Biology 4th 9 weeks test + Chemistry 4th 9 weeks test

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Genetic variation among species is favored by the Law of Evolution. Change will always happen over time when sexual reproduction is used. It is inherent in the process of Meiosis. This variation allows for a population's members to have differing degrees of reproductive success. Which of the following is NOT a part of creating genetic variation in the process of sexual reproduction. 1. Independent Assortment 2. Homologous chromosomes 3. Crossing over 4. Random fertilization

Homologous chromosomes

Boyle's Law

P1V1 = P2V2


a group of similar organisms that can mate and produce viable and fertile offspring

The following fossils, as seen in the graphic below, were found in different layers of rock. Using the practices of Relative Dating, what is one inference that could be correctly made based upon the information in the graphic? 1. The fossils in the upper most layer where the last organisms to die. 2. The fossils in the bottom layer were the last organisms to die. 3. The Phacops species (2nd down) existed 2 million years ago. 4. The fossils get younger the deeper down you go into soil layers.

1. The fossils in the upper most layer where the last organisms to die.

Mole Ratio

2A + B3 / A:B = 2A:3B

Which location below is known as the Abyssal Zone, which is the deepest parts of the Benthic Zone? A B C E



A solution that contains more solvent than solute

All ecosystems must abide by the Law of Conservation of Matter and also the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Which statement below regarding these two laws is NOT true in ecosystem dynamics? 1. All energy remains inside the earth's atmosphere. 2. All energy for the planet starts as sunlight. 3. Energy flows through ecosystems in a one-way path ending with heat. 4. Matter is recycled within ecosystems.

All energy remains inside the earth's atmosphere.

Which of the following represents a population of organisms? 1. All the animals and plants on an island. 2. All the fish species found in a large lake. 3. All members of Tenebrio molitor beetles. 4. All insects found in 50 acres of land.

All members of Tenebrio molitor beetles.

As defined in the question above, Biomes are defined by certain abiotic environmental factors. These abiotic factors are also affected by the basic geography of the earth. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the Biome trends on Earth as it relates to Geography? 1. As you go toward the poles, the amount of light intensity increases. 2. The most precipitation on earth occurs between the tropic latitudes of 23.5N and 23.5 S. 3. As air moves over mountains, the precipitation must leave the air and cause deserts in the shadow. 4. As you go up in elevation by 1000 ft., the average temperature decreases by roughly 60

As you go toward the poles, the amount of light intensity increases.

Which location is known as the Benthic Zone? A B C D


The above Boom-Bust graph shows the relative populations of Snowshoe Hare (a rabbit) to the population of Canadian Lynx (predatory cat) fluctuation over time. Each species is evolving over time in direct response to the reproductive pressures of the opposing species. What is the term that best defines this interaction of reproductive pressures? 1. Coevolution 2. Boom-Bust Evolution 3. Successful Reproductive Evolution 4. Reproductive Pressure Evolution


As environments change over time for various reasons, it places stress upon the organisms living there. In terms of evolutionary flow over time, there are three possibilities that can occur; directional, diversifying, and stabilizing. Which of the following graphs is incorrectly paired with the types of evolutionary flow models?


Which location below is known as the Photic Zone? A B C D


The taxonomic system is an important method of trying to classify the millions of different species of organisms on Earth. At the top of the hierarchy system it is most inclusive. At the bottom of the hierarchy it is most specific naming individual species. Which of the following correctly represents a portion of classification from top to bottom? 1. Domain, Kingdom, Family, Phylum 2. Kingdom, Genus, Species, Phylum 3. Order, Genus, Family, Species 4. Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class

Organisms, such as kangaroos, that evolved in a defined location are referred to as normal, or native, species. Organisms that are found in places where they are not native are known as transplant species. Sometimes these non-native species are referred to as invasive. Which of the following is an example of an accidental transplant species? 1. Fire ants 2. African Killer Honey Bees 3. Snakehead fish 4. Kudzu

Fire ants

A species of bacteria has unlimited food and unlimited space. The bacteria essentially live in an ideal environment for growth. The population is essentially doubling every 45 minutes. This growth would produce a straight up line on a population graph over time. What is the term we use to describe maximum growth over a period of time due to ideal environmental conditions existing? 1. Intrinsic Growth 2. Maximum Growth 3. Ideal Growth 4. Optimal Growth

Intrinsic Growth

The image below shows a polar food chain. The shaded area within each organism represents the amount of poison present within the body tissues of that organism. What harmful ecological process is occurring and why within this food chain? 1. It is biological amplification as the poison is adding up to a greater and greater level with each seal it eats. 2. It is biological magnification because the amount of poison is increasing with each step up the food chain. 3. It is biological amplification because the amount of poison is increasing with each step up the food chain. 4. It is biological magnification as the polar bear will die due to the poison being in the highest concentration within its body.

