CH 25 Exam study

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Identify the letter indicating the "neck" of the uterus.


Identify the letter indicating the ejaculatory duct.


Identify the letter indicating the site where ectopic pregnancies most commonly occur


name the 3 layers of the vagina, in what order, & which tissue type is the mucosa

Adventitia (Outer) Muscularis Mucosa - consists of lamina propria & stratified squamous epithelium (deepest)

what is the clitoris & what male structure is it homologous to

Anterior to vestibule, erectile tissue homologous to penis

testicular arteries

Arterial supply of the testes

Identify the letter indicating the gland that secretes neutralizing mucus prior to ejaculation.


pampiniform plexus

Network of veins that surrounds the testicular artery derived from the testicular vein. helps keep testes cool

name the blood vessels that take blood to and from the testes & what are its function

Pampiniform plexus- takes blood away from testes, takes away heat from the arteries

The most effective way to detect cervical cancer in its earliest stage is by a(n) ________.

Papanicolaou (Pap) smear

what are the 3 layers of the wall of the uterus, which layer contracts during childbirth and what tissue type is it

Perimetrium Myometrium - contract during childbirth (smooth muscle) Endometrium (deepest)

chorionic villi

These are finger like projections that form the fetal portion of the placenta.

what is the fundus

Top part of the uterus (rounded superior portion)

Which of the following events occurs when the testes do not descend before birth?

Viable sperm will not be produced.

Which of the following occurs when the testes do not descend into the scrotum before birth

Viable sperm will not be produced.

events leading to fertilization

Sperm binds to the zona pellucida and undergoes the acrosomal reaction *cortical reaction* - enzymes prevent any other sperm from binding to the egg

be able to sequence the development of spermatogonia to sperm (i.e. spermatogonia become what, then what, etc.)

Spermatogonia primary spermatocytes secondary spermatocytes spermatids

spiral arteries

Supply blood to functional layer of endometrium (a portion must regrow after each menses)

Although the ovaries and uterine tubes are retroperitoneal, oocytes are ovulated into the peritoneal cavity.


Breast milk collects in the lactiferous sinus when a woman breastfeeds her infa


Cryptorchidism is a congenital condition in which one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum.


Granulosa cells of a maturing ovarian follicle convert androgens to estrogens that will stimulate proliferation of the endometriu


Oogenesis takes years to complete.


Sustentocytes support developing sperm and form a blood-testis barrier.


The epididymis, ductus deferens, and seminal vesicles are all derived from mesonephric (Wolffian) ducts.


dartos muscle

a layer of smooth muscle. Responsible for wrinkling of scrotal skin reducing heat loss.

Of the following tubes, which is the only one that lies partly outside the testis?

efferent ductule

The ________ is formed by the union of the ductus deferens and seminal vesicles.

ejaculatory duct

the prostate

encircles the prostatic urethra secretes about 25-30% of seminal fluid

labia majora (majus)

encloses the labia minora (minus)

The uterus is composed of three basic layers. The innermost layer is the ________.


Sperm become motile in the


Erection is caused by

erectile bodies filling with blood.

Ovarian follicles contain ________ and thecal cells which, after ovulation, differentiate into the corpus luteum

granulosa cells

The cells that secrete estrogens in females are

granulosa cells.

The function of the pampiniform plexus of veins is to

help cool blood.


homologous to the male penis; composed of erectile tissue

the monthly menstrual cycle is due to

hormonal fluctuations in ovaries and uterus

ovarian cortex

houses developing oocytes

what is the hymen & where is it located

incomplete diaphragm (incomplete covering of vagina) -opening part of vagina

An ovulated oocyte swept into the oviduct via fimbriae moves from the ________ of the oviduct to the ampulla, then the isthmus, and finally into the uterus.


parts of the uterine tubes

infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus

Testes descend through the ________ into the scrotum.

inguinal canal

superior portion of ductus deferens runs through

inguinal canal


inner layer of trophoblast


interlacing bundles of smooth muscle

Type of cell in the testes that produces testosterone.


The zona pellucida

is a protective shell around the oocyte that sperm must penetrate for fertilization to occur.

A hydrocele

is excess serous fluid in the scrotum.

The uterus consists of the fundus, body, cervix, and ________.


The acrosomal reaction occurs

just before fertilization.

The female homologue of the male scrotum is the

labia majora.

The embryonic urethral folds develop into the female

labia minora.

