APUSH Chapter 27

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As a result of the Korean War the

American public believed there was something wrong with the United States

At the Tehran Conference in late 1943

Franklin Roosevelt promised an Anglo-American second front within six months

All of the following statements regarding the HUAC investigation of Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers are true except that

Hiss was convicted of espionage

By 1945 President Harry Truman conceded to communist authority in


In 1945 President Harry Truman Conceded to communist authority in


In the last months of 1949, events in the Soviet Union and China included

Russia's succesfull test of an atomic weapon

Joseph McCarthy burst into national prominence by charging that there were known communists in the

State Department

In 1947, the Truman administration responded to Republican Attacks that it was weak on communism by

beginning an investigation into the loyalty of the federal employees

In 1945 when Harry Truman became President he

had almost no familiarity with foreing affairs

During Joseph McCarthy investigation into alleged subversion in government

he never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist

The Supreme Court case fo Shelley v Kraemer 1948 dealt a blow to

housing discrimination

A 1948 public opinion poll revealed that a majority of American Believed atomic power

in the long run do more good than harm

In early 1945 at the Yalta confrence

it was agreed that the soviet union should regain land lost in the 1904 Russo Japanese War

By 1945 the Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek had

little popular support

The immediate cause of the Korean War in 1950 was the

military invasion of North Korea into South Korea

In 1949 the truman administration made progress in civil rights by

ordering an end to discrimination in the hiring of government employees

The Taft Hartley Act of 1947

permitted the union shop

The American invasion at Inchon during the Korean War

prompted President Truman to try to push communists out of North Korea

President Harry Truman action after the 1946 election included

proposing a major civil rights bill

In 1951, President Harry Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur of command because of MacArthur

publicly criticized President Truman's policy in Korea

In 1945 when the United States Senate considered the proposed United nations it

quickly ratified the agreement by a large majority

During the Korean War, the Truman administration faced major strikes in the industries of

rail and steel

The 1946 elections

saw Republicans win control of both houses of Conress

In 1950, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were accused of spying for

the Soviet Union

All of the following statements regarding Korea are true except that

the United States left Korea in 1946

Beginning in 1947, the United States policy of containment was

the basis for its foreign policy for more than 40 years

President Harry Truman Fair Deal Called for

the creation of national health insurance

The results of the the election of 1952 saw

the end to a long period of Democratic dominance

In the years immediately following World War II the United States policy toward Asia led

the truman administration to encourage rapid economic growth in Japan

The 1950 National Security Council Report known as a NSC-68 stated

the united states must resist communism anywhere it developed in the world

Of the following, the HUAC investigation of Alger Hiss primarily helped the political career of

Richard Nixon (THE DICK)

In 1945, Joseph Stalins vision of a post war world in which great powers would control strategic areas of interest was largely shared by

Winston Churchill

In Early 1943 a meeting in Casablanca

Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt agreed the axis powers must surrender unconditionally

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were

accused of passing American secrets to its enemies

President Harry Truman initially decided to get tough with the soviet union

after his first few days in office

In 1949 President Harry Truman succeeded in getting Congress to pass

aid for public housing

All of the following statements regarding the zones of occupation of Germany in 1945 are true except

all of Berlin was placed under soviet control

In 1947, the truman doctrine

asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world. assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority. was initially invoked to provide aid to Greece and Turkey. both asserted it was the obligation of the United States to support free peoples around the world, and assumed the Soviet Union would continually attempt a global expansion of its authority. All these answers are correct.

Between the Yalta Conference and his death President FDR

became increasingly concerned though not without hope that stalin was not going to fulfill conference agreements

The Truman administration responded in 1950 to the onset of fighting in Korea by

calling on the United Nations to intervene

The national security act of 1947

created the National Security Council. created the Central Intelligence Agency. created the Department of Defense. combined the functions previously performed separately by the War and Navy Departments. All these answers are correct.

The Soviet Union's 1948 blockade of West Berlin was primarily a response to the

creation of a unified West Germany

The initial response by the American Public to the dismissal of General Douglas MacArthur was

criticism of President Truman

In 1949, the north atlantic treaty organization

declared than an attack on one member nation was an attack on all

In designing the structure of the new United Nations planners called for

each nation on the security council to have veto power over the others

In the 1948 presidential election

early polls had seemed to indicate that Harry Truman would lose. President Truman refrained from attacking Republicans, for fear of alienating voters. the Progressive and "Dixiecrat" candidates combined for 20 percent of the popular vote. both of these were the case: early polls had seemed to indicate that Harry Truman would lose, and President Truman refrained from attacking Republicans for fear of alienating voters. None of these answers is correct.

When Joseph McCarthy first leveled charges of communist infiltration in the government he was a

first time Republican Senator

The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944

gave economic and education and education subsidies to veterans

The McCarran internal security act

required communist organizations to register with the government

The Election of 1952 saw

television play a role in the campaign

At the conclusion of the yalta conference in 1945 basic disagreements remained on

the government of Poland. the unification of Germany. war reparations to the Soviet Union. both the government of Poland and the unification of Germany. All these answers are correct.

In 1948, the American for Democratic Action

tried to draft Dwight Einsenhower for President

Following World War II the great majority of working American Women

wanted to keep working

The U.S. aid through the marshall plan

was offered to the soviet union

During the mid 1940s the American economy

was plagued by a serious inflation

The government of Syngman Rhee in Korea after World War II

was pro western

In 1947 the first target of the House of the Un American Activities (HUAC)

was the movie industry

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