Bio lab EXAM 2 (Exercise 36,37,38b)

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-(Sponges) -Contain spicules & spongin fibers -Are Sessile & poreous -Tubular -Have folded wall of cells

Distinguishing characteristics of Phylum Porifera

-Asymmetrical -No distinct tissue -Have saclike bodies [2 layers] -Poreous

Cnidarian Characteristics:

1. aquatic; majority marine 2. Have dipoblastic tissues 3. Sac-like gut (gastrovascular cavity, incomplete digestive tract) 4. Radial symmetry 5. Tentacles 6. Two lifecycle stages 7. Ciliated planula larva 8. Nerve net, non polarized 9. No head

Describe the body plan of phylum Porifera

3 body plans Asconoid-simple tube perforated by pores Syconoid- larger than asconoid and have a tubular body with a single osculum leuconoid- largest and most complex sponges. they are made up of masses of tissuespenetrated by numerous canals. Canals lead to numerous small chambers lined with flagellated cells.

What does the Schistosoma cause?

A disease called schistosomiasis.

What is a Physalia?

A floating colony of polymorphic polyps


A large fold in the upper surface of the intestine of the earthworm that increases surface area to increase absorption


A large opening on a sponge through which filtered water is expelled

polymorphism in phylum cnidaria

A medusae and polyp form

How would you describe the motion of a nematode

A nematode is able to extend in a longitudinal direction but the circumference does not expand much.

Flatworms, from Phylum Platyhelminthes, have no internal body cavity surrounded by mesoderm. This makes them __________.


* Which of the following is characteristic of this phylum? specimen-Sponge

All of the above (Asymmetry, lacks true tissues, heterotrophic, eukaryotic)

Which of the following is characteristic of the body plan of this specimen? Specimen-Dugesia

All of the above (Bilateral symmetry, Dorsoventrally compressed, triploblastic, acoelomate)


An animal that has no true coelom; ex: flatworms, (phylum Platyhelminthes)


An animal that possesses a true coelom (a body cavity lined by tissue completely derived from mesoderm).


Animals with no general body plan, these animals have no definite shape


Are creeping, mobile cells with a variety of functions including digestion and a rather amazing ability to differentiate into other cell types as needed.


Are cylindrical animals with a mouth surrounded by tentacles at the top facing away the substrate.

Leech Characteristics

Are dorsoventrally flattened Have anterior and posterior suckers

Which of these organisms has a complete digestive tract?


What type of symmetry is Phylum Porifera characterized by?


Class Scyphozoa



Band of thickened, specialized segments in annelids that secretes a mucus ring into which eggs and sperm are released

Which of these characteristics distinguishes this organism from phylum Cnidaria? Specimen- Slide of Fasciola

Bilateral symmetry


Body is made up of a series of fused rings; external and internal structures are repeated segment by segment

How do dugesias feed?

By sucking food through its mouth and into a tubular pharynx leading to the GVC

What are cnidocytes used for

Capturing prey

Which of the following cells are used to create a current of water to draw and filter out food particles in sponges?


Each segment contains parts of the

Circulatory System Digestive System Nervous System Excretory System


Class Anthozoa Sea Anemones, sea fans, corals Marine

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Hydrozoa Class Scyphozoa Class Anthozoa

Which of the following structures is used for reproduction in the earthworm?


Aurelia's Phylum


Metridium Phylum


Stinging cells found on tentacles are called


Annelids are



Collar Cells of Sponges


Describes an organism that remains attached to a surface for its entire life and does not move


Don't attach (swim "upstream") They get the nutrition first (semidigested food). "Pot belly." Fecal Oral transmission. Eggs are tough. You swallow the eggs.

Class Turbellaria


Class Olgiochaeta

Earthworms (lumbricus)

What does the disease schistosomiasis cause?

Enlarged liver, spleen, and bladder, as well as nutrition deficiency due to large deposits of eggs

Why are leeches used in medical procedures today?

Extract fluid more efficiently and with less damage than does hypodermic suction

How many hearts does an Earthworm have?


What are nematodes lacking?

