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An environmental engineer wants to examine the permeability of different soils to determine the best natural containment system to protect groundwater from pollutants. The engineer tests four different soil samples, places them into a wet column, and pours 50mL of water over each sample. The engineer records the total amount of water that moves through the column as well as the total amount of time for the water to fully percolate through the soil. The data from the study are shown below. Sample Flow Time Total Volume of Water Recovered Permeability of Soil Sample 1 2.7 seconds 48.5mL17.96mLsec2 2.2 seconds 27.9mL12.68mLsec3 15.8 seconds 14.7mL0.93mLsec4 20.6 seconds 1.9mL0.09mLsec Which of the following best describes the independent variable in this research design? A The sample of material chosen as the potential container material is the variable being tested, so it is the independent variable. B The flow time, which is related to the porosity of each sample, is the variable that is measured, so it is the independent variable. C The total volume of water recovered is most likely to be affected by human error and is the variable with the largest range of values, so it is the independent variable. D The permeability of each soil sample, which is determined by dividing the total volume of water recovered by the flow time, is the variable that is calculated, so it is the independent variable.


At which of the following sites does seafloor spreading result in rifts and possible volcanoes? A = convergent B= Divergent C= transform D= no plates A B C D


The diagram below represents how solar radiation strikes the surface of Earth differently, depending on location, during the June solstice. Which of the following combinations correctly identifies and explains the effects of the differences in the distribution of solar radiation on Earth as seen in the diagram above? A Global wind patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at low latitudes and cool air at high latitudes, resulting in density differences between the air masses. B Global rain patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at high latitudes and cool air at low latitudes, resulting in evaporation and condensation differences between the air masses. C Global wind patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at high latitudes and cool air at low latitudes, resulting in density differences between the air masses. D Global rain patterns are created because uneven solar radiation results in warm air at low latitudes and cool air at high latitudes, resulting in air masses that do not circulate because they are of equal density.


Which of the following layers of the atmosphere contains charged gas molecules that glow and produce light when hit by solar energy, leading to glowing gases such as the northern lights, found over 90 kilometers above Earth's surface? A Thermosphere B Mesosphere C Stratosphere D Troposphere


At which of the following sites would activity result in volcanoes, island arcs, and mountains? A = convergent B= Divergent C= transform D= no plates A B C D


Based on the diagram, which of the following describes why the summer solstice in Australia occurs in December and not in June? A At this time of year, the Earth is closest to the Sun due to its elliptical path. B At this time of year, the tilt of Earth causes Australia to receive highly concentrated solar radiation. C At this time of year, the tilt of Earth causes Australia to be closer to the Sun. D At this time of year, the tilt of Earth causes solar radiation to reach Australia at a low angle of incidence.


During an El Niño event, farmers in the southwestern United Stated often benefit from which of the following climatic changes? A Longer and cooler summers that increase crop yield B Wetter and warmer weather that increases soil moisture C Cooler and drier conditions that help cold-weather crops D Warmer and drier weather that reduces soil erosion and flooding


Peru's commercial anchovy industry would most likely be harmed during an El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the decline in anchovy during an El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event? A Acidic ocean waters kill off larval anchovies. B Less nutrient-rich water reaches surface waters, disrupting the food web. C Ocean currents move toxic contaminants from the sediments into the water column. D An increase in phosphate-based nutrients leads to an algal bloom, which would decrease available oxygen for animals like shrimp.


The Atacama Desert lies to the west of the Andes Mountains in northern Chile. It is the oldest, most consistently arid place in the world. Based on the map above, which of the following best explains why the Atacama Desert has a consistently arid climate? A It is on the windward side of the Andes Mountains. B It is in the rain shadow of the Andes Mountains. C The cold Peru Current brings dry air to the west coast. D Compared to the east coast, it has less water available.


Which of the following is the best explanation for the formation of Hadley cells in the tropics, as seen in the diagram, between 30°N and 30°S latitude? A Heat from the ocean warms the moist air at the equator and causes it to rise because of its lower density. As the air becomes cooler, it becomes less dense and sinks. B The Sun warms the moist air at the equator and causes it to rise because of its lower density. As the warm air moves away from the equator, it cools, becomes denser, and then sinks. C Air cools over the land at the equator and then rises as it moves north or south. D Rising air over the equator is heated by the Sun, moves north, and then moves south to create the jet stream and trade winds.


