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(Q012) The Whig party tended to attract members of all of the following groups EXCEPT

Catholic immigrants. FEEDBACK: See pages 468-469; Topic - Jacksonian Era, Political Parties, Whigs/1830s

(Q019) The Tariff of 1828 was dubbed the "Tariff of Abominations" because it hit northern industries hard and pleased only southerners.

FALSE FEEDBACK: See page 459; Topic - Presidents, Jackson, Economic, The Tariff/1830s

(Q020) Daniel Webster's famous quotation, "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable," was made in a speech denouncing Jackson's veto of the Maysville Road.

FALSE FEEDBACK: See page 460; Topic- Jacksonian Era, Sectionalism, Veto, Webster-Hayne Debate, States' Rights/1830s

(Q028) During the economic depression following the Panic of 1837, Van Buren supported emergency government aid for the unemployed.

FALSE FEEDBACK: See page 475; Topic - Presidents, Van Buren, Economic, Panics, Government Limitations/1830s

(Q029) Harrison's win in the presidential election of 1840 is attributed to his detailed economic plans and enthusiastic support for government spending to boost the economy.

FALSE FEEDBACK: See page 478; Topic - Presidential Elections, Political Parties, Presidents, W. H. Harrison, Whigs/1840s

(Q018) The Eaton affair united Martin Van Buren and John C. Calhoun.

FALSE FEEDBACK: See pages 447-449; Topic- Presidents, Jackson, Cabinet, Women/1820s

(Q021) Native resistance to the Indian Removal Act came largely from northern tribes.

FALSE FEEDBACK: See pages 451-453; Topic - Jacksonian Politics, Southern Indians, Removal Policy Indians/1830s

(Q023) Enemies of the Bank of the United States included Nicholas Biddle.

FALSE FEEDBACK: See pages 456-457; Topic - Presidents, Jackson, Economic, National Bank/1830s

(Q025) The first third party in presidential politics was the Whig party.

FALSE FEEDBACK: See pages 462, 468-469; Topic - Presidential Elections, Political Parties, Anti-Masonic, Whigs/1830s

(Q001) Which of the following statements accurately describes Andrew Jackson?

He actively campaigned among the people, unlike many candidates before him. FEEDBACK: See pages 443-444; Topic - Presidents, Jackson, Background, Scots-Irish/1760s-1840s

(Q005) Which of the following is true of Robert Y. Hayne during the Webster-Hayne debate?

He believed that only the states had the right to nullify federal laws they disliked. FEEDBACK: See pages 459-460; Topic - Jacksonian Era, Sectionalism, States' Rights/1830s

(Q006) Which is true of Jackson during his presidency?

He gave federal positions to friends and supporters. FEEDBACK: See page 447; Topic - President Jackson, Jacksonian Era, Jacksonian Politics

(Q008) Which of the following actions did Jackson take in regards to Native American rights?

He refused to enforce a Supreme Court decision in Native Americans' favor. FEEDBACK: See page 454; Topic - Jacksonian Politics, Southern Indians, Removal Policy, President Jackson/1830s

(Q003) The vice president during Andrew Jackson's first term as president was

John C. Calhoun. FEEDBACK: See page 447; Topic - Jacksonian Administration, The Cabinet, Calhoun/1820s-1830s

(Q007) What was a result of Henry Clay's compromise in 1833?

South Carolina rescinded its nullification of the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832. FEEDBACK: See page 467; Topic - Jacksonian Era, Sectionalism, Nullification, South Carolina/1830s

(Q017) Andrew Jackson was the first president from a western state.

TRUE FEEDBACK: See page 443; Topic - Presidents, Jackson, Background/1800s

(Q016) During the 1820s and 1830s, a growing number of white men who did not own land were given the right to vote.

TRUE FEEDBACK: See page 444; Topic - Presidents, Jackson, Democracy, Voting Rights/1830s

(Q026) The first party in American presidential politics to hold a national convention was the Anti-Masonic party.

TRUE FEEDBACK: See page 464; Topic - Presidential Elections, Political Parties, Anti-Masonic/1830s

(Q030) For nearly two decades, the American two-party system was dominated by the Democrats and the Whigs.

TRUE FEEDBACK: See page 469; Topic - Political Parties, Whigs/1830s-1840s

(Q027) The Distribution Act of 1836 gave surplus funds in the federal treasury to the states.

TRUE FEEDBACK: See page 471; Topic - Jacksonian Era, Economic/1830s

(Q022) In the case of Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokees were a "distinct political community" in which Georgia law had no force.

TRUE FEEDBACK: See pages 453-454; Topic - Jacksonian Politics, Southern Indians, Removal Policy, Key Supreme Court Decisions/1830s

(Q024) During the political struggle known as the Bank War, Jackson viewed the Bank of the United States as a dangerous monopoly controlled by a few wealthy men.

TRUE FEEDBACK: See pages 456-457; Topic - Presidents, Jackson, Economic, Political, National Bank/1830s

(Q011) Which of the following statements accurately describes the Whigs?

They supported economic nationalism. FEEDBACK: See page 469; Topic - Jacksonian Era, Political Parties, Whigs/1830s

(Q015) The "Log Cabin and Hard Cider" campaign was in support of

William Henry Harrison. FEEDBACK: See page 478; Topic - Presidents, W. H. Harrison, Presidential Elections, Whigs/1840s

(Q013) Causes of the Panic of 1837 included

a financial crisis in England FEEDBACK: See pages 474-475; Topic - Presidents, Van Buren, Economy, Panics/1830s

(Q014) To keep the government financially sound after the Panic of 1837, Van Buren proposed

an independent treasury. FEEDBACK: See pages 475-476; Topic - Presidents, Van Buren, Economy, Governmental Institutions, Treasury/1830s

(Q010) Jackson helped to bring an early end to the Bank of the United States by

beginning to deposit government funds in state banks rather than in the Bank of the United States. FEEDBACK: See page 468; Topic - President Jackson, Jacksonian Politics, Economy, National Bank/1830s

(Q004) Jackson's veto of the Maysville Road Bill

struck at both Calhoun and Clay. FEEDBACK: See page 449; Topic - Jacksonian Administration, Cabinet, Internal Improvements/1830s

(Q009) Which of the following Native American groups did the U.S. government force to walk 800 miles west on the Trail of Tears?

the Cherokee FEEDBACK: See pages 454-455; Topic - Jacksonian Politics, Southern Indians, Removal Policy/1830s

(Q002) The Eaton affair involved

the marriage of a senator to a woman with a scandalous reputation. FEEDBACK: See pages 447-449; Topic - Presidents, Jackson, The Cabinet, Women/1820s

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