Flagella and cilia

Phylum Platheminthes

Flatworms Class Turbellaria Class Trematoda Class Cestoda


Fleshy appendages

Earthworm's Crop

For food storage and some digestion

Earthworm's Gizzard

For maceration or crushing of food

Earthworm's Pharynx

For suction and ingestion of food

Earthworm's Esophagus

For transport of food

How do Metridium asexually reproduce?



Genus ____, aka the vinegar eel are Nematodes living in acidic enviroments.

How do Dugesia respond to light?

Go crazy because the are sensitive to the light

Phylum Porifera (Sponges)

Grantia Spongia Euplectella


Head region of annelid worms sometimes containing fleshy appendages


Help sponges produce a constant flow of water into it.

What are cnidocytes used for?

Helps the organism catch their prey.



Class Hydrozoa

Hydra Obelia Physalia

* To which class does this organism belong? specimen-Hydra whole mount slide



Hyphae divide into cells, with wall divided by

Where do hydra live?

In shallow fresh water ponds

Where are Trichinella found?

In the intestine of their host

Ectodermal cells

Include cnidocytes and muscular contractile cells

Animals are eukaryotic, multicellular, and ____________ feeding heterotrophs.



Is to help support the organism and creates its structure

What is the advantage of having a folded wall? (Grantia)

It allows them to have a larger surface area, which makes it easier for them to gather food and oxygen

What are the advantages of a digestive tract having a separate entrance and exit?

It doesn't have to wait until it has vomited the waste from its last meal before it can eat again. In contrast, an animal with a digestive tract with a separate entrance and exit can store multiple meals at once in various stages of digestion, which is much more efficient.

How does the shape of the digestive sac of Opisthorchis compare with that of Dugesia?

It has a pharynx and an esophagus.

What kind of polyps does the Tubipora have?

Long parallel polyps, which are encased in calcareous tubes connected at intervals by transverse plates

Class Oligochaeta


What characteristic distinguishes members of this class of the same phylum? specimen-member of class polychaeta

Many setae

What is the dominant stage of the Aurelia?

Medusae stage

* What structure is indicated by the pointer? specimen- Hydra, c.s., point to mesoglea


Class Anthozoa

Metridium Tubipora

Earthworm locomotion

Movement involves extension, anchoring, and contraction. -longitudinal + circular muscle layers interact w/ the hydrostatic skeleton to cause movement

Ancylostoma's Phylum


Ascaris' Phylum


Enterobius' Phylum


To what phylum does this organism belong? Specimen-slide of Enterobius


Trichinella's phylum


Tubatrix's Phylum


Class Polychaeta


Cells of cnidaria are organized into what true tissues?

Nervous muscular reproductive

Do flatworms have an internal cavity?

No internal body cavity other than the GVC.

To which class does this organism belong? specimen- earthworm (lumbricus)

None of the above ( Oligochaeta)


One of the small openings in a sponge's body through which water enters

Class Trematoda

Opisthorchis; Fasciola; Schistosoma

Leeches' Phylum and Class

Phylum Annelida Class Hirudinea (segmented worms)

Nereis' Phylum and Class

Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta

Lumbricus' Phylum and Class

Phylum Annelida and Class Oligochaeta (segmented worms)


Phylum Cnidarian, Class Hydrozoa, common name = portugese man of war, a colonial cnidarian.

Which phylum contains organisms with a Pseudocoelom?

Phylum Nematoda

Opisthorchis's Phylum and Class

Phylum Platyhelminthe Class Trematoda

Fasicola's Phylum, Class and Fluke

Phylum Platyhelminthe Class Trematoda Sheep Liver Fluke

Schistosoma's Phylum and Class

Phylum Platyhelminthes Class Trematodes

Dugesia's Phylum and Class

Phylum Platyhelminthes Class Tubellaria

What is the genus of this organism? specimen-physalia



Pinworm (roundworm) that inhabits the colon and causes itching

What is the dominant stage of the Metridium? Polyp or Medusae


Many Cnidarians alternate between a polyp form and a medusa form in their life cycle. This is called _____________.


