AP Gov. Chapter 9 Practice Test

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Congressional are held every

2 years

Which of the following has the most influence on the outcome of a congressional election? A Local performance of a candidate's party in the presidential race B A candidate's incumbency status C The amount of a candidate's campaign spending relative to that of his or her opponent D The level of support from local party leaders E The level of voter turnout

B A candidate's incumbency status

Which of the following factors that influence voters' decision making during an election is the cartoonist poking fun at? A The party identification and ideological orientation of the candidate B The candidate's personal characteristics C The education and age of the candidate D The candidate's knowledge of contemporary political issues

B The candidate's personal characteristics

Which of the following is most directly related to the large amount of money spent by outside groups in the 2012 election? A The reliance on professional consulting firms to help run candidate-centered campaigns B The emergence of social media as a campaign tool to mobilize supporters to make large donations C The use of super PACs as a mechanism to raise money and influence elections D Strict regulations on campaign spending by political parties

C The use of super PACs as a mechanism to raise money and influence elections

Which of the following criticisms of political campaigns is the author of the political cartoon most likely to agree with? A Political campaigns have not adequately adapted to the increase in social media usage in modern society. B Rising campaign costs and intensive fund-raising efforts make running for office too expensive for the average citizen. C The duration of election cycles is too long. D Candidates rely too heavily on professional consultants.

D Candidates rely too heavily on professional consultants.

Soft money is money that is obtained by

Political Parties

The advantages of incumbency in congressional elections include which of the following? Incumbents receive more campaign contributions than do challengers. Incumbents are able to provide important services for individual voters. The government provides campaign funds for incumbents. The President usually endorses incumbents for reelection. Most American voters believe Congress does a good job. A I and II only B III and IV only C I, IV, and V only D II, III, and V only E III, IV, and V only

A I and II only

Given the information in the graph, in which of the following states would an individual's vote likely have more influence? A Wyoming B West Virginia C Alabama D California

A Wyoming

In the United States, which of the following is a rule on voting found in the Constitution or its amendments? A No person may be denied the right to vote merely for lack of either state or federal citizenship. B No person eighteen years of age or older may be denied the right to vote on account of age. C No person may be denied the right to vote merely because he or she has previously served a prison sentence. D A state may not establish a residency requirement for voting. E A state may require a person to pay a poll tax in order to register to vote.

B No person eighteen years of age or older may be denied the right to vote on account of age.

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold) was designed to curtail which of the following? A Individual contributions to candidates B Soft money C Hard money D Public disclosure rules E Lobbying

B Soft money

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold) did which of the following? A It created interest groups known as 527s. B It made it illegal for unions to donate to presidential campaigns. C It banned soft money donations to national parties. D It banned candidates from running negative advertisements. E It banned third-parties from federal funding.

C It banned soft money donations to national parties.

Which of the following is a likely effect of the trend depicted in the bar graph on voting and elections? A There will be fewer restrictions placed on voting. B Voter turnout is likely to increase among non-Whites. C The Democratic Party will win more elections, based on current voting trends. D There will be more retrospective voting among young voters.

C The Democratic Party will win more elections, based on current voting trends.

Presidential elections are held every

4 years

Which of the following scenarios explains how demographic factors affect voter participation in elections? A Wealthier individuals are more likely to become involved in campaigns because they believe that their actions may influence the candidates. B Individuals who belong to marginalized groups are likely to participate in elections because their issues are often highlighted by political party leaders. C Political action committees (PACs) raise money from their donors, which they use to run television advertisements during campaigns. D Gerrymandered districts are likely to produce competitive districts, which leads to lower turnout rates in elections.

A Wealthier individuals are more likely to become involved in campaigns because they believe that their actions may influence the candidates.

Which of the following scenarios is most closely related to the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) ? A A member of Congress establishes a political action committee to gain influence within the chamber. B A labor union spends millions of dollars to independently run negative advertisements about a presidential candidate shortly before the election. C A state senator receives a large cash donation from a corporate executive in exchange for specific political favors. D A lobbyist writes the language of a bill that is later introduced into both chambers of Congress.

B A labor union spends millions of dollars to independently run negative advertisements about a presidential candidate shortly before the election.

