Biology Midterm: 1.4 Packet Answers

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Which of the following organisms can perform alcoholic fermentation? 1. yeast, 2. humans, 3. bacteria.

1 and 3 (yeast and bacteria)

Fermentation involves which stages of cellular respiration? 1. glycolysis, 2. the Krebs cycle, or 3. electron transport?

1 only (glycolysis)

Without oxygen, organisms can just split glucose into ____ molecules of pyruvate.


A way of making ______ without oxygen is called fermentation.


Aerobic respiration produces much more ______ than anaerobic respiration.


energy in the cell


Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration, and discuss the advantages of each.

Aerobic respiration uses oxygen, while anaerobic respiration does not. Aerobic advantages: - The amount of energy it releases - oxygen allows organisms to break down glucose into carbon dioxide. - releases enough energy to produce up to 38 molecules of ATP. Anaerobic advantages: - Let's organisms live in places where there is little oxygen such as deep water, soil and animal digestive tracts. - produces ATP very quickly

Why do your muscles get sore after intense activity?

Because your muscle cells used lactic acid fermentation for energy which causes the lactic acid to build up in your muscles which makes your muscles feel tired and sore.

Alcoholic fermentation explains why your muscles are sore after intense exercise.


Anaerobic respiration is a very slow process.


Anaerobic respiration produces much more ATP than aerobic respiration.


Fermentation is the process of making ATP in the presence of oxygen.


Fermentation recycles NADP+


Some organisms may may not be able to survive in the presence of oxygen.


There are three type of fermentation: anaerobic, aerobic, and cellular.


What is fermentation?

Fermentation is a way of making ATP from glucose without oxygen.

Why is NAD+ so important in fermentation?

It allows glycolysis to continue so it can make ATP.

recycles during fermentation


Both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation begin with the same molecule. What is that molecule and where did it come from?

The molecule is pyruvate acid and it came from glycolysis.

Why is bread light and fluffy?

The small holes in bread are formed by bubbles of carbon dioxide. The gas was produced by alcoholic fermentation carried out by yeast.

Aerobic respiration evolved after oxygen was added to Earth's atmosphere.


Alcoholic fermentation explains why bread dough rises.


Anaerobic respiration lets organisms live in places where there is little or no oxygen.


Bread rises because of alcoholic fermentation.


Fermentation allows glycolysis to continue in the absence of oxygen.


Most living things use glucose to make ATP from oxygen.


Some organisms can use both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.


Some plants and fungi and many bacteria do not need oxygen.


perform cellular respiration in the presence of oxygen

aerobic respiration

In ________ fermentation, pyruvic acid changes to alcohol and carbon dioxide.


fermentation in which pyruvic acid changes to alcohol and carbon dioxide

alcoholic fermentation

respiration in the absence of oxygen

anaerobic respiration

The small holes in bread are formed by bubbles of ____________, which is produced by alcoholic fermentation in yeast.

carbon dioxide

In alcoholic fermentation...

carbon dioxide is released

Most organisms use oxygen to make ________ from glucose.


an important way of making ATP without oxygen


Organisms that can make ATP without oxygen include some plants and ________ and also many bacteria.


During lactic acid fermentation, NAD+ cycles back to allow ________ to continue.


Fermentation involves _________, but not the other two stages of cellular respiration.


stage of cellular respiration that occurs with or without oxygen


Which of the following is true about anaerobic respiration?

it is a very fast process, it allows organisms to live in places where there is little or no oxygen, and it evolved before aerobic respiration.

In _____________ fermentation, pyruvic acid is from glycolysis changes to lactic acid.

lactic acid

makes your muscles feel tired and sore after intense exercise

lactic acid

fermentation in which pyruvic acid from glycolysis changes to lactic acid

lactic acid fermentation

In lactic acid fermentation...

lactic acid is produced.

can use lactic acid fermentation for energy

muscle cells

Aerobic respiration evolved after ________ was added to Earth's atmosphere.


Complete this sentence. Most living things use ______ to make _________ from glucose.

oxygen, ATP

product of glycolysis

pyruvic acid

Both alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation...

start with pyruvic acid, recycle NAD+ from NADH, and allow glycolysis to continue.

After intense activity, your muscles feel sore because of...

the accumulation of lactic acid.

_____ in bread dough use alcoholic fermentation and produce carbon dioxide gas.


can use alcoholic fermentation for energy


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