Which of the following is the source of energy driving the circulation pattern labeled C in the diagram? A The Coriolis effect B Solar radiation C Earth's magnetic field D The spinning core of Earth


what is the best explanation for the high amounts of rain that occur at the equator? a. the low pressure system that develops here causes warm air to sink, leading to rain B. the warm air rises at the equator which condenses at a high altitude, leading to rain C. this area experiences a high amount of wind, which leads to storms and rain D. This area has a large amount of water, leading to more rain E. as the air rises, it becomes warmer, leading to more rain


At which of the following sites is an earthquake most likely to occur as two plates slide sideways past each other? A = convergent B= Divergent C= transform D= no plates A B C D


Based on the diagram, which of the following identifies a characteristic of the atmosphere between the stratopause and the tropopause? A Cloud formation occurs in the stratosphere. B The warmest air is found in the mesosphere. C The ozone layer is in the stratosphere. D The troposphere is the closest layer to the sun.


Students want to determine the impact of soil erosion from the development of new housing. They plan to measure the density of a species of algae growing along the bottom of a river that flows through their town. The town is built in a heavily forested area, but a large area of trees along the river was recently clear-cut to allow for the construction of a new housing development, which has caused exposed soil to wash into the river. The river flows north to south through the town and is still forested both up- and downstream of the town. Which of the following is the dependent variable in the study? A The tract of land that was clear-cut for the housing development B A tract of land in a heavily forested area outside of town C The density of a species of algae growing along the bottom of the river D The flow rate of the river from north to south


Students want to determine the impact of soil erosion from the development of new housing. They plan to measure the density of a species of algae growing along the bottom of a river that flows through their town. The town is built in a heavily forested area, but a large area of trees along the river was recently clear-cut to allow for the construction of a new housing development, which has caused exposed soil to wash into the river. The river flows north to south through the town and is still forested both up- and downstream of the town. Which of the following would be the best control sample for the study? A. A sample of water collected just downstream of the southern forest B. A sample of water collected just downstream of the housing development C. A sample of water collected just downstream of the northern forest D. A sample of distilled water


The vast majority of ozone (O3) is found in a thin layer due to a lack of circulation in which of the following atmospheric layers? A Thermosphere B Mesosphere C Stratosphere D Troposphere


Which of the following abiotic factors, when graphed on the x-axis, leads to the curved line in the graph due to variation in the different layers of the atmosphere? A Nitrogen (N2) concentration gradients B Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration gradients C Temperature gradients D Ultraviolet radiation gradients


Which of the following causes the air to rise high into the atmosphere in the areas labeled A, B, and C on the diagram? A El Niño circulation patterns B The rotation of Earth shifting the direction of the air upward C Warm, moist air that is less dense than the surrounding air D Rain shadows over mountain ridges


Which of the following should be included in a watershed map to best determine the non-point source of a pollutant, such as fertilizer, found in a river? A The total volume of groundwater in the aquifer B The total area and the average yearly precipitation of the watershed C The land use upstream of the river and water quality indicators in streams that run downstream into the river D The total volume of surface water of the river and the land use downstream of the river


Which statement is best illustrated in the diagram above regarding how the Sun's energy affects the Earth's surface from June through September in the Northern Hemisphere? A The season changes from autumn to winter, daylight hours decrease, and infrared radiation is the weakest during the June solstice. B The season changes from winter to spring, daylight hours increase, and infrared radiation is the weakest during the September equinox. C The season changes from summer to autumn, daylight hours decrease, and infrared radiation is the strongest during the June solstice. D The season changes from spring to summer, daylight hours increase, and infrared radiation is the strongest during the September equinox.


n environmental engineer wants to examine the permeability of different soils to determine the best natural containment system to protect groundwater from pollutants. The engineer tests four different soil samples, places them into a wet column, and pours 50mL of water over each sample. The engineer records the total amount of water that moves through the column as well as the total amount of time for the water to fully percolate through the soil. The data from the study are shown below. Sample Flow Time Total Volume of Water Recovered Permeability of Soil Sample 1 2.7 seconds 48.5mL17.96mLsec2 2.2 seconds 27.9mL12.68mLsec3 15.8 seconds 14.7mL0.93mLsec4 20.6 seconds 1.9mL0.09mLsec Which of the following best describes why the engineer chose to calculate the permeability of the soil sample in the experimental design in order to evaluate a natural containment system to protect groundwater? A Soils that have high permeability would best help protect groundwater because they would allow for faster recharge of the aquifer. B Soils that have high permeability would best help protect groundwater because they have higher rates of nutrient and pesticide leaching. C Soils that have low permeability would best help protect groundwater because the soil traps pollutants so that chemical and biological breakdown can occur. D Soils that have low permeability would best help protect groundwater because the large pore spaces would provide space for pollutants to attach and would have rapid percolation of water.