What stage dominants Class Hydra?

Polyp stage

* Which of the following characteristics is unique to this class of organisms? specimen- Coral

Polyp subdivided by septa

Grantia's Phylum



Possessing both the male and female reproductive organs


Pressure exerted by a volume of fluid against a wall, membrane, or some other structure that encloses the fluid.

Which of the following characteristics distinguishes members of this phylum from Phylum Platyhelminthes? specimen- specimen of Ascaris


Nematodas have a body cavity called?


What 2 morphological advances do Nematodas have that Flatworms don't?

Psuedocoelon and a complete digestive tract

What is class of phylum Cnidaria characterized by?

Radial Symmetry and cells organized into true tissues; also have two germ layers (ectoderm and an endoderm) and a gelatinous mesoglea that separates the two

Define Acoelomate.

Referring to organisms who's mesoderm is a solid mass with no body cavity surrounded by mesoderm.

Sponge Reproduction: Sexual

Release sperm into the water, and it is carried by the current until it is captured by a choanocyte, in another sponge. The choanocyte then transforms into an amoeba-shaped cell called a carrier cell, which gives up the spermatozoan to an egg, lying near a chamber formed by choanocytes and containing flagella.

Nematoda Cuticle

Resists digestive enzymes and is permeable only to water.

Phylum Nematoda

Roundworms Ascaris Turbatrix Trichinella Ancylostoma

What is the genus name of this organism? specimen-slide of Schistosoma


What stage of the life cycle of Aurelia follows the stage represented by slide? specimen-slide of planula larvae


Ectodermal and glandular cells do what?

Secrete enzymes into the gastrovascular cavity for extracellular digestion

Phylum Annelida's most distinctive characteristic


Phylum Annelida

Segmented worm Class Polychaeta Class Oligochaeta Class Hirundinea

Leeches in Class Hirudinea are different from other annelids because they lack ________.


What is Phylum Annelida Characterized by?

Setae and Segmentation- which allows dor repletion among organs and separation of muscle layers.


Small capsules that contain a toxin which is injected into prey or predators.


Small, bristlelike appendages often occurring in pairs on lateral and ventral surfaces

What is the intermediate host of the Schistosoma?


What are cnidocytes?

Stinging cells that are located on the tentacles of the organism.

Class Cestoda


Females Ascaris are more numerous than males; why might this be adaptive?

The eggs pass on to the ground via the faeces. Fertilized eggs require 10 to 40 days in the outside world to mature before they become infectious, which will make their way to the lungs

What morphological differences can you see between the gastrozoid (feeding) polyps and the gonozoid (reproductive) polyps of Obelia?

The gastrozoid polyps have tentacles around their mouths and the gonozoid polyps don't have tentacles and have eggs enclosed in them instead.

Definitive host

The host at which the parasite spends its final developmental stage, and reaches its mature form

What does intermediate host mean?

The host harbouring a parasite that primarily grows but not to the point of reaching (sexual) maturity


The large central cavity of the sponge

How does the medusae of Obelia compare in size to that of a polyp colony of Obelia.

The medusae of Obelia is smaller than the colony of Obleia.

How does the position of the mouth of Dugesia and flukes compare?

The mouth of the Dugesia is on the ventral side, close to to middle of the body. While the fluke's mouth appears to be closer to what one would assume is the head.

Psuedocoelon and a complete digestive tract

The number of body cavities of nematodes compared to flatworms differ because nematodes are not segmented while flatworms have a head, a segmented body, and a tail.

What is unique about the internal structure of the polyp of the Anthozoa class?

The polyps are solitary or colonial, and there is no medusae. The mouth leads to a tubular pharynx and to a gastrovascular cavity with septate compartments. Gonads are gasrtodermal.

What does the Schistosoma look like?

The stem of a palm tree

Nereis live where?

They are marine worms living in sediment

How does this class differ from other classes in the same phylum? specimen- Leech

This class lacks setae

What does the Fasicola do?

This species causes liver destruction by migration within liver by immature adults (until it finds bile duct)


Thread like structures found at the bottom of a sea anemone, full of nematocysts.

