911 National Exam

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Which of the following best describes the goals of emergency radio communications?

Accuracy , Brevity, Clarity

Which of the following is an appropriate response to a caller who states she saw a man walking down the highway holding what appeared to be a rile in a gun case 20 min ago?

Advise the units of the information and description,location, direction of travel, time delay

The crisis clinic calls about a person who has sliced their wrists. upon arriving at the location, the patient is taken to the hospital. The crisis clinic calls back and ask the condition of the patient. which of the following is the best practice?

Advise them the patient was contacted an treated appropriately

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate response to a person reporting verbal threats?

Advise threats are free speech and not criminal

In th event a 911 hang up call back is busy, which of the followingis NOT an appropriate initail action by the call taker?

Assume the caller is okay


Automatic Location Identification


Automatic Number Identification

An e911 hang-up occurs from a hs cafeteria. In calling back, a teen answers and says everything is okay, which of the following would be the next best appropriate action.

Call the hs office and send police or school security officer if available

A female caller is concerned about symptoms she is experiencing after coming into contact with a white powder from an envelope. Which of the following is the most appropriate action?

Check on the local procedures for handling this type of call


Computer Aided Dispatch

Which of the following best describes the handling of information of patient condition and medical calls to 911

Considered to be confidential

radio transmission addressing methods should be


what is the obvious response to a person found obviously dead with rigor mortise


In a CAD entry, which of the following is the proper abbreviation for Avenue?

Depends by agency

Which is the best practice when receiving a PASS alarm

Dispatch is responsible for acknowledging a part of such device sounding and ensure all personnel is aware of the alarm.

Which of the following is one solution to wireless location technology?



Global Positioning System

A teen calls from a cell phone stating that he set a school on fire. after confirming the location of the school which of the following questions should be asked?

How long ago was the fire set?

Which of the following may be a result of selecting an improper call type in a typical CAD system?

Incorrect recommended units and priotrity

If a six-year-old child falls from a tree, which of the following questions offers the most critical information?

Is he conscious

Which of the following best describes privacy regarding HIV patients?

No transmission about HIV status is permitted

Which of the following is not used to determine the EMD protocol card?

Patient level of pain


Public Safety Answering Point

Which of the following is typically received by MDTs

Respondents obtaining info electronically from dispatch

Which of the following describes GPS

Satellites orbiting earth

While on the line with a couple engaged in a domestic dispute, a call taker hears one member accuse the other of child abuse. which of the following is characteristic of the information?

The abuse information must be reported

Which of the following is the purpose of immunity laws?

To keep 911 workers from excessive lawsuits

a call is received from a hysterical person reporting a fire in the kitchen. the fire depart is promptly dispatched. two minutes later the same person calls back to report the fire is out and the FD is no longer needed. which of the following is an appropriate course of action?

Update the responding units with the new info and DO NOT cancel the call

a caller with an ALI display states that his child is not breathing. Which of the following is the most important next question.

What is your address

which of the following is not a component of a negligence lawsuit

a timely trail/docket

a person calls to report their 40 yo father is not breathing and has no pulse. the dispatcher receiving the report never dispatches emergency medical services. consequently, the pt dies. the failure to act may be considered ...

a tort


advanced life support

if a caller reports that a rusty grenade is found under the porch, which of the following is the most appropriate initial action

advise the caller not to disturb the device and dispatch appropriate units

Which of the following is not an appropriate response to a person reporting verbal threats?

advise threats are free speech and not criminal

during a 911 hang-up call, if the line is busy and an operator interrupt is not possible, which of the following is not an appropriate action by the call taker

advise units to cancel

which of the following best describes the tool of "sequencing" of emergency call-taking?

allows the most important information to be gathered fist.

a call taker recec=ives multiple 911 calls from 2 different screaming calles angry about the cutting sown of a tree on th property line. whoch of the following is the best way for the call taker to ensure the lnes are not tied up by calls from this gruop

ask for the caller's address, phone number and name and send officer to the location

A caller calls to complain of chest pain but wants no response. The caller only wants to know what type of chest pain is a heart attack. the call-taker should:

attempt to convince the caller to get checked out by sending a unit or to go to the hospital because chest pain could be life threatening

if an officer is reassigned t call and the complainant is expecting a response, dispatch should

attempt to notify the complainant of the delay as soon as possible


basic life support

a call taker receives a call froma child reporting a hous fire. other children are lughing in th background and when more info is requested they hang up. what do you do?

call back and take action according to the results and your agency protocol

a caller with an ALI display hangs up after stating, "My father is molesting my sister." If upon calling back an adult male answers, which of the followings characteristic?

calls of this nature must be investigated by following procedures

which of the following best describes 911 recordings?

can be release under certain guidelines

a call taker receives a call form the very depressed man who a cell phone who's is possibly suicidal. Which of the following is most important to consider when deciding the sequence of questions the call taker should ask?

cell phones often disconnect

When a 'silent' call is received at a PSAP, the call taker must:

check the call for TDD/TYY

Which of the following is characteristics of the incident command system?

command control and coordiantes

a teenage boy calls e911 to report t he has just accidentally shot his friend in the head. If there is a full ALI display, which of the following is the most important action to take?

confirm the address and phone number

According to EMD protocol, Which a actions must be taken first if a woman state he child is possibly chocking and cannot breathe?

