AP Euro Semesters 1 & 2

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"Night of Broken Glass"; 1938 pogrom against Jewish communities. Nazi gangs smashed Jewish stores, burned synagogues, and killed dozens of Jews

Vichy France

"Puppet" government in southern France; basically run by Germany during the German occupation of the rest of France


"Re-education camps"; forced labor camps used by the Soviet regime to punish political opponents

il Duce

"The Leader"; Mussolini's nickname as the strongman of Italy

Social Darwinism

"The poor were the ill-fated weak; the prosperous were the chosen strong" sounds like which "ism"?

King Leopold II of Belgium

"The sea bathes our coast, the world lies before us. Steam and electricity have annihilated distance, and all the nonappropriated lands on the surface of the globe can become the field of our operations and of our success."

Leo Tolstoy (Russian)

"War and Peace" had a central message about human love, trust, and family ties. Who wrote it?

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

"Wrote Oration on the Dignity of Man," which has been called the "Manifesto of the Renaissance."

Blousen noirs

(Black Jackets) French youth inspired by James Dean and Marlon Brando who had rebellious clothing and cynical attitudes.

Charles V

- HREmperor; Catholic - Would not annul Henry VIII because he was Catherine of Aragon's nephew - Refused the Augsburg Confession, made all Protestants convert back and give up their land

Muhammad Ali

- built his state on the strength of a large, powerful army - reformed the government - cultivated new lands - improved communication networks ...e g y p t

Pope Paul III

- called the Council of Trent - said that church tradition and Scripture were equal in importance - heaven: faith and good works - established the Holy Office


- consolidated the experimental method - formulated the law of inertia - found four moons of Jupiter - waited a while to publish work bc didn't want to be called a heretic -...that didn't work, he had to recant

Ivan III (the Great)

- declares autonomy of Moscow - borrows Mongol practices in Russian society - e.g. boyars

Jacques Cartier

- first to explore Canada - St. Lawrence River - Claimed region for France

Jethro Tull

- invented the seed drill

Henry M. Stanley

- sent by Leopold II to Congo - established trading stations - signed unfair treaties with African chiefs - planted the Belgian flag

Charles II

- takes the throne (Restoration) once the English people are tired of a military dictatorship

J.A. Hobson, Imperialism

- the rush to acquire colonies was due to the economic needs of unregulated capitalism, but no payoff for entire country - the quest for empire diverted popular attention away from domestic reform (gap between rich and poor)

Louis XIV

- the sun king - decreased power of nobility by using court, parties, spies - Colbert- mercantilist finance manager - Revoked Edict of Nantes - many wars, bankrupt France slowly

War of Austrian Succession

- the war in which Maria Theresa gives basically all of Silesia to the Prussians

Baldassare Castiglione

- wrote The Courtier - nobleman

Boer War

1899-1902; a war in which the British defeated Dutch Boers in South Africa

Putting-out system

18th-century method of distributing materials to workers, who processed them and returned the finished products to the merchant capitalist

Lateran Agreement

1929 agreement in which Mussolini recognized the Vatican as an independent state, and gave it heavy financial support in return for public support from the pope

Nuremberg Laws

1935 statutes defining the status of Jews and withdrawing citizenship from persons of non-German blood.


19th century artistic movement that appealed to emotion rather than reason

Boxer Rebellion

A 1900 uprising in China aimed at ending foreign influence in the country.

Battle of the Somme

A 1916 British offensive designed to take some pressure off the defenders at Verdun that saw many lives lost with little gain

Balfour Declaration

A 1917 British statement that declared British support for a National Home for the Jewish people in Palestine

Sergei Kirov

A Bolshevik party member whose assassination ("killed by fascist agents within the party") in 1934 was used by Stalin to justify the Great Purge


A German customs union, designed to eliminate tariffs between German states

Battle of Verdun

A German offensive in 1916 that cost 700,000 lives while gaining virtually no territory

King Otto I

A German prince who was a descendant of Greek royalty (including the Comnenus dynasty), he became the first king of a newly independent Greece


A Protestant revival movement started by John Wesley, whose members were known for pious devotion


A Protestant revival movement that emphasized a warm & emotional religion & the power of Christian rebirth in everyday affairs

Marshall Plan

A United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952)

People's Budget

A bill to increase social welfare spending in Britain by taxing the rich more and setting up pensions and national health insurance

Continental System

A blockade imposed by Napoleon to halt all trade between continental Europe and Britain, thereby weakening the British economy and military


A business in which women were paid to breast-feed other women's babies

Meiji Restoration

A chain of events that restored practical imperial rule to Japan in 1868 under Emperor Meiji; resulted in modernization of the country

Russo-Japanese War

A conflict fought over Korea, and a loss for the Russians. It marked the first time that an eastern nation defeated one of Europe's great powers

Dreyfus Affair

A divisive case in which a Jewish captain was falsely accused of treason. Brought forth anti-Semitism among some and resulted in a greater separation of church & state in France

Laissez faire economics

A doctrine that called for little to no gov't interference in the economy


A drug used for fighting malaria and other fevers; allowed for the conquest of Africa

Nuclear family

A family group consisting of parents & their children with no other relatives

Debt peonage

A form of serfdom that allowed a planter or rancher to keep his workers or slaves in perpetual debt bondage by periodically advancing food, shelter, and a little money


A fortress prison in Paris. An attack on this structure on July 14, 1789 became a rallying event for the revolutionaries, and is celebrated as their independence day today.

Toussaint L'Ouverture

A freed slave who first joined the Spanish against the French, but then became the commander of French forces on the island. He was defeated by General Leclerc, arrested, and sent to France in 1802.

Separate Spheres

A gender division of labor with the wife at home and the husband as wage earner outside the home

Tariff protection

A gov't's way to aiding its own economy by laying high taxes on imported goods from other countries


A group of French intellectuals who said they were bringing the light of knowledge to the world.


A group of church members who believed that a council had the power to elect and depose of popes.

Boxer Rebellion

A group of conservative, patriotic Chinese who blamed their country's ills on foreigners. Killed foreign missionaries, Chinese Christians, defeated by Western armies.


A huge State Planning Commission created to set production goals and control flow of raw and finished materials

Battle of Stalingrad

A key Soviet victory during World War II that ended Hitler's effort to conquer the USSR; turning point on the Eastern Front

Tea Act of 1773

A law passed by Parliament allowing the East India Company to have a virtual monopoly on the sale of tea to the American colonies

Stamp Act of 1765

A law passed by Parliament taxing a long list of items, mainly paper-based things like contracts and newspapers


A leader-dictator title used by Hitler during his reign over Germany

Estates General

A legislative body in prerevolutionary France made up of representatives of each of the three classes, or estates; it was called into session in 1789 for the first time since 1614

Imre Nagy

A liberal Communist reformer who was installed as the new Prime Minister of Hungary by Students and workers in October 1956. He proposed to democratize the country. He was executed by the Soviets.

Jose de San Martin

A liberal-minded military commander and South American revolutionary who defeated Spanish forces in Argentina and Chile.

Stream-of-consciousness technique

A literary format that uses interior monologue to explore the human psyche

voting rights for all men

A major goal of the English Chartists was:

Amerigo Vespucci

A mapmaker and explorer who said that the lands being explored to Europe's west were, in fact, a new continent, so America was named after him.

Council of Trent

A meeting held to discuss and reform practices of the Catholic Church. It reaffirmed some of the core beliefs of the Church while reforming other practices and cracking down on abuses

Berlin Conference

A meeting of European leaders held in 1884 in order to lay down some basic rules for imperialist competition in sub-Saharan Africa

Open Field System

A method of organizing rural agriculture in which the land was divided into several strips with no hedges or fences


A moderate group that fought for control of the French National Convention in 1793


A moderate group that fought for control of the French National Convention in 1793.


A moderate group that fought for control of the French National Convention in 1793.


A movement characterized by extreme, often expansionist, nationalism, antisocialism, a dynamic leader, and glorification of war and the military


A movement founded in the 1890s to promote the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

James Cook

A navigator and ship captain who explored and claimed land in Australia for England in 1770

Community controls

A pattern of cooperation and common action in a traditional village that sought to uphold the economic, social, & moral stability of a close-knit community


A philosophy that stresses the meaninglessness of existence and the importance of the individual in searching for moral values in an uncertain world; popular on the European continent


A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones


A political approach that seeks to disrupt the existing social order by solidifying and mobilizing the animosity of the "commoner" or "the people" against "privileged elites" and the "establishment"


A political club in Revolutionary France whose members were well-educated radical republicans

Jacobin club

A political club in revolutionary France whose members were well-educated radical republicans.


A political ideology that pushed for greater social equality, state regulation of property, and a move toward more cooperation & sense of community


A postcolonial system that perpetuates Western economic exploitation in former colonial territories.

Spanish Inquisition

A program ordered by the Spanish monarchy to investigate and eliminate heresy in the kingdom


A pseudoscientific doctrine that says selective breeding of humans can improve the general characteristics of a national population; helped inspire Nazi ideology of "race and space"

Chartist Movement

A push by the working class to obtain the right to vote for all men, and limit the workday to 10 hours


A radical dictatorship that exercises complete claims over the beliefs and behavior of its citizens by taking control of econ, social, intellectual, & cultural aspects of society

Treaty of Paris (1763)

A resolution to the Seven Years' War; it gave a lot of territory over to the victorious British, notably the Ohio River Valley

Thermidorean Reaction

A response to the violence of the Reign of Terror in 1794, resulting in the execution of Robespierre and the loosening of economic controls


A sect of Catholicism originating with Cornelius Jansen that emphasized the heavy weight of original sin & accepted predestination

Navigation Acts

A series of English laws that controlled the import of goods to Britain & British colonies

Navigation Acts

A series of English laws that controlled the import of goods to Britain and British colonies.

hundred days of reform

A series of Western-style reforms launched in 1898 by the Chinese government in an attempt to meet the foreign challenge.

"great purge"

A series of show trials in the late 1930s in which false evidence was used to incriminate party administrators and Red Army leaders under Stalin's watch


A set of reforms designed to remake the Ottoman Empire on a Western European model

Popular Front

A short-lived New Deal-inspired alliance of left wing political groups that launched a far-reaching program of social reform in France

Paris Commune

A socialist takeover of Paris in 1870. It was ultimately crushed by French army forces, but inspired later socialist revolts, such as the Russian Revolution of 1917

cottage industry

A stage of industrial development in which rural workers used hand tools in their homes to manufacture goods on a large scale in a market

Niccolo Machiavelli

A statesman of Florence who advocated a strong central government in his most famous work, "The Prince"

Coup d'etat

A sudden overthrow of the government by a small minority force


A system that uses reflected radio waves to detect objects and measure their distance and speed


A time of reveling and excess in Catholic Europe preceding the time of Lent

Trench warfare

A type of fighting used in WW I behind rows of dug out defensive fortifications, mines, and barbed wire


A very rapid rise in the price level of goods; seen in Weimar Germany in the 1920s


About 3/4 of total European investment went to a) other European countries AND b) what?

building public works projects

According to Adam Smith, what SHOULD be a responsibility of the government?

the Slavic Race

According to Hitler's New Order, which European race was considered subhuman along with the Jews?

Black Africans

After losing access to slave trading from the Black Sea, the Genoese obtained who as slaves?

unofficial groups were seizing and executing alleged collaborators on their own

After the war, why did national governments quickly establish authority over questions of guilt and punishment for those who had collaborated with the Nazi regime?

all life had gradually evolved from a common ancestral origin

After years of scientific investigation and reflection, Charles Darwin concluded that

Bretton Woods Agreement

Agreement in 1944 that linked Western currencies to the US dollar and established the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to facilitate free markets and world trade.

Operation Torch

Allied forces invaded North Africa from the west, trapping Axis troops in the middle of Brits coming from the east. Helped take N. Africa, which will be used as a launching pad toward Italy

1st Battle of the Marne

Allied victory early in the war that halted the Schlieffen Plan and began a stalemate on the Western Front. Associated with the Parisian taxis used to shuttle troops to the battle

Leopold II

Along with Frederick Wilhelm II, this monarch issued the Declaration of Pillnitz, in part to support his sister, the queen of France.

Franco-Prussian War

Alsace and Lorraine were desired by the French at the outset of WWI. They had been lost after what previous war?

using their numerical superiority over the British settlers to take over political power

Although the Afrikaners were defeated in the Boer War, they regained power by

Truman Doctrine

America's policy geared to containing communism to those countries already under Soviet control.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

American General who began in North Africa and became the Commander of Allied forces in Europe; architect of the D-Day invasions

Benjamin Franklin

American ambassador to Paris during the war. He was an overall intelligent Enlightenment thinker

Boston Tea Party

American colonists tossed East India Co. tea into Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act


Amount, in billions of gold marks, the Germans were expected to pay the Allies in reparations each year

John Wesley

An Anglican priest who founded Methodism to spread a message of conversion & salvation for all

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

An English aristocrat who brought the practice of inoculation back to England from the Ottoman Empire in the 1720s

Concordat of 1801

An agreement between Pope Pius VII & Napoleon granting French Catholics the right to practice their religion, but allowing government control of the French Church

Olaudah Equiano

An antislavery activist who wrote a famous account of his enslavement. Used economic-based arguments


An apparatus designed to make executions more humane and egalitarian


An artistic movement of the 1920s & 1930s that attacked all accepted standards of art and behavior and delighted in outrageous conduct


An association of merchants or artisans that oversees the practice of a particular craft in that town


An economic organization of Communist states intended to rebuild the East Bloc independently of the West

COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)

An economic organization of Communist states intended to rebuild the East Bloc independently of the West


An effort by moderate socialists to update Marxist doctrines to reflect the realities of the time.

Incan Empire

An empire in Modern day Peru conquered by Francisco Pizarro and conquistadors in the early 16th century

Grand Empire

An enlarged France, a number of satellite kingdoms, and the independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia

Europeans justified imperialism through an ideology of cultural and racial superiority

An historian is most likely to use this image (a German missionary school in Africa) as evidence that


An influential political program that called for a working-class revolution to overthrow the capitalist state and establish a Communist state

Kellogg-Briand Pact

An international agreement signed by 15 countries in 1928 to renounce war as an instrument of foreign policy and settle disputes peacefully

Battle of Gallipoli

An offensive against the Ottomans by British, French, and ANZAC troops. Failed to secure the Dardanelles

League of Nations

An organization of nations formed after World War I to promote cooperation and peace.


Anti-Bolshevik coalition in the Russian Civil War


Anti-Soviet military alliance of Western governments

Count Camillo Benso di Cavour

Architect of Italian unification. He set up a nominally democratic government headed by King Victor Emmanuel II after bringing the Italian states together in 1860.


