Chapter 1, Chapter 3 cells, Chapter 4 tissues, Chapter 5 integument, Chapter 2, AP 5 Integumentary System Part 3- Accessory Structures, Anatomy and Physiology I- Chapter 5 learnsmart, 3.2b Classification of Chemical Reactions, Chapter 3 Energy, Chemi...

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For a chemical reaction that involves simple chemical structures bonded together into a more complex molecule, choose the more accurate term in each pair that best describes this type of chemical reaction: (a) Synthesis or decomposition reaction; (b) Exergonic or endergonic reaction; (C) collective term for this type of reaction (catabolism or anabolism).

(a) synthesis, (B) endergonic, (c) anabolism.

which of the following statements is correct

*the Krebs *during the Krebs *the energy ALL ARE CORRECT*************

changes in chemical structure & energy, reversibilty or irreversibility


An atom with a valence of three may have a total of blank electrons


And Adam with a balance of three may have a total of

13 electrons



citric acid cycle

2 ATP, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2

intermediate stage


The numbers listed represent the number of electrons in the first, second, and third energy levels, respectively. On this basis, which of the following is an unstable or reactive atom


Average body temperature is-?- degrees centigrade


What is the ratio of fatty acids to glycerol and neutral fats


A Mistry Adam has 17 protons. How many electrons are in its valence shell


A mystery Adam has the atomic number of 74 which means it would have which of the following

74 protons

The composition of eccrine glands secretions is

99% water, NaCl, trace amounts of Waste and vitamin C

The composition of Eccrine glands secretions is

99% water, and NaCl, trace amounts of waste and vitamin C

Which of these describes the plasma membrane

A complex phospholipid Byler containing cholesterol and proteins that surrounds the cell

In general, the lipids that we referred to as oil's have

A high degree of saturation

Once solid material is phagocytized and taken into a vacuole, which of the following statements best describes what happens

A lysosome combines with the vacuole and digests the enclosed solid material

What is a dipole

A polar molecule

What is the Dipole

A polar molecule

What is a chain of more than 50 amino acids called

A polypeptide

Homeostasis is the condition in which the body maintains

A relatively stable internal environment, within certain limits

A gene can best be defined as

A segment of DNA that carries the instructions for one polypeptide

Choose the answer that best describes fibrous proteins

A very stable and insoluble in water

What molecule is formed from exergonic reactions and used as the energy currency for endergonic reactions and other energy-requiring processes in the cell?


Melanocytes in keratinocytes work together to protect the body from UV damage. The keratinocytes

Accumulate melanin granules produced by melanocytes and the granules remain in the keratinocytes after they die, providing UV protection

Which of the following is NOT A roll of molecular chaperonins

Act as a platform for assembling primary protein structure

Apocrine Sweat Glands

Active at puberty - composed of coiled tubular glands, usually open into hair follicles superficial to opening of sebaceous gland found in axilla, genitalia (external labia, scrotum), around anus and poss produce pheromones

Which of the following disorders may cause the skin to appear tanned, not yellow

Addison's disease

If mature Adiopocytes rarely divide, how do adults become obese

Adiopocytes contain a vacuole that can dramatically fill with lipid making the cells increase in size. It can also shrink

Synthesis reaction (example)

Amino acids -> Dipeptide

Which of the following describes a parasagittal plane

Any cut along a sagittal plane that is not the midline cut

Because the lipid Byler is very Impermeable to water, the membrane has transmembrane proteins allow water to enter or exit the cell


The tissue that forms the framework from the lamina propria of mucous membranes is

Areolar connective tissue

Hair Muscles

Arrector pili (smooth muscle) contract causing hair to "stand on end". Skin pushed up by movement of hair follicle

The anatomical position is used

As a standard reference point for directional terms, regardless of the actual position of the body

Water loss through the epidermis could cause a serious threat to health and well-being. Which of the following protects us against excessive water loss through the skin

As the keratinocytes begin to die in the stratum granulosum awesome, they secrete lamellar granules which contain a water resistant glycolipid

Place the following in correct sequence from simplest to most complex

Atoms Molecules Cells Tissues Organs

Exchange reaction (definition)

Atoms, molecule, ions, or electrons are exchanged between two chemical structures; AB + C -> A + BC

Millions of dollars are spent on deodorant and antiperspirant each year. Sweat is mostly water and when secreted is odorless, so what causes body order

Bacteria breakdown lipids and proteins and apocrine secretions

A splinter penetrated into the skin of the soul of the foot, almost to the papillary region of the dermis. Which layer of the epidermis would be the final layer injured


All epithelia rest upon a---blank---produced by cells of the underlying connective tissue and the acts to adhere the epithelia to the connective tissue

Basement membrane

----?----have a bitter taste, feel slippery and are proton acceptors


Select the correct statement regarding the stem cells of connective tissue

Blast cells are undifferentiated, actively dividing cells

Which of the following is an example of suspension


Which of the following is not found in the matrix of cartilage but is found in bone

Blood vessels

What happens in redox reactions

Both decomposition and electron change occur

The dorsal body cavity is the site of which of the following


In the body, HCO3 is a weak base with a very important use in the body, it is used as


The secretion of sebum, from sebaceous glands, is stimulated

By hormones, especially androgens

Burns are devastating and debilitating because of loss of fluids and electrolytes from the body. How do physicians estimate the extent of burn damage associated with such dangerous fluid loss

By using the rule of nines

Which of the following would be regarded as an organic molecule


Reversible reaction (example)

CO2 + H2O <-> H2CO3 <-> (H+) + H(CO3)-

Cardiac muscle tissue is Uni nucleated, has intercalated discs, is branched and is---blank---

Capable of auto depolarization

The four elements that make up about 96% of the body matter are

Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen

Which of the following describes the operation of the heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular physiology

Tissue necrosis factor alpha is a cytokine that activates cysteine-dependent aspartrate-directed proteases, which are also known as executioner proteins for their role in apoptosis. This family of enzymes is known by the acronym


Electron microscope has revealed a pinwheel array of nine triplets of microtubules arranged to form a hollow tube within cells. The structure is called


Which glands produce ear wax

Cerminous glands

Which glands produce your wax

Ceruminous glands

The term that describes the NECK region is


What three criteria that classify chemical reactions?

Changes in chemical structure, changes in chemical energy, and whether it is irreversible or reversible.

Riboswitches are folded RNAs that act as switches to turn proteins on or off in response to

Changes in the environment

Stress proteins are a type of protein called


Which statement best describes connective tissue

Characterized by the matrix, which may be extensive

Exergonic reations (definition)

Chemical reaction in which chemical energy is released.

