AP Euro Spring Semester Final

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The feature of the Versailles Treaty that the Germans found very hard to accept was

Article 231, the "War Guilt Clause," which imposed heavy war reparation payments on Germany

In World War I, the Ottoman Empire fought on the side of

Austria and Germany

The rivalry between which states for domination of southeastern Europe helped create serious tensions before World War I?

Austria-Hungary and Russia

Which of the following helped lead to the outbreak of World War I

European states felt they had to uphold the power of their allies for their own internal security

One class that clearly benefited from World War I was:

Large Industrialists

Following the Bolshevik seizure of power in November 1917

Lenin approved the redistribution of land to starving peasants

World War I in the East was characterized by

More mobility that the trench warfare on the Western Front

All of the following areas were part of the British empire in the Far East EXCEPT:


All of the following nations were created out of the Austro-Hungarian Empire EXCEPT:


Even though the odds were against them, the Bolsheviks successfully took power in Russia due to

Ruthless discipline and leadership in part due to the military efforts of Leon Trotsky

The most famous of the Surrealistic painters was

Salvador Dali

What was the newly created state that was a thorn in Austria-Hungary's side and a primary cause of World War I?


The primary an antagonists in the Balkans region were

Serbs & Austrians

Expectations for women during the war were

That they would return to their "normal" lives when the war ended

Austrian ultimatums to Serbia, hastening the outbreak of World War I, came in part because

The Austrians had received a "blank check" from Germany

The second battle of the Marne was

The end of Germany's final, futile effort to win the war

Which of the following was NOT an argument to justify imperialism at the turn of the century?

To lessen the burden of Europe's growing population

The Pan-German League advocated:

anti-socialist and anti-liberal policies

Social Darwinism was:

applying the ideas of Darwin to society

"Squadristi" were

armed bands of fascists who used violence to intimidate enemies

Vladimir Lenin

as a leader of the Bolshevik faction, promised "peace, land, and bread" and a quick Russian withdrawal from World War I

In his cyclical "De Rerum Novarum," Pope Leo XIII:

asserted that much in socialism was Christian in principle

For Woodrow Wilson, the most important thing after the war was to

assure acceptance of his Fourteen Points

On the eve of the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Wilhelm II of Germany

attempted to engage Nicholas II in a diplomatic dialogue to avoid war if possible

Friedrich Nietzsche:

believed that Christianity was a scourge and had deeply undermined the creative power of Western Civilization

The chief reason for the United States' entry into World War 1 was:

blatant German violations of the principles of neutrality and freedom of the seas

The Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler was responsible for

carrying out the racial and terroristic policies of the SS, fanatical bands of Nazis devoted to Hitler's crazed ideas

As soldiers on both sides realized that no one could gain an advantage in trench warfare:

daily life for the soldier became increasingly squalid, regimented, and miserable in filthy, rat-infested trenches

The entry of the United States into World War I in April 1917:

gave the nearly-defeated allies a psychological boost

As a result of World War I, eastern Europe

quickly overtook western Europe economically

The Meiji Restoration in Japan:

sent Japanese ambassadors abroad to be educated in the ways of the west and adopted many western-style political and military reforms

Russia's disastrous defeat in the Russo-Japanese War indirectly led to:

the Revolution of 1905

Who was responsible for the Special Theory of Relativity?


The leader of the women's suffrage movement in England was:

Emmeline Pankhurst

Which of the following was NOT a pioneer in the field of nursing?

Emmeline Pankurst

The Triple Entente included which of the following countries?

England, France, Russia

Which of the following best applies to the regime of Czar Nicholas II of Russia?

Alexandra,Nicholas' wife, kept him isolated from the reality of domestic disturbances

The Cheka was a

Bolshevik secret police unit used to terrorize opponents

Upon seizing power, Lenin let it be known to the world that he wished for

Communist revolutions to break out all over the world

The great English liberal of the early 20th century was

David Lloyd George

The Treaty of Versailles

Forced Germany to accept "war guilt" and pay massive reparations for its aggression

The Spanish Civil War ended with the victory of

General Francisco Franco, who created a conservative, authoritarian, and anti-democratic regime with the strong backing of the Spanish Catholic Church

The outbreak of World War 1 was greatly accelerated by the Schlieffen Plan, which was

Germany's military plan to invade France rapidly through neutral Belgium before attacking Russia

The original Triple Alliance included which of the following countries?

