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which of the following would constitute an affirmative action policy designed as a remedy to help members of this group overcome a legacy discrimination

a college admissions policy that gives preferential treatment to members of this group overcome a legacy of discrimination

which of the following situations would most likely be a violation of title ix

a college that provides significantly more sports scholarships for men than for women

affirmative action, as depicted in the cartoon above demonstrates which of the following continuities in American history and political science.

debates over the value of individualism and equality of opportunity

Which clause prevents the national government from sanctioning an official religion?


the exclusionary rule can be described as which of the following

evidence obtained without a search warrant is subject to being excluded from use at a trail to someone

Which of the following statements explains how the supreme court has attempted to balance the power of the government who protections for individuals liberties

in cases involving interpretations of the second amendment, the court has shown a commitment to a individuals right to own a gun

which of the following does the usa patriot act allow the government to collect

information of citizens communications

which statement accurately summaries the impact of the new you times co v United States (1971) decision

it limited states power to infringe on a student.s freedom of speech, especially concerning symbols

which of the following statements best summarizes Hamiltons argument

listing rights will lead some to assume that government may regulate those rights

Under what circumstances can a police officer search a suspect without getting a warrant

only if the officer has probable cause that the person is committing or about to commit a crime

which of the following comparisons

outlaws discrimination in hiring increased African American voter registration participation

which of the following was an argument used by the supreme court in upholding federal statutes outlawing segregation in public accommodations

such segregation affected interstate commerce, and congress therefore had the authority to

state police have credible information about a meth lab operating in their jurisdiction and have illegally obtained evidence try searching the home without a warrant and confiscation a large quantity of drugs. this would most likely lead to which of the following

the dismissal of the drugs as evidence because of the violation of the exclusionary rule

which of the following constitutional provisions does the case described in the scenario have in common with mcdonald v Chicago (2010)

the due process clause

which of the following is contained in the fourteenth amendment and was likely and inspirational for matin Luther ling jus letter from a Birmingham jail

the principle that all people should be equal under the laws s embodied in the equal protection clause

Wisconsin v. Yoder (1973) the Supreme Court ruled that freedom of religious practice was more important than the right of the government to interfere in deciding in favor of.

the right of Amish parents in to take their children out of public school after the eight grade

Acussed persons due process rights, as protected by the fifth and sixth amendments, are not absolute, which of the following scenarios would the Supreme Court allow to stand as direct evidence in court without violating the 5th and 6th amendments.

you are arrested on the street without being read your Miranda rights while fleeing a robbery with a bag of cash and brandishing a gun

which of the following cases is most associated with ruling the action in this photo unconstitutional

Engel v Vitale

Miranda v. Arizona required that the place inform suspects their rights under which amendment


supporters of Scalia views that handgun bans violate second amendment rights could cite which of the following Supreme Court vases as ruled in. similar way.

McDonald v chicago

which previous supreme court decision did brown v board of education overturn

Plessy v Ferguson

Which us supreme court case found that a woman right o have an abortion is protected by the constitutional right to privacy

Roe v Wade

the applications of the death penalty has been emptied in recent decades and cannot be applied to minors and people whoa re found to be mentally incompetent. Which of the following is a reason for this .

The Supreme Court changed its interpretation of what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment under the eight amendment

which of the following best describes the message in the political cartoon

The Supreme Court has limited the way colleges can recruit minorities

based on the text which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with

The bill of rights could potentially be used to limit civil liberties

based on previous court rulings, which of the following scenarios would los likely violate the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment

a public School system uses race based segregation

which of the following scenarios would most likely be considered a violation of the fourth amendment

a suspect cell phone is analyzed by police before a warrant is issued

which of the following best summarizes of the outcome of the excerpt above

citizens can call witnesses on their behalf as defined by the 5th amendment

which of the following did the fourteenth amendment attempt to guarantee to former slaves

citizenships rights

which of the following accommodations would an employer most likely need to implement in order to be in compliance with he Americans with disablitlites act.

installing a ramp and other physical accommodations for someone who uses a wheelchair

Based on the information in the pie charts, which of the following best summaries the effect of title

it created more opportunist for female athletes to participate in sports.

what is the goal of the Lilly Ledbetter act??

prevent gender based pay discrimination

what did the Supreme Court deem unconstitutional in brown v board of education

school segregation

according to the excerpt above, which of the following best summarizes the supreme court decision in dc v Heller (2008)

that the dc handgun ban was overturned due to that it violated the protections under the 2nd amendment

which of the following rights does the sixth amendment guarantee

the right to have witness testify on your behalf

the USA Patriot Act does some limits on the government ability to collect information on citizens. Which amendment does the usa patriot act must come in conflict with


which of the following constitutional provisions does the case described in the scenario have in common with tinker v Des Moines

Freedom of speech clause

which amendment makes the protections in the bill of rights applicable to the states through selective incorporation


What provision of the Fourteenth Amendment serves as a cornerstone of our understanding of supreme court decision in brown v board of education

the equal protection clause

which of the following amendment and the civil rights act of 1964 similar

they both sought civil rights for African Americans

which of the following actions by public school students would most likely be protected symbolic speech based on the precedent established by tinker v Des Moines undefended community school district

wearing a political t shirts objecting to a school board decisions.

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