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What goals did Napoleon expect his brothers to carry out as new rulers

Abolish class distinction, reform laws, and establish justice

What was Napoleon`s principle military training in the French military academies?


How did the painter Jaques-Louis David paint Napoleon?

As a hero on a white stallion.

Why did Napoleon have the Duc d`Enghien shot by a firing squad?

As an example to genuine royalist plotters.

__________ constituted the staple of most urban diets, so sharp price increases were felt quickly and were loudly protested at grain markets or at local bakers' shops.


Where were the enemies of the French Revolution?

Both inside and outside France

Why did Napoleon decide not to invade England?

British control of the seas made an invasion too risky.

How did Napoleon decide to attack English interests?

By establishing a French colony in Egypt

69. How did Napoleon plan to rule his new European territories after 1806?

By putting his family in key positions

The purpose of such pamphlets was not merely to win greater representation for the Third Estate. Their authors were making the case for a new concept of society, in which __________, especially the educated middle classes, had the same value as the other orders.


What did Napoleon need to enforce his blockade of English trade?

Control of Europe

The National Assembly seemed unwilling to grant workers full political and social participation in the new society. One reason for this reluctance was the widespread fear of further unrest. Another was the strong belief among spokespersons for the ___________ that only those with a propertied stake in society could be trusted to exercise reason, or to think for themselves.


When the King called for an _________ in 1789, the social tensions plaguing the old regime emerged as a central issue of the Revolution. Traditionally, estates representatives had belonged to one of the three orders of society, and in principle each order had an equal voice before the King. Because nobles dominated the clergy, however, the majority of representatives actually came from the two privileged orders, even though they stood for only 5 percent of the population at most.


ENGLAND UNDER WALPOLE: The first two Hanoverian monarchs spoke little __________and exercised little real power.


What was the condition of France when Napoleon returned from Egypt in 1799?

France was in chaos.

THE SEVEN YEARS' WAR, 1756-1763 -- The war on the Continent: The anti-Prussian alliance achieved a series of victories that threatened to crush Prussia. Prussia was saved from defeat when Russia 's new tsar, Peter Ill, who admired __________, dropped out of the war.

Frederick the Great

THE WAR OF THE AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION, 1740-1748 -- The Austrian-Prussian rivalry: The Pragmatic Sanction guaranteed Maria Theresa (reigned 1740- 1780) right to inherit the Habsburg throne and territories. __________ ignored the Pragmatic Sanction and seized Silesia. Located on the northeastern frontier of Bohemia, Silesia boasted a million people, a prosperous linen industry, and rich deposits of iron ore. Supported by France, his army successfully captured Silesia.

Frederick the Great

Radicals who distrusted the king and wanted the Revolution to continue sat to the left. The left was divided into two groups: The Jacobins wanted to overthrow the monarchy and create a republic. Key jacobin leaders included Jean Paul Marat, Georges-Jacques Danton, and Maximilien Robespierre. It is important to note that the Marquis de Lafayette was not a Jacobin. The __________ wanted to involve France in a war that would discredit the monarchy and extend France's revolutionary ideals across Europe.


During the period of peace and prosperity before the French Revolution, ___________ emerged as Europe's leading commercial nation. The upper classes benefited the most from the rising tide of commercial prosperity.

Great Britain

How did Napoleon come to national attention in the royalist revolution in October 1795?

He ordered his troops to fire on the royalist mob.

What reforms did Napoleon initially make in Italy in 1797?

He set up new states with republican constitutions

hat were Napoleon`s territorial ambitions after he was crowned emperor in 1804?

He wanted to control Europe

Which of the following statements best applies to Napoleon?

He was the child both of the Enlightenment and the Revolution

Who played a major role in Napoleon`s career?

His brothers, sisters, and in-laws

What event was the turning point in Napoleon`s military career?

His victory at Toulon

Napoleon made his brother Louis king of what territory in 1806?


FREDERICK THE GREAT (REIGNED 1740-1786) -- Enlightened reforms: Called himself "the first servant of the state." Invited Voltaire to live in his palace at Potsdam; Supported scientific agriculture; Prepared a unified national code of law; Abolished the use of torture except for treason and murder; Encouraged __________ from France and jews from Poland to immigrate to Prussia


What effect did the total control exercised by Napoleon`s government have on France?

It created a new consciousness of a single French nation.

What effect did the total control exercised by Napoleon`s government have on Germany?

It created the Confederation of the Rhine, the base for the modern German nation.

How many times prior to 1787 had the Estates-General met?

It had met twice since its creation in 1302.

What was the significance of the fall of the Bastille?