Artistic and cultural movements of the late 1800s /early 1900s typified by radical experimentation that challenged traditional forms of expression

Socialist realism

Artistic movement that followed the dictates of the Communist ideals, enforced by state control in the USSR and East Bloc countries in the 1950s and 60s


Artistic style influenced by Freudian psychology, portraying images of the unconscious and attempting to call attention to the bankruptcy of mainstream society in order to change the world


Artistic style whose adherents looked to the world around them for subject matter and tried to portray their sensory "impressions" in their work

Erich Ludendorff

As German chief of staff in 1917, he resumed URSW in the hopes that Germany could starve Britain into submission and end the stalemate

Heinrich Himmler

As head of the Nazi SS corps, he was responsible for carrying out Hitler's "final solution" during the war

a reading revolution

As more books were made available, the old style of consuming information changed and Europe experienced

new Imperialism

As the British lost their early economic lead from industrialization, they turned to ______, causing a chain reaction of other European countries to follow suit.

Alfred von Schlieffen

As the German chief of staff in the 1890s, he drafted a plan should Germany find itself in a war with both France and Russia simultaneously

Leon Trotsky

As war commissar, he was responsible for helping to lead the Red Army, and to instill discipline and party doctrine within its ranks.

The Habsburgs

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Netherlands was controlled by the Spanish branch of which dynasty?

Prince Klemens von Metternich

Austria's foreign minister and architect of the Congress of Vienna. He was very conservative, and tried to restore Europe to its pre-1789 status.

Adolf Hitler

Austrian born Dictator of Germany, implemented Fascism and caused WWII and Holocaust.

Adolf Hitler

Austrian born Dictator of Germany, implemented Fascism and caused WWII and Holocoust.

Kurt von Schuschnigg

Austrian chancellor who tried to resist Nazi encroachment, but could not prevent his country from being taken over by Hitler

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Austrian philosopher who later immigrated to England and brought with his logical positivist ideas. "Of what one cannot speak, of that one must keep silent"

Friedrich Engels

Author of "The Condition of the Working Class in England" and co-author of "The Communist Manifesto" with Karl Marx

Adam Smith

Author of "The Wealth of Nations" and father of capitalism

Thomas Malthus

Author of the "Essay on the Principle of Population" which argued that population was outgrowing food supply


Awareness of belonging to a distinct social & economic class whose interests might conflict with those of other classes


Baron de Montesquieu argued that the powers of government should be divided into ___ branches


Baron de Montesquieu argued that the powers of government should be divided into ___ branches.

The Catholic Reformation

Baroque art is linked to:

Jawaharlal Nehru

Became India's prime minister after India's independence. He believed in nonalignment.

Napoleon III

Became emperor of France in 1852; presided over the modernization of Paris. Ultimately would be captured and forced into exile as a result of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71.

Harry S Truman

Became president when FDR died; gave the order to drop the atomic bomb

Harry S. Truman

Became president when FDR died; gave the order to drop the atomic bomb

Enlightenment ideals of progress, reason, and individual rights

Before 1914, most people belived in

Logical Positivism

Belief that a concept is meaningful only if it can be empirically verified, and therefore rejects most of the concerns of traditional philosophy as nonsense; popular in English-speaking countries


Better-off peasants who were stripped of land and livestock under Stalin and were generally not permitted to join collective farms


Bismarck's campaign against the Catholic Church to undermine Catholics' loyalty to the pope in favor of the Kaiser


Bolsheviks and their supporters in the Russian Civil War


Both Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli married and had children after breaking from Catholicism.


Bourbon monarch who was made king in 1814 after Napoleon's defeat. He was the younger brother of Louis XVI and acted as a moderate reformer in his decade of rule.


Britain's greatest rival for influence in India in the eighteenth century was:

Quadruple Alliance

Britain, Russia, Prussia, & Austria

Royal Air Force (RAF)

British Air Force

David Lloyd George

British PM during WWI. During the Paris Peace Conference, he was concerned with maintaining the British Empire

Neville Chamberlain

British Prime Minister who gave in to Hitler's demands in 1930s in order to preserve peace

William and John Cockerill

British factory owners who brought trade secrets to the European continent to establish factories in places like Belgium


British policy granting concessions to Hitler in order to avoid war

Rudyard Kipling

British writer who wrote of "The White Man's Burden" and justified imperialism

signori or oligarchies

By 1300, most of the Italian city-states were ruled by either:

the idea gradually grew more accepted, though slightly dampened by the economic fallout from WWII

By the 1990s, the idea of women leading lives independent of men had undergone what type of change?

The Netherlands

By the early 17th century, which was the greatest commercial power in Europe?

that their circumstances gave them different interests and characteristics from those in Spain

By the end of the 18th century, the elites who were born and raised in Spanish colonial society came to believe:

Marshall Plan

COMECON was a program created in response to which postwar policy?

Pugachev's Rebellion

Catherine the great tried to improve the conditions of the poor, but reverse course because of

Pugachev's rebellion

Cathierne the Great tried to improve the conditions of the poor, but reversed course because of


Catholic belief that the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Christ.

Cornelius Jansen

Catholic bishop of Ypres who called for a return to the austere, strict Christianity of St. Augustine. Accepted predestination was outlawed by Rome

Weimar Republic

Civilian government in Germany that replaced William II and the imperial gov't in 1918. Forced to accept the Treaty of Versailles


Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, and Mary Cassatt were all examples of ____ painters, in that they attempted to portray the world around them in a single fleeting moment of color and light

Atlantic Wall

Coastal defense built by Nazis surrounding coast of Europe and Scandinavia, designed to repel invasion by the Allies in Western Europe

First Continental Congress

Colonial delegates met at this gathering in Philadelphia to try to resolve conflicts with the British government peacefully

Big Science

Combination of theoretical work with sophisticated engineering in a large bureaucratic organization to increase funding for technological advancements

Matthew Perry

Commodore of the US Navy who opened up Japan with the Treaty of Kanagawa. Practiced gun boat diplomacy

Korean War

Communist North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950. This war kept Korea divided. It further stimulated economic growth.

Josip Broz Tito

Communist chief of Yugoslavia who stood up to Stalin in 1948 and kept his country independent of the Soviet Bloc

Potsdam Conference

Conference in July 1945. Demands for free elections (refused by Stalin), turn attention to the defeat of Japan

Tehran Conference

Conference in November of 1943. Talked about strategies to win the war, Germany first then Japan, and advocated for a second front in France.

Battle of Trafalgar

Conflict at which Napoleon's Mediterranean fleet was destroyed by England. This made it impossible for France to invade England.

Seven Years' War

Conflict between Britain & France fought between 1756-1763 all over the world, particularly over colonies in the NW and India

Opium Wars

Conflict between Britain and China in 1839 over the opening of China to foreign trade; Britain wins and China weakens

Crimean War

Conflict from 1853-56 that featured an alliance of GB, France, Ottoman Empire, & Sardinia defeating Russia

Total war

Conflict in which all a country's resources go to the war effort. Distinctions between soldier & civilian are blurred, gov'ts plan and control the economy & social life

Seven Years' War

Conflict that succeeded the War of Austrian Succession. In this war, Austria tried to win back Silesia, while France took on Britain across the globe, notably the Fr. & Indian War in N. America

Klemens von Metternich

Conservative foreign minister of Austria and the architect of the Congress of Vienna

Fidel Castro

Cuban communist revolutionary and politician who governed the Republic of Cuba as Prime Minister from 1959 to 1976 and then as President from 1976 to 2008

Jan Hus

Czech theologian who deinied papal authority, called for translations of the Bible into the local Czech lanugage, and declared indulgences useless - around 1400, before Luther

June 6, 1944

D-Day; A turning point of WW II at which Allied forces successfully opened up a front on French soil by taking the Normandy beaches

Soren Kierkegaard

Danish theologian who wrote that it was impossible to prove the existence of God, but that people must take a leap of faith and accept God

Act of Supremacy

Declared the king (Henry VIII) the supreme head of the Church of England in 1534

Ho Chi Minh

Defeated the French army fighting in Vietnam in 1954.


Degrading public rituals used by village communities to police personal behavior & maintain moral standards


Descendants of the Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony in southern Africa

- 1337-1453, intermittent fighting between England and France - Crecy - English longbows - French won because of Joan of Arc @ Orleans

Describe the Hundred Years' War

interpreted Italian ideas about and attitudes toward classical antiqutiy and humanism in terms of their own religious traditions

Describe the Northern Renaissance

They believed that improved submarines could could starve Britain into submission before the U.S. could come to Britain's rescue

During WWI, why did the German military command recommence submarine warfare in the Atlantic despite knowing that it would lead the US to enter the war against them?


During recent recession, which country struggled to receive financial aid from the IMF and EU?

generally supported their foreign masters

During the First World War, the African colonial subjects of Britain and France...

wanted to stop the French monarchy's centralizing efforts

During the Hundred Years' War, the English Kings were supported by some French barons because the latter:

Danish Phase

During which phase did Christian IV lise to the armies of Albrecht von Wallenstein?

Cornelius Vermuyden

Dutch engineer who created new farmlands by draining swamps in the Dutch Republic & England

Cornelius Vermuyden

Dutch engineer who developed successful techniques to drain swamp lands

Theory of special relativity

Einstein's theory that time and space are relative to the observer and that only the speed of light remains constant

Edward Jenner

English doctor who developed a smallpox vaccine in the 1790s

William Shakespeare

English dramatist and poet; considered one of the greatest writers in the English language. Wrote eloquently and sometimes humorously to capture the human condition.

James Cook

English explorer who claimed the east coast of Australia in 1770. He would later be killed in the Hawaiian islands in 1779, after charting much of the Pacific Ocean

Oliver Cromwell

English general and statesman who led the parliamentary army in the English Civil War. Turned England into a military dictatorship, briefly.

Thomas More

English humanist who described an ideal society in Utopia

Mines Act of 1842

English law prohibiting underground work for all women and girls, as well as boys under 10 years old

Charles I

English monarch who fought Parliament during English Civil War and was executed for treason. - married a Catholic princess and imposed Book of Common prayer upon Scots - not happy

James I

English monarch who ignored constitutional principles and asserted the divine right of kings.

Daniel Defoe

English novelist & economic writer who enthusiastically endorsed cottage industry as a way for people to supplement their family incomes

Battle of Peterloo

Enormous protest in Manchester that was broken up with violence, and represented the British govt's determination to repress dissenters who were pushing for more representation and liberal reform

Enclosure and land reclamation efforts - more agricultural- helped farmers grow more food for people to consume and buy - industry - and created a surplus, and because people were well-fed, they didn't get sick as often and population skyrocketed

Essay question: What was the relationship among agriculture, industry, and population in the 18th century?

- indulgences: people didn't agree with buying one's way into heaven - Protestants believed Church rituals were not important; believed in salvation through faith alone!! no "good works"

Essay question: explain two reasons why the Catholic Church faced criticism of its authority and practices in the 16th century

- showed human ideals - shift to realism - realistic human body (less stiff) - 3-D perspective - linear representation of distance and space on a flat surface - looked to the classical past for inspiration (Greece and Rome - e.g. gods/goddesses) - sense of proportion, even in nonhuman things - ideals of balance and harmony

Essay question: how did art reflect new Renaissance ideals?

Louis XIV addressed religious turmoil by revoking the Edict of Nantes, which granted Protestant toleration. He completely banned Protestantism - manly Huguenots (French Calvinists) in the country of france.

Essay question: how did the absolutist government of Louis XIV attempt to address a 17th-century European crisis?

- caravel: a ship that's smaller, quicker, and can hold more goods. replaces the Galley ship. Gives the Portuguese a distinct advantage when they first invent it in the 15th century - Ptolemy's geography: a second-century CE work that reintroduced the concepts of longitude and latitude, allowing cartographers to create more accurate maps

Essay question: how were Europeans able to complete their voyages succceessfully in the 15th and 16th centuries?

- spices! tons of uses from food to medicine - religious fervor - profits - glory - chart new waters

Essay question: what motivated Europeans to undertake ambitious voyages of discovery?

- salon: regular social gathering held by talented and rich Parisians in their homes, where philosophes and their followers met to discuss literature, science, and philosophy - Naples entered a period of intellectual expansion after achieving independance from Habsburg rule

Essay question: what new practices and institutions enabled new Enlightenment ideas about society and human relationships to take hold?

- domesticated animals - new diseases (e.g. smallpox) that killed off a ton of the native population - conversion to Christianity through missionaries

Essay question: what was one way in which European conquest impacted the people of the New World?

- reading revolution: the transition in Europe from a society where literacy consisted of patriarchal and communal reading of religious texts to a society where literacy was a commonplace thing and reading material was broad and diverse - Descartes believed that everything in one's life could be reduced to mind or matter - spiritual and physical.

Essay question: what were two new ideas about society and human relationships that emerged in the Enlightenment?

- switch from medieval scholasticism to Renaissance humanism: focus became more human than theologically based - switch from focused to broad liberal arts/humanist education with classes in reading, writing, science, speaking, philosophy, math, basically everything - spread of ideas - reading, writing, etc. for one's self wasn't just something for the privileged. everyone could read and write and express themselves

Essay question: what were two new ideas associated with the Renaissance

- nobles reached for power as absolutist rulers gained control - religious wars

Essay question: what were two of the common crises of 17th-century European states?

National Liberation Front

Established by the Algerian rebels and revolted against French colonialism in the early 1950s.


Ethnic group in the Ottoman Empire who were largely Christian. When they supported Russians invading that territory, the Ottomans killed and deported them in large numbers, resulting in an ethnic cleansing


Europe's largest country, which lagged behind Western European countries in industrial output. It was an exporter of raw materials, but slow to build factories on a large scale until the early 1900s

Shore method of trading

European ships dealt directly with African slave traders offshore, rather than maintaining expensive fortified trading posts on the African continent

opium addiction and military aggression

Europeans used ___ and ____ to blow a hole in the wall of Chinese seclusion and open the country to foreign trade and foreign ideas.


Europein investors funded a lot of _____ in the neo-Europes, stimulating trade and opening new economic opportunites

Blood sports

Events that involved inflicting violence, usually on animals, that were popular during the 18th century with the European masses

inductive: you need to collect data before you make hypotheses deductive: make a hypothesis then collect your data

Explain inductive vs. deductive reasoning

Leviathan (Hobbes): people need an absolute sovereign because they're too dumb to do things by themselves Two Treatises (Locke): all men have natural rights of life, liberty and property

Explain the difference between Two Treatises of Government and Leviathan

- indulgences were outlawed at the Council of Trent - arresting of heretics throught Roman Inquisition - list of prohibited books - ban protestant ones, especially

Explain two ways the Catholic Church responded to the spread of Protestant ideas in the Catholic Reformation.


Extreme patriotism, especially in the form of an aggresive foreign policy


Extreme, chauvinistic patriotism, often favoring an aggressive, warlike foreign policy

Beer Hall Putsch

Failed Nazi coup d'etat in 1923 inspired by Mussolini's successful March on Rome. Sent Hitler and other Nazis to jail

the core of the family was nuclear

Family relations in Western Europe in the 16th century were similar to modern ones in that:

General Francisco Franco

Fascist leader who won the Spanish Civil War in 1939, in part because of the support of Germany and Italy while his republican opponents had almost no international support

Yalta Conference

Feb. 1945 strategy meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, at which the Allies planned the postwar world

Septembre 1, 1939

Fighting in Europe in WWII began with the invasion of Poland on what date?