Endergonic reactions (definition)

Chemical reaction that requires the input of energy.

Which of these cell types is not found in areolar connective tissue


Which of these cell types is not found in areole or connective tissue


The fiber type that gives connected tissue great tensile strength is


The single most abundant protein in the body is


The reason intervertebral disks exhibit a large amount of tensile strength, which allows them to absorb shock, is because they possess

Collagen fibers

You notice that you cannot read your book through a test tube of patient fluid held against the print, making it so blurred as to be unreadable. There is no percipient in the bottom of the beaker, though it has been sitting for several days in a rack. What type of liquid is this



Contain enzymes capable of detoxifying substances


Contain some of the DNA and RNA necessary for their own function

ATP Cycling (definition)

Continuous formation and breakdown of ATP

If you consider your home air conditioner in terms of homeostasis, then the wall thermostat would be the

Control center

A needle would pierce the epidermal layers of the forearm in which order

Corn rum, granulosum, spinosum and basale

What is the regional term for the hip region


Seborrhea in infants is also known as

Cradle cap

Exchange reaction (example)

Creatine phosphate + ADP -> Creatine + ATP

Which of the following statements is most correct regarding the intracellular chemical signals known as second messengers

Cyclic AMP And calcium maybe second messengers

If mitosis is the division of the nucleus, then--- blank ---is the division of the remaining cytoplasmic mass into two cells


Choose the anatomical topic and definition that is NOT correctly matched

Cytology: Study of structures in a particular region

Select the most correct statement regarding nucleic acids

DNA is a long, double-stranded molecule made up of A, D, G, and C bases

Which of the following would NOT be a functional characteristics of life


AB --> A+B (type of reaction)

Decomposition reaction

Exergonice reactions (example)

Decomposition reactions; glucose to carbon dioxide and water.

Which of the following cells and their functions are correctly matched

Dendritic cells-immunity

The absorptive cells of the digestive track are simple columnar epithelium that has which characteristic

Dense microvilli

The papillary layer of the dermis is connective tissue heavily invested with blood vessels. The superficial surface has structures called

Dermal papillae

Which type of so Junction asked anchor cells and distribute tension to reduce the chance of tearing when a group of cells are subjected to shear forces, mechanical stress


An oblique cut through a specimen is a cut that runs

Diagonally between vertical and horizontal planes

Sucrose is a


Which term means toward, or at the back of the body, as in, behind


The body cavities that protect the nervous system are located in the

Dorsal cavity

Which of the following is not a contrasting feature between epithelial tissue and connected tissue? That is, these tissues her office in many ways, but which choice is untrue

ET consists of loosely spaced cells, while CT cells are tightly packed

Sudoriferous (sweat) glands are categorized as two distinct types. Which of the following are those two types

Eccrine and appocrine

The shape of the external ear is maintained by

Elastic cartilage

Which type of energy is represented by the flow of charged particles along the conductor and by the flow of ions across the membrane


Mesenchymal cells are most commonly found in ---blank--- connective tissue


Glands, such as the thyroid, that secrete their products directly into the blood rather than through ducks, are classified as


Which of the following organelles plays a role in steroid based hormone and protein synthesis

Endoplasmic reticulum

Arteries, veins, and then FedEx keep clots from sticking as long as their ----blank--- is intact and healthy


Which of the following is true about epithelia

Endothelium provide to slick surface lining all hollow cardiovascular organs

Which of the following is true about epithelia

Endothelium provides a slick surface lining all hollow cardiovascular organs

---?---- can only be measured by its effects on matter


Caveolae are closely associated with all of the following except

Enzymes involved in cell metabolism

Which statement about enzymes is FALSE

Enzymes must contact their substrate to be activated

Which statement about enzymes is false

Enzymes must contact their substrate to be activated

Which of the following does NOTdescribe enzymes

Enzymes work by raising the energy of activation

Most human cancers are carcinoma or adenocarcinomas. Which of the four basic tissues is involved if "adeno" is a prefix meaning gland


Which tissue type arises from all three embryonic germ layers

Epithelial tissues

Which of the following me occur when a person is embarrassed, or has a fever, hypertension or allergies


Which of the following may occur when a person is embarrassed, or has a fever, hypertension, or allergies


Oxidation-Reduction Reactions (definition)

Exchange reaction involving transfer of electrons from one chemical to another.

An increased rate of breathing as a result of an increased buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood stream would be best described as an example of

Excretion (of metabolic waste)

----Blank---are amino acid coding sequences of DNA, while ----blank ---are non-coding segments that provide a reservoir of ready to use DNA segments for evolutionary changes


Blank are amino acid coding sequences of DNA while blank are non-coding segments that provide a reservoir of ready to use DNA segments for evolutionary changes


The major regions of the hair shaft include all the following except

External root shaft

Hair Growth Cycle Lenghts

Eyelashes - grow 30 days, rest 105 Scalp - grow 3 yrs, rest 1-2 yrs - approx 90% scalp hair in growing stage, loss of approx 100 hairs per day is normal

Ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and the golgi apparatus functionally act in sequence to synthesize and modify proteins for secretory use only, never for use by the cell. This statement is

False; integral cell membrane protiens are synthesized this way

Connective tissue matrix is composed of

Fibers and ground substance

The dermis is a strong, flexible connective tissue layer. Which of the following cell types are likely to be found in the dermis

Fibroblasts, macrophages, and mast cells

The dermis is a strong, flexible connective tissue layer. Which of the following cell types are likely to be found in the dermis

Fibroblasts, microphages, and mast cells

Sebaceous glands are simple alveolar glands that are functionally holocrine which means the cells producing sebum

Fill up until they explode

What is the most important role of the arrector Pili muscles in humans

Force sebum out of the hair follicle to the surface of the skin


Forearm (the portion of the upper limb between the elbow and the


Forearm (the portion of the upper limb between the elbow and the

Which of the following is not a function of lysosomes

Forming acid hydrolysis that are necessary to help form cell membranes

Which of the following is not a function of lysosomes

Forming acid hydrolysis that are necessary to help form so membranes

What is a vertical section through the body called that divides it into anterior and posterior regions



Gains Electrons is Reduced

Select which reactions will usually be irreversible regarding chemical equilibrium and human bodies

Glucose to CO2 and H2O

The ---blank---is the sticky, carbohydrate rich area on the cell surface. It helps bind cells together and provides a highly specific biological marker by which cells can recognize each other


Carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles in the form of


Which of the following is not a factor that binds cells together

Glycolipids in the glycocalax

Which specialized epithelial cells are commonly found wedged between simple columnar epithelial cells

Goblet cells

Which of the following would be most important to goblet cells and other glandular epithelium

Golgi bodies

The study of large body structures, visible to the naked eye, such as the heart, is called

Gross anatomy

What are the three main component of connective tissue's

Ground substance, fibers and cells

Hair Growth

Growth - cells added at base and hair elongates (avg 0.3 mm/day) Rest - follicle shortens and holds hair in place. Rest, then hair falls out of follicle. New hair begins

Hair Structures

Growth, Color, Muscles

Which of the following is a neutralization reaction

HCI + NaOH---NaCl + H2O


Heat energy is usually available to do work.

