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when you include another author's work, word for word in your writing.

Direct quote

What information must be included in the in-text citation of a direct quote?

Author location of quote (e.g. page no., section heading, or timestamp) year of publication

Bella is writing about stress in college during COVID-19 and she states that almost 90% of college students found education to be stressful. Would this be considered common knowledge?

Bella is referencing a specific statistic, therefore she would need to cite where the data came from.

This in-text citation is accurate for a paraphrased source:​People who believe in luck have been found to be more likely to engage in risky behaviors (Zhao et al., 2021, pg. 8).

FALSE The location is only necessary when citing a direct quote. Reference:Zhao, J., Li, Z., & Xiong, G. (2021). Effects of luck beliefs on consumers' variety-seeking behavior. Social Behavior and Personality, 49(2), 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.2224/sbp.9243

When incorporating outside sources into your academic writing, you are more likely to use direct quotes than paraphrasing

False. Quotes should be reserved for instances when who is saying something, or the exact way something is being said is integral to your paper.

To properly cite sources in APA style, you need to:

Include an in-text citation. The in-text citation allows your readers to locate the full reference in your References list. Include a full reference in the "References" list at the end of your paper. A full reference provides all the information your reader needs to locate the original source.

Which scenario best describes the technique presented to make paraphrasing easier.

Make a list of all the information you want to include in your paraphrase, close the original document, and write the paraphrase from the list you made. After you have written the new sentence compare it to the original to make sure you retained the same essential meaning. This technique will help you to paraphrase in your own voice and synthesize the information with your other findings.

In 2018 Harrer et al. found that "internet- and mobile-based interventions could be an acceptable, effective, and potentially cost-effective approach to reduce the negative consequences associated with college-related stress" (p. 12).

Narrative citation direct quote

Harrer et al. (2018) found that non-intrusive interventions like mobile or online apps may be an effective low-cost solution for mitigating the impact of stress in college students.

Narrative citation paraphrase

in-text citations where some or all of the information needed to locate the full citation in the reference list are included as part of your sentence leading up to or in which you paraphrase or quote another source

Narrative citations

Nya wasn't confident that she was finding the best supporting evidence for her paper, so she met with a UCF librarian help refine her search strategy and identify the best databases to search in.

Not Plagiarism Correct! This would not be considered plagiarism or academic misconduct. Meeting with a librarian is a good way to build research skills. Like the UCF writing center, they are here to support you.

Researchers have found that non-intrusive interventions like mobile or online apps may be an effective low-cost solution for mitigating the impact of stress in college students (Harrer et al., 2018).


when you are including a paraphrase or direct quote, but you are not identifying the author or publication date as part of your sentence.

Parenthetical citations

make a statement add the quote supporting the statement put quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quote add a parenthetical citation at the end of the quote, that includes the location of the quote in the original source (e.g. page number, timestamp) include the full reference for the quote in the "References" list at the end of your paper

To include a direct quote in your paper:

Emma paraphrased the following quote for her paper:"Overall, the psychological difficulties were significantly higher in women than men when it came to perceived stress, perceived helplessness, perceived self-efficacy, global psychological distress, somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia" (Saleh, et al., 2017 pg. 4).She paraphrased it as:The psychological problems were significantly higher in women than men when it came to perceived stress, perceived helplessness, perceived self-efficacy, global psychological distress, somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia (Saleh, et al., 2017).

Plagiarism Correct. This is considered plagiarism because it has not been changed significantly enough be considered a paraphrase, and she didn't use the exact wording in quotes to signify a direct quote.

Mason is feeling overwhelmed with all the work due at the end of the semester. He wrote a paper on stress and high school students in his senior year, so he decided to use that paper but update the reference to articles that talk about college students instead of high school students.

Plagiarism Even though he changed some of the references, this is considered plagiarism because he has already turned in this work for a grade. It doesn't matter if he turned it in at a different school.

In-text citations can be narrative or parenthetical.

True both styles provide readers enough information to identify the full reference in the References list.

the research is making an explicit point that supports your thesis or the main argument. the person you are quoting is integral to your claim (e.g. they developed the theory you are using, they were the first to discover key evidence related to your argument) the only way to convey the information is in the authors own words (e.g. a line of poetry, or a well-known quote that is influencing your own work)

When TO use direct quotes:

"Internet- and mobile-based interventions could be an acceptable, effective, and potentially cost-effective approach to reduce the negative consequences associated with college-related stress" (Harrer et al, 2018, p. 12).

direct quote

Frazier, P., Gabriel, A., Merians, A., & Lust, K. (2019). Understanding stress as an impediment to academic performance. Journal of American College Health, 67(6), 562-570. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2018.1499649

entry for reference list

True or false: You should use direct quotes whenever possible so that your instructor knows that you are not plagiarizing others.


Direct quotes are used in a paper to...

highlight a central point, incorporate points from key researchers, or when the original text is being analyzed as part of the work.

the idea is not unique to that author, or several other researchers have also reported on the same findings or ideas. you have already included several other direct quotes. If you add too many quotes or quote large sections of text, it may appear your writing relies too heavily on the ideas of others.

not to direct quote

when you incorporate other research as supporting evidence, or as a way to contextualize your work within the scholarly conversation, by restating that research in your own words.


To avoid plagiarizing

you MUST include in-text citations AND a full citation in the References list.

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