Battle of Yorktown

Final conflict of the American Revolutionary War at which General Cornwallis surrendered to Washington

Ludwig van Beethoven

First and greatest romantic composer who used contrasting themes and tones to produce dramatic conflict & inspiring resolutions in his music

Victor Emmanuel II

First king of a united Italy

to expose the bankruptcy of modern society and produce radical social change

For artists such as the Dadaists and Surrealists, what was the purpose of art?

the possibility of buying land

For those who returned to their home country, _________ was of central importance?

Walter Gropius

Formed the Bauhaus after exploring with clean, light buildings of glass and iron. Stressed functionality and quality

Olaudah Equiano

Former slave who won fame by publishing his autobiography in England

Jean-Baptiste de la Salle

Founder of the Christian Brothers schools first in France, and then spread across Europe and the world

Theodor Herzl

Founder of the Zionist movement

Triple Entente

France, Russia, and Great Britain, all of whom will form the core of the Allied Powers in WW I

Germaine de Stael

French champion of Romanticism, who encouraged the adoption of the spontaneity and enthusiasm of Germans in her study "On Germany". An early advocate of feminism and critic of Napoleon


French city that served as the site of British troops stranded in France, and their miraculous rescue by sea

Jean-Paul Satre

French existentialist who argued there are no God-given, timeless truths. "Existence precedes essence": humans are born and then try to define what they are on their own

Napoleon Bonaparte

French general who became emperor of the French after leading a coup d'etat against the Directory

Louis XIII

French king who helped his trusty dude Richelieu decrease Protestantism

Madame du Coudray

French midwife who wrote the textbook "Manual on the Art of Childbirth" to address complaints of incompetent midwives

Henri-Philippe Petain

French military commander who had to deal with mutinies within his ranks in 1917. Promised no more grand offensives to placate troops

Marquis de Lafayette

French nobleman who volunteered to serve in General Washington's army and became a close confidant of the general

Henri Bergson

French philosopher who believed that immediate experience & intuition were as important as rational & scientific thinking for understanding reality

Georges Clemenceau

French president during WWI. He wanted to punish Germany harshly to prevent any future aggression from their longtime rival.

Adolphe Thiers

French president of the 3rd republic, beginning in 1870. He crushed the Paris Commune tried to bring stability to the new government in the aftermath

Napoleonic Code

French set of laws promulgated in 1804 that reasserted the 1789 principles of the equality of all male citizens before the law and the absolute security of wealth and private property, as well as the restriction of rights accorded to women by previous revolutionary laws


Freud's term for a balancing force between the id and the demands of society


Freud's term for our inborn basic drives


From which state was Columbus?

feared that France and Germany would seal off their empires with high tariffs, causing it to lose future economic opportunitiea

GB chose to seize land in Africa and Asia in the late nineteenth century because it

the Catholic Church

Gabriel Marcel found the answer to the postwar broken world in


Gandhi had studied overseas to become a

to try and drive the unwelcome foreigners away

Generally, the initial response of African and Asian rulers to aggressive Western expansion was


George Stephenson's early locomotive was named what?

Joseph Goebbels

German Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.

Karl Dönitz

German admiral who played a major role in the naval history of World War II. He briefly succeeded Adolf Hitler as the head of state of Germany. He began his career in the Imperial German Navy before World War I


German air force

September 1, 1939

German armies invaded Poland to start World War II

Spring Offensive of 1918

German attack on the Western Front. Initially it was successful due to numerical superiority following Russian withdrawal from the War. Halted at the 2nd Battle of the Marne


German interdisciplinary school of fine & applied arts that brought together many leading modern architects, designers, and theatrical innovators

Heinrich von Treitschke

German nationalist historian who asserted that "every virile people has established colonial power", showing nationalist and Social Darwinian tendency

Karl Marx

German philosopher who co-authored "The Communist Manifesto" and spread his vision of "scientific socialism" throughout Europe

Friedrich Nietzsche

German philosopher who questioned the conventional values of Western society, believing that reason, progress, & respectability stifled self-realization and excellence

Werner Heisenberg

German physicist who formulated the "uncertainty principle" saying that the nature of the universe is ultimately unknowable and unpredictable, lacking any absolute objective reality

Gustav Stresemann

German president who compromised with France in 1923 to end the Ruhr crisis


German secret code during the war; broken by British cryptographers using a system called Ultra

Schlieffen Plan

German strategy heading into the war - attack France 1st and Russia 2nd instead of both at the same time. Violated Belgian neutrality

Martin Luther

German theologian who led the Reformation by first posting his 95 Theses on the church in Wittenberg in 1517

Franziska Tiburtius

German woman physician

Albert Einstein

German-Jewish scientist & author of the theory of special relativity; only the speed of light is constant - time and space are relative to the observer. Matter & energy are interchangeable

Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Italy. The first two will make up the core of the Central Powers in WW I

Red Shirts

Giuseppe Garibaldi's band of 1,000 patriotic guerrilla freedom fighters in Italy

Works Progress Administration

Gov't agency that constructed infrastructure in order to put people to work.

Guest worker programs

Government-run programs in western Europe designed to recruit labor for the booming postwar economy.

Quadruple Alliance

Great Britain, Russia, Austria, & Prussia


Group of French intellectuals who said they were bringing the light of knowledge to the world.

Holy Alliance

Group of conservative rulers that became a symbol for the repression of liberal and revolutionary movements in 19th-century Europe


Group of handicraft workers who attacked factories in northern England, smashing machines they believed were putting them out of work

Alexander Ypsilanti

Hero of Greek independence in the 1820s. He was a general in the Russian army who helped organize revolts against the Ottomans, but died before Greece won its independence


Hitler's "storm troopers" or "brown shirts"; a paramilitary group used violence to intimidate political opponents

Mein Kampf

Hitler's autobiographical book outlining his ideology as well as his future plans


Hitler's personal elite bodyguard; would grow after the Night of Long Knives and would eventually take over responsibility for carrying out concentration camp system

He claimed to be able to heal their hemophiliac son

How did Grigori Rasputin endear himself to the Russian royal family?

he formed a tacit agreement with the troops that there would be no more grand offensives

How did Henri-Phillipe Petain maintain order among French troops by late 1917??

he encouraged the development of commercial agriculture

How did Muhammad Ali pay for his ambitious plans?

He sought to impose a new prayer book modeled on the Anglican Book of Common Prayer on Presbyterian Scotland.

How did William Laud, the archbishop of Canterbury, create conflict in Britain in the 1630's?

Austro-Hungary was a multi-ethnic empire. German-speaking people were the minority among Hungarians, Magyars, Czechs, etc. Sense of "national unity" took hold in these groupings rather than in Austro-Hungary as a whole

How did nationalism weaken the Austro-Hungarian Empire, when it strengthened so many other countries during the same time period in the late 19th century?

improved transportation + communciation, standard measurements, mandatory enlisting in the army, public schools, capital city, flag, national anthem, "Uncle Sam"-like figure, holidays, statues

How did nations encourage a feeling of national belonging amongst their citizens?

They worked to improve the lives of Indian women, moving them closer to Western standards through education and legislation

How did some British women seek to affect British colonialism in India in the nineteenth century?

It frustrated the hopes of all the different social classes

How did the National Assembly respond to the hopes and expectations of Saint-Domingue's different social groups?

they extablished research institutes and academies that measured and defined racial differences in order to present prejudice in the guise of enlightened science

How did the Nazis seek to legitimize their racial policies?

required all foreign merchants to live in the southern port of Guangzhou and to buy and sell only to licensed Chinese merchants

How did the Qing/Manchu Dynasty control trade with Europe in the 1800s?

it encouraged European nations to let go of their former colonies

How did the United states respond to the decolonization movement in the first years after the Second World War?

Railroad lines connected resource-rich inland cities to seaports to facilitate Western trade but did not link inland cities to each other

How did the building of railroads in Latin America, Asia, and Africa facilitate Western economic interests as opposed to regional economic interests?

Military schools increasingly educated a new noble class of army officers obedient to the king

How did the nature of armed forces change in the latter half of the 17th century?

it is a deeply Christian poem but also harshly criticizes some church officials

How does the Divine Comedy demostrate the tensions of the 14th century?


How many of Henry VIII's children later became English monarchs?

Common Sense

Hugely popular pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, which championed independence for the colonies

the Edict of Nantes

Huguenots were granted religious toleration by Henry IV in

championed the "Aryan race" for its supposedly superior qualities

In "On the Inequality of the Human Races (1854), Count Artur de Gobineau divided humanity into the white, black, and yellow races and

the true strength of the French nation

In 1789, Abbe Sieyes considered the Third estate:

the nobility

In 17th-century Poland, the most significant political influence was exercised by:


In 18th century English colonies: those who fought for independence from England


In 1954, Vietnam obtained independence from


In 1954, Vietnam obtained independence from ____, which brought the U.S. into the fold shortly thereafter as Vietnamese Communist insurgents threatened to take over the country

the consolidation of serfdom

In Eastern Europe between 1500 and 1600, the growth of commercial agriculture was accompanied by:

colonial issues to divert popular attention from the class struggle at home and create a false sense of national unity

In Germany and Russia, conservative political leaders manipulated

He was struck by how competitive people were in London

In Primary Source 22.1: First Impressions of the World's Biggest City, how did the anonymous man from the country view life in London?

By allowing in only immigrants who can pass a literacy test

In Primary Source 24.2, how does Henry Cabot Lodge suggest the United States restrict certain immigrant groups that he deems undesirable?

War and its ideals will be idolized by Futurists

In Primary Source 26.2 "The Futurist Manifesto," what does Filippo Tommaso Marinetti have tos ay about war?

enter the ranks of specialists in industry and science

In Stalin's Soviet Union, women could

Uninspiring economic conditions

In addition to the emergence of married career women, why else have European birthrates declined?

passive resistance

In attempting to obtain Indian independence, Gandhi and his followers practiced ____ to achieve their aims

the Western world had overemphasized rationality and stifled the authentic passions that drive human activity and true creativity

In his philosophical writings, Friedrich Nietsche argued that

emigration increased about twenty years after a rapid growth in population, as land became scarce

In most European countries, how was emigration related to population growth in the late nineteenth century?

Revolution of 1905

In response to Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese War and the massacre of Bloody Sunday, the pent up discontent of the Russian people resulted in this uprising

the creation of a Jewish national state in Palestine where European Jews could settle and live free of social prejudice

In response to radical anti-Semitism, Jewish political movement called Zionism emerged among European Jewish communities, advocating for

natural philosophy

In the 1500s ____ ____ was based on Aristotle's ideas. Fundamental questions of the universe

natural philosophy

In the 1500s ______ ______ was based on Aristotle's ideas. Fundamental questions of the universe.

the Persian Safavids

In the 15th Century, two rival Islamic empires dominated the Middle East; the Ottoman Turks and :

Interest payments on debt

In the 1780s, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on

interest payments on the debt

In the 1780s, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on

-France -Spain -Central Europe -Russia

In the 17th century, which governments were absolutist?

-England -Netherlands

In the 17th century, which governments were constitutionalist?


In the 18th century, the diet of the poorer classes consisted largely of bread and:

economic growth

In the 1950s and 1960s, what became the basic objective of all Western European governments?

the British colonial empire

In the Eighteenth century, the biggest increase in British foreign trade was with


In the Treaty of Versailles' war guilt clause, Allies declared that _____ was entirely responsible for the war.

modern mass media such as cinema and radio

In the early 20th century, the traditional arts and amusements of people in villages and small towns was overshadowed by

He deemphasized the anti-capitalist elements of National Socialism and vowed to fight communism

In the late 1920's, how did Adolf Hitler shape the Nazi Party's message to appeal to middle-class voaters?

an advocate of improved public sanitation

In the nineteenth century, Edwin Chadwick gained fame as

took over much of the East Indies from Portugal

In the seventeenth century, the Dutch East India company:

internal monologues to explore the psyche

In twentieth century literature, the stream-of-consciousness technique uses


In what country was the First Battle of the Marne fought?


In which city was Archduke Franz Ferdinand shot in June 1914?


In which city were talks held to formulate a peace settlement following WWI?


In which country did the Velvet Revolution occur?

Mohandas Gandhi

Indian nationalist who started a mass movement preaching nonviolent "noncooperation" with the British.

Johannes Kepler

Individual who first provided mathematical formulas supporting Copernican theory and planetary motion.

Robert Owen

Influential Scottish factory owner and utopian socialist. He tried to show that factories could be profitable even when treating and paying workers well.

Great Rebellion (1857)

Insurrection by Muslim and Hindu mercenaries in the British army that spread throughout northern and central India before finally being crushed

John Kay

Invented the flying shuttle (loom)

John Kay

Inventor of the flying shuttle, which allowed weavers to work more quickly on their looms

Edmund Cartwright

Inventor of the power loom to weave thread. His machine would replace handlooms until the 1820s

Guglielmo Marconi

Inventor of the radio

James Hargreaves

Inventor of the spinning jenny, which worked up to 24 spindles at a time to spin more thread

Richard Arkwright

Inventor of the water frame, a machine that made spinning more efficient by working using waterpower to work several hundred spindles at once


Ismail's weak son who took over his father's throne

Edict of Nantes

Issued by Henry IV; allowed for some Protestant worship in France

Karlsbad Decrees

Issued in 1819, they required German states to outlaw liberal political organizations and clamp down on liberal or radical reformers

Declaration of Independence

Issued in July 1776, this compiled list of grievances against the English government also said that all men are created equal with rights to life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness

Black Shirts

Italian Fascist members of Mussolini's combat squads who attacked anyone who disagreed with their party.


Italian Renaissance art had ___ colors due to oil-based paints

classical forms

Italian Renaissance art was a revivial of

Giuseppe Mazzini

Italian nationalist whose writings spurred the movement for a unified and independent Italy. Led a failed revolution in 1848 that briefly established a republic in Rome.

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Italian patriot and leader of the Red Shirts whose conquest of Sicily and Naples led to the formation of the Italian state

Benito Mussolini

Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and created Fascism

Florence Medici

Italian renaissance art was centered in ____(city) under the ____ Family

St. Laurence Seaway

Jacques Cartier became the first European to explore what body of water?

an ordinary man's aimless wanderings through the streets and pubs of Dublin

James Joyce's Ulysses weaves ironic parallels between the adventures of Homer's hero Ulysses and

December 7, 1941

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which brought the US into World War II, happened on this date


Japanese city in which the second atomic bomb was dropped on August 9, 1945

"Emile, or On Education"

Jean-Jacques Rousseau's famous work outlining his view of proper education

Battle of Orleans

Joan of Arc helped turn the tide of the Hundred Years' War at which battle when the French were under siege?

a blank slate

John Locke believed that the human mind at birth was ________ & shaped by experience

tabula rasa

John Locke's philosophy that man was born with a blank slate, and are molded by environment

a blank slate

John locke believed that the human mind at birth was ____, and was shaped by experiance.