It is biological magnification because the amount of poison is increasing with each step up the food chain.

Survivorships, such as in the graphic, can tell us a lot about a species, such as the average age it will live to, where it is in the food chain, if the environment is harsh or favorable, and parental investment in the young. Which of the curves above is a physical impossibility for any species and why? 1. It is curve C because it would mean that organisms are being harvested at a specific time by another species. 2. It is curve E because this curve could promote extinction of a species with so many dying at an early age. 3. It is curve B because nature will not have organisms "spontaneously" appear to generate a hump. 4. It is curve A because nature cannot support that many organisms living that long in terms of available food.

It is curve B because nature will not have organisms "spontaneously" appear to generate a hump.

There were many influential people before Darwin that were instrumental in helping Darwin construct his Theory of Natural Selection that tries to propose a means for the changing of life on Earth over time. Which of the following is incorrectly paired with his contributing theory? 1. Jean Baptist Lamarck proposing the Theory of Inheritance of acquired Characteristics by means of Use and Disuse. 2. Aristotle proposing the Theory of Scala Naturae. 3. Charles Lyell proposing the Theory of Uniformitarianism 4. James Hutton proposing the Theory of Catastrophism.

James Hutton proposing the Theory of Catastrophism.

The population growth curve above shows a population's growth slowing down as it begins to approach the carrying capacity for that given environment. Over time, the species' population begins to snake around the carrying capacity producing an "s" curve. Species that have reached the relative carrying capacity of an environment and exhibit logistical growth are referred to as: 1. R selective species 2. J selective species 3. K selective species 4. S selective species

K selective species

According to the data below, which location has the greatest Species Richness and which location has the greatest Relative Abundance? 1. Location B has the greatest Relative Abundance; Location A has the greatest Species Richness. 2. Location B has the greatest Species Richness; Location A has the greatest Relative Abundance. 3. Location A has the greatest Species Richness; Both areas are equal in Relative Abundance. 4. Both locations have equal Species Richness; Location B has greater Relative Abundance.

Location B has the greatest Species Richness; Location A has the greatest Relative Abundance.


M = Mol solute/kg solvent

When sexual dimorphism exists within a species, there is usually some type of competition that occurs for mating rites. There is either Intrasexual competition or Intersexual competition. Which of the following is an example of Intersexual competition? 1. Men fist fighting over a female. 2. Male lions fighting. 3. Elephants having pushing wars. 4. Male Blue-Footed Boobies performing a mating dance.

Male Blue-Footed Boobies performing a mating dance.

One of the most important aquatic biomes is an area where water sits in areas on land for long periods of time, hence the term wetlands. These wetlands serve as important breeding grounds and feeding areas for numerous species of birds as they migrate north in the summer and south in the winter. Two types of wetlands exist: swamps and marshes. If they both have standing water on land, what is the difference? 1. Marshes have reed grasses and swamps have trees. 2. Swamps are found inland and marshes are found at the coast. 3. Marshes have crocodiles and swamps have alligators. 4. Swamps have reed grasses and marshes have trees.

Marshes have reed grasses and swamps have trees.

Molar Mass

Mass of Element 1 + Element 2

Darwin proposed his Theory of Natural Selection November 24, 1859 in the book titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. In this book, he makes several references to species trying to survive long enough to reproduce and keep the species existent on Earth. Which of the following references is NOT one of Charles Darwin's? 1. There exists variation among offspring. 2. More offspring are produced than can possibly survive in a given environment. 3. There is competition among species for limited resources. 4. The organisms that are the "fittest" are always largest and strongest.

More offspring are produced than can possibly survive in a given environment.

The earth is 2/3rds covered by various water biomes. Water biomes help control the temperature of the earth by acting as heat "piggy banks" during the day, storing heat energy and then acting as heating blankets releasing the stored heat during the cold nights. Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding aquatic biomes in general? 1. Most plant and other autotrophs live in the benthos regions of bodies of water. 2. As water, in the form of rain, runs over the earth's surface it picks up precious nutrients by erosion and dissolves them to carry them to larger bodies of water, such as streams, estuaries, lakes, oceans. 3. As the depth increases in a body of water, the less light is able to penetrate to power photosynthesis. 4. Colder water holds more dissolved Oxygen gas than does warmer water.

Most plant and other autotrophs live in the benthos regions of bodies of water.

The Blue-Footed Boobie family shown above represents one of the 5 required conditions for a population to be potentially in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium - random mating. Species being in a state of equilibrium is extremely rare because all species are evolving as the world's environments are changing. Which of the following listed below is NOT one of those four remaining conditions? 1. There must be a very large population as to minimize any change that may occur to an individual. 2. Mutations within a genome are not important and can therefore happen as they are rare anyway. 3. There must be no natural selection occurring as the environment is considered favorable for all individuals of the population. 4. There can be no migration of individuals into or out of an existing population.