confirm the location of the caller

if a 911 call is received and the caller hangs up without communicating, which of the following may NOT need to be done immediately?

contact our supervisor to tag the call

a call is received reporting a large jumbo jet crash. which of the following actions should be taken first?

determine the exact location of the crash site

the communications center receives a report of a construction worker who has become trapped in a ditch while installing a natural gas pipe. which of the following actions should be taken first?

determine the exact location of the incident

a car on routine patrol declares shots fired over the radio. which of the following actions must be taken FIRST?

determine the exact location of the unti

Which of the following is most characteristic of a wireless phone call to 911

differs from area to area and agency to agency

a call taker receives a call for medical aid from a recognized mentally ill person who has called in the past. The caller is requesting medical attention again, the third day in a row, and the last two calls were false alarms. Which of the following action should be taken by the caller if any?

dispatch ambulance and police

an e911 call come in and is immediately disconnected. the only sound hear on the line was that of a person gasping. IF the line back in gets a busy signal, which of the following is the best to practice?

dispatch appropriate emergency personnel to the ALI address

a call is received from a police officer's girlfriend who wishes to report that the officer kicked her in the stomach. the officer is our friend and in a convo. the previous night, he mentioned he was ending the relationship because she was violent. This call may be a form of retaliation. Which of the following action should be taken to handle this delicate situation.

dispatch the call as an domestic violence call

Which of the following would be appropriate if a patrol officer is dispatched to a low priority call and a high priority call is received?

dispatch/command may reassign the officer to the higher priority

What is the number one rule when dealing with difficult calls?

dont take it personally

The best practice for police ursuits is that all transmissions from an officer are


polic persuit transmissions from an office should be...


How does public safety define EMS

emergency medical service


emergency medical services

Which of the following best describes the rationale for echoing

ensures the message was recivesd as intended

Which is most important regarding safety during a pursuit

ensuring all units on the air hear vital details

the ics assumes which of the following

first public saftey official to arrive on the scene become the initail incident commander

What three components does a fire require

fuel, heat,02

What should a call taker tell a caller if he is ina burning building

get out safley

Which of the following individuals use TDD TYY device to communicate?

hearing impaired

Which of the following question determine the response type to a brush call?

is the fire near any structures

If a homicide is witnessed, a call taker should

keep the caller on the line until an officer arrives

which of the following best determines the "priority " of a call

level of severity

if a mentally ill caller has called over 15 times, which of the following is appropriate or the next time she calls?

listen for any indication she may be in trouble on this call and send an officer for a welfare check

PBX calls may create a problem for 911 becaseu they

may not give the correct location

what should a dispatcher do if fire units are communication on a secondary/ alt. channel


If a hysterical male calls to report a deer lying in the middle of the road, What is the most appropriate FIRST action?

obtain the exact location of the animal

Which of the following can be used to calm hysterical callers?

persistently repeating a message to a caller

which of the following is required by an ics


safety on the emergency radio is affected by the dispatcher's vice and...

professionally controlled confident tone

what do fire enunciation panels do

provide location of the fire

which of the following best describes a secondary PSAP?

receives calls form a primary

In the event a 911 hang up call is answered, the call taker should...

remain on the line with the caller until units arrive if possible

Which of the following describes a fire shelter

saftey device of last resort by wildland fire fighters trapped by wildfires

only one ambulance is available. What should a dispatcher do if they get calls for an ambulance for a police officer that has been shot and a baby chocking and turning blue.

send ambulance to baby and stermine condtion of the officer

a caller states her 21 yo daughter did not come home from work and she is concerned because her daughter has been receiving death threats from her ex-husband. Which of the following is the best practice?

send an officer to the call

upon answering an E-911 call, a caller is yelling screaming, and cursing at the call taker. the call-taker tries to calm the caller down, but nothing is working. the address and phone number are displayed on the call taker's CAD screen, but the caller cannot verify the actual address or the problem. Which of the following actions should be taken by the call taker?

send appropriate units to to ALI displayed

a caller states he burned a large pile of wood in a field behind his house, which he then soaked with water. now he says only smoke remains. He thinks that a neighbor has call it in as a fire; however no call was received at your center. Which of the following is the best practice?

send the fire department and notify the caller of this action

Which best descries anaphylatic shock?

sever allergic reaction

When fire dispatch gets a radio transmission from units describing the scene, it is called a

size up

Which is a major symptom of cerebrovascular accident

slurred speech

domestic violence laws often require police to

supply information shelters

Which of the following best describes something about the Phase 1 Wireless Act?

the call back number must be passed to the PSAP

which best describes a second alarm fire

the first dispatched units cannot suppress the fire and a second group is dispatched

the phone number of the caller is only important when:...

there is any call generated

In the event, a caller appears to be abusing 911 with continuous hang-ups, inappropriate language, false calls which of the following is NOT appropriate?

treating watch call like any other call, until another action is taken.

What is appropriate action if you receive a water flow alarm and a few minutes later the alarm company calls and canels call

update the responding units with the new information

a girl calls and states that she has just shot her brother. Which of the following questions address officer safety.

was this intentional

when should an EMD offer pre-arrival instructions to a caller

when the caller is willing and able to perform them

How does a wire line phone differ forma wireless phone

wire line phones transport ALI/ ANI to the e911 center.

Which of the following best describes a PASS device used by a firefighter?

works when a firefighter is in distress

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