AMH 30

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Despite protest in the US and Iraq's cooperation with the UN weapons inspector in late 2020, President Bush pushed for war against Saddam Hussein and Iraq, and in 2003, what Secretary of State, who had served as Chairman of the joint Chief of State during the Gulf War of 1991, alleged to the UN that Iraq had a vigorous weapon of mass destruction program?

Colin Powell

During Clinton's administration the economy thrived, thanks in part to emerging computing technologies, especially ubiquitous access to what, which sparked the dot-com boom as well as widespread financial speculation to find the next Google or Amazon?


In 1998 President Clinton ordered the US military to launch cruise missiles at al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan in retaliation fro al-Qaeda bombings on US embassies that killed several people in what continent?


During the 200 presidential elction, what is the name of Clinton's former Vice President who ran as a pragmatic, moderate liberal against evangelical texas Governor and President george H.w. Bush's son, George W. Bush, who campaigned on a platform of compassionate conservatism?

Al Gore

What is the name of the radical Islamic terrorist group that was led by wealthy Saudi Osama Bin Laden, was comprised of supporters from over 60 nations, was sheltered by the Taliban- a radical Islamic movement in Afghanistan- and was responsible for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade center, a string of attacks at US embassies and military bases and the 9/11 attacks?


President Bush, whose candidacy was harmed by an unexpected economic recession in 1991, lost the 1992 presidential election to what charismatic Arkansas Governor, who campaigned as a centrist Democrat who advocated for free trade, tax cuts, and welfare reform?

Bill Clinton

A study from what Congressional entity disclosed that since the late 1970s, after-tax benefits of the wealthiest 1% of Americans had grown by over 300%, while the "average Ameican's after-tax benefits had grown by only 35% revealing that the wealthiest americans were benefiting disproportionately from the rest of the population

Budget authority

what is the name of the doctrine initiated by President Bush in 2001, which invoked the idea that US has teh right to unilaterally and pre-emptively declare war on any regime or terrist group that threaten the Us, resulting in prolonged conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq, and entanglement with nationa throughout the world?

Bush Doctrine

What is the name of the group of influential religious activist, led by Tc minister, entrepreneur, adn former Republican presidential candidate Pat Robertson, which mobilized social conservatives across the US to shape politics on the local and national levels during the early 1990s?

Christian Coalition

During teh federal midterm election of 1994, which political party lost the House of Representatives for the forst time since 1952?


In 1994, Clinton initiated a compromise plan with the Department of defense concerning the restriction of gay people in the military called what, which removed question about sexual preference from induction interviews and barred gay members of the military from disclosing their sexual preference from induction interview, and barred gay members of the military from disclosing thier sexual preference

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

President Clinton triumphed over Republican Senator Bob Dole in the 1996 presidential election, becoming the 1st Democrat to serve back to back terms since what other 20th century US President?

Franklin Roosevelt

in 1999, President Cliton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, there by repealing provision of what 1933 act, which separated commercial and investment banking?


During the 1990s an dinto the late 2000s, decades of financial deregulation since the enactment of NEw Deal restraint resulted in rising home prices; mortgage companies writing risky loans, bundling them together and quickly selling them; homeowner defaulting on thier loans; the collapse of the entire system; and the disappearance of major financial services firms, causing what period of major economic downturn during the late 2000s?

Great Recession

During what major economic downturn during the late 2000s did US banks and teh US stock market quixkly recover while job growth was small; unemployment rates were high; wages froze; low-paying, part-time work became the norm for many; and unemployment amon g young Americans hovered at rates nearly double the national average?

Great Recession

Congress gave president Bush permission to intervene in what war in the middle east after Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, resulting in the US military's launch of Operation Desert Shield in August 1990 and Operation Desert Storm in January 1991, and American triumph over the Iraqi army after only 100 hours of ground combat?

Gulf War

Despite establishing 2 multibillion dollar Iraqi no-fly zones after what war in 1991, U.S. warplanes endured periodic fire from Iraqi missiles batteries during routine patrols in Iraq; Iraqi authorities were uncooperative with UN weapons inspectors on the ground; and world leaders believed that Saddam Hussein, the President of Iraq, had weapons of mass destruction?

Gulf War

President Bush was criticized for the federal government's slow response to the major flooding that occured as a result of what natural disater in 2005, after which hundred of thousand of US citizens were displaced from thier homes, and thousands of poeple were desperate for medical supplies, food, water, and shelter, which resulted in more deaths?

Hurricane Katrina

Democrat Barack Obama denounced the war in Iraq and predicted the sectarian violence that ensued, was a former law professor and community activist, became the 1st African american US Preseindet- winning teh 2004 and 2008 elections- and was a senator from what US state?