It marked the beginning of the French Revolution

What action was taken by the French Senate on April 3, 1814?

It voted Napoleon out of office.

What was the national origin of Napoleon`s family?


What was Italy`s national status when Napoleon assumed command of its republican armies in 1795?

Italy was a collection of separate states, not an independent nation.

With experience, a worker could theoretically move up the social hierarchy, but in practice such ascent was extremely difficult to achieve, as the limited number of masterships in any given industry tended to be passed down within a family. Thus in some trades and in some cities __________ complained of feeling restricted and expressed greater solidarity toward their counterparts in other trades than toward their own masters.


The __________ declared war against Austria and Prussia in April 1 792, thus beginning the War of the First Coalition. The war began badly for the poorly equipped French armies. By the summer of 1 79 2, Austrian and Prussian armies were advancing toward Paris.

Legislative Assembly

Who was called to be the new ruler of France in 1814?


What famous composer dedicated his Eroica symphony to Napoleon?

Ludwig van Beethoven.

The post-War of the Austrian Succession Diplomatic Revolution: 1. The Austrian chancellor, Count Kaunitz, vowed to recover Silesia. 2. Kaunitz successfully formed a coalition that included France, Austria, and Russia. One consequence of this new alliance was the marriage of __________, daughter of Maria Theresa, to the future Louis XVI of France. 3. England then formed an alliance with Prussia to implement its policy of maintaining a balance of power on the continent. 4. Note that this diplomatic revolution did not change the basic rivalries between England and France and Austria and Prussia.

Marie Antoinette

THE TREATY OF PARIS, 1763: 1. The British acquired French Canada and the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the __________ River. 2. France retained her Caribbean sugar islands and a few commercial installations in India. 3. Prussia retained possession of Silesia.


CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: ___________remained the most prevalent form of government; Divine-right (same word) evolved into enlightened despotism in Eastern Europe; Aristocrats regained much influence. Powerful nobles and wealthy merchants influenced and sometimes dominated inept monarchs


THE FALL OF NAPOLEON -- The invasion of Russia: The Continental System prevented Russia from exporting grain to Great Britain. When Tsar Alexander I (reigned 1801 to 1825) refused to stop this vital trade, Napoleon prepared to invade Russia. Napoleon's Grand Army reached __________. However, Alexander refused to surrender, thus forcing Napoleon to retreat. A combination of bitterly cold weather, disease, and merciless Russian attacks decimated Napoleon's army


In 1806, Napoleon made his brother Joseph king of which territory?

Naples and Sicily

THE LOSS OF LIBERTY: __________censored the press and suppressed all political opposition. Despite the loss of individual liberties, France enjoyed security, stability, and prosperity. Supported by a grateful nation, (same name) declared himself emperor on December 2, 1804.


Which of the following is the best reason why Europe was engaged in endless warfare during Napoleon`s reign?

Napoleon`s ambitions upset the balance of power in Europe, and he had to be stopped.

What country did Napoleon defeat at Jena in October 1806?


Napoleon's decision to invade Russia stemmed from

Russia's defection from his Continental System.

MAKING COMPARISONS: PETER THE GREAT AND FREDERICK THE GREAT -- Policies: Both rulers waged wars to conquer strategic territory. Peter's victory over __________ enabled Russia to take over warrn-water outlets and become the leading Baltic power. Frederick victory over Austria enabled Prussia to take control over Silesia and become a leading German power.


The declaration proclaimed that all men were "born and remain free and equal in rights." These natural rights included the rights to "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression." The declaration provided for freedom of religion, freedom from arbitrary arrest, freedom of speech and the press, and the right to petition the government.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

What was the Bastille?

The French royal prison

Under Napoleon`s reforms, where were administrative and financial powers controlled?

The central government

What did the French republican army's take with them as they pushed into Europe in 1795?

The ideas of the Revolution

What did Admiral Nelson say about Napoleon?

The probability of universal monarchy was greatest under Napoleon`s rule.

Which of Napoleon`s dreams fit well with the artistic movement known as Romanticism?

The revival of the ancient Roman Empire

What happened when it was discovered that the December 1800 assassination attempt on Napoleon was a right-wing royalist plot?

The right-wingers were jailed, but the left-wingers who were first arrested were also held

What did Napoleon say about the democratic principles that undergirded the French Revolution and the Republic?

They led to chaos and instability.

What was the attitude of Napoleon`s defeated enemies in 1808?

They were only waiting for the chance to strike back.

