Ancient China review

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Shang Dynasty

(1700-1100 BCE) The Dynasty rise is associated with two important innovations: writing and bronze casting. The society was strictly hierarchical. War was very common; therefore, warriors were favored. The ranks went from a king, to warriors, to skilled artisans, and the peasants. They believed in deities and ancestor spirits who controlled natural forces.

Warring States Period

402-201 BCE, between Zhou and Qin dynasties, lack of centralized government in China Period in China from 403 to 221 B.C.E. that was typified by disorder and political chaos.

Great Wall

A barrier made of walls across China's northern frontier.


A highly efficient and powerful government is the key to social order. Punishments are useful to maintain social order. Thinkers and their ideas should be strictly controlled by the government.


A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land

Mandate of Heaven

A political theory developed during the Zhou Dynasty of ancient China in which those in power were believed to have the the right to rule from divine authority.


A sequence of powerful leaders in the same family In China, the powerful families that controlled land became leaders of family-controlled governments called dynasties. Chinese history from ancient times until about 100 years ago is divided by different dynasties.

oracle bone

Cattle bones or tortoise shells on which Chinese priests would write questions and then interpret answers from the cracks that formed when the bones were heated

Confucianism: civil service exams

Confucian exam to acquire a position in the Chinese bureaucracy

Qin Dynasty (pronounced "chin")

Did not last long. This dynasty designed standard currency (money), standard wheel axle size (to make roads all one size), and standard laws that applied to the entire empire. Standardize means to make the same. The Qin also standardized the different systems of writing into one system called small seal script that much of China

Shi Huangdi

First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty; unified and expanded China; ordered the building of the oldest part of the Great Wall

Name the main ideas of Confucianism

Five relationships filial piety civil service exams ren li

dynastic cycle

In China, a dynasty would remain in power only as long as it was providing good government. When a dynasty went into decline, and began to abuse its power, it was said to lose the Mandate of Heaven, or the favor of the gods. A strong leader would usually emerge to claim the Mandate, and establish a new dynasty. The dynastic cycle would then begin again.

Compare how the philosophies (Confucianism, Legalism and Daoism unified China by influencing government, social class and education

In Confucianism, each person has a role that they must follow. In the family, the father has the most say, with the eldest son next in line. A ruler has to be everything he wants his people to be: intelligent, patient, graceful Free thinking was encouraged, but it was considered disgraceful to question your elders. Daoism less focused on politics. humans need to be connected with "the dao" or "the way of nature." balance of good and bad in the world: the yin and the yang. having money and power does not matter. Legalism books were burned, all free thinking was stopped. People were not inspired by their leaders, but scared. crimes had similar, harsh punishments. There was a strict punishment-reward system.

Why did feudalism fail to unify china?

It broke China down to smaller towns controlled by lords who would then end up fighting other Lords for land


It is a philosophy which is founded by Laozi. Daoism emphasizes living in harmony with nature

Qin Shi Huangdi

Leader of the Qin Dynasty.. was brutal declared himself the first true emperor of China. Declared himself the first emperor The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty who united China through his inventions Chinese Emperor; ordered the building of the Great Wall of China to keep out invaders from the North

Confucianism: five relationships

Natural social order ruler to subjects, father to son, husband to wife, elder brother to younger brother, older friend to younger friend.

Explain why China refers to itself as the Middle Kingdom

Saw themselves as the center of the civilized world.

Xia Dynasty to Shang Dynasty,

Shang Dynasty was the first historically confirmed dynasty

Describe how Confucianism influenced government and society

Social order, harmony and good government could be in place if society was organized around the five relationships. Education is important, emphasis on strong family rlationships

Explain how Qin Shi Huangdi used legalization, standardization and infrastructure to govern China

Society needed a system of harsh laws and strict punishments

Han Synthesis and how it helped maintain political unity

The combination of legalism, Confucianism, and Daoism. Ideology of the Han state that blended elements from Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism

explain how the writing system unified China

The writing system unified China because people in all parts of China no matter what their spoke language was, learned the same system of writing. One could read Chinese without speaking it

The Han Dynasty

Twhat dynasty began in 206 BCE and lasted 400 years until 220 CE and is considered to be one of the greatest periods in the entire history of China. The government made Confucianism the official belief system of the empire.

Shang Dynasty

What dynasty is known for writing...first evidence of advanced writing oracle bones river valley civilization bronze work...stronger than other metals

I Ching

a book of oracles. By throwing a set of coins, interpreting the results, and reading the matching oracle (prediction), people can solve ethical or practical problems.

centralized government

a central authority controls the running of a state


a philosophy. social order, harmony, and good government should be based on family relationships, respect for parents and elders is important to a well-ordered society, & education is important both to the welfare of the individual and to society. essential belief of respect and kindness

Chang Jiang

aka Yangtze, the longest river in Asia, flowing about 3,400 miles from central China to the Yellow Sea

Huang He

aka Yellow River, A river in northern China that flows east for about 3,000 miles, emptying into the Yellow Sea.


collected words and teachings of Confucius

Zhou (Chou) Dynasty

displaced Shang Dynasty; alliances with regional princes and families (feudal system); overtook Yangtze River Valley (Middle Kingdom); invoked the "Mandate of Heaven"; Mandarin Chinese language; Confucious (philosopher)

Xia Dynasty

first Chinese dynasty, led by Yu, started irrigation and flood control systems to reduce damage from floods The first dynasty in China, from 2000 B.C. to 1600 B.C.


focuses on people following laws and taking instructions from the government. a Chinese philosophy that emphasizes strict obedience to laws

civil service

government jobs that civilians obtained by taking examinations


influential scholar, wanted to reform Chinese society

Confucianism: Li

one of the key Confucian values. focused on a sense of propriety, traditionally appropriate behavior calls for individuals to behave in conventionally appropriate fashion in Confucianism.

Confucianism: ren

one of the key Confucian values. focused on courteousness, respectfulness, diligence, loyalty

Han Dynasty

replaced rival kingdoms, had a centralized government, built roads and defensive walls, expanded the empire, and created a common written language

Qin Dynasty

replaced the Zhou dynasty, based upon Legalist ideas; unified China

Filial piety

respect for your parents and ancestors, devoting oneself to one's parents during their lifetimes and honoring their memory after death

Confucianism idea: filial piety

respect shown by children for their parents and elders

Daoism (Taoism)

the belief that a universal force called the Dao, meaning "the way", guides all things. Human beings should live simply and in harmony with nature.


trained civil service or those who run the government

yin and yang

two powers that represent nature. One represents all that is cold, dark, soft, or mysterious; One represents all that is warm, bright, hard, and clear

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