A&P lab final

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Approximately ________ of African Americans who voted in 2012 cast their ballot for Barack Obama.

95 percent

________ is usually a "safe" state for the Republican Party in presidential elections; ________ is usually a "safe" state for the Democratic Party.

Alabama; California

Which age group votes the most?

Americans 65 and older

Which of the following statements about socioeconomic status and political participation is accurate?

Americans of higher socioeconomic status participate more in politics, including voting.

Which statement best characterizes Asian American voter turnout in the United States?

Asian American voter turnout used to be lower, but has been increasing in recent elections.

What was the main cause for reducing the legal voting age to 18?

Government officials hoped it would lead to a decline in disruptive student protests against the Vietnam War.

The Hispanic vote was once referred to as "the sleeping giant" because

Latinos vote at low rates relative to the group's size in the population.

Which of the following best explains the concept of "linked fate" and its political consequences?

Linked fate is the idea that the self-interest of individual Black Americans is tied up with the interest of all Black Americans; it has led to higher rates of political participation among Black Americans.

Which term describes the process by which large numbers of people are organized for a political activity?


Which statement about early voting is accurate?

Most, but not all, states offer some form of early voting, but its impact on turnout is not yet clear.

How did the decline of party machines during the early twentieth century contribute to a drop in turnout?

Party machines were no longer mobilizing voters as in the past.

Which statement best characterizes the relationship between participation and electoral competition?

People are more likely to participate in an election if it is competitive.

What role did digital participation play in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol?

Social media and podcasts played a significant role in disseminating the ideas behind the attack and encouraging protestors to mobilize.

What of the following is the best definition of mobilization?

The process by which large numbers of people are organized for a political activity.

During the colonial and early national periods of American history, suffrage was generally restricted to:

White males over the age of 21.

Which statement explains why there are less women than men in political office?

Women are less likely to run for office than men.

Which of the following statements about voter participation among young people is most accurate?

Youth voter turnout is much lower in midterm congressional elections than in presidential elections.

A poll tax is

an unconstitutional fee charged to vote.

The main goal of the groups like Rap the Vote and Rock the Vote is to

encourage young people to vote.

When millions of people posted an image of a black square on social media to protest police brutality against African Americans, it was an example of

expressive politics.

When congressional districts are drawn to favor one political party over another, it is referred to as


Laws that automatically register residents to vote in elections

have been enacted by 21 states and the District of Columbia.

Compared to the 1996 presidential election, turnout in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections has been


What caused protests against racial injustice in 2020?

killings of multiple African Americans by police or while in police custody

Which of the following characteristics constitutes one's socioeconomic status?

level of income, level of education, and prestige of occupation

In American politics, the digital divide refers to the

line separating citizens with internet access from those without.

Compared to other developed countries, voter turnout in the United States is


African Americans represented by an African American member of Congress are

more likely to vote than African Americans not represented by an African American member of Congress.

Voter turnout in state and local elections is generally ________ turnout in national elections.

much lower than

Which term refers to a person's status in society, as determined by level of education, income, and occupational prestige?

socioeconomic status

Under the Constitution, ________ the power to control voter registration.

state legislatures have

White evangelical Protestants are more likely to affiliated with

the Republican Party.

A low-income individual without internet access did not vote in a recent statewide election due to lack of political knowledge. This individual not having voted could be best explained by

the digital divide.

What is turnout?

the percentage of eligible individuals who actually vote

How could laws that prevent felons from voting lower overall turnout in the United States?

the prison population in the United States has expanded, lowering the number of eligible voters

What is suffrage?

the right to vote

Over the past decade, polls have shown that Asian American voters are moving

toward the Democratic Party.

The percentage of eligible individuals who actually vote is known as


Which of the following would NOT be considered a form of traditional political participation?


Which of the following is a so-called traditional form of political activity?

volunteering for a campaign

What is the most common and important political act for most Americans?


The number-one reason Americans gave for not voting in 2020 was that they

were "not interested in politics."

When was the Twenty-Sixth Amendment ratified?

during the Vietnam War

About ________ million Americans have lost their voting rights as a result of felony convictions.


Which of the following statements about women's suffrage is most accurate?

A number of state and territorial governments adopted women's suffrage before the federal government granted women the vote.

What is the most important factor in predicting whether an individual votes

education level

Which of the following statements about political parties and voter mobilization is correct?

During the nineteenth century, party machines employed hundreds of thousands of workers to organize and mobilize voters.

Voting rights for African American men were established by which amendment?

Fifteenth Amendment

Which of the following statements best characterizes the relationship between education, income, and voting?

In the United States, but not in other Western democracies, those who vote tend to have higher income and more education.

Which of the following statements about voter identification laws is most accurate?

Republicans are more likely than Democrats to favor laws that require identification in order to vote.

What is one reason that political parties and politicians view Latinos as a critically important group?

The Latino population in the United States is large and rapidly growing.

What is the main point of a political protest?

To bring attention to an issue and confront a government or other official organization

Younger Americans tend to be much more concerned than older people about economic inequality, student debt, and stronger environmental regulations. However, these issues are not often the highest priorities of elected officials who pass laws to deal with these concerns. Which of the following helps explain why that is?

Turnout among younger Americans (age 18-29) is very low.

What was notable about the 2018 midterm elections?

Turnout was up significantly and was more akin to turnout in presidential elections.

Which amendment to the Constitution lowered the voting age from 21 to 18?

Twenty-Sixth Amendment

________ have an initiative process that lets citizens draft legislation, circulate petitions, and place the issue on the ballot for a popular vote.

Twenty-four of the 50 states

What impact did the 1965 Voting Rights Act have on rates of voter participation by Black Americans?

Voter participation rates went up, especially in the South.

Who among the following potential voters is the most likely to vote?

a 29-year-old registered voter who rarely moves

A state with a roughly equal number of Democrats and Republicans in the population is often referred to as a ________ state.


Digital forms of participation that require little effort and may not actually translate into offline acts of political engagement are often referred to as


Which of these is the best definition of social capital?

community networks that motivate political participation

Latinos tend to favor Democratic Party candidates in national elections because they

disagree with the Republican Party's stance on immigration.

Because of the ease of donating money online, the number of people who have donated to political campaigns since 1992 has


Statewide ballot initiatives on controversial topics tend to

increase voter turnout in elections.

It is likely that eliminating state-level voter registration laws would ________ voter turnout among ________ voters.

increase; younger

Accidental mobilization occurs when

individuals are exposed to political information online that they did not explicitly seek out.

The goal of the EMILY's List organization is to

raise money for pro-choice, Democratic women candidates interested in running for office.

According to survey data, the vast majority reject which of these as a legitimate form of political participation?


Which of the following election reforms is designed to make voting easier?

same-day voter registration

Which of the following groups typically has the highest level of political participation?

senior citizens (65 and older)

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