The blast cell for blood production is the


Which property of water is demonstrated when we sweat

High heat of vaporization

Which is true concerning muscle tissue

Highly cellular and well vascularized

Proteins called ---blank---act as spools around which DNA is rep to protect it


Although the integument is a covering, it is not by means simple, and some of the functions include

Hosting resident macrophages whose roles include consuming pathogens and presenting antigens to other white blood cells

Which bonds often bind different parts of a molecule into a specific 3-D shape


A type of bond that is important for tying together different parts of the same molecule into a three-dimensional structure is called a

Hydrogen bond

---blank---is the pressure of water exerted on a cell


Crenation (shrinking)is likely to occur in blood cells immersed in

Hypertonic solution

The function of the route hair plexus is to

I love the hair to extend the sensory capability of the skin

Which of the following is not a type of mixture


Raul has been taking by ambulance to the hospital. The EMT tells the admitting nurse that Raul is, "complaining of pain in his left axilla which radiates medially down his arm." Which of the following best locate this pain

In his left armpit and the inner portion of his arm, extending perhaps into his hand

Apocrine glands which begin to function at puberty under hormonal influences, seem to play little role in thermoregulation. Where would we find these glands in the human body

In the axillary and anogenital region

A nurse charts the following information: "patient has an open wound located at the lateral aspect of the leg, distal to the knee." Where is this wound located?

In the perineal or fibular area on the outside of the leg.

A good example of a positive feedback mechanism would be

Increasing frequency of contractions during labor

The first step in tissue repair involves


If a person develops pleurisy, what condition do they have

Inflammation of the Pleura covering the lungs

Adema occurs when

Information results in excess fluid collecting in areolar tissue

Which of the following is not a roll of cell adhesion molecules

Initiators of cell to cell signaling for muscle contraction

Heart muscle cells would tend to separate without

Intercalated discs

Which of the following organs or structures would be found in the left iliac region


A bond in which the electrons are completely lost or gained by the Adams involved is called an

Ionic bond

Salts are always

Ionic compounds


Is the division of the nucleus in a somatic cell

What do Merocrine glands produce?

Isotonic fluid (H20 and NaCl, but also excretory because sweat included ammonia, urea, uric acid and lactic acid). As fluid moves through duct, NaCl is moved by active transport back into body, conserving salts. Final product is hyposmotic (hypertonic) sweat

Select the correct statement about isotopes

Isotopes of the same element have the same atomic number but differ in their atomic masses

The reason of the hypodermis acts as a shock observers is that

It contains a large amount of adipose

Epithelia tissue is a vascular but innervated. What does this mean

It contains nervous but not blood vessels

In addition to protection (physical and chemical barrier), the skin serves other functions. Which of the following is another vital function of the skin

It converts a cholesterol product made in the epidermis to a precursor of vitamin D which is important for calcium homeostasis

The rule of nines is so named because

It divides the body up into areas, each containing about 9% of the total body area(except the gentitals)

Select the correct statement regarding adipose tissue

It is a primary site of nutrient storage, and provides insulation and cushioning

Which of the following statements is true of connective tissue

It is the collagen that provides high tensile strength

Which of the following statements is MOST correct regarding homeostatic imbalance

It is the ultimate cause of most disease

Which of the following changes to skin color may indicate liver disease


Cell remnants found in the stratum corneum are

Keratinized keratinocytes

Which of the following is the most abundant cells of the epidermis


Which statement correctly explains why hair appears the way it does

Kinky hair is a result of flat, ribbonlike hair shaft

Decomposition reaction (definition)

Large molecule is digested or broken down into smaller structures.

Which of the following statements is FALSE

Larger particles move faster than smaller ones and thus collide more frequently and more forcefully

In which quadrant of the abdominopelvic cavity is the stomach located

Left upper quadrant


Leg (the portion of the lower limb between the knee and the ankle)

Pseudostratified Columnar epithelium, or ciliated variety

Lines most of the respiratory tract

The partial pleura are serous membranes

Lining that the thoracic cavity

----blank----are assemblies of saturated phospholipids and contain a higher amount of sphingolioidds and cholesterol and other regions of the plasma membrane. This is important for the role and cell signaling

Lipid rafts

If cells are placed in a hypertonic solution containing a solute to which the membrane is impermeable what could happen? The cells will

Lose water and shrink


Loses Electrons is Oxidized

What is the first threat to life from a massive third-degree burn

Lots of body fluids

The proximal portion of the nail that contains a white Crescent is called the


Which of the following imaging devices would best localize a tumor in a persons brain


The integumentary system is protected by the action of cells that arise from bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. Which of the following are those cells

Macrophages called dendritic cells and langerhans cells

In general, the main purpose of negative feedback is to

Maintain homeostasis

Although I man who weighs 175 pounds on earth would weigh less on the moon and more on Jupiter, his---?-----would not be different


Anything that occupies space and mass is called


Which of the following cutaneous receptors is specialized for the reception of touch or light pressure

Meissner's corpuscles

Which of these is an inclusion and not an organelle


The following is true regarding skin cancer

Melanoma is a rare but must be removed quickly to prevent them from metastasizing

2 types of Sweat (sudoriferous) Glands

Merocrine (eccrine) and apocrine

Which of the following would not be a constituent of a plasma membrane

Messenger RNA

Which of the following cutaneous receptors a specialized for reception of touch or like pressure

Messiners corpuscles

Which of these organelles is composed of hollow cytoskeletal elements


Which structures are fingerlike projections that greatly increase the surface area of the cell for absorption


Where in the cell may you find DNA that is not in the nucleus


Which protein types are vitally important to cell function and all types of stressful Circumstances

Molecular chaperones

Which of the following is a function of plasma membrane protein

Molecular transport through the membrane

Which of the following is a function of the plasma membrane protein

Molecular transport through the membrane

Macrophages differentiate from


What move cell organelles from one location to another inside a cell

Motor proteins

Oxidation-reduction reactions (example)

NAD+ (oxidized) encounters (2H+) and (2e-); 1H+ and 1e- combine to form (H); (H) and the remaining e- bind to the NAD+ (at the C-H site and N site respectively). NADH and H+ are left.

