Behavioral Interview Questions - BCG
Which other firms or industries are you looking into?
Mainly roles within traditional finance but moving over to a more investment analysis focus, really trying to move into a role with a larger critical thinking aspect
Tell me about a time you were a team player
Swimming - really unique team sport Professionally - we all trade the same supply so working with both the other traders on the desk but also the other regions, sometimes it means giving up your trade so someone else can execute an idea they are excited about
Give me an example of a time you struggled as a leader. Did you ultimately succeed? What did you do?
- AAC at Citi, struggled from buy-in from senior leaders, able to put together an advisory council that helped us pave specific goals and activities
Tell me about a time your actions led to better performance in others.
- First year analyst, focused on data and reporting. Helped a lot of senior RMs on the team organize their data and presentations, clients were always excited by changes and improved relationships
Tell me about a time you took initiative on start something
What is the best team you've ever worked with, and why do you define this as a great team?
College - Money and Debt Final Case Team Professional - 2017 analyst class
why should I hire you?
I have the personality and brain of a BCG consultant. I am a people person but I also love solving problems and love to learn.
What do you know about our firm?
I know you guys are a jack of all trades, you do consulting work focused on a slew of industries and projects. You write research and conduct surveys, you help organizations better understand people.
Tell me about a leader you have worked with and how that affected your personal leadership style
Irimga - first boss, female who trusted her gut and not afraid to call people out
Have you ever failed at something?
Of course! School - pysch 101, changed study habits Professional - building models and assuming I was right before it happened, constantly asked questions and practice
Tell me about a time when your ideas were challenged by others, requiring you to defend your point of view.
Very common on my current team, defending trade allocation and rates to team members and boss
Tell me about a recent crisis you handled?
Virtual times, struggle with getting trades settled and communication across all teams, all about connecting the dots
what accomplishments have given you the greatest satsification
being a divsion I student athlete
What is the biggest risk you have taken and how did it contribute to your personal or professional development?
choosing specific teams for my analyst rotations, not necessarily the cool desk but people and culture were important to me
what experiences and skills do you think are particularly transferable to the role?
data analysis, understanding how micro and macro factors, trends, and events affect a company
Why did you chose our firm over competitors?
easy one, culture and reputation. BCG mission to driven by humans which I think is such an amazing approach
What do you want to learn at our company? And why is this the best place for you to learn it?
learning from the people, expand my ways of thinking
What role do you usually take on a team and when?
organizer / treasurer, big volunteer person
What type of work do you like to do best?
problem solving in all forms: looking at data, creating a deck, writing up an email with an answer
Tell me about a time you showed leadership skills
recently began weekly session with our two new hires that started remotely, recognize their experience is different and be able to help them with their problems / offer solutions
what do you think consultants do?
solve problems with solutions that might not exist yet. Consultants work in teams to come up creative solutions one might not think of on their own
why consulting?
solving tough problems, i want to learn how to use that strategic thinking muscle and i also want to broaden my understanding of how organizations think and process information
give me an example of a time you influenced a group
swimming - a lot of energy around conferences and making sure everyone was in a good head space and excited, very mental sport professionally - first year analyst influencing the way senior RMs approached problems