Which of the following explains how The Federalist 10 relates to the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) ? A Both regarded factions as destructive to liberty. B In both, a limited approach to government regulation was argued for. C In The Federalist 10, the author opted for stricter regulation of factions, whereas in Citizens United, petitioners argued that regulation was a violation of liberties. D The Federalist 10 supports free speech, whereas the Citizens United decision opposes free speech.

B In both, a limited approach to government regulation was argued for.

There is an ongoing debate over the role of money in elections. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) of 2002 banned soft money and restricted advertisements in the weeks before an election. Parts of this act were challenged and struck down in the Supreme Court case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010). Which of the following was a consequence of that ruling? A The Federal Election Commission cannot place any restrictions on political advertisements because they are protected by the freedom of speech. B Super PACs may spend unlimited funds on advertisements that are not coordinated with the campaign because they are protected by the freedom of speech. C Advertisements produced in coordination between campaigns and super PACs cannot be restricted because they are protected by the freedom of speech. D The Federal Election Commission can place restrictions on all advertisements because they are not protected by the freedom of speech.

B Super PACs may spend unlimited funds on advertisements that are not coordinated with the campaign because they are protected by the freedom of speech.

Which of the following best explains why the winner of a presidential election usually claims to have a mandate from voters? A The president's party often wins a majority of seats in Congress by riding the president's coattails. B The allocation of electoral votes in the winner-take-all system exaggerates the margin of victory. C Presidents are allowed to implement their legislative agendas without interference during their first term. D The new president is allowed to replace a significant number of justices on the Supreme Court. E The incoming president automatically gains control of Congress.

B The allocation of electoral votes in the winner-take-all system exaggerates the margin of victory.

Which of the following is true of political action committees (PACs) ? A They are a part of political party organizations. B They make campaign contributions to gain access to legislators. C They are allowed to contribute to only one candidate in a given contest. D They effectively control the presidential campaigns. E They may operate at the state level but not at the national level.

B They make campaign contributions to gain access to legislators

Which of the following scenarios best represents an example of party-line voting? A A citizen always votes for the candidate who supports conservation of the environment. B A homeowner votes for a candidate based on the candidate's promise to lower property taxes. C A citizen casts votes for all Republicans based solely on the candidates' affiliation with the Republican Party. D A citizen votes for the incumbent member of the House of Representatives after receiving help processing his disability claim.

C A citizen casts votes for all Republicans based solely on the candidates' affiliation with the Republican Party.

Which of the following is NOT an explanation for low voter turnout? A Registration requirements B Low political efficacy among many voters C Laws protecting minority voting rights D Frequent elections at the state and local level E Weekday elections

C Laws protecting minority voting rights

Which of the following statements is true regarding political advertisements in 2012 based on the information graphic? A Taxpayers paid over 2 billion dollars for political advertisements. B Political action committees aired 3 million political ads. C Fewer than 2 million advertisements were aired in 2012. D Few advertisements appealed to positive emotions.

D Few advertisements appealed to positive emotions.

Which of the following describes the Twenty-Fourth Amendment? A It desegregated places of public accommodation. B It required elections for the United States Senate. C It reduced barriers to political participation on the basis of gender. D It eliminated poll taxes.

D It eliminated poll taxes.

Which of the following amendments to the United States Constitution addresses the grievance that a woman is not permitted "to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise"? A Fourteenth Amendment B Fifteenth Amendment C Seventeenth Amendment D Nineteenth Amendment

D Nineteenth Amendment

Which of the following is a type of primary election that requires registration as a party affiliate to vote? A Blanket B Closed C General D Open E Plebiscite

B Closed

Interest groups use political action committees (PACs) to A provide expertise to members of Congress when they are writing legislation B lobby the executive bureaucracy when they are considering new rules and regulations C raise and spend money on election campaigns D generate research that can be used to influence public opinion E hire policy experts who will promote their views in the media

C raise and spend money on election campaigns

The use of direct primaries instead of the convention system in selecting presidential candidates results in which of the following? A weakening of party control over nominations A reduction in the costs of election campaigns An increase in the number of people involved in the choice of candidates An increase in voter turnout in midterm elections A I and III only B II and IV only C III and IV only D I, II, and III only E I, II, III, and IV