Louis Blanc

Journalist who urged workers to agitate for universal voting rights and take control of the state peacefully. He also pushed for the gov't to set up workshops to guarantee full employment

"Secret Speech"

Khrushchev denounced Stalin for abuses of power in front of Communist delegates at the 20th Party Congress in 1956

Leonid Brezhnev

Khrushchev's successor. Under him the USSR began a period of limited re-Stalinization and economic stagnation. He talked about Stalin's "good points" and downplayed his crimes. Launched a massive arms buildup to catch up to, and ultimately surpass, the American arsenal.

Victor Emmanuel III

King of Italy who gave Mussolini legitimacy as dictator

Jean Jacques Dessalines

L'Ouverture's lieutenant and leader of the Haitian revolt after his mentor's death. He defeated French forces and declared Haitian independence.

Battle of the Bulge

Last-ditch effort by Nazis to repel Allied advance into Germany

Hundred Days of Reform

Launched in 1898 by the Chinese government in an attempt to meet foreign challenge

Enabling Act

Law pushed through the Reichstag that gave Hitler absolute dictatorial power for 4 years

Mustafa Kemal

Leader of Turkish nationalists who overthrew the last Ottoman sultan and held off Western forces trying to dismember their country after WW I

V. I. Lenin

Leader of the Bolsheviks. His slogan of "Peace, Land, & Bread" galvanized many Russians against the Provisional Gov't. First premier of the USSR

George Washington

Leader of the Continental army on behalf of the American Continental Congress

Heinrich Himmler

Leader of the SS and given task of organizing and executing the Holocaust

Josef Stalin

Leader of the Soviet Union after the death of Vladimir Lenin. Believed in building up socialism in one country

Joseph Stalin

Leader of the Soviet Union after the death of Vladimir Lenin. Believed in building up socialism in one country

New Economic Policy (NEP)

Lenin's 1921 law to re-establish limited economic freedom in an attempt to rebuild agriculture and industry in the face of econ. disintegration; replaced war communism


Lines of _______ are horizontal on the map and tell one's distance north or south of the equator.

portraits of patrons - more individualistic and realistic view of a man perspective shading (chiaroscuro)

List some new Italian Renaissance art techniques

Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, Mulattoes

List the social classes of the Spanish colonies from most to least powerful.

the sun king

Louis XIV was known as:

Otto von Bismarck

Machiavellian Prussian chancellor who engineered the unification of Germany under his rule using war to bring the German states together.

Moses Mendelssohn

Major philosopher of the Haskalah, or Jewish Enlightenment


Making ethnic groups into more loyal Russians by enforcing policies of one language and one religion under Czar Alexander III

Cottage Industry

Manufacturing with hand tools in peasant homes and work sheds

Congress of Vienna

Meeting held at the end of the Napoleonic Wars to create a general peace for Europe by redrawing the map and reestablishing monarchs unseated by the French armies

Diet of Worms

Meeting of the leadership of the Holy Roman Empire, under the leadership of Charles V, during which Luther refused to recant his beliefs

Young Turks

Members of a Turkish reformist and nationalist political party active in the early 20th century.


Members of the "Black Hand" who went to Sarajevo, Bosnia to assassinate Franz Ferdinand were of this nationality

Warsaw Pact

Military alliance among the USSR and its Communist satellite states


Monet, Renoir, and Pissarro pioneered which style of painting?

severe problems in Italian villages and relatively slow industrial growth

More and more Italians left the country right up to 1914, reflecting

Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt

Most famous impressionist painters

Battle of Sadowa

Most important conflict in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 that saw Prussia win decisively

a westernizing autocrat

Muhammad Ali's grandson, Ismail, was what type of ruler?


Name the Arab ship with lateen sails; faster and more cargo than galley. improved by Europeans

Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain

Name the Quadruple Alliance.

France, Great Britain, Russia

Name the three members of the Triple Entente

Destroy Britain's economy

Napoleon's aim in establishing the Continental System as to:


Napoleon's coup d'etat overthrew which government?


New World residents who spent most of their lives in Europe. They held the most powerful positions of governance in the Americas

Africa and Asia, putting millions of black, brown, and yellow peoples directly under the rule of whites

New imperialism was aimed primarily at

plant the flag over as many people and as much territory as possible

New imperialism was characterized by a frantic rush to


New knowledge came from scientific explorations sponsored by European governments; ____ took an early lead.


New knowledge came from scientific explorations sponsored by European governments; ________ took an early lead

Sedan Day

New national holidays in the late 19th century helped instill a sense of patriotism in populations. Bastille Day was an example from France. Which was the example from Germany, celebrating their victory in 1871?

October Manifesto

Nicholas II's attempt to end the Revolution of 1905 by promising reform, full civil rights, and the creation of a new national legislature

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

Novel by Aleksander Solzhenitsyn published in 1962. It portrays in grim detail life in a Stalinist concentration camp and is a damning indictment of the Stalinist past.

Doctor Zhivago

Novel written by Russian author Boris Pasternak. It is a literary masterpiece and a powerful challenge to communism. It tells the story of a poet who rejects the violence and brutality of the October Revolution of 1917 and the Stalinist years. This book appeared in the West in 1957, but not in the Soviet Union until 1988.


Number of days a week that factory employees were expected to work


Number of hours in a typical workday for a factory worker in the early 1800s

March on Rome

October 1922 demonstration that put pressure on the Italian gov't and propelled Mussolini to power

a military dictatorship

Oliver Cromwell's protectorate was ultimately:

Jewish and Muslim converts

On the Iberian Peninsula, who were the people referred to as the "New Christians"?

November 11, 1918

On what date was the armistice to end fighting in WWI agreed to?


On what holiday did Irish nationalists rise up in 1916, in an attempt to end British rule?

Ptolemy's Geography

On which text did Columbus base his theory that he could sail west to India?

Richard Huelsenbeck

One of the founders of Dadaism, who wrote that "the highest art will be visibly shattered by the explosion of last week"

service to the state

One of the main aims of Peter the Great was to make high social status more dependant on _______


One of the most important scientific and technological developments in the 19th century saw a form of commercial energy useful in communications and manufacturing developed from

centralized institutions, such as conscription in the military and public education

One way in which countries tried to build up national unity was through

Battle of Tannenberg

Opening conflict on the Eastern Front that cost many Russian lives, but diverted some German attention from their massive offensive in the west

Edict on Idle Institutions

Order from Joseph II abolishing contemplative religious orders, & allowing only orders that engaged in teaching, nursing, or other work

Muhammad Ali

Ottoman viceroy who seized power in Egypt and established a separate Egyptian state. Modernized the state and attempted to take down the sultan in the 1830s

Edward Said

Palestinian professor of culture studies, wrote "Orientalism" (1978)

Peace of Utrecht

Peace settlement that ended the War of Spanish Succession in 1713, forcing Louis XIV to cede some N. American landholdings to Britain and the Spanish to cede the slave trade to GB as well

Joan of Arc

Peasant girl who led French army to victory over the English in the 100 Years' War

Great Fear

Peasant uprisings based on panic and concern of noble reprisals that seized the French countryside in 1789 and led to further revolt


People of Spanish ancestry born in the Americas


People of mixed African and European ancestry


People of mixed European and African heritages


People of mixed European and Native American heritages


People of mixed Native American and European ancestry


People's community; the Nazi racial community, united by blood and culture


Percentage of Frenchmen who voted to make Louis Napoleon the French emperor in 1853


Percentage of adults in Britain in the 1930s who went to the cinema at least once a week


Percentage of homes in UK & Germany in the late 1930s with a radio


Percentage of people in 1933 in the USA who were out of work


Percentage of people in Western Europe who did not marry at all in the 18th century


Percentage of the US labor force that worked for the Works Progress Admin. at some point in the 1930s.


Percentage of the world's industrial goods that were produced in Britain in 1860

Victor Hugo

Perhaps the most influential romantic writer of France, author of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and "Les Miserables"


Peter the Great wanted Russians to be more like other Europeans, and had a policy of


Philosophy that celebrates human cultural achievements and emphasizes human reason and ethics.

Black Death

Plague that first struck Europe in 1347 and killed perhaps one-third of the population

Mandate system

Plan following the end of WW I to allow Britain & France to administer former Ottoman territories, rather than granting those territories independence

of its independent agriculture and vigorous church

Poland differed from the other Eastern Bloc states in the 1970s and 1980s because


Policy of postcolonial governments to remain neutral in the Cold War and play both the United States and the Soviet Union for what they could get.

Marie Curie

Polish physicist who discovered radium constantly emits subatomic particles and thus does not have an atomic weight


Political ideology based on liberty and equality. Proponents demanded representative gov't, individual freedoms, and equality before the law


Popular genre of literature in which calendars listed secular, religious, astrological, and agricultural events, as well as jokes & trivia

National Convention

Popularly elected body that replaced the Legislative Assembly. It would usher in a republic and was marked by a fierce rivalry between the moderate Girondins & radical members of the Mountain

Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)

Portion of Germany aligned with the US

German Democratic Republic (East Germany)

Portion of Germany aligned with the USSR

Ferdinand Magellan

Portuguese explorer in the service of Spain who led the first expedition around the world.

Bartholomew Dias

Portuguese navigator that discovered the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa

Displaced persons

Postwar refugees, including 13 million Germans, former Nazi prisoners and forced laborers, and orphaned children

strictly forbidden

Practices considered harmful to Chinese trading interests were initially

Edmund Burke

Predicted in "Reflections on the Revolution in France" (1790) that reform like that occurring in France would lead only to chaos and tyranny

New Deal

Pres. F.D. Roosevelt's plan to reform capitalism in order to preserve it in the face of high unemployment and bank failures of the Great Depression

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister of the UK from 1940-1945

- Portuguese prince - supported the study of geogrphy and navigation - sponsored expeditions along western coast of Africa - beginning of overseas expansion in E

Prince Henry the Navigator


Prince Henry the Navigator was an important figure in funding voyages from which country?


Principle that buildings should serve as well as possible the purpose for which they were made, without excessive ornamentation

through bad odors of decay and filth

Prior to Pasteur's discovery, how did many people believe diseases were spread?

Faith alone

Protestants believe salvation is achieved though ______

Defenestration of Prague

Protestants threw Catholics out a window; started the Thirty Years' War


Protestants who wanted to reform the Church of England; strongly anti-Catholic


Provinces along the French-German border that were ceded to the Germans after the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71


Provinces of Denmark that were majority German and were "liberated" by Austria and Prussia in 1864

Sigmund Freud

Psychologist who said human behavior was basically irrational, governed by the unconscious

Nicolaus Copernicus

Published heliocentric Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres the year of his death to avoid backlash

Prince Henry the Navigator

Pushed Portuguese efforts to explore a sea route around Africa in order to reach Asia


Put up a fight against Germany in 1914, delaying the Schlieffen Plan and contributing to its ultimate failure

Council of Trent

Reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings, forbade the sale of indulgences. Called by Pope Paul III

attempted to observe and record life in an objective manner

Realist writers fit within the late-nineteenth-century glorification of science because they

Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot

Reform-minded economics minister of France who pushed through a law abolishing all French guilds


Region of Czechoslovakia containing many ethnic Germans. Hitler demanded it and it was handed over to him at the Munich Conference

John Calvin

Religious reformer who believed in predestination and a strict sense of morality for society

Charles de Gaulle

Resigned from provisional gov't in France in 1946. He was reelected French president in 1958. He was reinstated as Prime Minister of France in 1962 and calmed the situation in Algeria.

Eduard Berstein

Revisionist socialist who wrote "Evolutionary Socialism" to encourage a change in socialist tactics to be more gradualist and less violent

Josiah Wedgwood

Revolutionized the process of making pottery, and became a leader in the luxury pottery industry

Cold War

Rivalry between the US & USSR that divided much of Europe into a Soviet-aligned Communist bloc and a US-aligned capitalist bloc from 1945-1989

Montezuma II

Ruled the Mexica Empire at Tenochtitlan. Cortes allied with small local leaders to defeat this large ruler

Czar Alexander II

Ruler of Russia who freed the serfs in 1861 following a disastrous showing at the Crimean War. He would be assassinated by radicals in 1881.

Czar Alexander III

Ruler who imposed strict censorship codes and oppressed minority groups to establish a uniform Russian culture. Tried to avoid the fate of his father.

The Rite of Spring

Russian composer Igor Stavinsky created a controversial ballet called ______ that broke traditional normes of the art form to the extent that it nearly caused a riot in Paris the first time it was performed.


Salvador Dali's portrayal of images of the unconscious and wild dreams is an example of the artistic style of

Robert Owen

Scottish manufacturer and early socialist. He testified before Parliament to argue for better working conditions and age limits. He would also create some Utopian factories for his workers

Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916

Secret deal between Britain and France that agreed that Ottoman territories would be administered by European powers in what will later be called the mandate system.


Secret police force of the Bolshevik regime when V.I. Lenin took power

Home Rule


Adelheid Popp

Self-taught working woman who became an influential socialist leader and editor of German socialist newspaper.

King Leopold II of Belgium

Sent explorers to the Congo, which set off a scramble for African territory among the Europeans

Factory Acts

Series of laws in GB from 1802-1833 that progressively limited child labor and set minimum hygiene and safety requirements

there were religious disputes among the colonists

Settlers from the Massachusetts colony formed new communities such as Connecticut and Rhode Island because:

Common Market

Six countries who sought to reduce tariffs in order to create a single economic bloc to compete on the world stage

The Mountain

So named because they sat at the top of tall risers in the National Convention's meeting hall, this was a group of Jacobins led by Robespierre who represented the radical faction in the Nat'l Conv.

Giacomo Matteotti

Socialist that was murdered in Italy after challenging the Fascists; his death spurred Mussolini's repressive fascist measures

Modern girl

Somewhat stereotypical image of the modern and independent working woman popular in the 1920s


South American "strong men" or warlords who in several instances, ruled South American regions based on military strength, family patronage, and populist policies

Nikita Khrushchev

Soviet premier who took power in 1953 wanted to "De-Stalinize" Soviet Union.

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish explorer who took over Inca Empire (Peru)

Baltic Sea

St. Petersburg is located on what body of water which also touches Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania?


Stalin's five-year plans sought to remake Soviet agriculture, with the end goal to transform the ______ sector of the Soviet Union and increase output by 250%

Vincent Oge

Started the earliest armed insurrection against the French government on Saint-Domingue in 1790 after returning from Paris.


State that had survived the 2nd wave of imperialism in the 1880s, but was invaded in 1935 by Italian forces to build an Italian empire


Sunk in 1915 by a German submarine. 129 American killed. Forced Germany to stop unrestricted submarine warfare until 1917.

"The Blitz"

Sustained bombing of Britain by Nazi Germany between 1940 and 1941, including a span of 57-consecutive nights of bombings in London by the Luftwaffe

Ulrich Zwingli

Swiss humanist who announced he would read the New Testament from A to Z. Convinced that Christian life rested on the scriptures. Resented indulgences, Mass, monasticism, and clerical celibacy.