Electron transfer occurs when NAD+ becomes NADH. Is the NAD+ oxidized or reduced? Explain.

NAD+ is reduced to become NADH because NAD+ gained electrons (2e- and H+) to become NADH.

two coenzymes in cellular respiration that act as hydrogen atom receivers and transporters are


does facilitated diffusion require ATP


Which of the following is necessary for proper conduction of nerve is impulses


Nail Anatomy

Nail Body, Eponychium (cuticle), hyponychium, matrix (nail bed), root

A withdrawal reflex is an example of which type of homeostatic feedback?


Which of the following statements is true concerning feedback mechanisms

Negative feedback mechanisms work to prevent sudden, severe changes within the body

Which one of the following systems response fastest to environmental stimuli


Are Brownian Motion, diffusion and osmosis only seen in living cells

No, they are passive processes and can occur in the absence of cells

A bond in which electrons are equally shared is called a

Nonpolar covalent bond

How was Hyaline Cartlidge different from elastic or fibrocartilage

Normally, the fibers within the matrix are not visible

Which of the following are survival needs of the body

Nutrients, water, atmospheric pressure and oxygen

What are the most important factors influencing hair growth

Nutrition and hormones

Reduction (definition)

Occurs when a chemical gains an electron.

Oxidation (definition)

Occurs when a chemical loses an electron.

The cavities housing the eyes are called the

Orbital cavities

A structure that is composed of two or more tissue types that work together to perform specific functions for the body is called


The functions of centrioles include

Organizing them mitiotic spindle during cell division

What tissue has Lacunae, calcium salts, and blood vessels

Osseous tissue

The single most important risk of skin cancer is

Over exposure to UV radiation

When we breathe, we are both absorbing

Oxygen and Excreting carbon dioxide

Which of the following disorders may cause the skin to appear tanned not yellow


Which of the following is a change to the skin that may occur due to fear, anger, anemia or low blood pressure


The anatomical position is characterized by all of the following except

Palms turned posteriorly

The heart lies in the

Pericardial cavity

Macrophages and macrophage-like cells are found throughout the body in many different tissues. Regardless if they are called dendritic cells, langerhans cells, dust to cells or macrophages, they all share a functional characteristic which is that they are all


Which vascular transport process occurs primarily and some white blood cells including macrophages


Which vesicle transport process occurs primarily and some white blood cells, including macrophages


Which of the following is a principle of the fluid Mosaic model of cell membrane structure

Phospholipids form a Bilayer that is largely in permeable to water soluale molecules

Which of the following is a principal of the fluid Mosaic model of cell membrane structure

Phospholipids from a Byler that is largely impermeable to water-soluble molecules

Which of the following does NOT describe USES for ATP molecule

Pigment structure

Which of the following does not describe uses for the ATP molecule

Pigment structure

In which body cavity are the lungs located

Pleural, ventral and thoracic

A bond in which electrons are unequally shared is called a

Polar covalent bond

The posterior knee area, that is the area behind the knee, it's called


Blank is an inherited condition that affects the heme pathway, it leaves the skins guard and gums degenerated, and may have led to the folklore about vampires


Which statement best describes the difference between potential and kinetic energy

Potential energy may be stored in ATP, while kinetic Energy may be the result of using ATP to drive cilia.

Which of the following is not a roll of macrophages during wound healing

Production of collagen fibers to pull the edges of the wound together

Which of the following statements describes the mechanism by which we are protected from the damaging effects of UV radiation

Prolonged exposure to sunlight induces melanin synthesis and secretion. Melanin acts as a natural sunscreen by absorbing UV energy

Which of the following is not typically associated with hair loss

Protein rich diet

Which of the following is not a function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Protein synthesis in conjunction with ribosomes

The basic structural material of the body consists of


---Blank---epithelium appears to have two or three layers of cells, but all the cells are in contact with the basement membrane

Pseudostratified columnar

Reversible reaction (definition)

Reactants become products at a rate equal to products becoming reactants; no net change in concentration.

Irreversible reaction (definition)

Reactants converted to product at a rate that yields a net loss of reactants and a net gain in products.

Some hormones enter cells via

Receptor mediated Endocytosis

Which transport process is the main mechanism for the movement of most macromolecules by body cells

Receptor mediated endocytosis

Which of the following is not a step and tissue repair

Regeneration of new stem cells

Which of the following are subdivisions of anatomy

Regional, systemic and surface

Carbohydrates and proteins are built up from their basic building blocks by the

Removal of a water molecule between pairs

Which of the following does not serve as a signal for cell division

Repressor jeans

A patient has a respiratory disease that has literally paralyzed cilia. Which of the following diseases or disorders would be most likely the risk factor for this

Respiratory infections

In skeletal and cardiac muscle cells, calcium ions are stored in

Sacroplasmic reticulum

What is a vertical section through the body, dividing it into left and right, called


2 Types of Glands

Sebaceous and Sweat

Acme is a disorder associated with

Sebaceous glands

What level of protein synthesis is represented by the coiling of the protein chain into an alpha helix

Secondary structure

One of the functional characteristics of life is excitability, or, responsiveness. This refers to

Sensing changes in the environment and then reacting or responding to them

The genetic information is coded in DNA by the

Sequence of nucleotides

A Mistry Adam has 17 protons. How many electrons are in the valance shell



Shaft protrudes above skin surface, root located below surface; base of root is the hair bulb

Hair Structure

Shaft, root (follicle) and hair bulb.

And inability to absorb digested nutrients and secrete mucus in the G.I. T might indicate a disorder in which tissue

Simple columnar epithelium

Can you tubules are composed of

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Kidney tubules are composed of

Simple cuboidal epithelium

The following is a single -celled layer of epithelium that forms the lining of serous membranes

Simple squamous

The blank muscle cells are multinucleated due to the fusion of myoblast. This form is a true


The sacroplasmic reticulum is an elaborate and specialized ---blank---found in muscle cells

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

The sacroplasmic reticulum is an elaborate blank and specialized bling found in muscle cells

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following is the major positive ion outside cells


Which type of cancer appears as a scaly reddend papule and tends to grow rapidly and metastasize

Squamous cell carcinoma

Which type of skin cancer appears as a scaly red papules and tends to grow rapidly and metastasize

Squamous cell carcinoma

Select the correct statement regarding epithelia

Stratified epithelium are found in areas of the body where abrasion is possible

A many-layered epithelium with cuboidal basal cells and flat cells at its surface would be classified as

Stratified squamous

Nail Body

Stratum Corneum - thin plate, consisting of layers of dead stratum corneum cells that contain very hard type of keratin. Is what you see of nail.