A I and III only

The experience with 527 organizations In the 2004 elections suggest that campaign finance laws

Are not likely to take money out of elections

When party members meet to nominate a candidate for office, they participate in which of the following? A General election B Caucus C Blanket primary D Open primary E Closed primary

B Caucus

The data in the graph best illustrate which of the following common criticisms of the electoral college? A Small states have fewer electoral votes than large states and therefore have no impact on presidential elections. B Individuals in small-population states have a greater impact on the electoral college than individuals in large-population states. C Candidates from states with a large number of electoral votes have a major advantage in the electoral college. D Smaller states have more electoral votes than larger states, which distorts the popular vote.

B Individuals in small-population states have a greater impact on the electoral college than individuals in large-population states.

Which of the following best explains how political parties are likely to respond to the data in the chart? A Political parties are likely to continue to stand by their traditional positions and not bother to appeal to groups that have not previously been included in their base. B Political parties will adapt their positions and find ways to appeal to voters from growing demographic groups. C Political parties will adapt by switching from candidate-centered campaigns to campaigns that strategically mobilize voters across the country with a consistent message. D Political parties will advocate for proportional representational systems so that groups with larger populations are able to win seats and be represented more fairly in government.

B Political parties will adapt their positions and find ways to appeal to voters from growing demographic groups.

Which of the following best describes the difference between an open and closed primary? A Voters must pay a poll tax to vote in a closed primary, but not in an open primary. B Voters are allowed to split their ticket in a closed primary but not in an open primary. C Only voters who register as members of a political party may vote in that party's closed primary, while independents and others may be eligible to vote in open primaries. D Open primaries require a run-off system, while closed primaries do not. E Candidates must seek the approval of the party organization to run in a closed primary, but anyone may be a candidate in an open primary.

C Only voters who register as members of a political party may vote in that party's closed primary, while independents and others may be eligible to vote in open primaries.

A voter's decision to support the incumbent president in an upcoming election is based on recent economic growth and record low unemployment. Which of the following models of voting behavior best characterizes this voter's decision? A Prospective voting B Party-line voting C Retrospective voting D Rational choice voting

C Retrospective voting

If voters are acting according to the retrospective model of voting, which of the following will be the most important consideration in their decision? A The party affiliations of the candidates B The campaign promises made by the candidates C The effect of recent economic conditions on the voters D Whether the candidates will act in the best interest of the voters if elected

C The effect of recent economic conditions on the voters

Which of the following best describes the concept of political efficacy? A It is the belief that the average citizen can make little or no difference in an election. B It is the belief that an intelligent voting decision cannot be made without information. C It is the belief that the media must provide unbiased information for citizens to be able to make well-informed choices. D It is the belief that one can make a difference in politics by expressing an opinion and acting politically. E It is the belief that politicians must keep the electorate well-informed if they are to govern efficiently.

D It is the belief that one can make a difference in politics by expressing an opinion and acting politically.

A number of states, including Georgia and Ohio, have passed laws that revoke voter registration if a person did not vote in recent election cycles. Which of the following is a likely consequence of these laws? A Voters would have a lower sense of efficacy, which would lead to lower turnout. B Citizens would have to pay a fine if they tried to vote, which will significantly lower turnout. C Younger voters will be less likely to register to vote since there is a chance their votes won't be counted. D Occasional voters will not be able to vote on election day, which could influence election results.

D Occasional voters will not be able to vote on election day, which could influence election results.

Critics of the winner-take-all aspect of the electoral college are most likely to make which of the following arguments? A The winner-take-all system of the electoral college undermines the rights of states. B A state's presidential election results rarely mirror a state's congressional election results. C The winner-take-all system of the electoral college drives presidential candidates to focus on winning states that are considered to be part of their core supporters. D The winner-take-all system of the electoral college encourages presidential candidates to focus their time and effort disproportionately on battleground states with larger populations.

D The winner-take-all system of the electoral college encourages presidential candidates to focus their time and effort disproportionately on battleground states with larger populations.

