enjoyed in GB, only to find themselves relegated to an intolerable subservient s_____s in the Empire. The groundswell of s_______t for their c____e also owed much to the appearance of an anonymous p______t, 1st published in J_______y 1776, entitled "C_____n S_____e" by T_____s P_____e. Arguably the most r______l pamphlet of the revolutionary era, it made a powerful a________t for independence

slave marriages accepted run away jumping broom formal planter respected selling sexual abuse children owner stability

While w/out legal standing, s____e m________s were a________d by most planters because they thought marriage made slaves easier to ctl & less likely to r__n a____y. The marriage ceremony itself might have consisted of a man & woman " j______g the b_____m,"; a f_____l wedding in the main house w/the p______r & his family; or just a simple agreement from the owner. A planter or farmer's acceptance of marriage didn't mean that he r________d it. S______g wives away from husbands or children from parents was common, as was the s______l a_____e of slave women. Slave c_______n who were sent to another plantation would be taken in by a family belonging to their new o_____r. Despite the ever‐present threat of having their family torn apart, slaves did their best to maintain s________y.

planter class

Whites that owned 20-50 slaves & 800 or more acres; political, social, & economic domination; only about 5% of Southern population

machine tools metal interchangeable guns repaired gunsmiths inspiration

Whitney also worked on m______e t_____s, devices that cut & shaped m____l to make standardized, i_____________e parts for other mechanical devices like clocks and g___s. Whitney's machine tools to manufacture parts for muskets enabled guns to be manufactured & r_______d by ppl other than skilled g_______s. His creative genius was a source of i_________n for other Am. inventors

east matriarchal counseled traditions matriarchy

Women typically cultivated corn, beans, & squash & harvested nuts and berries, while men hunted, fished, & provided protection. But both took responsibility for raising children, & most major Indian societies in the e___t were m_________l. In tribes such as the Iroquois, Lenape, Muscogee, & Cherokee, women had both pwr & influence. They c_______d the chief & passed on the t________s of the tribe. This m_________y changed dramatically w/the coming of the Europeans, who introduced, sometimes forcibly, their own customs & traditions to the natives.

working men's party

a political group that radically opposed what they viewed as the exploitation of workers


a religious sect that emphasized communal living and celibacy


a society in which women have political power

democratic republicans

advocates of limited government who were troubled by the expansive domestic policies of Washington's administration and opposed the Federalists


an ancient land bridge linking Asia and North America

Sand Creek Massacre

an attack on a village of sleeping Cheyenne Indians by a regiment of Colorado militiamen on 29 November 1864 that resulted in the death of more than 200 tribal members

Sherman's March to the Sea

during the civil war, a devastating total war military campaign, led by union general William Tecumseh Sherman, that involved marching 60,000 union troops through Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah and destroying everything along there way.

native american boarding schools

schools that were established in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries to educate Native American children.

crop-lien system

store owners extended credit to farmers under the agreement that the debtors would pay with a portion of their future harvest. However, the creditors charged high interest rates, making it even harder for freed people to gain economic independence.


the process by which an Indian was "redeemed" and assimilated into the American way of life by changing his clothing to western clothing and renouncing his tribal customs in exchange for a parcel of land

american system

the program of federally sponsored roads and canals, protective tariffs, and a national bank advocated by Henry Clay and enacted by President Adams

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