Systematic effort of the Nazi state to exterminate all European Jews and other groups deemed "undesirable"


T/F Cold war conflicts notwithstanding, the postwar decades witnessed construction of a relatively stable social and political consensus in the East and West


T/F Hitler betrayed his 1939 nonaggression pact with Stalin


T/F Hitler put his violent revolutionary thoughts on hold following his failed coup d'etat attempt in 1923


T/F Some Soviet displaced persons feared returning home after the end of WWII because the regime could label them as politically unreliable for having spent time in the West.


T/F Stalin supported Lenin's New Economic Policy, introduced after the Russian Civil War


T/F among postwar tensions, Western Europe fashioned a remarkable recovery


T/f Nationalism in the 19th century could, at various times, appeal to those on the left as well as the right of the political spectrum.


T/f the export of raw materials supplied by "primary producers" to Western manufacturers boosted economic growth in core countries but did little to establish independent industry in the nonindustrialized periphery.


T/f: Gustavus Adolphus' success during the Thirty Years' War prompted many European militaries to alter their strategies on the battlefield to emulate his forces/


T/f: The spinning of thread for the loom required the work of several spinners for each loom, which often led to the empolyment of women at low wages.


T/f: the English Glorious Revolution of 1688 did not constitute a democratic revolution since sovereignty was placed in the Parliament, which only represented the upper classes.


T/f: the three sons of Henry II were all dominated by their mother, Catherine de'Medici

Leni Riefenstahl

Talented German filmmaker. Her propaganda films, Triumph of the Will & Olympia, brought her worldwide attention and acclaim

Economic miracle

Term used to describe the rapid growth, often based in the consumer sector, in post-WW II Western Europe

Alsace and Lorraine

Territories along the French-German border won by Germany after the Franco-Prussian War in 1871

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Territories annexed by Austria in 1908, causing Serbia to get angry and challenge A-H to the brink of war.

Thomas Malthus

The "Essay on the Principle of Population" was written in 1798 by which author?

Giuseppe Garibaldi

The "Red Shirts" are associated with this revolutionary leader.

Treaty of Tordesillas

The 1494 agreement giving Spain everything to the west of an imaginary line drawn down the Atlantic and giving Portugal everything to the east.

create an enlarged trading area

The 1834 Zollverein (Prussian customs union) was designed to do what?

the enclosure moevement and emergence of the industrious revolution

The 18th century consumer revolution is most closely associated with what contemporaneous trends?

The Catholic Reformation

The Baroque style flourished in the context of:

"effective occupation" - a strong presence on the ground

The Berlin Conference established the principle that European claims to African territory had to rest on

Edward VI

The Book of Common Prayer, an Anglican text, was first introduced during the reign of:

Boer War (1899-1902) (aka South African War)

The British eventually conquered the Dutch in ____

this treatise sought to train, discipline, and fashion the young man into the courtly ideal, the gentleman.

The Courtier

law and order

The Napoleonic Code favored ____ over individual rights

law and order

The Napoleonic Code favored ________ over individual rights.

abolishing noble privileges

The National Assembly responded to the violence of the Great Fear and peasant demands by:

broadened women's rights to seek divorce and inherit property

The National Assembly that ruled France from 1789 to 1791 passed laws that _________(regarding women's rights)

broadened women's rights to seek divorce and inherit property

The National assembly that ruled France from 1789-1791 passed laws that : (in regard to women's rights)


The Opium Wars forced ____ to give in to British demands regarding trade.


The Protestant Hohenzollern rulers of northern Germany created the state of _______

Lin Zexu

The Qing government sent _____ to Guangzhou to punish Chinese who purchased opium and seize the opium suppplies of British merchants, who then withdrew to the barren island of Hong Kong

War Communism

The Russian policy of nationalizing industry and seizing private land during the Russian Civil War.

Musim areas to the south in the Caucasus and Central Asia; China's outlying provinces (nibbled)

The Russians gained _______ in Asia through imperialist conquest in the late 1800s.

Gavrilo Princep

The Serbian assassin of the Austrian heir in 1914

Ottoman Empire

The Sykes-Picot Agreement between Great Britain and France agreed that they would split which country's lands?

the Radical Phase

The Thermidorian reaction ended which phase of the Revolution, and returned France to a more moderate era of politics.

Defenestration of Prague

The Thirty Years' War began with this event between the nobles of Bohemia and Ferdinand's official.

The revival of economies and populations of the German states

The Thirty Years' War did NOT result in

Habsburg-Valois Wars

The Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis ended the conflict known as the

The Spainish American War (Spain)

The U.S. got the Philippines from

absorbed the largest overall number of European emigrants

The United States between 1815 and 1932 absorbed how many people?


The annexation of Austria by Germany in 1938.

greater patriotism and morale

The armies of revolutionary France enjoyed which of the following advantages over their enemies?

Industrial Revolution

The burst of major inventions and economic expansion that began in Britain in the late 18th century

Soviet Bloc

The communist nations closely allied with the Soviet Union, including Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania, whose foreign policies depended on those of the Soviet Union.

Suez and Panama Canals

The construction of these canals shortened transport time to areas fo the globe significantly

Alexander II

The czar who lost the Crimean War and was assassinated by the "People's Will" anarchist group.


The final collapse of Spain as a great military power was symbolized by the defeat at the Battle of _______ and the resulting treaty of the Pyrenees.

Battle of Waterloo

The final defeat of Napoleon's forces in 1815. After this conflict, he will be sent away to the South Atlantic for the rest of his life

Great Britain

The first European country to industrialize on a large scale

Vasco da Gama

The first European to reach India by sea sailing around the tip of Africa. His initial journey was very profitable, encouraging others to follow his lead.

National Assembly

The first French revolutionary legislature, made up primarily of representatives of the third estate and a few from the nobility and clergy, in session from 1789 to 1791

Maxim gun

The first automatic machine gun; invention that allowed conquest of the interior of Africa

Articles of Confederation

The first constitution of the United States introduced in 1783. It did not develop a strong enough central government or create enough tax revenue to sustain itself beyond 1789.

Jamestown, VA

The first permanent English settlement founded in 1607.

Kaiser William I

The first ruler of the Second Reich established in January 1871

Lexington & Concord

The first skirmishes of the revolution, taking place in April 1775


The first year of WW I

Atlantic slave trade

The forced migration of millions of Africans to work as slaves on plantations in the New World

Collectivization of agriculture

The forcible consolidation of individual peasant farms into large state-controlled enterprises in the USSR under Stalin


The government that featured a 5-man executive branch and bicameral legislature. It was overthrown in a coup d'etat by Napoleon.

The Philippines

The great conquest by the U.S. in their imperialism in Asia was _______

Roman Catholic clergy

The group that was most severely criticized in the works of Voltaire was:

Middle Passage

The horrible journey slaves endured across the Atlantic Ocean, to be traded or sold in the New World


The idea of breaking down class barriers for an entire community to work together to achieve a national objective. (WWII)


The idea that each people had its own genius and specific identity that manifested itself especially in a common language and history, and often led to the desire for an independent political state.

Just price

The idea that prices should be fair, protecting both consumers and producers and that they should be imposed by the government if necessary

Leonardo da Vinci

The ideal of a "Renaissance Man" who wrote, painted, drew, and did architecture and anatomy work


The ideology of maintaining the status quo, usually associated in the 19th century with aristocracy and authoritarian governments that maintained privilege and order

Nuremberg trials

The international military tribunal accused German leaders of committing war crimes; defined "crime against humanity" and stopped the cycle of violence

Jethro Tull

The inventor of the seed drill, a machine that improved farming by planting seeds in an even manner at a uniform depth.

The Peace of Westphalia

The last of the major religious wars, the Thirty Years' War, ends with:


The last year of WW I

new imperialism

The late-nineteenth-century drive by European countries to create vast political empires abroad.


The leadership in the New World came from this class of people, who were residents who came from the Iberian Peninsula. They often made up the top levels of clergy and government


The liberalization of the post-Stalin USSR led by reformer Nikita Khrushchev


The lower house of the German legislature. It was elected by universal male suffrage, but could be vetoed by the upper house or the kaiser

Diet of Worms

The meeting of leaders in the Holy Roman Empire at which Luther was formally condemned


The military tribunal organized by the Allied powers to try Nazi leaders was held in this city.

Battle of Sedan

The most important conflict of the Franco-Prussian War, at which Napoleon III was captured

the rise of France as a great power

The most important political and military result of the Peace of Westphalia (1648) was

an oligarchy of weathy businessmen

The most political power in the Dutch Republic was controlled by:

Jewish Enlightenment

The movement of Haskalah refers to the

Jewish Enlightenment

The movement of the Haskalah refers to the


The movement to fence in fields in order to farm more effectively, at the expense of poor peasants who relied on common fields for farming & pasture


The name for the four administrative units of Spanish possessions in the Americas: New Spain, Peru, New Granada, and La Plata

abolishing noble privileges

The national assembly responded to the violence of the Great Fear and peasant demands by

National self-determination

The notion that peoples should be able to choose their own national governments through democratic majority-rule elections and live free from outside interference in nation-states with clearly defined borders.


The prosperous French colony that occupied the western half of the island of Hispaniola. It will later become Haiti.


The retaking of the Iberian Peninsula by Spanish forces from the Moors. It was completed in 1492.

Sepoy Rebellion

The revolt of Indian soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs as well as rule by the English more generally


The right to civil administration and tax collection, won by the British East India Company over Bengal and other parts of India in the late 18th century

"second industrial revolution"

The rise of (RISE OF) other countries to match (and some surpass) the industrial output of Great Britain in the 2nd half of the 19th century

Peace of Westphalia

The series of treaties that ended the Thirty Years' War were called what?

Illegitimacy explosion

The sharp increase in out-of-wedlock births that occurred between 1750-1850 caused by low wages & a breakdown of community controls

renounce war as an instrument of national policy

The signatories of the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact, initiated by French Prime Minister Aristide Briande and U.S. Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg, agreed to

St. Helena

The site of Napoleon's 2nd (final) exile, a small island in the South Atlantic Ocean


The site of Napoleon's first exile, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea

Crystal Palace

The site of the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London, an architectural masterpiece made entirely of glass and steel

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

The slogan of the French revolutionaries

The Bourgeoisie

The social group that most often supported the centralizing efforts of the "new monarchs" was:

The Rocket

The steam locomotive created by George Stephenson. It sped from Liverpool to Manchester at a breathtaking 24 mph

patriotism and the superior numbers supplied by the draft

The string of French military victories after the winter of 1793-94 owed largely to


The supporters of King Charles I in the English Civil war were called what?


The target of the first of two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 was

wealthy, educated commoners

The term "bourgeoisie" refers to

Jenner, Lister, and Pasteur

The understanding of treatment and prevention of infectious disease is largely due to the work of:

Gunboat Diplomacy

The use or threat of military force to coerce a government into economic or political agreements; similar to brinkmanship

the Inca Empire

The vast and sophisticated Peruvian empire, centered at Cuzco and peaked from 1438-1532 was known as:

Muhammad Ali

The viceroy of Egypt who modernized the region and threatened to depose the sultan in the 1830s before the western powers stepped in to prop up the weak Sultans Mahmud II and Abdul Mejid


The year that marks the end of the French Revolution with the defeat of Napoleon's forces at Waterloo and subsequent Congress of Vienna that sought undo all the changes wrought by the Rev.


The year that the French Revolution began with the calling of the Estates General and the storming of the Bastille


The year the British colonies declared their independence

Simone de Beauvoir

This person believed that existence itself is absurd. Human beings are terribly alone, there is no God to help them, and they are left to confront the inevitable arrival of death and aso are hounded by despair.

Josef Stalin

This person desperately wanted the other Allied leaders to open up a second front on the European continent to take pressure off his people struggling to withstand the Nazi invasion.

St. Ignatius of Loyola

This person had fanatical devotion to the Catholic Church and founded an order during the reformation.

Karl Donitz

This person was a Nazi U-Boat commander who used "tu quoque" arguments to frustrate the prosecution in the Nuremburg trials. His strategy allowed him to avoid a death sentence.

War of Spanish Succession

This war ended with the Treaty of Utrecht and was the last of Louis XIV's attempts at empire in Europe.

The Spanish Inquisition

This was created to root out false conversos following the Alhambra Decree of 1492.

the state is based on a social contract

Thomas Hobbes and J-J Rousseau would have agreed that:


Thomas Malthus wrote a famous essay in 1798 that he saw an impending problem of:

"Common Sense"

Thomas Paine's influential pamphlet attacking British rule in North America & monarchy in general, and proposing American independence


Top speed of George Stephenson's "Rocket" locomotive

Warsaw Uprising

Tragic miscalculation as a rebellion in Poland ended with rebels being crushed by Nazis as Soviets waited to take over the city

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Treaty between Russia and Germany that would end Russia's involvement in WWI in 1917 Document that announced the withdrawal of Russia from WWI

Greek Civil War

Truman asked Congress to provide military aid to anticommunist forces. With American support, they resisted communism and remained in the Western Bloc.

Woodrow Wilson

U.S. President during WWI. Served 1913-1920. Kept America neutral until 1917. His plan for the post-War world was called the 14 Points, and included measures for collective security and a lasting peace

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

U.S. President who condemned the belligerent attacks on Japan made in Asia. Said December 7, 1941 (Pearl Harbor) would be a "date which would live in infamy." Died on April 12 and is succeeded by Vice President Harry S. Truman.

George Marshall

US Secretary of State who offered an economic package to help Europe rebuild after WWII.

John F. Kennedy

US president who reaffirmed US commitment to never abandon Berlin. When Khrushchev ordered missiles with nuclear warheads to be installed in Castro's Cuba, he responded with a naval blockade of Cuba.

House of Lancaster

Ultimately this English noble family, symbolized by the red rose, was able to claim the crown by replacing Richard III with Henry Tudor.

Guerrilla warfare

Unconventional fighting, using hit-and-run attacks as resistance against a larger force.


Uncultivated; a period in which no planting was done in order to reinvigorate the soil

the Fronde

Uprising early in Louis XIV's life called him to distrust nobility. What was the revolt called?

the greatest good for the greatest number

Utilitarianism was Jeremy Bentham's idea that social policies should promote

August 14, 1945

V-J Day; Japan surrenders to end the fighting of World War II

Who was the first Portuguese explorer to sail around Africa to India?

Vasco da Gama

Council of the Indies

Viceroys of Peru and La Plata enforced laws in the New World that were passed by which legislavtive body?

Henri-Philippe Petain

WW I veteran and leader of the Vichy France government

Dawes Plan (1924)

War reparations agreement that reduced Germany's yearly payments, made payment dependent on econ. prosperity, and granted US loans to promote German economic recovery


West German youth inspired by James Dean and Marlon Brando who had rebellious clothing and cynical attitudes.

since there are no timeless or absolute truths, people must struggle to define their essence after they are born, completely on their own

Whad did Jean-Paul Sartre mean by the expression "existence precedes essence"?