Most of the money that individual candidates spend during the course of a campaign is directed toward

Media related activities

A person votes for Democratic candidates based on the belief that the policies of the Democratic Party will be personally beneficial. This type of voting matches which of the following voting behavior models? A Prospective voting B Retrospective voting C Split-ticket voting D Sociological voting

A Prospective voting

Which of the following statements about voting patterns is best supported by the table? A Women were more likely than men to vote Democratic. B People who were young, White, and from the South were most likely to be Perot supporters. C Voters with low educational attainment were more likely to vote Republican than Democratic. D Voters in the South were more likely to vote Democratic than those in other regions. E Nonwhite voters were less likely to support Republican presidential candidates in 1992 than they were in 1980.

A Women were more likely than men to vote Democratic.

When contributing to congressional campaigns, political action committees (PACs) are most likely to contribute to A incumbents of both major parties B third-party challengers C Republican challengers D state party organizations E national party organizations

A incumbents of both major parties

All of the following contribute to the success of incumbent members of Congress in election campaigns EXCEPT: A Incumbents usually raise more campaign funds than do their challengers. B Incumbents tend to understand national issues better than do their challengers. C Incumbents are usually better known to voters than are their challengers. D Incumbents can use staff to perform services for constituents. E Incumbents often sit on committees that permit them to serve district interests.

B Incumbents tend to understand national issues better than do their challengers.

Which of the following best explains why eligibility criteria vary by state as shown on the information graphic? A The Twenty-Sixth Amendment is not incorporated to the states. B States can create criteria for voting rights so long as they do not violate the United States Constitution. C The president is selected through the electoral college process, and therefore citizens do not actually have a real vote in presidential elections. D The Voting Rights Act guarantees that each state may determine its own procedures for elections.

B States can create criteria for voting rights so long as they do not violate the United States Constitution.

A political science professor is researching the effects that the Fifteenth and Twenty-Sixth Amendments have had on the American political system. Which of the following is the most likely reason the professor is researching these amendments? A To study the expansion of the right to equal protection under the law B To study the expansion of voting rights C To study the expansion of due process rights D To study the expansion of federal authority over states

B To study the expansion of voting rights

Which of the following statements about incumbent senators running for reelection is correct? A The senators with the best chances of reelection are those who have served the longest. B The amount of money spent by a challenger has little bearing on an incumbent's reelection chances. C Incumbent senators are less likely to be reelected than are incumbent members of the House of Representatives. D An incumbent senator is equally likely to be reelected or defeated. E The most important factor influencing the reelection chances of senators is whether they belong to the President's party.

C Incumbent senators are less likely to be reelected than are incumbent members of the House of Representatives.

.Which of the following is a correct statement about political action committees (PAC's)?*This item is subject to changes in the campaign finance laws A The number of PAC's has remained stable over the past decade. B Most PAC money is distributed to challengers in an effort to unseat hostile incumbents. C The amount of money that PAC's can contribute directly to an individual candidate is limited by law. D PAC's are illegal in most states. E PAC's rarely attempt to influence legislation through lobbying activities.

C The amount of money that PAC's can contribute directly to an individual candidate is limited by law.

All of the following are reasons incumbents in the House of Representatives enjoy an electoral advantage over challengers EXCEPT that incumbents A get substantial financial support from their party's national committee B are better known to voters than are challengers C find it much easier to raise campaign funds than do challengers D can use staff members to do constituent service E often serve on committees that enable them to help the constituency

A get substantial financial support from their party's national committee

A citizen who uses the rational choice model of voting behavior selects candidates for office based on A what is thought to be in the citizen's own self-interest B the label of the party running for office C predictions of how a candidate will perform in the future D the recent performance of the candidates running for office

A what is thought to be in the citizen's own self-interest

Which of the following is NOT a way in which the federal government regulates campaigns? A By requirements for disclosure of campaign donations B By establishment of federal agencies to regulate campaign finance activities C By limits on the distribution of soft money D By limits on individual donations to campaigns E By prohibitions on negative advertising

E By prohibitions on negative advertising

Which of the following is true of political action committees (PACs) ? A They make campaign contributions in hopes of gaining access to legislators. B They are a part of political party organizations. C They are allowed to contribute to only one candidate in any election. D They nominate candidates for president at national party conventions. E They operate at the state level but not at the national level.

A They make campaign contributions in hopes of gaining access to legislators.