In breast cancer, the cancer cells usually originate from the

lactiferous ductules.

what is the glans penis

large end (head of penis)

what does myoid cell do

like muscle, when contract, squeezes sperm out

In an adult woman who has never been pregnant, the breasts have poorly developed or no

lobules of acini/alveoli.

ovarian medulla

loose connective tissue

Which of the following is not contained in the fluid secreted by the seminal gland?


what structures form the spermatic cord

made up of vas deferens, testicular vein and artery, and nerves

The first menstruation is called ________.


the uterine cycle has a series of cyclic phases of the endometrium:

mentrual phase - days 1-5 proliferative phase - days 6-14 secretory phase - days 15-28

name the artery that branches from the abdominal aorta & takes blood to the ovaries

mesenteries artery

The uterus is anchored to the lateral walls of the pelvic cavity by the ________, the largest section of the broad ligament.


An episiotomy during childbirth is performed to

minimize tearing of the central tendon and muscles of the pelvic floor.


modified sweat glands


mucosal lining of the uterine cavity


multicellular sacs housing oocytes

the uterus is supported by

muscles of the pelvic floor and central tendon

Most support of the uterus is provided by the

muscles of the pelvic floor.

Which testicular cells help deliver sperm to the epididymis by contracting rhythmically?


the sperm is directed through the straight tubules, rete testes and efferent ductules by

myoid cell contraction and ciliated epithelium

This layer of the uterus contracts during parturition to expel the baby.


the bulbo-urethral glands

neutralizes traces of acidic urine


never occurs in females.

luteal phase

occurs in last half of the ovarian cycle (days 15-28)

The female uterine cycle begins

on the first day of menstruation.

three erectile bodies

one corpus spongiosum two corpora cavernosa


outer cells of the blastocyst that secrete enzymes that allow implantation


outer layer of trophoblast

name the primary sex organ for the female


the female reproductive system includes

ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, mammary glands

mons pubis

overlies pubic symphysis

corpora cavernosa

paired structure that makes up most of the penis.


parasympatheic control

Wall of the uterus

perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium

uterine cycle

prepares uterine wall for implantation

the female reproductive system

produces gametes (ova)

three parts of the male urethra

prostatic, membranous/intermediate part, spongy

the male perineum

pubic symphysis anteriorly coccyx posteriorly ischial tuberosities laterally


recess formed at the superior part of the vagina as it meets the cervix

Tubules that connect testicular lobules with the efferent ductules of the epididymis.

rete testis

Which of the following anchors the uterus into an anteverted position in the pelvis?

round ligament


rounded upper portion of the uterus

what does interstitial cell do

secrete testoterone

In cows, the nipples (teats) are in the groin region, not in the midthorax as in humans. What is the most logical reason for this difference between cows and people?

Cows' mammary glands arise from a different part of the milk line.

Identify the letter indicating the tissue layer which is shed during menstruation.


ovarian cycle

stimulates production of ovarian follicles and oocytes

The epithelium lining the vagina is

stratified squamous.

Contraction of the fibromuscular ________ of the prostate squeezes prostatic secretions into the urethra during ejaculation


All of the following are located within the spermatic cord except the

superficial inguinal ring.

what does sustentocyte cell do

supporting cells

Sustentocytes - Sertoli (nurse) cells

surround spermatogenic cells tight junctions between cells - create a blood testis barrier which protects developing sperm from the immune system.

In females, the paramesonephric ducts give rise to

the uterine tubes and uterus.

In addition to remaining granulosa cells, which of the following cell types make up the corpus luteum?

theca cells

What is scrotum used for

to keep sperm alive, surrounds testes

the ductus (vas) deferens

travels within the spermatic cord. At it's distal end it widens into the ampulla before joining the duct of the seminal gland to for the ejaculatory duct.

the testes have 2 tunics (coverings):

tunica vaginalis - testes enclosed in a serous sac tunica albuginea - fibrous capsule of the testes

glandular structure

undeveloped in non-pregnant women

anteverted (anteflexed)

usual position of uterus

ampulla of uterine tube

usual site of fertilization (not implantation)

straight arteries

uterine radial artery branch that supplies blood to the basal layer of the endometrium

The most common site of ectopic pregnancy is the

uterine tube.

The usual site of embryo implantation is the


secondary follicle grows and becomes a

vesicular (graaflan) follicle - ready to be ovulated

The ________ of the female genitalia is a central space surrounded by the labia minora.


What is dartos muscle used for

when contracts causes wrinkling of scrotum skin

What is cremaster muscle used for

when contracts pulls testes goes up -elevates testes

greater vstibular glands

secretes lubricating mucous when aroused

the corpus luteum

secretes progesterone and acts to prepare for implantation of an embryo

All of the following are functions of the sustentocytes in the seminiferous tubules except

secretion of testosterone.