The __________ estate: everyone else The third estate comprised 9 5 percent of the population. It included a diverse group of peasant farmers, urban workers, middle-class shopkeepers, wealthy merchants, and successful lawyers. Those in this group resented aristocratic privileges


THE NAPOLEONIC EMPIRE, 1804-1815: Between 1805 and 1807, Napoleon defeated Austria, Prussia, and Russia in a series of brilliant military victories. Napoleon's victory at Austerlitz solidified his reputation as a military genius. By 1808, French rule extended from the North Sea to Spain and included much of Italy. It is important to note that Lord Nelson's naval victory at __________thwarted Napoleon's goal of controlling the seas and mounting an invasion of Great Britain.


Where was the island of St. Helena, the place of Napoleon`s final exile in 1815?

Twelve hundred miles from the African coast

On October 5, 1789, thousands of women marched to __________ demanding cheap bread and insisting that the royal family move to Paris. The king quickly capitulated, and a few days later the National Assembly also moved to Paris.


THE SEVEN YEARS' WAR, 1756-1763 -- The Colonial War: In Canada, the British defeated the French and gained control of Quebec. In the ___________, the British gained control of major French sugar islands. In India, the British gained control over key French trading posts.

West Indies

What is the basic argument about Napoleon`s contribution to world history?

Whether Napoleon`s rule furthered the cause of freedom in Europe or laid the foundations for modern dictatorship.

The program of de-Christianization did not include

a systematic execution of bishops

What did the enemy call Napoleon in the Italian campaign in 1796?

a young madman

The Napoleonic Code: Napoleon's legal experts consolidated hundreds of local law codes into a uniform legal code that is still the basis of French Law. The new code guaranteed many achievements of the French Revolution, including equality before the law, freedom of religion, the __________, and the protection of property rights.

abolition of privilege

The British aristocracy of the eighteenth century

allowed the monarchy to maintain some power because of its own factional struggles.

LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- Patterns of marriage and the family after 1750: The growth of the cottage industry increased income and helped young people become financially independent. As income rose, ___________ declined. Increased mobility reduced parental and village controls. Young peasant women increasingly left home to work as domestic servants.

arranged marriages

THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION -- Traditional Agricultural Production: In the early 1700s, peasants living in village communities farmed much of the land in western Europe. Peasant farmers used an open-field system that included these characteristics: Animals grazed on the __________ or open lands; Villagers divided the remaining land into long, narrow strips. Fences and hedges did not divide this open land; Peasants traditionally used a two- or three-field system of crop rotation. This system was intended to restore exhausted soil. In practice, it meant that one-third to one-half of the land was allowed to lie fallow on any given year.


All of the following were reforms of Napoleon's Consulate era EXCEPT

creation of the Committee on Public Safety

THE CONCEPT OF ENLIGHTENED DESPOTISM: It is important to note that the philosophes did not support ___________. Like Thomas Hobbes, they believed that the people could not be trusted with self-government.


THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION -- INNOVATIONS IN THE LOW COUNTRIES: Reasons for Low Country leadership in farming: The Low Countries were the most __________ region in Europe. Dutch farmers were thus forced to seek maximum yields from their lands. The Low Countries contained a growing urban population that created demand for farm products. New innovations in the Low Countries: Enclosed fields; Continuous crop rotation; Use of manure as fertilizer; Planting of a variety of crops; Use of drainage to reclaim marshes.

densely populated

The 18th Century has three distinctive periods before the French Revolution: 1. A period of peace and prosperity from 1715 to 1 740; 2. A period of warfare from 1740 to 1763; 3. A period of __________ from 1763 to 1789

enlightened despotism

The main goals of the Directory government, dominated by the middle class, included

establishing a society where money and property were the only re¬quirements for prestige and power.

The __________ estate: the clergy: The Catholic Church held about 20 percent of the land. The French clergy paid no direct taxes. Instead, they gave the government a "free gift" of about 2 percent of their income.


he labor of African slaves and eastern European serfs supported key commodities: 1. African slaves labored on immensely profitable Caribbean sugar plantations. 2. Serfs labored in the rich __________ regions of eastern Europe.


The National Assembly did create a constitutional monarchy; divide France into 83 departments governed by elected officials; establish the metric system of measurement; abolish internal tariffs; abolish __________. The National Assembly did not abolish private property or give women the right to vote The National Assembly did create a constitutional monarchy; divide France into 83 departments governed by elected officials; establish the metric system of measurement; abolish internal tariffs; abolish __________. The National Assembly did not abolish private property or give women the right to vote


THE FALL OF NAPOLEON -- Aura of invincibility: Napoleon's appeared to be __________. Many called him the greatest military commander in . European history. Napoleon insatiable desire for power led him to make three disastrous mistakes that led to his downfall.