Henry IV

What Protestant king of France converted to Catholicism?


What Soviet reform called for increased openness and freedom of speech?

Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French

What are the 4 phases of the Thirty Years' War, in chronological order?

- the nonconformists developed a burning desire for human dignity, economic emancipation, and political independence - ironically, copied liberalism/nationalism from Europe

What are the two reasons anti-European leaders arose?


What battle provided the English and King Edward III a tremendous victory over mounted French knights in 1347?

Louis XIV wanted the Spanish possessions because of the late Charles II's will, but this will violated a European treaty

What caused the War of Spanish Succession?

it sent more goods and inventions to Europe than it received.

What characterized China's trade with Europe in the centuries before the Industrial Revolution?


What city-state was conquered by the Portuguese in 1415 and is considered the first modern colony?


What country is the 2nd oldest independent nation of the Americas?


What country is the second oldest independent nation of the Americas?

Ottoman Empire

What country was known as the "sick man of Europe" heading into WWI?

discover the inner meaning of bittersweet memories of childhood and youthful love

What did Marcel Proust attempt to do in his novel "Remembrance of Things Past"?

The Communist Party to retain its monopoly on political power

What did Nikita Khrushchev's campaign call for?

forced Tewfiq to flee, put down Colonel Arabi's rebellion, and formed a puppet government in Egypt unti 1956

What did the British do as a result of bloody anti-European riots in Alexandria?

free, unregulated trade with China, as well as the establishment of diplomatic relations on the European model, complete with ambassadors, embassies, and published treaties

What did the British want with China in the Opium Wars?

Prevent him from using military force to stop the Reformation

What did the Habsburg-Valois wars do to Charles V?

He emphasized free-market captialism

What did the West German minister of the economy do in 1957 to foster economic growth?

The largest share of gains from trade, technology, and migration would flow to the West and its propertied classes

What did the Western world hope to achieve through the global economic system?

It created a dynastic union but did not unify the separate kingdoms into a single state.

What did the marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile do?

dominate the globe

What did the notorious forgery "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: suggest Jewish elders were planning to do?

an emphasis on predestination

What differentiates Calvinism from Lutheranism?

Peace of Utrecht

What ended the War of Spanish Succession?


What event concluded just before Columbus' first voyage to the West?

gaining a warm-water port

What goal of Peter's did Catherine attain?

middle-class bourgeoisie

What group of people benefitted most from (or were least hurt by) large price increase in the 16th century?


What group sabotaged machines they believed were putting them out of work?


What group wanted all English men to have the right to vote as equals?

French and British commissioners oversaw Egyptian finances

What happened as a result of the debt Ismail accrued?

they spent most of their lies as virtual slaves

What happened to Chinese immigrants to Cuba?

buildings should be built without ornamentation and instead be practical structures with clean, straight lines

What idea does the functionalist architecture of Le Corbusier promote?

League of Nations

What international body was created following WWI, but didn't include the U.S. or U.S.S.R. at first?

an organized massacre of a specific group of people

What is a pogrom?

a pessimistic world in which helpless individuals are crushed by inexplicably hostile forces

What kind of world did Franz Kafka portray in fiction like The Trial (1925) and The Castle (1926)?

The repeal of the Corn Laws

What legislation (or lack thereof) stimulated economic growth by instituting free trade in Britain?

Australia, New Zealand

What nationality(ies) of Allied soldiers are notable for fighting at Gallipoli?

A combination of military force, political domination, and an ideology of beneficial reform

What new model for European expansion did Britain establish in Egypt?

Families and friends would coordinate their migrations so that they would settle together in a new land.

What pattern did migration out of Europe often follow in the nineteenth century?

- banning torture of their subjects - reforming the bureaucracy and tax systems - patronizing the arts

What policies did enlightened monarchs adopt?

They were not well-unified, for they had differing political goals

What problem was faced by most of the underground resistance groups who opposed the Nazis?

the repeal of the laws

What resulted from the Ladies National Association's protest against the British Contagious Disease Acts in the nineteenth century?


What spurred the emergence of Zionism?

- Maxim machine gun - quinine - steamship and international telegraph - quickly concentrate firepower

What three technologial innovations helped Europeans succeed in Africa (and new imperialism in general)?

Human love, trust, and everyday family ties are life's enduring values

What was Count Leo Tolstoy's central message in "War and Peace"?

attacked all the familiar standards of art, tried to shock audiences with insulting and nonsensical "anti-art"

What was Dadaism?

rebuilding Paris

What was Georges Haussmann's contribution to nineteenth-century life?

To gain air supremacy in anticipation of an invasion of GB

What was Germany's goal in the Battle of Britain?

The Fourteen Points

What was Wilson's plan for a peaceful postwar Europe called?

excrement from outhouses could be carried off by water through sewers at low cost

What was a central component of the improvements in sanitation in the nineteenth cenutury?

The rural poor worked for low wages, especially compared to guild masters in the cities

What was a competitive advantage of the rural putting-out system?

Dawes Plan

What was an agreement by which U.S. loans funded German reparations payments to other allies?

built on impressionist motifs, but added a deep psychological element to pictures to express "deep" inner feelings on canvas

What was expressionism?

subject matter was world around them. moving toward abstraction; capturing a fleeting moment of color and light; blurry; quickly-painte

What was impressionism?

The requirement that artists and writers idealize the working class and the Soviet Union in their work

What was socialist realism?

- deeply influenced by Freudian psychology - unconscious mind - fantastic worlds of wild dreams and uncomfortable symbols

What was surrealism?

Hitler would be defeated before the Allies mounted an all-out assault on Japan

What was the "Europe First" policy adopted by the Allied Powers during WWII?

whether or not industrialization had taken place

What was the deciding factor in which regions of the world increased their wealth and power?

Most party members preferred Trotsky's "permanent revolution" over Stalin's "socialism in one country"

What was the difference between Trotsky and Stalin in adapting socialist ideology to Russian realities?

L'Arroseur arrosé by the Lumière brothers

What was the first ever movie, and who made it?

his assertion that characteristics parents acquired in the course of their lives could be passed on to their offspring by heredity

What was the flaw in Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's theory of evolution?

to use dictatorial powers to respond to threats to France from without and within

What was the goal of the Committee of Public Safety?

German invasion of neutral Belgium

What was the immediate cause of Britain's entry in to WWI?

- methods of science could help understand all aspects of life - science could uncover laws of human society and nature - new knowledge would lead to progress and improvement

What were three central tenets of the Enlightenment?

New Granada, New Spain, Peru

What were three of Spain's viceroyalties?

Banning torture of their subjects, reforming the bureaucracy and tax systems, patronizing the arts

What were three policies/practices adopted by enlightened monarchs


What word means "to step down from the throne"?

after the British withdrew from Palestine in 1948

When did Jews in Palestine proclaim the state of Israel?


When was Louis Napoleon elected?


Where colonists sought to replicate economies and social structures they knew at home

the Philippines

Where did the journey end for the man who attempted to circumnavigate the globe?


Where was the Battle of Gallipoli fought in WWI?


Where was the Portuguese foothold in the New World, first trod upon by Pedro Alvarez Cabral?

Georges Clemenceau

Which "Big Four (really Big Three + Italy) leader wanted to punish Germany the most after WWI?

France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, West Germany

Which 6 Western European countries formed the European Economic Community, or Common Market, in 1957?


Which European nation - with the help of Gnoese financiers, merchants, and navigators, initiated an exploration along the Atlantic coast of Africa in search of new sources of gold, silver, and copper?

Lavr Kornilov

Which Russian general led a failed coup d'etat that resulted in Bolsheviks being rearmed?


Which Soviet leader introduced the Five-Year Plans?


Which WWII battle was the decisive turning point in the clash between the USSR and Germany?


Which artistic tradition tried to show that life was meaningless, thus art should be as well?


Which country offered Austria-Hungary a "blank check" of support in summer 1914?

Great Britain

Which country was the first to industrialize on a large scale?


Which country was the primary consumer of Spanish silver during the 16th century?

English Bill of Rights

Which document, adopted by William and Mary, assured the superiority of Parliament over the king?

Mary Wollstonecraft

Which early feminist wrote in favor of the French Revolution?

Margaret Thatcher

Which leader was known for privatization of major enterprises in a neoliberal government?

Maria Theresa

Which monarch had 16 children, several of whom would later become powerful European monarchs?

nearly all land was used for buildings, which meant parks or open areas were almost nonexistent

Which of the following characterizes early-nineteenth-century British cities?

Europeans justified domination of non-Europeans through the spread of Christianity

Which of the following expresses the closest similarity with the scene below to European interactions with the non-European world from 1450-1600?


Which of the following originated in the new world: cattle, tomatoes, smallpox, sugar cane

George I

Which of these kings needed the help of a cabinet because he spoke very little English?

Prussia, Austria, and Russia

Which power participated in the partitioning of Poland in the late eighteenth century?

Prussia, Austria, and Russia

Which powers participated in the partitioning of Poland in the late eighteenth century?

Richard Nixon

Which president engaged Khrushchev in the "Kitchen Debate"?


Which site featured a mine that yielded 60% of the world's silver in 1550?


Which state was most troubled by giving financial aid to nearly bankrupt Eurozone countries in 2012?

most could hire a full-time maid to cook and clean

Which statement describes middle-class households of the nineteenth century?

GB, France, Germany

Which were the principal investing countries?

Neville Chamberlain

Which world leader has become most closely associated with appeasement of Hitler>

Louis Blanc, Robert Owen, Henri de Saint-Simon

Who are 3 utopian socialists?

Nationalistic aristocrats

Who assassinated Grigori Rasputin in 1916?


Who beat the Englsih in the Hundred Years' War, forcing their seach for empire to move overseas?

William III of Orange

Who became king as a result of the Glorious Revolution?


Who belonged to the First Estate?


Who belonged to the First Estate?


Who built the Suez Canal, connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas?


Who described the separation of East and West as an "iron curtain"?

Several thousand Parisian women

Who forced the king and royal family to abandon Versailles and return to Paris?

several thousand parisian women

Who forced the king and the royal family to abandon Versailles and return to Paris?

Sir Francis Bacon

Who inspired the founding of the Royal Society in Britain shortly after his death?

Johannes Gutenberg

Who invented the printing press?

Bartolome de las Casas

Who is the Spanish priest known for protesting the encomienda system?

Henry IV of France

Who issued the Edict of Nantes?

Colonel Ahmed Arabi

Who led the Egyptian Nationalist Party?


Who made the Dome of Florence?

Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia

Who made up the Quadruple Alliance that ultimately defeated Napoleon?

Jan Van Eyck

Who painted the Arnolfini portrait?


Who painted the School of Athens?

Muslim-controlled port cities

Who resisted the Portuguese efforts to gain control over Indian Ocean trade?

Hernando Cortes

Who said "I have come to win gold, not plow the fields like a peasant"?

Rene Descartes

Who said "I think, therefore I am" and reduced all substances to mind or matter?

Rene Descartes

Who said, "I think, therefore I am" and reduced all substances to mind or matter?

Sir Isaac Newton

Who said, "if I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants"?

Henry Cabot Lodge

Who served as Majority Leader and convinced the Senate to reject the Treaty of Versailles?

Richard Huelsenbeck

Who was a famous Dadaist?

Vincent Van Gogh

Who was a famous expressionist artist?

Salvador Dali

Who was a famous surrealist?


Who was a leader of the Incan Empire?

Elizabeth I

Who was not a Stuart monarch?

Edmund Burke

Who was the English politician and philosopher who was somewhat supportive of the American revolutionaries, but critical of the French for being too radical?

Woodrow Wilson

Who was the POTUS during WWI?

Nicholas II

Who was the Russian leader at the beginning of WWI?

Slobadan Milosevic

Who was the Serbian president who led an ethnic cleansing in former Yugoslavia in 1991?

Thomas Paine

Who was the author of common sense?

Cardinal Richelieu

Who was the cardinal who served as regent for young Louis XIII, weakening the power of nobles?

Leni Reifenstahl

Who was the director of "Triumph of the Will", a brilliant piece of cinematic propaganda based on teh 1934 Nazi Party rally at Nuremberg?

Vasco da Gama

Who was the first Portuguese sailor to make it to India?

James I

Who was the first monarch of the English Stuart dynasty?

Klemens von Metternich

Who was the foreign minister of Austria and architect of the Congress of Vienna?

Betty Frieden

Who was the founder of the National Organization for Women?

Toussaint L'Ouverture

Who was the hero of the Haitian Revolution?

Toussaint L'Overture

Who was the hero of the Haitian Revolution?


Who was the leader of England at the time of the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

Josip Broz Tito

Who was the only Communist leader able to successfully resist Soviet domination in the 1950s?

Sforza family

Who was the ruling family of the city-state of Milan?

Claude Monet (haystacks), Edgar Degas (ballerinas), Mary Cassatt

Who were famous impressionist artists?

Italian farmers who worked in South America in the winter and Italy in the summer, making much more money but living a very hard life

Who were the "swallows"?

the Dutch

Who were the biggest (ish) players in Asian imperialism, as far as exerting political control?

Frederick II the Great

Who won Silesia from Maria Theresa during the War of Austrian Succession?

the Reds

Who won the Russian Civil War?

Great Britain

Who won the Seven years' war?

Frederick II the Great

Who wone Silesia from Maria Theresa during the War of Austrian Succession?

Christine de Pizan

Who wrote "Against Those Men Who Claim It Is Not Good For Women To Be Educated"?

Abbe Sieyes

Who wrote "What is the 3rd Estate", detailing the wishes of that body of the nation of France?

abbe sieyes

Who wrote "what is the third estate" detailing the wishes of that body of the nation


Who wrote In Praise of Folly and wished that "even the weakest woman should read the Gospel"?

Gustave Flaubert

Who wrote Madame Bovary?

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

Who wrote On the Dignity of Man & believed man had no limits on what he could accomplish?

Mary Wollstonecraft

Who wrote Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), a founding text of the feminist movement?

Rudyard Kipling

Who wrote the poem "The White Man's Burden"?


Who wrote, "Christ is my God; Cicero is the prince of the language I use?"

So that the German army could destroy a Polish insurgence that intended to also resist the Soviet army

Why did the Soviet army stop its advance on Warsaw in August 1944?

-great name of uncle -middle-class & peasant property owners wanted a tough ruler to protect their property from socialist workers -positive program for France circulated in pamphlets -believed that the govt. should represent the people and help them economically - POPULISM

Why was Louis Napoleon elected in 1848?

He urged Italian entry into WWI

Why was Mussolini expelled from the Italian Socialist Party?

Germany army would permit Germany to assist in the defense of Europe from attack by the Soviet Union

Why was West Germany allowed to build an army after 1955?

during the Napoleonic Wars to defeat Napoleon

Why was the Quadruple Alliance formed?

Violent anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe

Why were Jewish immigrants in the nineteenth century unlikely to return to their native land?