George H. W. Bush, who was President Reagan's Vice President from 1981 to 1989, is a World war II veteran founded a lucrative oil company, and served as a member of the House of Representatives from Texas, triumphed over what liberal Massachusett Governor in the 1988 presidnetial election?

Michael Dukakis

After the Soviet invaded Afghanistan in 1979, what is the name of the Afghani anti-Soviet rebel group that the Su financed and armed in Afghanistan in 1979 and again in 1981, of which Osama bin Laden was member and financer, to strengthen the insurgency, ultimately resulting in Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989?


Congressional Republicans, led by Texas Congressman dick armey and What Georgia Congressman, offered a new "Contract with America" in 1994, with republican candidates pledging thier commitment to conservative legislative blueprint?

Newt Gingrich

During President Clinton's 1st term, he pursued an economic stimulus package, universal health insurance, continuing the Middle East peace talk initiated by the Bush administration, welfare reform, and securing what trade agreement, which abolished trade barriers b/w the US, Mexico, and Canada

North America Free Trade Agreement

What 1994 trade agreement resulted in the relocation of many US factories to Mexico, where maquilas- foreign own factories that import components to be assembled to Mexico and export the assembled goods back to the nation of orgin duty-free-- were created, whuch exploited low wages in Mexico and vastly icnreased Mexican employment?

North American Free Trade Agreement

The Bush administration planned military action against al-Qaeda and the Taliban in what would become the longest war in US History, starting with what october 2001 operation of air and missile strike throughout Afghanistan, resulting in the fall of Kabul and the retreat of Bin Laden and al-Qaeda to the Border of Pakinstan within a few weeks?

Operation Enduring Freedom

What is the name of the welfare reform legislation that Clinton passed in 1996, which decreased welfare benefits, restricted eligibility, and transferred many responsibilities to states to :break the cylce of dependency"?

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act

Republicans accussed Cliton of perjury for denying having sexual relation with a White House intern before a grand jiry and in a public statement, resulting in the Houseof Representative attempt to impeach Cliton in 1998; however, most Americans disapproved of this move, Cliton's approval rating soared to 78% and what governing body acquitted Cliton in 1999?


What is the name of the 2001 attack launched against the US by al-Qaeda, a radical Islamic terrorist group, during which terrorist hijacked 4 US passenger planes, and then crashed them into North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and (unintentionally in) rural Pennsylvania, resulting in the death of approximately 3000 Americans within 2 hours?

September 11

Although during the 1990s many immigrants migrated to traditional immigrant states, including California, Texas, New York, Florida, New Jersey, and Illinois, the decade saw unprecedented migration to what region of the US, with North Carolina, Kentucky, tennesse,Arkansas, and Georgia becoming the fastedt-growing immigrant destination states?


The 200 election ended in impasse, when a close vote in Florida triggered an automatic recount, Gore called for manual recount in several counties, and what governing body intervened with the ruling that the recount had to end, resulting in Bush winning Florida by a Margin of 537 votes; and in turn, the Us Presidency?

Supreme Court

During the 1990s policymakers responded to the influx of immigrants in the US, and rising anti-immigrant sentiment, with initiatives such as Operation Gatekeeper and Hold the line, which tried to inhibit US-Mexico birder crossing by strengthening physical barriers and increasing the presence of what US agency in border cities and towns, resulting in funneling of immigrants to dangerous and remote crossing areas?

U.S. Border Patrol

What nation collapsed during President George H.W. Bush's tenure, after its leader lefited restraints on his citizenry's freedom and democratized the nation's government, resulting in the splintering of this once powerful nation into multiple republics after revolution of 1989?


After a standoff between Saddam Hussein and what International peacekeeping body over chemical weapons inspection inspections in Iraq, President Cliton launched airstikes against Iraq in 1998, firing over 1000 cruise missiles and B-52 bombers at suspected Iraqi chemical weapons stroage facilities, missile batteries, and command centers?

United Nations

what was at the center of the 2004 presidential election between Democratic Massachusetts Senator John F. Kerry, who critocized George W. Bush for American soliders' abuse of prisoners at teh Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, the Us military prison in Cuba, and the inability of the Bush administration to capture Osama Bin Laden?

War on Terror

Poverty political corruption, violence, andhope for a better life continued to draw immigrants to the Us at the turn of the 21st century, with anicnrease in the number of foreign-born poeple in the US form 7.9% in1990 to 12.9% in2010, and the number of what type of immigration tripling from 3,5 million to 11.2 million during the same time period?


The US bombed and took Baghda in 2003, hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops moved into Iraq, Saddam Hussein's regime collapsed, and a the new Iraqi governemnt found Hussein guilty of crimes against humanity and hunged him in 2006; yet, therafter, Iraqi insurgency remained strong, and no evidence of what has been located in Iraq?

weapons of mass destruction

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