A group of students wanted to determine if soil texture can vary by location. Several students brought in a sample of soil from their backyards. Each student added their soil sample of equal mass to a jar with exactly the same amount of water, shook the contents so that all soil particles were suspended in the water, and left the jars covered overnight. The next morning, the soil particles had settled out into layers and students could determine the percentage of each type of particle. The results of their soil test are shown below. A student claims that soil sample B would be classified as a loam. Which of the following best describes the method used by the student to reach this conclusion? A The student added water to the soil sample and determined the amount of water required to saturate the soil. B The student oven-dried the soil sample following separation and calculated the percent change in mass of the remaining sand and silt after the sample cooled. C The student calculated the amount of soil mass lost overnight in each soil sample that resulted from the evaporation of the clay and silt. D The student used a soil triangle to determine where the lines intersect for sand, silt, and clay for the soil sample.


Based on the diagram, which of the following days in Earth's yearly orbit would have the longest period of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere? A March equinox B December solstice C September equinox D June solstice


During a La Niña event, what environmental changes would the tropical Pacific Ocean and its surrounding landmasses most likely experience? A Increased rainfall in the eastern Pacific Ocean leading to flooding and landslides off the coast of South America B An area of high pressure forming over landmasses and increasing the chance of typhoons C Cooler ocean water in the western Pacific Ocean leading to an increased chance of wildfires D Increased upwelling off the coast of South America resulting in increased productivity of fisheries


Students sampled several different gardens near their school and measured the percentages of silt, sand, clay, and humus content present in each sample. Their results are shown in the table below. SamplePercent Component in SamplePercent SiltPercent SandPercent ClayPercent HumusA30301030B40101535C30301020D2025455 Based on the data in the table above, which of the following samples would be the most prone to becoming waterlogged? A Sample A B Sample B C Sample C D Sample D


The Mississippi watershed is the largest in North America, draining all or part of thirty-two states in the United States and two Canadian provinces. A new apartment complex is being built on a steep slope near the source of the Mississippi River outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Which of the following measures should be taken to best reduce erosion at the construction site to protect the Mississippi watershed? A Add a paved surface at the top of the slope. B Remove trees and shrubs from the slope and the riverbank. C Move all of the topsoil from the site to the riverbank. D Plant grass and shrubs on the slope.


The map above shows the locations of known volcanoes and earthquakes. Which of the following explains what is being illustrated in the enclosed area in the northwest portion of the map? A The enclosed area illustrates a convergent boundary with earthquakes and possibly volcanoes in the Hawaiian Islands. B The enclosed area illustrates a transform boundary where two plates slide past one another, resulting in earthquakes of high magnitude in the Hawaiian Islands. C The enclosed area illustrates a rift valley leading to seafloor expansion near the Hawaiian Islands. D The enclosed area shows a hot spot in the middle of the Pacific Plate in the Hawaiian Islands.


Which of the following best describes why understanding a watershed and its boundaries is important in designing housing developments along a river? A The water contained in a watershed is more likely to become polluted if the soil has high permeability, so it is important to locate all point sources to reduce contamination. B Watersheds provide habitats for hundreds of marine species, so it is important to protect their feeding and nesting sites when designing housing for humans. C Watersheds provide space for cultivating land to produce food and other products, so it is important to avoid locating a housing development on the most fertile land. D Surface water and stormwater runoff will drain downstream within the watershed boundaries, so it is important to understand the flow of water through the watershed.


Which of the following correctly characterizes one of Earth's atmospheric layers? A Layer A is the stratosphere, where meteors are found. B Layer B is the troposphere, where weather occurs. C Layer C is the stratosphere, where the ozone layer is found. D Layer D is the thermosphere, where auroras are found.


Which of the following explains the variable that would be the best for students to measure to determine the direct impact of soil erosion caused by the construction project on the river? A Water temperature, because a decrease in shading in the area would indicate an increase in soil erosion. B Nutrient levels, because a decrease in nitrogen and phosphorus would indicate an increase in soil erosion. C The pH level, because an increase in pH would indicate an increase in soil erosion. D Turbidity, because a decrease in water clarity would indicate an increase in soil erosion.