Germany, Italy, Austria

The most important consequence of the first year of World War I was

a deadly stalemate on the Western Front

Following Germany's failure to pay its war reparations, France occupied Germany's Ruhr Valley, resulting in

a policy of passive resistance by the German government and German resort to printing money to pay war debts

Just prior to World War I, European society was marked by:

a sense of confusion and anxiety leading to feelings of imminent catastrophe

The fact that European states fighting in World War I had to effectively organize masses of men and material for years of deadly combat led to:

all of these

Freud maintained that a human being's inner life was a battleground between all of the following EXCEPT:

alter ego

Before the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the general outlook for the future by most Europeans was

highly optimistic with material progress expected to create an "earthly paradise"

Joseph Stalin's emergence as leader of the Communist Party was aided by

his position as general secretary

Walter Gropius was best know for his

ideas of functionalism and practicality in architecture

In art, modernism found its beginnings in the work of Pissarro called


The greatest difference between naturalism and realism in literature was:

in general, naturalism was more pessimistic than realism

Between 1890 and 1914, in part through conscription, European military forces

increased dramatically

After 1924, American financial investment in Europe

increased rapidly but soon came to crisis

During World War I, Adolf Hitler

joined the German army, fought on the front lines, and received medals for his bravery

The urbanization of Europe brought religion under attack from all of the following EXCEPT:

legal socities

Internal opposition to the war in European nations came largely from

liberals and socialists appalled by the scale of human slaughter and the costs of nationalism and militarism

The development of trench warfare in France was characterized by

long periods of dreary boredom broken by murderous artillery barrages and terrifying frontal assaults by enemy troops

Among the 19th century European political movements, the one most responsible for triggering World War I was:


The growth of Mussolini's Fascist movement was aided by

nationalistic resentment toward Italy's treatment in World War I

Mussolini's Fascist dictatorship in Italy

never created the degree of totalitarian control found in Russia and Germany in the 1930s

The Russian army's problems during World War I include all of the following EXCEPT

not enough manpower

Lenin's "April Theses":

outlined a Russian movement toward socialism led by groups of soldiers, workers, and peasants

Hitler took Poland in 1939

peacefully, with the reluctant acquiescence of Britain and France

Desperate for any innovations in battle that might bring some success in terrible trench fighting, all sides in the conflict employed new weapons perfected by European science, such as

poison gas shells

Which of the following actually benefited from World War I?

skilled and highly skilled workers

Theodor Herzl, the leader of the Zionist movement:

sought to spare European Jews from anti-semitism by advocating the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine

Economic and labor conditions in Nazi Germany were characterized by

strict police control of the working classes through the Nazi-sponsored German Labor Front

The first professional occupation to be opened up to women was:


The IMMEDIATE cause of World War I was:

the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Bosnia

The basis of the Bismarckian System was:

the isolation of France through a series of military alliances

The collapse of Russia's government in March 1917 was aided by all of the following EXCEPT:

the leadership of the Mensheviks in the provisional government

As public morale and support for the war dwindled

the liberal French government under Clemenceau found it impossible to end internal dissent

The experimental work of early 20th century physicists challenged and ultimately invalidated:

the rational,mechanical conception of universe described in the classical physics of Newton

A major cause of the Great Depression was

the recall of American loans from European countries

Culture in Nazi Germany centered around

the simplistic, petty-bourgeois art Hitler loved, with sentimental and realistic scenes glorifying strong, heroic Aryans

In August 1914, the perception of the upcoming war among Europeans was that:

the war would be very short, possibly only weeks in duration

The major motivation of French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau's terms of surrender was

to punish Germany and gain security for France

The First Moroccan Crisis had the result of:

uniting France and England in a new alliance

The usual tactic of trench warfare was to:

use heavy artillery bombardments and then launch direct frontal infantry assaults on well-defended enemy positions

According to Sigmund Freud, behavior:

was determined by one's unconscious and inner drives of which people are not aware

According to Freud, the superego:

was the locus of conscience and represented the inhibitions and moral values society imposes on people

The "Boxers":

were Chinese nationalists who tried to expel all foreigners from the country through armed rebellion

During the 19th century, Jews:

were emancipated in most countries, but still restricted

Economically, World War I

witnessed governments gradually take full control of all aspects of their economies

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