Epidermis consist of five layers of cells, each letter with the distinct role to play in the health, well-being, and functioning of the skin. Which of the following layers is responsible for cell division and replacement

Stratum basale


Stress hair loss, can have bald spots size of nickle up to dollar size. Not specific for male or female

Decomposition reaction (example)

Sucrose (dissaccharide) -> glucose

The red cell placed in distilled water would

Swell and burst

-----?----cavities are the spaces found within joints


Amino acids joined together to make a peptide is a good example of a


Endergonic reactions (examples)

Synthesis reactions; formation of a dipeptide from two amino aciids.

Which of the following is a skin sensory receptor for touch

Tactile corpuscle

Proteins called ubiquitins are responsible for

Tagging proteins for destruction

End cap Regions of the chromosomes contain nonsense code called---blank---thought to be important to protect the ends of the chromosomes from damage. Since they decrease in length with each cell division, they are thought to be critical timer for aging


In which stage of mitosis do the identical sets of chromosomes uncoil and resume their chromatin form


The chemical symbol O=O means

The Atoms are double bonded

Why are the organs in the abdominal cavity vulnerable to blunt trauma in an auto accident if a person is only wearing the lap belt

The abdominal cavity walls are not reinforced with bones

Despite its apparent durability, the dermis is subject to Terry. How might a person know that the dermis has been previously stretched and war-torn

The appearance of visible, silvery white scars is an indication of stretching of the dermis

Choose the answer that best describes HCO3

The bicarbonate ion found in blood

Eyebrow and eyelash hairs are always much shorter than hairs on your head because

The folicles are only active for a few months

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the fusion

The greater the concentration gradient, the faster the rate

Select the MOST correct statement

The lymphatic system and immune system's are closely associated

Passive membrane transport processes include

The movement of a substance down its concentration gradient


The names of most enzymes end with the suffix - ___

Select the correct statement regarding tissue repair

The process of information includes capillary dilation and increased permeability

Explain what occurs when the equilibrium is disturbed in reversible reactions by changes in reactants and products.

The rate of reaction either goes up or down, depending on what is disturbed. Equilibrium will be out of balance, and there will be more or less of the product or reactant depending on which is the limiting agent.

A chemical reaction in which bonds are broken is usually associated with

The release of energy

Which of the following is false regarding the membrane potential

The resting membrane potential is maintained solely by passive transport process

The dermis has two major layers. Which alert constitutes 80% of the dermis and is responsible for the tension lines in the skin

The reticular layer

Which of the following is true about the mode of secretion or exocrine glands

The secretary process does not alter merocrine glands

Which of the following is true about the mode of secretion of exocrine glands

The secretory process does not allow Merocrine glands

The following events referred to tissue repair put them in order starting with the initial event, injury, which is number one

The skin is cut and begins to bleed Blood clotting occurs in the bleeding stops Granulation tissue is formed Fibroblasts elaborate connective tissue fibers to span the break Macrophanges and golf and clean away cellular debris The wound retracts Epithelial regeneration is nearly complete

Why is it so difficult to repair a torn tendon

The tissue is very poorly vascularized

What does CH4 mean

There are one carbon and for hydrogens bound together

Which of the following is NOT true of proteins

They appear to be the molecular carriers of coated hereditary information

The design of a persons epidermal Ridge is determined by the manner in which the papillae rest upon the dermal ridges. This produces the distinctive patterns known as fingerprints, handprints, and footprints. Which of the following statements is true regarding these prints of ridges

They are unique to each person because they are genetically determined and environmentally modified

What does the formula C6H12O6 mean

This molecule has six carbon, 12 hydrogen and six oxygen atoms

Which of these is not part of, or in, the dorsal cavity

Thoracic cavity

The term"pollex" refers to the


Which of the following helps prevent molecules from passing through the extracellular space between adjacent cells

Tight junctions

Which of the following is not considered a factor in influencing a reaction rate


Groups of cells that are similar instruction and perform a common or related function form


Histology is best defined as the study of?


Similar cells with the common function are called


In a DNA molecule, the phosphate serves

To hold the molecular backbone together along with the adjacent sugar

In a DNA molecule, the phosphate serves

To hold the moleculer backbone together along with the adjacent sugar

Identify important functions of the golgi apparatus

To modify, sort and package proteins

Which of these is not a function of plasma membrane

To prevent potassium ions from leaking out and sodium ions from entering the cell

Which of these is not a function of the plasma membrane

To prevent potassium ions from leaking out and sodium ions from entering the cell

One strategy in the body to allow an organ to greatly expand and contract and size is to use a ---blank---epithelium composed of 3 to 6 layers of cells that can themselves change shape and slide somewhat pass each other to allow the organ to expand or contract


Synthesis reaction (definition)

Two or more atoms, ions, or molecules are combined

If a tRNA had a AGC anticodon, it could attach to a ---blank---mRNA condon


If the nucleotide, or base, sequence of a DNA strand used as a template for messenger RNA transcription is ACGTT, then what would be the sequence of bases in the corresponding mRNA


if the nucleotide or base sequence of the DNA strand used as a template for messenger RNA synthesis is ACGTT


Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is most commonly found in the

Uppermost layer of skin

Choose the following statement that is not correct regarding Serous membranes

Visceral pericardium covers the outer surface of the heart and Parietal paraCardium lines the internal walls of the chambers (of the heart)

Choose the following statement that is NOT correct regarding Serous membranes

Visceral pericardium covers the outer surface of the heart and parietal pericardium lines the internal walls of the chambers (of the heart).

Which of the following is fat-soluble, produced in the skin on exposure to UV radiation, and necessary for normal bone growth and function

Vitamin D

The main component of the cytosol is


The single most abundant chemical substance in the body, accounting for 60 to 80% of body weight, is


What is a function of, and varies with, gravity


Which of the following statements is FALSE

When the hydrogen ion concentration decreases

A dendritic or Langerhans cell is a specialized

White blood cell

Vernix caseosa is a

Whitish secretion produced by fetal sebaceous glands


Within the Cartlidge divide and secrete matrix


Within the Cartlidge divide and secrete new matrix

Can Merocrine sweat glands be used for polygraph?

