Abnormal psych chapter 2

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The ability to plan, think, reason, and create is located in the part of the brain called the

cerebral cortex

According to modern cognitive science, the unconscious

clearly exists but in a very different way than freud imagined

The most recent estimates of the contribution of genetics to the development of personality characteristics such as shyness or activity level are approximately __________ percent.


The neurotransmitter associated with the inhibition of anxiety is


What are the parts of the brain that are involved broadly with regulating behavior and emotion

Thalamus and hypothalamus

The study of twins has shown us that

The influence of genes can be overwhelmed by various environmental factors.

Which of the following statements is true

There are different types of glial cells with several specific functions.

Cognitive-behavior therapy facilitates changes in thinking patterns in the cortex, which in turn affects the emotional brain in the lower brain. This is called

Top-down processing

Epigenetics refers to the process of cellular material influencing traits by

Turning on or off genes from outside of the genome itself.

Extremely low activity levels of serotonin are associated with

aggression, suicide, and impulsive behavior.

Drugs that increase the activity of a neurotransmitter are called


The multidimensional integrative approach to psychopathology is based on understanding of

all of the above

In the diathesis-stress model, "diathesis" refers to

an inherited tendency or condition that makes a person susceptible to developing a disorder.

Drugs that decrease the activity of a neurotransmitter are called


The synaptic cleft is the area between the

axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron

The work of Albert Bandura regarding modeling helps us to understand the development of psychopathology because it demonstrates that animals

can learn patterns of behavior by observing others

The part of the brain that controls motor coordination is the


You and a friend are lost while walking on a street in a foreign city. A stranger approaches, and you are concerned that the stranger may try to mug you. Your friend assumes that the stranger is approaching to give you directions. As the stranger approaches, you experience fear, but your friend experiences relief. Your different emotional reactions can be explained by the ________ theory of emotion.


When comparing the brains of rats raised in a rich environment requiring lots of learning and motor behavior with the brains of rats raised as "couch potatoes" (Greenough, et al., 1990), the cerebellums of the more active rats

contained more neuronal connections and dendrites.

The major function of the peripheral nervous system is to

coordinate with the brain stem.

Learned helplessness is demonstrated in laboratory animals by

creating aversive stimuli (such as electrical shocks to the foot) that the animal cannot control.

The fact that women are more likely to suffer from insect phobias than men is most likely due to

cultural expectations

It is important to understand the process of how learned helplessness is created in laboratory animals because learned helplessness in animals resembles the human disorder of


A lifespan psychologist would point out that the only way to understand a patient's disorder is to understand how the individual

developed and changed throughout his or her life

The model that describes the development of psychopathology as a combination of an inherited predisposition and the events that have occurred in the individual's life is the ________ model.


The neurotransmitter associated with both schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease is


John has inherited a personality trait that makes him more likely to keep to himself than to socialize. As a result, he does not have many friends and spends a lot of time alone. If John were to develop depression, the model that would probably best explain the cause of his depression is the ________ model

gene-environment correlation model

Research with the elderly has found that depression is more likely in those individuals who

have fewer social contacts.

Regarding the research on socialization and health, the safest conclusion is that

having a supportive group of people around us is one of the most important parts of maintaining our physical and mental health.

According to the diathesis-stress model, psychopathology is the result of the

interaction of an inherited tendency and events in an individual's life.

A rat is placed in a cage and given electrical shocks over which it has no control. When placed in a shuttle box, the rat does not attempt to escape the shock due to

learned helplessness

According to Seligman, if a person who is faced with considerable stress and difficulty in his or her life displays an optimistic, upbeat attitude, he or she is likely to function better psychologically and physically. He called this

learned optimism

For most people, verbal and cognitive processes are usually controlled by the

left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex

When therapists ask patients how they are feeling and how they are experiencing their disorder today, it is essentially taking "snapshots" of their lives at the moment. This approach to understanding psychopathology is criticized as incomplete by

lifespan psychologists

Emotional experiences, expressions, impulse control, and basic drives such as aggression, sex, hunger, and thirst are the function of the

limbic system

About 80 percent of the neurons contained in the brain are

located in the cerebral cortex

In the Stroop color-naming paradigm, a patient with a snake phobia would be expected to name the color of the printed word "fangs"

more slowly than a neutral word

If Jean suffers severe damage to her somatic nervous system, she is most likely to have impairment in

moving her muscles

Recent evidence regarding genetic influence on most psychological disorders has shown that

multiple genes interact, with each gene contributing a small effect.

Extremely low levels of dopamine activity are associated with

muscle rigidity, tremors, and impaired judgment.

The chemicals that allow the transmission of signals between neurons are called


Virtually all drugs that are used to treat psychopathology work by influencing


According to the diathesis-stress model, identical twins raised in the same household will

not necessarily have the same disorders because of potential differences in their stress.

Your uncle spent most of his teen years in a hospital undergoing treatment for a severe physical illness. As an adult, he is rather shy and withdrawn, particularly around women. He has been diagnosed with social phobia, and you believe that it is entirely due to lack of socialization during his teen years. Your theory or model of what caused his phobia is

one dimensional

Balancing the "emergency" or "alarm" response to stress and returning the body to a state of "normal arousal" is a function of the

parasympathetic nervous system

Most psychological disorders appear to be influenced by many individual genes rather than caused by one single gene, a type of influence referred to as


Within the multidimensional integrative approach to understanding psychopathology, learned helplessness is considered a ______________ dimension.


The primary function of human capability for strong emotions appears to be


In an experiment by Kolb, Gibb, and Gorny (2003), animals of varying ages were placed in complex environments. Their findings suggest that

the impact of the environment on the brain is different at varying stages of life.

When we compare the incidence of psychological disorders across countries and cultures, we find that

there are enormous differences in the rates of various disorders in different countries and cultures.

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