Which of the following is a biome found at 30° N and 30° S as seen in the diagram? A Rain forests B Tundras C Coniferous forests D Deserts


Which of the following is the best explanation for the deflection of the trade winds in both hemispheres, as seen in the diagram above? A The wind is deflected east because of varying landmasses at the latitudes. B The wind is deflected east because of the waves in the ocean. C The wind is deflected west because of the mountains that the air encounters as the wind moves north or south. D The wind is deflected west because of Earth's rotation.


which of the following would be considered a positive feedback loop that not only results from greenhouse warming but also contributes to additional warming of earth a. increased emissions of particulates and aerosols from industrial activity b. increased volcanic activity c. decreased air temperature d. decreased incidence of sunspot activity e. decreased size of snowpack


A group of students wanted to determine if soil texture can vary by location. Several students brought in a sample of soil from their backyards. Each student added their soil sample of equal mass to a jar with exactly the same amount of water, shook the contents so that all soil particles were suspended in the water, and left the jars covered overnight. The next morning, the soil particles had settled out into layers and students could determine the percentage of each type of particle. The results of their soil test are shown below. Which of the following describes the dependent variable in this investigation? A Percentage of each particle size in each soil sample B Soil samples taken from different locations C Time required for each soil sample to settle D Addition of water to each soil sample


The Atlantic Ocean is expanding as a result of plate tectonics. Which of the following explanations best identifies the type of plate boundary and processes occurring at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, as shown in the diagram below? A A divergent plate boundary exists at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where plates move away from one another, leading to seafloor spreading. B A transform plate boundary exists at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where two plates slide alongside one another, leading to underwater earthquakes. C A convergent plate boundary exists at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where one plate of oceanic crust is subducted beneath a plate made of continental crust, leading to volcanism. D A convergent plate boundary exists at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where two plates of continental crust meet, leading to the formation of mountain ranges.


consider a profile of soil horizon contains the most nutrient for plant growth a. o horizon b. a horizon c. e horizon d. b horizon e. r horizon


the difference between weathering and erosion is that a. weathering refers to the breakdown of rock; erosion refers to the removal of the rock from its landscape b. weathering is a chemical process; erosion is strictly physical c. weathering happens in the tropics; erosion happens in temperate environments d. there is no difference


the most abundant gas in earths atmosphere is a. nitrogen b. oxygen c. water vapor d. carbon dioxide e. hydrogen


which religion of the atmosphere has the lowest atmosphere pressure a. exosphere b. mesosphere c. stratosphere d. thermosphere e. troposphere


A developer wants to develop a large tract of land near a watershed, which will require the removal of several large trees. Which of the following statements best describes the impact that the development would have on the watershed? A Removing large trees would decrease the amount of runoff in the watershed. B Removing large trees would cause an increase in temperature and keep the surrounding water and soil warmer. C Removing large trees would decrease the rate of erosion in a watershed. D Removing large trees would increase the retention of water within the watershed.


A group of students wanted to determine if soil texture can vary by location. Several students brought in a sample of soil from their backyards. Each student added their soil sample of equal mass to a jar with exactly the same amount of water, shook the contents so that all soil particles were suspended in the water, and left the jars covered overnight. The next morning, the soil particles had settled out into layers and students could determine the percentage of each type of particle. The results of their soil test are shown below. Which of the following describes the independent variable in this investigation? A Percentage of each particle size in each soil sample B Soil samples taken from different locations C Time required for each soil sample to settle D Addition of water to each soil sample


During an El Niño event, farmers in the southwestern United Stated often benefit from which of the following climatic changes? A Longer and cooler summers that increase crop yield B Wetter and warmer weather that increases soil moisture C Cooler and drier conditions that help cold-weather crops D Warmer and drier weather that reduces soil erosion and flooding


Peru's commercial anchovy industry would most likely be harmed during an El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the decline in anchovy during an El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event? A Acidic ocean waters kill off larval anchovies. B Less nutrient-rich water reaches surface waters, disrupting the food web. C Ocean currents move toxic contaminants from the sediments into the water column. D An increase in phosphate-based nutrients leads to an algal bloom, which would decrease available oxygen for animals like shrimp.