They were Protestand and wanted the Protestant King of England as their ruler, as opposed to an Irish Catholic king. Also, they wanted to keep their social status of being "above" the Catholics in Ireland - didn't want reversal of roles

Why would Irishmen in Ulster be opposed to Home Rule and increased sovereignty for Ireland?

Moroccan Crisis 1905

William II declared Morocco independent, rattling the cage of France and putting much of the West on notice about German territorial ambitions.

strict implementation of the treaty

With the United States' failure to ratify the Versailles Treaty many French leaders placed their hopes for future security on

Great Depression

Worldwide economic slump from 1929-1939, unique in its severity and duration

Mary Wollstonecraft

Wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Man" (1790) and "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" (1792), the latter a founding text of the feminist movement

Boris Pasternak

Wrote Doctor Zhivago

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn

Wrote One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich


Year in which the German Empire was united, following the completion of the Franco-Prussian War

Gamal Abdel Nasser

Young Egyptian army officer who drove out the pro-Western king. He became president of a new Egyptian republic in 1954. He advocated for a nonalignment strategy and played the superpowers off one another. He Nationalized the Suez Canal Company.

Portuguese conquest of Ceuta

____ marked the beginning of European overseas expansion

Matthew Perry

______ steamed into Edo/Tokyo Bay, relying on gunboat diplomacy to demand diplomatic negotiations with the emperor

Armando Rodriguez

a Portuguese man who represented the guest worker programs put in place to attract much-needed labor to the booming economy of West Germany in the 1950s and 60s.

Economic liberalism

a belief in free trade and competition based on Adam Smith's argument that the invisible hand of the free market would benefit all individuals


a branch of physics built on Sir Isaac Newton's laws of mechanics that investigated the relationship between heat and mechanical energy


a document issued by the Catholic Church lessening penance or time in purgatory, widely believed to bring forgiveness of all sins

Salvador Dali

a leader of the surrealist movement, influenced by Freud and the unconscious. painted the melting clocks


a movement in society directed away from otherworldliness to life on earth - characteristic of the Renaissance


a program of study designed by Italians that emphasized the critical study of Latin and Greek literature with the goal of understanding human nature

Joseph Lister

a surgeon who grasped the connection between aerial bacteria and wound infection; Englishman; creates antiseptic

millet system

a system used by the Ottomans whereby subjects were divided into religious communitites, with each ___ enjoying autonomous self-government under its religious leaders


a term coined by literary scholar Edward Said to describe the way Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures

Herbert Hoover

his administration reacted to the stock market crash of 1929 and economic decline with dogged optimism but limited action

Leon Blum

leader of the French Socialist party. inspired by the New Deal, he encouraged the union movement and launched a far-reaching program of social reform, complete with paid vacations and a forty-hour workweek. ultimately did not succeed

printing press

machine for printing text or pictures from type or plates

Berlin Blockade

one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. During the multinational occupation of post-World War II Germany, the Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under Western control.


people who believed that the authority in the Roman Church should rest in a general council composed of a clergy, theologians, and laypeople, rather than in the Pope alone


policies and beliefs, often influenced by nationalism, scientific racism, and mass migration, that give preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants


the Hapsburg royal family was associated most closely with the rule of which empire

the period of time in which popes resided in Avignon is known as

the babylonian captivity


the core of the sultan's army, composed of slave conscripts from non-Muslim parts of the empire; after 1863 it became a volunteer force

putting-out system

the eighteenth-century system of rural industry in which a merchant loaned raw materials to cottage workers, who processed them and returned the finished products to the merchant


the executive officer in each of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, a position often held by the princes of Orange

industrious revolution

the shift that occurred as families in northwestern Europe focused on earning wages instead of producing goods for household consumption; this reduced their economic self-sufficiency but increased their ability to purchase consumer goods


"Lightning war"; German strategy of using the air force to bomb the enemy first, quickly followed by mobile tanks (panzers) and troop carriers


"Living space"; Nazi ideology saying the German race needed room to spread out and grow by taking over regions to the east and replacing "inferior" current occupants

Horatio H. Kitchener

- British General who moved successfully up the Nile River - found a small french force at Fashoda ——-serious diplomatic crisis between two Great Powers

Cardinal Richelieu

- Cardinal to Louis XIII - used intendants for each district - repressed Protestantism - repress Catholic Habsburg power

Cardinal Mazarin

- Cardinal to Louis XIV - continued Richelieu's centralizing policies - dealt with the Fronde

James II

- Catholic English king who doesn't die but has to basically step down because he's Catholic

Tycho Brahe

- Danish astronomer who provided evidence that supported Copernicus's theory - however, he didn't really know what to do with it...Kepler took his data and proved stuff

Leopold II of Belgium

- Expansionist monarch - formed a financial syndicate to send Henry M. Stanley to the Congo basin - Gained rule over a neutral Congo Free State

Frederick II

- Prussian; "the Great" - poet and musician - no interest in war at the outset - used War of Austrian Succession to take Silesia from Maria Theresa/Austria

Frederick William I

- Prussian; the soldier king - transformed Prussia into a military and absolutist state - huuuuge army

William III of Orange and Mary

- Rule England, taking the throne in the "Glorious Revolution"

Gustavus Adolphus

- Swedish king who ushered in the 3rd/Swedish Phase of the Thirty Years' War - Devout Lutheran who supported HRE Protestants

Jules Ferry

- ardent republican who embraced imperialism - teamed up with Germany (bismarck) against the British - French guy at the Berlin Conference

95 Theses

- argues that indulgences undermine the seriousness of the sacrament of penance, - compete with Gospel preaching, - and downplay the importance of charity in Christian life - written by Martin Luther

Weath of nations

- basis for modern economics -written by Adam Smith

Ivan IV (the Terrible)

- went crazy after death of his wife - Tsar owned everything

clerial absenteeism and pluralism

- when bishops and cardiinals held more than one office at a time. some were bought - they would govern from far away in their main office and weren't extremely useful to citizens

Peter the Great

-Russian ruler who tried to get his country to be more like the rest of Europe - wanted access to the Baltic Sea

Corn Laws

1815 tariff on imported grain to protect domestic producers. Never worked well.


Achieved independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1830 with the support of Great Britain, France, & Russia

Government should not pass laws to restrict trade and economic activity; laissez-faire capitalism

Adam Smith believed what about government's role in the economy?

government should not pass laws to restrict trade and economic activity

Adam Smith believed what about government's role in the economy?

free trade

Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations advocated a system of

Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith's influential treatise on how the economies of countries should work. The basis of economic liberalism.

reestablished a harsh dictatorship

After WWII, the Soviet Union

Mexica Empire

Also known as the Aztec Empire, a large and complez Native American civilization in modern Mexico and Central America that possessed advanced mathematical astronomical, and engineering technology

a reading revolution

As more books were made available, the old style of consumin information changed, and Europe experienced:

Thomas Paine

Author of the influential pamphlet "Common Sense", he proposed that the island of Britain was too small a body to rule over the large colonial territory

Guomingdang (National People's Party)

Authoritarian party led by Jian Jeishi (Chaing Kai-shek)


Average age for marriage in Eastern Europe in the 17th & 18th centuries


Average age for marriage in W. Europe in the 17th & 18th centuries

Combination Acts

British laws passed in 1799 that outlawed unions and strikes, favoring capitalist business owners over skilled artisans

Cecil Rhodes

British military commander and capitalist who developed gold mines and established protectorates over Bechuanaland (Botswana) and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe/Zambia)

Cecil Rhodes

British military commander who believed in expansion and founded the De Beers Mining Company

Catholic Reformation

Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation; reformed and revived Catholic doctrine.


Catholic revival - "illegitimate offspring of the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-reformation"

Christian Democrats

Center-right political parties that rose to power in Western Europe after WW II

the Restoration

Charles II's ascension to the English throne is known as what?

Robert Jackson

Chief US prosecutor at Nuremberg

Red Chinese

Chinese Communists under Mao Zedong who began building a new society that adapted Marxism to Chinese Conditions.

Sun Yatsen

Chinese revolutionary, first president and founding father of the Republic of China

"The Catechism of Health"

Christoph Faust's work that influenced new attitudes toward the raising of and care for children


City in Japan, the first to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, on August 6, 1945.

War of the Roses

Civil war for the English crown between the York (white) and Lancaster (red) families

War Guilt Clause

Clause in the Treaty of Versailles that forced Germany to accept blame for starting World War I and therefore had to pay astronomical reparations


Direct descendants of Europeans (usually Spanish or Portuguese) who were born and raised in the New World. Resented the political control of the peninsulares


Discourse that positions the West as culturally superior to the East

Triumph of the Will

Documentary based on the 1934 Nazi Party rally at Nuremberg


During European expansion in the 15th century, slavery became intertwined with the history of which crop?

crucial to national security and military power

Each leading country was colonies as


Eccentric monk assassinated because of his corrupt influence on the Russian royal family

John Maynard Keynes

Economist who famously denounced the Treaty of Versailles, saying it would impoverish Germany, encourage Bolshevism, and hurt all countries

David Ricardo

Economist who posited that because of pop. growth, wages would always sink to subsistence levels... the "iron law of wages"


Educated middle class


English colonists who maintained an allegiance to the Crown

Enclosure and land reclamation efforts - more agricultural- helped farmers grow more food for people to consume and buy - industry - and created a surplus, and because people were well-fed, they didn't get sick as often and population skyrocketed

Essay question: How and why did developments in agriculture, industry, and population affect one another?

- Catherine the Great: absolute ruler, but brought in talented writers, musicians, and intellectuals from the west. endorsed Diderot's Encyclopedia - Joseph II of Austria abolishes serfdom and decrees that peasants can pay in cash, rather than labor

Essay question: What impact did new ways of thinking have on political developments and monarchical absolutism?

Edouard Daladier

French Prime Minister at the start of WW II who - along with Chamberlain - refused to give up Poland to the Nazis


French Protestants, called Huguenots, were typically adherents of which protestant sect?

Consumer revolution

Growth in consumption and new attitudes toward consumer goods that emerged in NW Europe in latter 18th century

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Guaranteed liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression to all free Frenchmen

Madame Bovary

Gustave Flaubert tells the story of a frustrated middle-class housewife who has a sordid and adulterous love affair in his masterpiece

Kaiser William II

He forced Otto von Bismarck to resign in the 1890s, keeping the spotlight on himself. He started pushing for Germany to challenge British naval superiority, causing rising tensions

Sergei Witte

He is an economic minister to Czar Alex III who preformed many reform minded actions to improve industry, including bringing in Western advisers

Jiang Jieshi (Chaing Kai-shek)

He lead the Authoritarian National People's Party. He was supported by US aid, but forced to flee to the island of Taiwan in 1949.


He ruled overn an empire divided into millets, each representing a different region.

James Watt

He took the steam engine created by Thomas Newcomen and made it a viable energy source by reducing wasted energy

Johannes Kepler

He was Tycho Brahe's assistant and used the Rudolphine Tables to create laws of planetary motion.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

He was assassinated on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia. His death was the spark that ignited the war.

War of the Roses

House of York vs. House of Lancaster were featured in which conflict?

faith alone, grace alone, Scripture alone

How can Luther's view be summarized?

by getting them addicted to opium

How did Britain break through the barrier of Chinese trade?

a rich north and poor south of the world emerged

How did a "lopsided world" evolve through industrialization?

Malnutrition made people susceptible to deadly diseases, which reduced the population at times, and made large-scale population growth difficult.

How did agricultural and economic conditions among the majority of Europeans in the 17th century affect the overall European population?

A switch from horse-drawn to electric streetcars made cities cleaner (less horse poop), and made it easier for people to get from one place to another, allowing to spread out/ease overpopulation.

How did electric streetcars affect industrial cities?

Arguments supporting slavery began to focus more on science and seeing races as biologically distinct groups as justification for the practice

How did justifications for slavery change from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century?

pride in one's own country led to the disdain of others. people took pride in racial characteristics and applied Darwin's theories to other people

How did nationalism in the 19th century give rise to increased racism?

they dropped their antiforeign attacks

How did the leaders of Meiji Japan do an about-face?

Low Countries and Britain

Improvements associated with the Agricultural Revolution of the 1600s-1700s are associated with which countries?

by punishing the Germans with a large reparations bill, the entire European economy was threatened

In his Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), John Maynard Keynes charged that

Meiji Restoration (1867)

Japanese embrace of Western industrialization occurred after the

general will

Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote about_______ as sacred and absolute in The Social Contract.


Jean-Baptiste Colbert is best known for his ____ economic policies on behalf of Louis XIV.

the general will

Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote about ____________ as sacred and absolute in The Social Contract.

Tsar Nicholas II

Last Russian emperor and last of the Romanov Dynasty. He was forced to abdicate in the February Revolution

Mao Zedong

Led the Chinese Communists in the Chinese Civil War. He was supported by a popular grassroots uprising among peasants who wanted land reform and Soviet aid. He was able to defeat Jiang.


Luther's belief that the bread and wine is not changed but that Christ is present in spirit only

lion and fox

Machiavelli believed that a ruler should try to emulate which two animals?

preserve order and security

Machiavelli's The Prince suggests that a govenrment's fuction is to:

far left

Many avant-garde artists were ____ on the political spectrum


Many countries in the 1970s featured low economic growth and high inflation, also known as


Marx's term for the exploited class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production

Protestantism in Northern Europe

Max Weber, the most prominent and influential late-nineteenth century sociologist, argued that the rise of capitalism was directly linked to

Berlin Conference

Meeting at which Europeans agreed on rules for colonizing Africa


Members of a Protestant revival movement started by John Wesley were called:

Hundred Days Campaign

Napoleon's return and final desperate fight against the Allies lasted about 3 months


Napoleon's successor - the Bourbon monarch who took over France during Napoleon's exiles


National legislature of Russia. It did not have much power, as the tsar had an absolute veto

Mau Mau Rebellion

Nationalist Rebellion in Kenya that British forces brutally crushed in the early 1950s

Albert Speer

Nazi minister of armaments who put to work millions of POWs and slave laborers.

Edict of Nantes

Passed by King Henry IV in 1598, it granted the Huguenots liberty of conscience and worship.

Treaty of Paris 1783

Peace agreement in which Britain recognized American independence and ceded territory east of the Mississippi River

Treaty of Paris

Peace agreement to end the Seven Years' War in 1763

Called by Charles V to officially recognize Lutheranism

Peace of Augsburg


Popular genre of literature produced cheaply and that featured Bible stories, prayers, and stories of exemplary Christians to appeal to the pious crowd

Paris went from being a dark labyrinth of overcrowded streats to having wide, open boulevards with trees and plenty of space. New railroads connected one part of the city to another, allowing the city to grow in land area and ease overcrowding by easing travel.

Provide two ways in which Paris in 1900 differed from Paris in 1848


Russian landowning nobles were called what?