Mutations within a genome are not important and can therefore happen as they are rare anyway.

The Nitrogen Cycle is all about bacteria as they are the only organisms that have the ability to directly manipulate Nitrogen-containing compounds such as NH3, NH4, NO2, NO3. Without these organisms to manipulate the Nitrogen, all organisms would cease to exist because there would be no way to create Nitrogen containing compounds such as: DNA, RNA, ATP, and Amino Acids. Which bacteria are responsible for the primary conversion of NH3 to absorbable, by plant roots, NH4. 1. Ammonification bacteria 2. Nitrifying bacteria 3. Nitrogen fixing bacteria 4. Denitrifying bacteria

Nitrifying bacteria

Carolus Linnaeus developed the Classification System seen above, known as Binomial Nomenclature. This system defines the millions of different species of organisms found on the planet now as well as the past. Which statement below is a true statement regarding the order of taxa (taxon singular) used within the system? 1. Families are a subcomponent of Genus. 2. Classes are composed of unrelated Orders. 3. Species is the least specific taxon. 4. Phylum is more inclusive than Class.

Phylum is more inclusive than Class.

There are three main ways that scientists attempt to show common ancestry. Common ancestry could mean recent in time or distant in time. In order to compare the similarity (common ancestry), you must use homologous features and not analogous features. Which of the choices below in NOT a way to use homologous features to show common ancestry? 1. Embryological Development Phases 2. DNA nucleotide sequencing 3. Anatomical Structural comparison 4. Physiological (function) similarities

Physiological (function) similarities

Remember to study the frequency math


Using the graphic above to indicate evolutionary relationships, determine which point would show the most recent common ancestor between organisms 2 and 3. 1. Point C 2. Point A 3. Point D 4. Point B

Point B

If you have a lot of offspring but do not provide a lot of parental care you are described as a? 1. R selected 2. K selected 3. S selected 4. J selected

R selected

Individuals do not evolve new traits over time. Populations evolve new traits over time by changes created within the DNA nucleotide sequence due to environmental pressures being forced upon the organisms living in that environment. Which of the following situations would result in the lowest rate of DNA change within a population? 1. Reproduction with an extremely high rate of mutation in the formation of gametes. 2. Reproduction of organisms by asexual means. 3. Reproduction involving sexual means. 4. Reproduction in an environment with high levels of predation and competition.

Reproduction of organisms by asexual means.

Farmer Oldus E. McDonald is looking at his Farmer's Almanac and trying to determine when he will need to plant his corn crop to be ready to harvest before July 4th. His corn was in greatest demand at that time due to all the July 4th picnics. The almanac says to plant his corn seed on April 25th of this year. Before he can plant the seeds, he must till (plow up) the old soil and allow it to aerate ("breath"). Farmer McDonald's field will undergo what type of succession? 1. Secondary succession as soil already existed. 2. Primary succession as soil will need to be "created". 3. Secondary succession as soil will need to be "created". 4. Primary succession as soil already exists.

Secondary succession as soil already existed.

How does the logistic model of population growth differ from the exponential model? 1. The graph of the logistic model has a J shape. 2. The logistic model considers the environment's carrying capacity. 3. The graph of the exponential model is S shaped. 4. The exponential model shows a restricted growth rate.

The logistic model considers the environment's carrying capacity.

The earth is full of different animals, plants, fungi, protists, and prokaryotes (bacteria). Each of these life forms lives in a specific environment found on earth and has a specific niche within that biome. The biomes are defined by certain abiotic factors. Which of the following is NOT an abiotic factor? 1. The struggles with competing species to find enough resources. 2. The temperature at various times of the year. 3. The amount of precipitation over a year. 4. The amount of sunlight in a given day.

The struggles with competing species to find enough resources.

Which of the following involves a situation in which a density-dependent factor influences a population? 1. Several seasons passed during which rainfall was ample, winters were not severe and food for snow hares was in good supply. 2. The white-tailed deer from the north side of a mountain move into the range of the white-tailed deer on the south side of the same mountain, making food more scarce. 3. A hurricane severely disrupted a salt marsh and uprooted most of the marsh grass in an estuary. 4. After a heavy rain, pesticides that were applied to a cotton crop to control weevils ran off into a waterway that flows next to a field.

The white-tailed deer from the north side of a mountain move into the range of the white-tailed deer on the south side of the same mountain, making food more scarce.

The age pyramid above is for an Arabian Peninsula country called Bahrain. In Bahrain, men are considered more important than women, unfortunately. The men retain all the family wealth and property and arrange marriages based upon dowries. If men are considered more important in Bahrain, what is a future problem that could occur, like what is happening right now in China? 1. There would be fewer jobs for women to help support their families. 2. There could be fewer women, so women could be more selective of whom they marry. 3. The human species would go extinct in that area as there would be no way to reproduce. 4. There could be fewer women to marry so males would become more violently aggressive in the competition for any available women.