The primary function of political action committees (PAC's) is to A serve as fund-raising organizations for challengers B provide members of Congress with unbiased information regarding proposed legislation C consult with the President regarding domestic policy D encourage broader participation in politics among the electorate E raise campaign funds to support favored candidates

E raise campaign funds to support favored candidates

Which of the following statements about political action committees (PACs) is true? A PACs may give unlimited contributions to the election campaigns of individual candidates. B PAC spending has not kept pace with inflation. C PAC activity is limited to direct contributions to candidates. D Social issue groups are the source of most PAC dollars. E PAC spending makes up a higher percentage of congressional campaign funds than of presidential campaign funds.

E PAC spending makes up a higher percentage of congressional campaign funds than of presidential campaign funds.

Typically, presidential candidates implement their campaign strategies by A applying their resources evenly among the states, because they must win popular votes in a majority of the states to be elected B focusing on larger, competitive states, because they might tip the balance of the electoral college C focusing on small states, because these states have proportionally more electoral votes than more populous states have D ignoring the electoral college, because the popular vote determines the outcome of the election E ignoring the electoral college, because more states are moving away from the winner-take-all system

B focusing on larger, competitive states, because they might tip the balance of the electoral college

The data displayed in the table above best support which of the following statements? A The reelection rate is higher in the Senate than in the House. B The average vote won by Senate members surpasses that won by House members. C House seats are safer from election turnover than are Senate seats. D House members serve more terms than do Senators. E More members of the Senate win reelection by 60% or more of the vote than do members of the House.

C House seats are safer from election turnover than are Senate seats.

Which of the following is true based on the information graphic? A All citizens over 18 years old are eligible to vote regardless of where they live, but only about 56% actually do vote. B Voters from 18 and 54 are far more likely to vote than voters over 54, but this can depend on which state they live in. C Over 75% of the population is eligible to vote, but only about half the electorate actually voted in the 2016 presidential election. D Voters ages 18-35 are less likely to vote because some states restrict voting only to citizens over the age of 21.

C Over 75% of the population is eligible to vote, but only about half the electorate actually voted in the 2016 presidential election.

The process known as front-loading refers to A presidential candidates raising funds far in advance of the first presidential primary B a presidential candidate seeking endorsements before officially declaring candidacy C the tendency of states to choose an early date on the primary calendar D political action committees (PACs) contributing money to candidates at least one year before the first presidential primary or caucus E the winner-take-all principle of the electoral college

C the tendency of states to choose an early date on the primary calendar

Which of the following is a significant trend in the presidential nominating process over the past three decades? A Replacement of national party conventions by national primaries for each party B Increasing importance of presidential primaries rather than state conventions C A sharply declining role for political action committees (PAC's) D Decreasing cost of campaigns E Increasing control by political party leaders over outcomes

B Increasing importance of presidential primaries rather than state conventions

In response to the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold Act), the United States Supreme Court, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), ruled that A limits cannot be placed upon candidates' contributions to their own campaigns B independent campaign expenditures by corporations and unions are protected by the First Amendment C limits on issue advertisements 90 days before an election are unconstitutional D limits on campaign contributions by minors are constitutional under the First Amendment E requiring endorsement statements in campaign advertisements is unconstitutional

B independent campaign expenditures by corporations and unions are protected by the First Amendment

Which of the following scenarios is most related to the Twenty-Sixth Amendment? A A primary election is held to determine the candidate who will run as the Republican for the United States Senate. B An interest group purchases a television ad prior to an election. C An eighteen-year-old votes in a presidential election. D A woman votes in a local election.

C An eighteen-year-old votes in a presidential election.

The America First Action is a super PAC led by former administrator of the Small Business Administration Linda McMahon. Which of the following best explains how the organization can operate to influence elections, according to the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010) ? A The super PAC can be led by a former government official but cannot accept contributions from former officials. B The super PAC can spend unlimited funds and coordinate its campaign with candidate campaigns but must abide by "Stand by Your Ad" provisions. C The super PAC can spend unlimited money on issue-advocacy advertisements that are not coordinated with the campaign. D The super PAC can spend unlimited money on campaign expenditures but is subject to maximum contribution limits from donors.

C The super PAC can spend unlimited money on issue-advocacy advertisements that are not coordinated with the campaign.

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