Trichinella cause what disease?


Flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms have 3 germ layers, making them ____________.


What does Phylum Porifera lack?

Trues tissue organization

Mature proglottids

Unbranched uterus, ovary, genital pore, testes, and vitelline gland

Where do Taenia Soliums come from?

Uncooked pork (pig is the intermediate host)

What kind of fluke is the Schistosoma

What kind of fluke is the Schistosoma

Are all cnidarians carnivores? (yes/no ?)


Does Phyla Platyhelminthes and Nematoda possess true organs and Bilateral Symmetry?


Is Schistosoma dioecious?



a free swimming coelentrate such as jellyfish typically having an umbrella shaped body with stinging tentacles around the edge

Which is the dominant morph for the Scryphozoa class

a jellyfish

What type of body symmetry to sponges typically have


Gravid proglottids

branched uterus, filled with eggs

Sponge Reproduction: Asexual

budding, regeneration or gemmules

Sponges are filter-feeders and use specialized cells called ____________ to filter food particles from the water.


Earthworms have both__________ and __________ muscles that allow them the ability to burrow into the ground.

circular and longitudinal


composed of fine, wispy collagen (protein) fibers and branching cells called fibroblasts embedded in gelatinous ground substance. Gives rise to muscle, bone and blood among other tissue.

Characteristics of class Hydrozoa

dominant polyp form -cnidocytes present in epidermis only -very small -medusa, if present have velum, no gastric pouches, no oral arms

Lumbricus also know as the


What are the three embryonic germ layers that flatworms have?

ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm

Members of phyla Platyhelminthes and Nematoda have three true germ layers called?

endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm


excretory organs that filter fluid in the coelom


fluid enters the nephridia through openings called this

Class Trematoda are also known as


* What structure is indicated by the pointer? specimen-slide of Obelia colony , point to gastrozooid


What are spicules?

glass-like skeletal structures of sponges

What term would best describe this slide? specimen- slide of Taenia, gravid proglottid



groups of archaeocytes surrounded by a tough layer of spicules

What does Tripoblastic mean?

having a body derived from three embryonic cell layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm), as in all multicellular animals except sponges and coelenterates


head of an adult tapeworm; can contain suckers or hooks

Where are Ascaris found? (definitive host)

in small intestines of humans


individuals alternating between two morphs, a medusa and a polyp form

Epithelial Layer

layer of flat cells

Class Hirudinea

leeches soil and water have two suckers (one at the front and one at the end) lack hairs unable to burrow but can crawl and swim Hermaphroditic (each individual has male and female parts)


method in which food particles are filtered form water as it passes by or through some part of an organism

Are Hydras sessile?


Do Hydras have a medusae stage?


Does the Metridium have a medusae stage?



one of the segments that make up most of a tapeworm

what does heterotrophic mean?

organisms that feed on others

How do sponges filter feed

ostia in their outer walls

What do Lumbricus lack?

parapodia [also have very few setae]

Class Turbellaria are also known as


What are the two types of symmetry that are characteristics of different animal phyla

radial and bilateral

Are the polyps of the Aurelia enlarged or reduced


Nematodas are also known as


Annelids have small, bristle-like appendages called _______ that appear in pairs on each segment. Their arrangement helps distinguish the 3 classes of annelids.


What do leeches lack that other annelidas have?


How do leeches reproduce?


Phylum Porifera


Basal Disks

structures used by polyps of Hydra to hang from the water's surface or to a hard substrate

Class Cestoda are also known as


Identify the structure at the end of the pointer. specimen- slide of Opisthorchis, point to testis



the first segment in an annelid, surrounds the mouth

What is in the Psuedocoelon?

the internal organs

Which of the following characteristics distinguishes this phylum from Phylum Schyphozoa? Specimen- slide of Obelia Colony

this phylum has a dominant polyp stage


tiny holes in an earthworm's skin used for excretion of waste products

Ascaris can be both male and female? (T/F ?)


Are Metridium colonial


are the spongias fibers flexible


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