The ________ phase of the uterine cycle occurs after ovulation


which accessory gland produces most of the volume of semen & which accessory gland produces a mucus

seminal glands cowper's gland


"neck" of the uterus

zona pellucida

(literally: clear zone) glycoprotein coat surrounding oocyte forms

A difference between a primary follicle and a primordial follicle is that

) the primordial follicle has only a single layer of flat follicular cells, whereas the primary follicle is comprised of cuboidal follicle cells.

be able to sequence the stages of development as discussed in lecture & when is an individual considered a fetus

-Zygote (fertilize egg) -Embryo -Fetus - when all organs present: end of 8 weeks -Neonate (moment when born)

The typical (diploid) cells of the body have 46 chromosomes; how many chromosomes does each gamete have?


the duct of the epididymis is

6 m long (when uncoiled)

follicular phase

6-12 primordial follicles growth stimulated by FSH from anterior pituitary primordial follicle becomes a primary follicle primary follicles become a secondary follicle

what is the cervix

Below part of the uterus (neck of uterus)

Identify the letter indicating the gland that secretes lubricating mucus into the vaginal orifice


Identify the letter indicating the site of sperm maturation and storage


Identify the letter indicating where fertilization normally occurs


spermatic cord contains

Ductus deferens Testicular blood vessels Nerves

Identify the letter indicating the cervix.


Identify the letter indicating the organ that directs sperm toward the seminal vesicles during ejaculation.


be able to sequence the movement of sperm from the testis to the outside of the body

Epididymis-> vas deferens -> ejaculatory duct -> urethra

During the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle, a single primordial follicle develops, and theoocyte within it completes meios


In females, the first sign of puberty is usually the onset of menarche, the first menstruation.


Lobules and alveoli of the breast develop during pub


Primordial follicles develop into primary oocytes within the germinal epithelium of the ovary.


Seminiferous tubules are the site of sperm storage.


Spermatogonia are located near the lumen of seminiferous tubules


The ductus deferens and uterine tube are homologous structures, each deriving from the same embryonic duct.


The ejaculatory ducts are formed by the union of the ductus deferens and uret


The spermatic cord is another name for the ductus deferens.


During the proliferative phase of the uterine cycle, these vessels grow and proliferate.

spiral arteries

The suncytiotrophoblast secretes

HCG (measured in home pregnancy test kits) and many other substances to regulate pregnancy

what are the 3 regions of the uterine tube, in what order, & which region is the usual site of fertilization

Infundibulum Ampulla - usual site of fertilization Isthmus

Which of the following statements about pelvic inflammatory disease is incorrect?

It inhibits ovulation

sudden increase in _____ is signal for ovulation


The structural basis of the blood-testis barrier is

the tight junctions between sustentocytes.

corpus luteum

The remains of a follicle after an oocyte has been released, and which secretes progesterone. (yellow body)

the seminal glands secrete

about 60% of the volume of semen, which contains substances that suppress immune response against semen.

the vagina consists of three coats

adventitia - fibrous connective tissue muscularis - smooth muscle mucosa - marked by transverse folds or rugae (consists of lamina propria and stratified squamous epithelium)

placental barrier consists of

all three layers of the chorionic villi: syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast, extraembryonic mesoderm

The function of the cremaster muscle is to

alter the position of the testes in the scrotal sac with increases in ambient temperature

Inguinal hernias

always enter the inguinal canal.

Fertilization of the ovum normally occurs in this region of the oviduct.


In which part of the uterine tube does fertilization usually occur?



and incomplete diaphragm

The fluid-filled cavity in a mature ovarian follicle is known as


The seminal vesicles

are glands that secrete most of the volume of the semen.

Identify the letter indicating the organ commonly referred to as the birth canal


Identify the letter indicating the region of the uterus known as the fundus.


Why would a man's entire genetic heritage be placed in such a superficial and vulnerable location?

because sperm would not be viable at body temperature and the placement allows for a cooler temperature.

what is the purpose of the round ligament

bind uterus to anterior pelvic wall

round ligaments

bind uterus to the anterior pelvic wall

uterosacral ligaments

bind uterus to the posterior pelvic wall (sacrum)

penis shaft

body of penis that contains most erectile tissue

Which structure develops into the umbilical cord?

body stalk

The largest macroscopic region of the uterus is its


the mammary glands


Which female structure is homologous to the corpus spongiosum of the penis?

bulb of the vestibule

Fingerlike placental structures where oxygen and nutrients from the maternal blood supply diffuse into the embryonic blood.

chorionic villi

The placenta consists of which two structures?

chorionic villi and decidua basalis

The bulb of the vestibule and the ________ are erectile bodies in females.


Which structure is not derived from the embryonic paramesonephric ducts?


corona radiata

coat of granulosa cells surround oocyte


common site for ectopic pregnancy

Technically, the theca folliculi is not part of the ovarian follicle, although it is associated with it. Instead, the theca folliculi arises from the

connective tissue that fills the area between follicles.