Yes. Sweat can be released in palms, soles and axillae as a result of emotional stress and can be used in polygraph because sweating can increase when a person tells a lie. Polygraph can detect small amounts of sweat because salt solution conducts elect. and lowers electrical resistance of skin.

potential, kinetic

____ energy is the energy of position or stored energy. ____ energy is the energy of motion.

subcutaneous layer

a continuous sheet of areolar connective tissue and adipose tissue between the dermis of the skin and the deep fascia of the muscles

internal root sheath

a covering of epithelium produced by the matrix that surrounds the root of the hair

external root sheath

a downward continuation of the epidermis that surrounds the root of the hair

dermal papillae

a fingerlike projection of the dermis that may contain blood capillaries or Meissner corpuscles (of touch)


a layer of dense irregular connective tissue lying deep to the epidermis

stratum lucidum

a layer of the epidermis found only in the thick skin of the fingers, palms, and soles

stratum granulosum

a layer of the epidermis that marks the transition between the deeper, metabolically active strata and the dead cells of the more superficial strata

stratum spinosum

a layer of the epidermis that provides strength and flexibility to the skin


a molecule or ion that aides an enzyme to ensure a reaction occurs is known as a _____.

Hair Papilla

a nipple-shaped indentation which contains areolar connective tissue and many blood vessels that nourish the growing hair follicle


a reaction that involves both decompostion and synthesis is called a _____ reaction

arrector pili

a smooth muscle attached to hair follicles that causes "goose bumps" to appear on the skin when contracted

hair follicle

a structure composed of epithelium that surrounds the root of a hair

Tactile Meissner corpuscle

a tactile nerve ending receptor in the dermal papillae that is sensitive to touch

Lamellated pacinian corpuscle

a type of nerve ending located in the subcutaneous layer that is sensitive to pressure; also described as "lamellated"

sacs that produce secretions of multicellular exocrine glands are


which is a function of adipose tissue?

acts as an insulator to slow heat loss, provides padding, cushions shock

where might you typically find simple squamous epithelium?

air sac (alveoli) of lung lumen of blood vessels (endothelium)

allosteric inhibitor

an ___ _____ binds to a site apart from the active site to prevent an enzyme from catalyzing a reaction

oxidation - reduction

an ____ _____ reaction occurs when electrons are transferred from one chemical structure to another.

sebaceous gland

an exocrine gland in the dermis associated with a hair follicle that secretes oil


an organic cofactor is known as a ____.


ankle, root of the foot


anterior surface of the hand


as the citric acid cycle enters a new "lap" oxaloacetic acid is combined with acetyl CoA to produce

keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue is located

as the epidermis of the skin

which of the following options best explains why nutrients for epithelial cells are obtained by diffusion from the underlying connective tissue


the long nerve cell process that extends from the cell which carries outgoing signals to other cells is called a(n) ______




Hair Bulb

base of root expanded to form bulb; Internal matrix (undifferentiated epitherlial cells) is source of hair; Dermis projects into bulb and is blood supply

a thin extracellular layer upon which an epithelium rests is called a(n) ______ ______

basement membrane

which structure binds epithelial tissue to connective tissue?

basement membrane

which are considered the functions of connective tissue?

binding and support of structures, storage and transport, physical protection

______ is a fluid connective tissue composed of formed elements and matrix


which of the following types of muscle often bifurcates (branches) and its cells are connected by intercalated discs?



carries amino acids to the site of protein synthesis for incorporation into developing protein

which is an example of supporting connective tissue?


intermediate stage

catalyzed by a multienzyme comlplex

gap junctions

cells are connected by connexons

in gap 1 of the cell cycle

cells grow rapidly

which of the following is an example of catabolism

cellular respiration


central axis of hair - consists of 2 or 3 layers of cells containing soft karatin



which type of protein fiber, in connective tissue, is the most abundant type of protein in the body and appears pink under the microscope when stained with hemotoxylin and eosin?



complete oxidation of glucose involves at least ____ enzymes

3 Concentric Layers of Hair

composed of dead, keratinized epithelial cells arranged in layers Medulla (central axis) Cortex (Forms bulk of Hair) Cuticle (Forms hair surface)


contain some of the code necessary for their own duplication


cortex is covered by - single layer of cells that contain hard keratin - edges of cells overlap like shingles on roof

which statement describe the locations of epithelial tissue?

covers body surfaces, lines body cavities, lines many organs, covers many organs

the ______ membrane is commonly called skin


in ______ ______ connective tissue, collagen fibers are packed tightly and aligned parallel to an applied force

dense regular

tendons and ligaments are made of _____ ______ connective tissue

dense regular

the two categories of connective tissue proper are ______ connective tissue and ______ connective tissue

dense, loose

scanning electron microscope

detailed three-dimensional study of a specimen's surface; electron beam is moved across the surface of the specimen, and reflected electrons generate a surface-topography image captured on a television screen.

transmission electron microscope

directs an electron beam through a thin-cut section of the specimen. The resultant two-dimensional image is focused onto a screen for viewing or onto photographic film to record the image

which of the following would you expect to find in the walls of the large arteries?

elastic connective tissue

posterior aspect

encased in bone: dorsal; cranial and vertebral

ATP formation (type)

endergonic reaction.

which type of glands lack ducts and can secrete their products directly into the blood stream?


the simple squamous epithelium that lines blood and lymphaic vessels is called a(n) ______


______ tissue act as 'gatekeepers' in that they regulate the movement of materials in and out of certain body regions


Nail Matrix (nail bed)

epithelial tissue (S. Basale) that give rise to nail - thicker than nail bed and produces nearly all of nail - Nail bed is visible through clear nail and appears pink because of blood vessles in dermis - luluna (whitish, cresent at base of nail)

red blood cells are called


vitamin b12, zinc, NAD

examples of cofactors

ATP splitting (type)

exergonic reaction.

these glands have ducts and excrete their products onto the surface of the skin or into the lumen


this type of gland has a duct and carries its secretions to the surface of the body or the lumen of an organ


Nail Root

extends distally from nail matrix


extracting energy from fatty acids to make ATP always requires oxygen

true or false: collagen fibers form a structural connective tissue framework which help them to support organs and resists external forces


true or false: epithelial tissue protects, binds together and support organs


true or false: epithelial tissue protects, binds together and supports organs


true or false: mucous connective tissue is the first type to emerge in the developing embryo



fingers and toes






forms bulk of hair - consits of cells containing hard keratin

Where is Hair found?

found everywhere except palms, soles, lips, nipples, parts of external genitalia and distal segments of fingers

glycolysis, intermediate stage, citric acid cycle, electron transport system

four basic stages of glucise oxidation in order

substrate concentration

given the y-axis in the pictured graph is rate of reaciton, and looking at the shape of the graph, what should the x-axis be titled?

which of the following nervous tissue cell types support and protect?

