7 check your understanding
How do the media influence Ameri can politics
The media influence what Americans think about gatekeeping agenda-setting and how Americans think the issues through priming framing of news
What effect has "Big Tech" had on news media?
Transforming media from news organizations to digital and citizen journalism has led to less rigorous fact-checking.
Where do most Americans receive their news
news aggregators, like Google News
How has partisan polarization affected the media
Many mainstream news sources are not explicitly ideologically biased in one direction or another. Rather, most are centrist.
Which of the following statements about the media is correct?
There is a consolidation of print media ownership, with a majority of the daily print newspapers in the United States owned by a few large media conglomerates.
Which of these statements regarding Americans' trust in the media is true
Those with greater trust in national news organizations tend to be more likely to see the news media as gaining influence, while those with low levels of trust tend to see it waning.