Alexander Kerensky

Russian lawyer and politician who served as the minister of the Russian Provisional Government. Big mistake was remaining in WW I

Leon Trotsky

Russian revolutionary and Communist theorist who helped Lenin and built up the army during the Russian Civil War. "Permanent revolution" proponent

Czar Alexander I

Russian ruler who tried to withdraw from the Continental System, drawing the ire of Napoleon and an invasion by the Grand Army.

Adam Smith

Scottish economist who wrote the Wealth of Nations a precursor to modern Capitalism.

Industrious Revolution

Shift that occurred as families in northwestern Europe focused on earning wages instead of producing good for household consumption

Declaration of Independence

Signed in July 1776, this document proclaimed that all men are created equal and guaranteed life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness


Site of peasant resistance to collectivization; resulted in a man-made famine as retaliation from the Soviet government that killed 3 million people

Five-year plan

Stalin's "revolution from above"; Soviet attempt to artificially engineer the industrial revolution and transform society into a communist state; generate new attitudes, new loyalties, a new socialist humanity, and transform industry in the country


T/F colonial independence movements were impacted by hostilities between the superpowers


T/F in 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, zealous opponents of modern art of all kinds, shut down the Bauhaus, forcing many of the prominent teachers and students to flee to the U.S.


T/f Ernest Renan believed that a nation could be formed through shared suffering or glory in the past, as well as common hopes and dreams for the future.

it helped deepen the religious and political conflicts that plagued the Third Republic

The Dreyfus Affair had political repercussions that lasted well into the twentieth century because

the Malay archipelago

The Dutch gained control of _____, gradually bringing almost three thousand miles under their political authority through imperialism in Asia.


The Egyptian Nationalist Party pressured the government, forcing Ismail to abdiate in favor of his weak son, _____

Sir Francis Drake

The English "sea dog" who was knighted by Elizabeth I, angering Philip II of Spain.

George III

The English monarch at the time of the American Revolution. He reigned 1760-1820.

the power of the rular was absolute and prevented civil war

The English philosopher Thomas hobbes held that:


The English political partie that favored maintaining the status quo, and was more aristocratic.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The Enlightenment thinker who wrote "Emile" about how education should involve more exploration of the natural world, in addition to book learning

German Social Democrats

The German Communist Party, noisy and active in the 1920's, reserved their greatest hatred and sharpest barbs for


The German government's printing of money to pay unemployment benefits to workers striking in the Ruhr against the Franco-Belgian occupation of 1923 led to


The German science of public administration that held monarchy up as the best form of government was:

Limited monarchy

The Glorious Revolution created which type of government in England?


The Habsburg royal family was associated most closely with the rule of which empire?


The Holy Romen emperor was chosen by German princes, called:

man's worth, ability, and achievements

The Humanist movement stressed:

Simon Bolivar

The Latin American George Washington known as "El Liberdator" as he helped several regions break away from Spain. He created the short-lived "Gran Colombia" and served as its president

greatly weakened the international nature of medieval culture

The establishment of new colleges and universities in the years following Black Death did what?

Faith healing

The exorcism of evil spirits in order to cure disease


The few days of revelry in Catholic countries that preceded Lent and that had masquerading and dancing.


The laboring poor of Paris, so called because the men wore trousers instead of the knee breeches of the aristocracy and middle class; the word came to refer to the militant radicals of the city.

Czar Nicholas II

The last czar of the Russian Empire and Romanov Dynasty.


The palace that Philip II used as a hub of government business. he spent many hours there working


The part of the personality in Freud's theory that is responsible for making moral choices based on internalized cultural or parental standards

Reign of Terror

The period from 1793 to 1794 during which Robespierre's Committee of Public Safety tried and executed thousands suspected of treason and a new revolutionary culture was imposed

Babylonian Captivity

The period of time when the popes resided in Avignon, rather than in Rome.

Postcolonial migration

The postwar movement of people from former colonies and the developing world into Europe.


The postwar reversal of Europe's overseas expansion caused by the rising demand of the colonized peoples themselves, the declining power of European nations, and the freedoms promised by US and Soviet ideals.

Pablo Picasso

The premier artist of cubism - a highly analytical approach to art concentrated on complex geometry

New South Wales

The territory on the east coast of Australia claimed by Cap't Cook. Will be the site of the first British settlement in Australia - Botany Bay in 1788

France (Franco-Prussian War)

The third (and final) war of German unification took place between Prussia and which country?


The three legal categories, or orders, of France's inhabitants: the clergy, the nobility, and everyone else

Columbian exchange

The transfer of goods, crops, and diseases between New and Old World societies after 1492.


The transformation of large numbers of small peasant farmers into landless rural wage earners


The transformation of large numbers of small peasant farmers into landless rural wage earners.


The two most important Enlightenment thinkers for late-18th-century liberals were Lock and _______

a small farmer or rural craftsperson

The typical European immigrant between 1880-1910 was

bind the six members of the European Coal and Steel Community so closely that war would be impossible

The ultimate goal of the plan for an international organization to coordinate coal and steel production in Europe in the 1950s was to


This Egyptian city attracted European army officers, engineers, doctors, government officials, police officers, traders, financiers, and shippers

Suez Canal Company

This company had been the last symbol and substance of Western power in the Middle East. It was nationalized by Nasser in July 1956.

Sigmund Freud

This man popularized notions that human behavior springs from irrational forces and unconscious.

Arthur Young

This person argued for the benefits of enclosure in England because he believed it would ead to increased agricultural outputs.

Robert Jackson

This person was the lead prosecutor at the Nuremburg trials following WWII. When he wasn't taking down Nazi ringleaders, he served as a Supreme Court Justice.

The Test Act

This said that Puritans, Catholics, and other dissenters did not have the right to assemble, hold public office, or vote.

Treaty of Nanking (1842)

This treaty ceded the island of Hong Kong to Britain, made China pay an indemity of $100MM, and open up 4 large cities to unlimited foreign trade with low tariffs.


Voltaire and other Enlightenment thinkers saw God as akin to a ______, and are considered deists.


Voltaire and other Enlightenment thinkers saw God as aking to a _______, and are considered deists.

General Henri-Philippe Petain

WW I vet put in charge of Vichy France; disbanded the Third French Republic and wielded a lot of power under German reins

The idea of a system designed to perpetuate Western economic domination and undermine political independence

What does neocolonialism refer to?

Peace of Westphalia (1648)

What ended the Thirty Years' War?

Spanish Inquisition

What tribunal was set up to deal with conversos under the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella?

Beliefs and policies that gave preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants

What was "nativism" in the nineteenth century?

A small, fast German tank

What was a Panzer (WWII)?

the burst of industrial creativity and technological innovation that promoted strong economic growth toward the end of the nineteenth century

What was the Second Industrial Revolution?

to meet the threat posed by outside powers

What was the all-important goal of the architects of the Meiji Restoration?

the promotion of the "greatest good for the greatest number"

What was the basic principle of philosopher Jeremy Bentham's utilitarianism?

Diseases were caused by specific living organisms that could be controlled

What was the breakthrough implication of Louis Pasteur's work?

The human race was driven by an unending economic struggle that would determine the survival of the fittest

What was the core concept of Social Darwinism?

The possibility of buying land in the home country

What was the primary factor that influenced whether European immigrants returned to their native land?

They had a poorly defnined political program that failed to unite the enemies of the Bolsheviks

What was the primary political weakness of the White forces as they fought against the Bolsheviks?

It was designed to prevent a single Italian state from dominating the peninsula

What was the purpose of Italian balance-of-power diplomacy?

An inconclusive standoff that set the stage for further warfare

What was the result of the War of Austrian Succession?

- methods of science could help understand all aspects of life - science could uncover laws of human society & nature - new knowledge would lead to progress and improvement

What were some new ideas about society and human relations that emerged in the Enlightenment?

Brazil, Calicut, Ceuta

What were three Portuguese colonies/trading outposts?

Willy Brandt

Which West German chancellor introduced "Ostpolitik" during a time of detente in the 1970s?

Maria Theresa

Who succeeded Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI as the Austrian Habsburg monarch thanks to the Pragmatic Sanction?

Maria Theresa

Who succeeded Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI as the Austrian Hapsburg monarch thanks to the Pragmatic sanction?


Who was Anne Boleyn's child?


Who was Catherine of Aragon's child?


Who was Jane Seymour's child?

The founder of the Jewish national movement

Who was Theodore Herzl?


Who won the Hundred Years' War?

he wanted to win the support of the traditional military, but the SA leaders had expected appointment to top positions in the army

Why did Hitler have the leadership of the SA storm troopers, roughly one hundred individuals, killed in 1934?

They viewed marriage as a contract for mutual support, and married partners who failed to provide support endangered their souls and the entire community

Why did Protestans allow the dissolution of marriages in divorce?

He believed that as landowners they would eventually embrace conservative capitalism and become great enemies of socialist progress

Why did Stalin call for the mass murder of the kulaks?

the higher incidence of marriage for expectant mothers

Why did illegitimacy rates decline after 1850?

They sought to analyze the massive sets of numerical data that governments had collected

Why did social scientists develop statistical methods to test their theories?

he urged Italian entry into WWI

Why was Mussolini exdpelled from the Italian socialist Party?


Women who bore 6 children faced a cumulative risk of dying of about this percentage

Fourteen Points

Woodrow Wilson's plan for eternal peace following the end of WW I

"Big Three"

Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, & David Lloyd George at the Paris Peace Conference

Michel de Montaigne

Wrote essay about cannibalism where he argued that all traditions and customs are relative. Ushered in cultural curiosity and era of doubt

Alban Berg

Wrote the opera Wozzeck with half-sung, half-spoken dialogue of a man with Kafka-like inner monologue


Year in which Giuseppe Mazzini's attempt at creating a democratic republic in Rome failed


a term for Jews and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula who accepted Christianity; in many cases they included Christians whose families had converted centuries earlier

John Wyclif

an English scholar and theologian who argued that Scripture alone should be the standart of Christian belief and practice and that papal claims of secular power had no foundation in the Scriptures.


artist who made David and the Sistine Chapel ceiling

Edwin Chadwick

believed that government could help prevent disease by cleaning up the urban environment


developed the germ theory of disease

Robert Koch

doctor who led the way in German identification and study of harmful bacteria


doubt whether definitive knowledge is ever attainable


economic system and an ideology based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit


entrepot/trading post in South China Sea. kept Asian porcelain, silk, camphor,, pepper, cloves, sandalwood, sugar, textiles, copper, incense, dyes, opium

isaac newton

f=ma and the law of universal gravitation are two parts of this thinker's synthesis of physics.

Isaac Newton

f=ma; the law of universal gravitation are two parts of this thinker's synthesis of physics


free groups and outlaw armies originally comprising runaway peasants living on the borders of Russian territory from the fourteenth century onward. By the end of the sixteenth century they had formed an alliance with the Russian state

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

futurism. idea that traditional culture could not deal with the advances of modern technology and the way thses had changed human consciousness. wanted radically new art forms that would express the human condition

Arnold Schönberg

made a twelve-tone scale/tone row to make independent and unrelated notes. music known as "atonal"


members of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola. Goal: spread R.C. faith.


national economic policy designed to maximize the trade of a nation and especially to maximize the accumulation of gold and silver

Rudolphine Tables

new and improved tables of planetary motions, made by Tycho Brahe

The Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad

novel in which the "pure selfishness" of Eruopeans in supposedly civilizing Africa is castigated; main character turns from liberal scholar to savage brute

Lorenzo de' Medici

one of the Florentine ruling family; sponsored many famous artists in his court, including Michelangelo

Le Corbusier

promoter of functionalism who laid out guidelines meant to revolutionize building design. rejected ornamentation for clean, straight linees

Sun Yatsen

radical Chinese reformer who sought to overthrow the government and establish a republic

Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895)

revealed China's helplessness in the face of aggression, triggering a rush by foreign powers for concessions and protetorates (increased foreign encroachment)

Empress dowarger Tzu Hsi

revived Qing Dynasty, combining shrewd insight with vigorous action to revitalize the bureaucracy


settler colonies with established populations of Europeans, such as North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America, where Europe found outlets for population growth and its most profitable investment opportunities in the nineteenth century

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

succeeded Gropius as Bauhaus director, made classic steel-frame and glass-wall Lake Shore Apartments in Chicago


sultan during the Ottoman golden age; extended their rule deep into Europe


t/f Gandhi lived to see India gain its independence


t/f from the repeal of the Corn Laws to WWI, Britain remained the globe's largest trader of agricultural, raw, and manufactured goods


t/f prior to the Berlin Conference, Bismarck saw little value in colonies.


t/f: The revolutionaries who lead the Mountain favored a nation-state that embraced its Catholic roots, and they sought to bring the Church closer to the government after it had been shunned by Louis XIV and Louis XV.

enlightened absolutism

term coined by historians to describe the rule of eighteenth-century monarchs who, without renouncing their own absolute authority, adopded Enlightenment ideas of rationalism, progress, and tolerance

froze them at pre-1347 levels

the English Statute of Laborers (1351) did what to wages?

Charles V

the grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella and Maximilian I, who inherited the Habsburg empire

white man's burden

the idea that Europeans could and should civilize more primitive nonwhite peoples and that imperialism would eventually rpovide nonwhites with modern achievements and higher standards of living

economic liberalism

the idea that government should not interfere in the workings of the economy

global mass migration

the mass movement of people from Europe in the nineteenth century; one reason that the West's impact on the world was so powerful and many-sided


the movement to fence in fields in order to farm more effectively, at the expense of poor peasants who relied on common fields for farming and pasture

Pope Martin V

the pope elected after the end of the Great Schism, but does not make reforms to Church as promised by the council that elected him and healed the rift


the quality of being able to shape the world according to one's own will

Meiji Restoration

the restoration of the Japanese emperor to power in 1867, leading to the subsequent modernization of Japan

wealthy, educated commoners

the term "bourgeoisie" refers to:


the two most important Enlightenment thinkers for late-18th-century liberals were locke and:

gunboat diplomacy

the use or threat of military force to coerce a government into economic or political agreements


the wealthy middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people

Hohenzollern Dynasty

this Prussian dynasty ruled over three disconnected masses in Germany known as Brandenburg-Prussia


this term refers to local councils of 12-15 judges tht assisted each Spanish victory in the New World.

fur-collar crime

those higher up the social scalep prey on those who are less well-off; a medieval version of today's white-collar crime


violent attack on a minority group, often a Jewish community


voluntary lay groups organized by occupation, devotional preference, neighborhood, or charitable activity

Henry VIII

was the English King who declared himself head of the Church of England


won a landslide election with promises of a "New Deal for the forgotten man". rejected socialism and government ownership of industry, advocated forceful government intervention in the economy and instituted a broad range of government-supported programs designed to stimulate the economy and provide jobs

T.S. Eliot

wrote "The Waste Land", a poem rejecting progress and describing an "anti-utopia," with biblical references, images of a ruined and wasted natural world, and general human incomprehension, expressing the widespread despair that followed the First World War

Daniel Defoe

wrote A Plan of the English Commerce stating that basically every woman and little child was working

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