glial cells


glucose is preferentially oxidized during times of fasting or starvation

which of the following secretes mucin?

goblet cells


great toe

Nail Growth

grows continuously unlike hair - Fingernails - 0.5-1.2 mm/day; faster than toenails

Accessory Skin Structures

hair, sebaceous and sweat glands, nails







many areas of spongy bone contain ______ cells, which are responsible for producing blood cells.


which of the following options best explains the ability of epithelial tissues to repair themselves?

high regenerative capacity

the study of tissues and their relationship within organs is called ______


negative feed

how are metabolic pathways usually regulated?

which is the most common type of cartilage and also the weakest?


which type of cartilage is surrounded by a perichondrium and names for its clear, glassy appearance?

hyaline cartilage

______ is when there is an increase in the number of cells due to mitosis



if 100% of the energy was to be transferred from one from to another with no generation of heat, the ____ law of thermodynamics would be violated.


if further increases in substrate concentration do not result in further increased in reaction rate, then an enzyme is likely ____ .

multienzyme complex

if multiple enzymes in a metabolic pathway are physically attached to each other, they form a ____ _____


if oxygen is not present , then pyruvate is converted to ____.


if the rate of a reaction leads to a net loss of reactants, then the reaction is considered _____.

oxidative phosphorylation

in aerobic respiration, the ATP production method requiring oxygen is known as ____ .


in an ____ reaction, the amount of energy in the products is less than the amount of energy in the reactants.


in cellular respiration, the energy in glucose ultimately resides in ____.


in complete oxidation of glucose, a total of _ molecules of water are produced.

which of the following is mismatched

intermediate filaments-determine cell shape

Epithelial root sheath

internal part - contains stratum basale that may remain after injury and supply a new source of new epidermis when injured. When hair is pulled out, internal part comes out and is visible as white bulb

Nail Eponychium (cuticle)

is S. Corneum of nail fold that grows onto nail body - superficial to nail body


is anaerobic

the cutaneous membrane

is relatively dry compared to other membranes of the body, contains keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue

which statements correctly describe epithelial tissue?

it has a high regeneration capacity, it is richly innervated, it lacks blood vessels

which statements characterize skeletal muscle tissue?

it is multinucleated, it is voluntary, it is striated

which are characteristics of cardiac muscle tissue?

it is striated, the presence of intercalated disc, cells often bifurcate

______ stratified squamous epithelial tissue forms the epidermis of skin


simple cuboidal epithelium can be found in the following part of the body

kidney tubules, ducts of most glands


kinetic energy


lateral aspect of the leg

synovial membranes are found

lining joints of the skeletal system

transitional epithelial tissue is located

lining the urinary bladder

What sebaceous glands DON'T empty into follicle?

lips, eyelids (meibomian glands), genitalia

Which of the following statements is correct regarding RNA

mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA i'll play a role in protein synthesis

which connective tissue cells are derived from monocytes in the blood and reside in the extracellular matrix after leaving the blood?



medial aspect of the forearm


medial aspect of the leg

Hair color

melanocytes w/in hair bulb matrix produce melanin and pass it to keratinocytes in hair cortex and medulla. Varying amounts of melanin cause different shades

this type of tissue transformation occurs in mature epithelium due to environmental stress which requires adaptation to another form of mature epithelium


fingerlike projections


Mammary Glands

modified apocrine sweat glands that produce milk.

Ceruminous Glands

modified merocrine sweat glands in ear, external auditory meatus - makes earwax (cerumen) composed of combo sebum and secretion from ceruminous - function, in combo w/hairs, prents dirt and insects from entry, keeps eardrum supple


most anabolic reactions are also____.

Merocrine (eccrine) Sweat Glands

most common - Simple coild tubular gland that opens directly onto surface of skin from sweat pores. Coiled part in dermis, duct exiting through epi.


most enzymes are capable of catalyzing ___ reaction.


most of the carbon in the carbon dioxide we exhale comes from the molecule called

receptor mediated endocytosis involves

moving insulin and other hormones

______ connective tissue is located in the umbilical cord only


______ membranes line body compartments that eventually open to the external environment


what type of membrane lines body passageways that eventually open to the external environment?


an extracellular matrix is virtually nonexistent in which tissue types?

nervous, muscle, epithelial

______ are cell types responsible for control and information processing


these epithelial cells form a single layer of tall, narrow cells whose apical membranes may have microvilli for increased absorption and secretion

nonciliated simple columnar

this type of epithelium has live cells all the way to its apical surface as evidenced by the nuclei that are present in their flattened cells

nonkeratinized stratified squamous


optimal range for most human enzymes

What do Apocrine Glands Secrete?

organic compounds that are oderless but, when acted upon by bacteria, may become odiferous

the pick up molecule for the Krebs cycle is


which of the following is correct

oxidation of FADH2 yields 4 ATP via oxidative phosphorylation

Dermal Root Sheath

part of dermis that surrounds the epithelial root sheath

Pattern Baldness

permanent hair loss - follicles shrink and revert to producing vellus hair which is very short, transparent and almost invisible

which of the following is a principal of the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane structure

phospholipids form a bilayer that is largely impermeable to water-soluble molecules

succinyl CoA synthetase, succinic dehydrogenase, fumerase, malate dehydrogenase

place the enzymes of the citric acid cycle in order

`substrate binds to active site, change in enzyme structure leads to induced fit, the change in enzyme stucture stresses bonds in the substrate, substrates bonds are broken, new bonds are formed, the product is released from the enzyme

place the steps in enqyme action in proper order:


posterior aspect of elbow


posterior part of the leg

the energy required to break existing bonds, the activation energy

primary factors that determine the rate of a reaction involving an enzyme are ____

citric acid cycle

produces ATP, NADH, and FADH2

light microscope

produces a two-dimensional image by passing visible light through the specimen. Glass lenses focus and magnify the image as it is projected toward the eye

Hair Shaft

protrudes above surface of skin

which type of epithelium is composed of a single layer of cells that are attached to a basement membrane but all the cells reach the apical surface of the epithelium?


which type of epithelium is composed of a single layer of cells that are attached to a basement membrane but not all the cells reach the apical surface of the epithelium


the lining of the larynx consist of what type of epithelial tissue?

pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

gamma rays

radiant energy could penetrate the body and mutate DNA

citric acid cycle

reduces FAD to FADH2

which substance below forms part of the protein synthesis site in the cytoplasm

ribosomal RNA

Sebaceous Glands

simple or compound alveolar glands that produce sebum (oil) - is a Holocrine gland (death of secretory cells) which release sebum into hair follicle. Prevents drying and protects agains bacteria

which type of epithelium is in the lining of the lung air sacs

simple squamous

this type of muscle is striated and voluntary


the three types of muscle tissue are

skeletal, smooth and cardiac

this type of muscle lacks striations and is found in the walls of most viscera such as the stomach and blood vessels.