The layer that constitutes most of the earth's volume is the a. lithosphere b. mantle c. oceanic crust d. core e. magnetosphere


magma circulates in convection cells in the a. crust b. asthenosphere c. core d. lithosphere e. mid ocean ridge


the theory of plate tectonics states the following a. earths mantle is divided into plates which move b. earths lithosphere is divided into plates which move c. earths core is divided into plates which more d. earths asthenosphere is divided into plates which move e. the crust of the earth is molten


which of the following is the correct order of soil particles in order of increasing size a. clay-sand-silt b.clay-silt-sand c. sand-clay-silt d. sand-silt-clay e. silt-clay-sand


Students want to determine how vegetation affects soil erosion. They collect four soil samples of equal starting mass with different types of vegetative cover, as seen in the table below. Each sample is placed in a three-sided plastic dish that can drain into a beaker and is exposed to the same amount of consistent, steady rainfall for ten minutes. The water and soil runoff are collected in the beaker and separated. The average values for each sample are provided below. Which of the following is a dependent variable in the experiment? A The type of soil B Initial mass of the soil sample C Percent change in mass of the soil sample D Amount of rainfall the soil receives


The Atacama Desert lies to the west of the Andes Mountains in northern Chile. It is the oldest, most consistently arid place in the world. Based on the map, which of the following best explains the area of the Andes Mountains that would have the greatest number of rivers? A Equal numbers of rivers would be found on both the east and west sides of the Andes Mountains because water flows downhill. B More rivers would be located on the west side of the Andes Mountains because it is the leeward side. C More rivers would be located on the east side of the Andes Mountains because the trade winds are coming from the east. D More rivers would be located on the south side of the Andes Mountains because it is protected from the drying sunlight.


Which of the following statements best describes the boundary between the two tectonic plates seen in the map? A The map illustrates a convergent boundary, where tectonic plates collide, and the North American Plate is sliding under the Pacific Plate. B The map illustrates a divergent boundary, where two tectonic plates are moving away from each other, creating a rift valley. C The map illustrates a transform boundary, where tectonic plates slide past each other as the Pacific Plate moves northwest and the North American Plate moves southeast. D The map illustrates a subduction zone at the boundary, leading to the formation of long chains of volcanoes.


Which of the following would be most helpful to determine the soil texture of a sample? A A pH meter and conductivity meter B A soil core kit and a seismograph C A density gradient tube and a soil triangle D A quadrat and a transect line


mineral are transported through the soil via a process called a. active transport b. waterlogging c. leaching d. porosity e. permeability


poor nutrient holding capacity, good aeration properties, and good water infiltration capacity are examples of what type of particle found in soil a. clay b. silt c. sand d. loam e. humus


the global circulation pattern that dominates the tropics is called the a. Bradley cell b. ferrel cell c. Hadley cell d. polar cell e. tropical cell


the san Andreas fault in California occurs at a. a convergent boundary b. a divergent boundary c. a transform boundary d. a subduction zone e. an oceanic ridge


what type of plate boundary could have produced the Aleutian trench a. oceanic plate boundary b. divergent plate boundary c. convergent plate boundary d. transform fault boundary e. continental plate boundary


The Atacama Desert lies to the west of the Andes Mountains in northern Chile. It is the oldest, most consistently arid place in the world. Based on the map above, which of the following best identifies and explains the region of South America that would have a more moderate climate? A The west coast would have a more moderate climate because of the Peru Current. B The west coast would have a more moderate climate because of the Andes Mountains. C The east coast would have a more moderate climate because of its proximity to the equator. D The east coast would have a more moderate climate because of the Brazil Current.


a health impact associated with increasing ozone loss is a. asthma b. neurological disorders c. chronic bronchitis d. cataracts e. lung cancer


at what latitude is the surface of the earth moving at the highest velocity a. 90 degrees N and S b. 60 degrees N and S c. 30 degrees N and S d. 0 degrees e. the surface moves at a constant rate


circulating air and water patterns affected by earths rotation are known as? a. geosynclinal cycle b. geomorphic cylce c. el nino d. Coriolis effect e. carbonization effect


the amount of open space between soil particles is called a. aridity b. saturation c. crystallization d. porosity e. permeability


the aurora borealis and aurora australis are found in which atmospheric layer a. mesosphere b. stratosphere c. troposphere d. thermosphere e. tropopause


volcanoes are readily formed along 1. convergent boundaries 2. divergent boundaries 3. transform fault boundaries a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 1 and 2 e. 1 2 and 3


what factors are used to classify a biome 1. average temp 2. average precipitation 3. distinctive plants adapted to the area a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 1 and 2 e. 1 2 and 3


what region of the earth does the sun hit at the most direct angle a. 90 degrees N b. 90 degrees S c. 30-60 degrees N d. 30-60 degrees S e. 0 degrees


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