The crura are extensions of the ________, the paired erectile bodies of the penis, and attach the penis to the pubic arch.

corpora cavernosa

if there is no implantation the corpus luteum dies and becomes a

corpus albicans (white body)

Which of the following organs does not contribute secretion(s) during the male sexual response?

corpus cavernosum

Contraction of the ________ in the wall of the spermatic cord raises the testes closer to the body cavity.

cremaster muscle

viruses, alcohol, and heroin can

cross the placental barrier

Identify the letter indicating the common passageway for semen and urine in men.


Identify the letter indicating the infundibulum


Involuntary contraction of this smooth muscle layer wrinkles and thickens the walls of the scrotum to prevent heat loss.

dartos muscle

In the early fetus, all of the following are parts of the chorionic villi except the


In males, the paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts

degenerate and don't form any structures in males.


distal end of uterine tube surrounded by fimbriae

glans penis

distal expanded end

Tubular organ that is transected during a vasectomy.

ductus deferens

Which of the following pairs of structures is not derived from the same embryonic tissues?

ductus deferens, uterine tube

Identify the letter indicating the female erectile tissue homologous to the male penis.


The deep inguinal ring is formed by

fascia layer deep to the transversus abdominis muscle.

tunica albuginea of ovary

fibrous capsule of ovary covered in simple cuboidal (germinal) epithelium.

suspensory ligaments (of cooper)

fibrous connective tissue, run from the dermis to the deep fascia and provides support for the breast

The opening of the oviduct is surrounded by these structures.


permatogenic cells are controlled by

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) testosterone

The ovarian cortex consists of

follicles and connective tissue.

the ovarian cycle has three successive phases

follicular phase ovulation luteal phase

what is the prepuce



foreskin (removed in circumcision)

By undergoing meiosis, each primary spermatocyte ultimately gives rise to how many sperm cells?


The capillaries within a chorionic villus of the placenta contain blood

from the fetus.

A woman's sex cells (germ cells) originate embryologically

from yolk sac endoderm.

During the menstrual phase of the uterine cycle, the inner ________ of the endometrium is shed.

functional layer

uterine wall - 2 layers

functional layer - shed with menses basal layer - not shed

Accessory sex organs

glands and external genitalia

lobules of the testis contain 1-4 coiled

seminferous tubules

The correct sequence of sperm-transporting tubules that transport spermatozoa to the epididymis is the

seminiferous tubule to straight tubule to rete testis to efferent ductule.

seminiferous tubules

separated by areolar connective tissue

what cell forms the blood testis barrier & what is it used for

seratoli cells (tight junctions) - protects developing sperm from immune system


serous layer - is the visceral peritoneum

The milk-producing cells in the breast are

simple cuboidal epithelial cells in alveoli.

Cremaster (suspender) muscle

skeletal (and smooth) muscle surrounding the testes contracts and elevates the testes in cold, relaxes in heat.


skin and superficial fascia surrounding the testes.

A factor that propels an oocyte through the uterine tube is

smooth muscle contraction (peristalsis).


space between the labia minora houses opening to urethra and vagina

spermatogenic cells produce


what does spermatogenic cell do

sperm forming cells

seminiferous tubules consits of

spermatogenic cells - sprem-forming cells columnar sustentocytes - sertoli (nurse) cells myoid cells - surround seminiferous tunules (contract rhythmically) interstitial endocrine cells (secrete testosterone that is regulated by LH)

corpus spongiosum

surrounds spongy urethra

The vaginal fornix

surrounds the tip of the cervix.

A woman has developed a cancerous lump in each breast, and the skin of the breasts is dimpled. What structure(s) is (are) causing the dimpling?

suspensory ligaments of the breast


sympathetic control

This multinucleate embryonic structure invades the uterus, digesting cells and maternal blood vessels to make way for development of the placenta.


In the late stages of pregnancy, the placental barrier of the chorionic villi consists only of which two layers?

syncytiotrophoblast and capillary endothelium


takes many years to complete surge of LH Meiosis II is completed only if sperm penetration occurs.

name the primary sex organ for the male


Primary sex organs (gonads)

testes and ovaries

All of the following are adaptations for keeping the testes cool except the

testicular artery.

Sperm are moved into the epididymis from the testis by

testicular fluid moved by cilia and smooth muscle cells.

During a 20-day journey, sperm gains

the ability to swim

fertilization occurs when

the chromosomes of male and female gametes join

The prepuce of the clitoris is formed by

the labia minora.

menstrual cycle

the monthly cycle as it affects all female reproductive organs


the production of sperm cells

At what point during fetal development is the decidua basalis/chorionic villi collectively referred to as the placenta?

the start of fourth month

Which of the following is the primary sex organ in the male?

the testis

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