an epithelial cell is classified as ______ if it is thin and flat


which of the following are the functions of bone?

stores calcium and phosphorus, provides levers from movement, protection of vital organs, carries out hemopoiesis

a ______ epithelium contains two or more layers of epithelial cells


a ______ epithelium is found in areas likely to be subjected to abrasive activities and mechanical stress



substrate is glucose

intermediate stage

substrate is pyruvate

connective tissue is designed to ______, ______, and ______ organs

support, connect, protect

which is a location of areolar connective tissue?

surrounding nerves, surrounding blood vessels, subcutaneous layer of skin

The RNA responsible for bringing that amino acids to the ribosome for protein synthesis is called the


DNA replication

takes place during interphase

the function of a ______ is attached to a muscle to a bone


active site

the ___ ____ is the location on an enzyme where the substrate binds.


the ____ law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

Hair bulb

the base of a hair follicle and its surrounding dermal root sheath, containing the papilla of the hair and matrix


the capacity to do work is known as ____.

which characteristics describe epithelial tissue

the cells are bound closely together, the basal surface is bound to a basement membrane, it is composed almost entirely of cells

which statements characterize nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue?

the cells remain moist, keratin is not present within the cells, it lines part of the anus, the cells remain alive all the way to its apical surface


the combination of all catabolic and anabolic chemical reactions is referred to as ___.

inner membrane

the cristae of a mitochondrion are formed from folds in the _____ _____

stratum basale

the deepest layer of the epidermis consisting of stem cells capable of undergoing cell division to form new cells


the energy associated with random motion of ions and not available to do work is ___ heat.

matrix of the mitochondrion, inner membrane of the mitochondrion

the enzymes of the citric acid cycle are located in the ____.


the final product of glycolysis is two molecules of ____.


the following is a significant factor affecting enzyme reaction rates

citrate synthetase

the key enzyme in the regulation of the citric acid cycle is ____ _____


the main enzyme involved in the overall regulation of glycolysis is


the measurement of heat

stratum corneum

the most superficial layer of the epidermis consisting of dead cells


the net energy output of glycolysis is _ molecules of ATP and _ molecules of NADH.

which statement is the most correct regarding transcription/translationwhich

the nucleotide sequence in a tRNA anticodon is an exact copy of the DNA triplet that coded for it except that uracil is substituted for thymine


the process of removing a phosphate is ____


the process used to convert fatty acids to acetyl coA


the propagation of an impulse in a neuron is an example of ___ energy.

pyruvate dehydrogenase

the reaction between pyruvate and coenzyme A is catalyzed by ____ ____

hydrolysis, catabolic, decomposition

the reaction pictrured is a _____ reaction


the reaction pictured is a ____ reaction AB ----> A+B

the citric acid cycle

the series of reactions following the intermediate stage of aerobic cellular respiration is ____.

electron transport system

the set of proteins in the cristae of the mitochondrion which collectively extract the energy from reduced coenzymes to form ATP are called the ____ _____ ____


the study of energy transformations is refered to as ____

Hair shaft

the superficial portion of the hair


the superficial, thinner layer of skin, composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium


the temperature at which an enzyme functions most efficiently is the ____ temp.


the type of amino acids that may enter glycolysis, the intermediate stage, and the citric acid cycle at different points are ____ amino acids.

synthesis reaction

the type of chemical reaction that occurs when two or more atoms, ions, or molecules combine to form a larger chemical stucture is called a ____ reaction


the vibrating string on a violin imparts ____ energy to the air around it.

which statements characterize serous membranes?

they contain a parietal and visceral layer, the pericardium is an example.

which are characteristics of collagen fibers?

they resist stretching, they appear white in fresh tissues, they are strong and flexible

Nail Hyponychium

thickened region of S. Corneum beneath free edge



which substance below carries amino acids to the site of protein synthesis for incorporation into developing protein

transfer RNA

true or false: an organ is a structure composed of multiple types of tissues that must work together to accomplish a complex task


true or false: areolar connective tissue is found nearly everywhere in the body


true or false: epithelium acts as "gatekeepers" to control the movement of substances into the body.


true or false: ground substance is produced by connective tissue cells


true or false: most connective tissue cells are not in direct contact with each other


true or false: tissue are groups of similar cell that carry out a common function


Hair Follicle (root)

tubelike invagination of epidermis that extends below surface to dermis where hair develops; contains Dermal root sheath and epithelial root sheath

a gland with a secretory portion that is uniform in diameter to its duct is called


criteria used to classify multicellular exocrine glands include

type of secretion, morphology, method of secretion

electron microscope (EM

uses a beam of electrons to "illuminate" the specimen. improve the resolution by more than a thousand-fold over the light microscope

functions of muscle tissue include

voluntary movements of body parts, propulsion of materials through digestive tract, involuntary movements of body organs

which is a location of smooth muscle tissue?

wall of the stomach, walls of blood vessels, wall of the urinary bladder


which color of visible light has the shortest wavelength?

triglycerides, glucose, ATP

which funtions primarily as energy storage in the human body?

aerobic respiration

which makes the most efficient use of the energy in glucose?

h pumps, ATP synthetase, elecron carriers

which of the following are considered part of the eletron transport system?

three NADH, one ATP

which of the following are formed during one "turn" of the citric acid cycle.

radiant, sound & mechanical energy

which of the following are forms of kinetic energy?

radio waves, visible light, ultraviolet waves

which of the following are forms of radiant energy?

the cytosol, the mitochondria

which of the following are locations of enzymes involved in glucose oxidation?

it is usually a protein, it decreases activation energy, it is a catalyst

which of the following are true of an enzyme?

chemical energy is used for synthesis of molecules, chemical energy is used to establish concentration gradients, chemical energy is a form of potential energy

which of the following are true of chemical energy?


which of the following is NOT a major factor affecting enzyme activity?

formation of chemical bonds, breaking of chemical bonds

which of the following is involved in a chemical reaction?

glucose, amino acids, fatty acids

which of the following organic molecules may be oxided to generate ATP

exergonic, catabolic

which of the following terms can be applied to most decomposition reactions in the body?

exergonic, endergonic

which of the following terms can be used to classify reactions based on the relative amounts of energy in reactants and products

endergonic, anabolic

which terms can be applied to most synthesis reactions in the body?

a ______ is formed when a sperm fertilizes an oocyte and forms a diploid cell


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