There could be fewer women to marry so males would become more violently aggressive in the competition for any available women.

Homologous structures can be used to tell a wide variety of information. Which of the following statements would be supported by the differences in the arrangement of the bones in the forelimbs of the human, whale, dog, and bat seen above? 1. They contain the same genetic information. 2. They possess adaptations needed for their specific environment. 3. The descended from the same recent ancestor. 4. They live in the same environmental conditions.

They possess adaptations needed for their specific environment.

In all ecosystems, there are autotrophs, consumers, and decomposers. For consumers there are different levels of consumer. Which species, according to the food web below could be a Tertiary consumer? 1. Grasshopper 2. Toad 3. Praying Mantis 4. Garter Snake


The Gel Electrophoresis graphic below displays the DNA fragment separation of 4 species of organisms. Determine which Phylogenetic Tree represents the BEST relationship among the species. 1. Tree II 2. Tree IV 3. Tree I 4. Tree III

Tree II

Charles Law

V1/T1 = V2/T2

The Harvard professor Stephen J Gould proposed the Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium. The theory basically states that there are these major random catastrophic events that interrupt long periods of stability on Earth. Which of the following is NOT a major catastrophic event associated with Punctuated Equilibrium? 1. World War II 2. Formation of Pangea 3. Asteroid Impact Theory 4. Oxygen Revolution

World War II

Mole fraction

Xa = a/a + b


all of the interacting communities in a given area

Which one of the following best describes an abiotic factor? 1. a single species of venus fly trap in the Rainforest 2. population of geese 3. an inland saltwater sea 4. predator-prey relationship

an inland saltwater sea


collection of interacting populations within the same given area


converts the inorganic into organic energy-storing materials


different traits exist within a given species or population

Which of the following encompasses all the others? 1. individual 2. community 3. ecosystem 4. population


Cladogram/Phylogenetic Tree

evolutionary tree diagram used to show shared characteristics


exists because a resource is in short supply

The shallowest parts of the benthic zone is called the intertidal zone. This zone is characterized by 1. great stability of temperature and water pressure. 2. exposure to air when the tide goes out 3. the absence of plants and animals 4. lack of sunlight

exposure to air when the tide goes out


fixed volume and a fixed shape

Mass percent

g solute/g solution x 100


have fixed volume but no fixed shape

Analogous Structures

have similar functions but do not indicate common ancestry

Bodies of water that support life are heavily dependent upon two abiotic components - temperature and nutrient availability. The 3 types of lakes (Oligiotrophic, Eutrophic, and Mesotrophic) resemble the headwaters, midstream, and estuaries of a river. Which of the following options has the correct type of lake associated with the correct river and stream portion? 1. midstream and eutrophic 2. oligiotrophic and eutrophic 3. headwaters and oligiotrophic 4. mesotrophic and estuaries

headwaters and oligiotrophic


the gradual change in a species over time


m = Mole solute/L solvent

Volume percent

mL solute/mL solution x 100

Artificial Selection

man selects what traits are desirable (beneficial) in a species


measure of the amount of solute dissolved in a specified quantity of solvent


no fixed volume but no fixed shape


one organism benefits from the interaction while the other organism is unaffected


one organism feeds off of a host; death does NOT occur

Which of the following lists the levels of ecology from smallest to largest? 1. organismal, community, population, ecosystem 2. biome, biosphere, ecosystem, community 3. organismal, population, community, ecosystem 4. ecosystem, population, community, biosphere

organismal, population, community, ecosystem


organisms of the same species in the same place, at the same time with evidence of reproduction


organisms that obtain energy by consuming other organisms

Vestigial Structures

organs that appear to have been needed in the past but are slowly disappearing


process by which an element or compound transitions from its liquid state to its gaseous state below the temperature

Natural Selection

process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce

Which of the following choices would best describe the dispersal pattern on seed being spread by wind? 1. random 2. uniform 3. clumped


Different species have different survival curves. A Type III survival curve would most likely be observed for _____________. 1. seals 2. salmon 3. whales 4. polar bears


Homologous Structures

similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor, indicate common ancestry


solution containing less than the maximum amount og solute

Saturated Solution

solution containing maximum amount of solute

Supersaturated Solution

solution containing more than the maximum solute than can theoretically dissolve at a given temperature

primary succession

starting from scratch

secondary succession

starting over at the grasses level

Which event is correlated with the beginning of exponential growth in the human population? 1. the start of the Industrial Revolution 2. the bubonic plague epidemic 3. the end of the Second World War 4. the invention of agriculture

the invention of agriculture


the transition from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase

primary production

total amount of solar energy converted to chemical energy by producers

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