France during the eighteenth century

lost an empire and acquired a huge public debt.

Prussia's Frederick the Great succeeded in

making Prussia's scattered lands more unified and secure.

After 1763 British authorities and American colonists came into conflict over

methods of raising revenue.

LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- Rococo: The Rococo style reached its peak of popularity during the reign of Louis XV (1715-1771). Artists depicted lighthearted and often frivolous scenes of "_________ at play." Paintings featured light -colored pastels. Architecture featured highly decorated interior ceilings. Leading artists and works: Antoine Watteau -- Pilgrimage to Cythera, Franois Boucher -- Cupid a Captive, and Jean-Honore Fragonard -- The Swing.


THE OLD REGIME -- ARISTOCRATIC RESISTANCE: French __________ were exempt from paying taxes. The nobles successfully resisted all attempts to reform the tax system.


THE CONCEPT OF ENLIGHTENED DESPOTISM: The ___________ urged Europe's absolute rulers to use their power for the good of the people


THE POPULATION EXPLOSION -- FACTORS PROMOTING POPULATION GROWTH: The agricultural revolution produced a more abundant food supply; In Europe, the ___________ became a key food staple during the eighteenth century; A single acre of potatoes could feed a family for a year; Advances in transportation reduced the impact of local crop failures


THE SECOND FRENCH REVOLUTION: Violence once again exploded in Paris. Convinced that royalists would betray the Revolution, mobs of _________ executed over a thousand priests, bourgeoisie, and aristocrats. These "September massacres" marked the beginning of a second French Revolution dominated by radicals.


CATHERINE THE GREAT (REIGNED 1762-1796) -- Pugachev's Rebellion: From 1773 to 1775, a Cossack soldier named Emelian Pugachev led a dangerous uprising of serfs living along the Volga River. The rebellion finally ended when Pugachev was captured, tortured, and executed. Pugachev's Rebellion marked the end of Catherine's program of enlightened reforms.Determined to prevent any future rebellions, Catherine gave the nobles additional privileges and absolute power over their estates and serfs.


FREDERICK THE GREAT (REIGNED 1740-1786) -- The junkers and serfs: A firm believer in social order, Frederick strengthened the junker's privileges. The Junkers retained full control over their __________.


MAKING COMPARISONS: PETER THE GREAT AND FREDERICK THE GREAT -- Policies: Both rulers imported Western ideas. Peter took the unprecedented step of visiting western Europe. His program of westernization opened Russia to new ideas, crops, and technologies. Frederick took the unprecedented step of inviting Voltaire to live in Prussia. His program of enlightened despotism opened Prussia to religious ptoleration, scientific agriculture, and a new code of laws. Both rulers instituted changes that affected only the top layers of their societies. The __________ in both Russia and Prussia remained tied to the land and completely dominated by nobles.


THE CONCEPT OF ENLIGHTENED DESPOTISM: Enlightened despots would combat ignorance and __________ by eliminating irrational customs, promoting religious toleration, reforming legal codes, and supporting education.


CATHERINE THE GREAT (REIGNED 1762-1796) -- Territorial expansion: Catherine ignored the philosophes' arguments against war. During her reign, Russia gained territory at the expense of the Ottoman Empire and Poland. Catherine's armies defeated the Ottomans and gained control over___________ and most of the northern shore of the Black Sea. Catherine along with Prussia and Austria annexed Polish territory in a series of partitions that took place in 1772, 1793, and 1795. As a result of these partitions, Poland disappeared as an independent nation.

the Crimean Peninsula

The "Reign of Terror" was

the Revolutionary government's campaign against internal enemies and counter-revolutionaries

The achievements of the Jacobins included all of the following EXCEPT

the distribution of all land among the peasants.

The controversy over voting by order rather than voting by head in the Estates-General led eventually to

the withdrawal of the Third Estate to form a National Assembly.

JOSEPH II (REIGNED 1780-1790) -- Enlightened reforms: Abolished serfdom and feudal dues; Abolished the system of forced labor known as the robot; Proclaimed religious toleration for all Christians and Jews; Reduced the influence of the church; Reformed the judicial system; Abolished __________ and ended the death penalty.


The Austrian emperor Joseph II

was discouraged by the discontent that greeted his reforms.

During the revolution, French women

were not allowed to participate in political activities.

LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY -- WITCHCRAFT PERSECUTIONS: During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, between 100,000 and 200,000 people were officially tried for witchcraft. Between 40,000 and 60,000 people were executed for witchcraft. Elderly, __________ women were the most likely to be accused of witchcraft.


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