Chapter 10 11 12

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Most of the chemicals in a cigarette are absorbed into the bloodstream before half of the cigarette is gone.

- False - The majority of the chemicals are absorbed when the last third of the cigarette is smoked. One can decrease the amount of chemicals inhaled by discarding each cigarette after 2/3 is smoked.

According to the CDC National Health Interview Survey in 2018, what percentage of Americans over age 18 were cigarette smokers?


Based on prices in early 2018, the average smoker would spend as much as ______ on cigarettes over the course of a year.


To meet the DSM-5 definition of moderate alcohol use disorder, a person would need to meet how many of the 11 criteria?


The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that about _____ of all state and federal prisoners meet diagnostic criteria for drug abuse or addiction.


According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health, what percentage of Americans aged 12 or older were classified as heavy alcohol users?


According to the CDC, what percentage of Americans aged 18 and over drink alcohol routinely or infrequently?


Approximately what percentage of alcoholics are also heavy smokers?


In which of the following ways does the body absorb alcohol?

About 20% is absorbed in the stomach Most of the ingested alcohol is absorbed into the small intestine.

Which of the following terms is used to describe a chronic disease that disrupts the brain's system of motivation and reward, characterized by a compulsive desire and increasing need for a substance or behavior?


Severe alcohol use disorder that involves physical tolerance to alcohol and withdrawal symptoms is also called ______.


Which of the following are strategies for developing responsible alcohol use?

Alternate alcoholic drinks with nonalcoholic drinks. Avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Avoid alcoholic drinks with carbonation if you are thirsty.

Volunteering at which of the following organizations can help advance anti-tobacco efforts?

American Heart Association American Lung Association American Cancer Society

What additive in cigarettes is used to boost nicotine delivery?


Which of the following is a synthetic chemical that is a potent central nervous system stimulant?


A(n) _______ is a drug that produces a loss of sensation with or without a loss of consciousness.


Which of the following terms refers to a drug that produces a loss of sensation with or without a loss of consciousness?


_____ is a primary symptom of coronary heart disease that results when the myocardium (heart muscle) does not get enough oxygen.

Angina pectoris

What are recommended ways of helping friends who have a problem with alcohol?

Be direct and honest. Do not enable their drinking. Provide them with treatment information.

____ consists of several diseases, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.


What state has the most aggressive tobacco control programs and the second-lowest rate of smoking in the United States?


Substances that do not cause cancer themselves but become carcinogenic when combined with chemicals are known as _____.


The relationship between drugs and crime is _____.


A person who cannot control the urge to gamble, even in the face of financial and personal ruin, is a(n) ______ gambler.


Which of the following are reasons that people in the United States have for wanting to keep illegal drugs illegal?

Drugs would be more socially acceptable if they were legalized. Legalizing drugs might expose more people to abuse and dependence. Allowing easier access to drugs might increase drug use among children and teenagers.

The intoxicating ingredient in fermented or distilled beverages is known as ______.

Ethyl alcohol

As an appetite suppressant, amphetamines are successfully used only if the same dosage is consistently ingested.


Cocaine is the most widely used federally illegal drug in the United States.


Crystal meth is a cheaper alternative to cocaine that rarely leads to addiction.


Drinking patterns among Latinos are incredibly consistent no matter the specific cultural background or level of education.


E-cigarettes do not produce any carcinogens


Having food in your stomach when you have an alcoholic drink reduces the total amount of alcohol that your body will absorb.


Smoking tobacco using a hookah, which cools the smoke before it enters the lungs, is safer than smoking cigarettes.


The main factor in the initial use of drugs is, almost always and exclusively, peer influence.


A characteristic group of birth defects caused by excessive alcohol consumption by the mother is called ______ alcohol syndrome.


What is the name of the World Health Organization's treaty related to the international anti-tobacco effort?

Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

Genetics play a role in nicotine dependence in which of the following ways?

Genetics may be more influential than social factors in determining smoking behavior. Scientists have identified a gene that may play a role in smoking during adolescence.

Which of the following terms refers to the subjectively pleasing effects of a drug, usually felt soon after the drug is taken?


Which of the following statements about alcohol use among Latinos is accurate?

Hispanic women are more likely to abstain from alcohol than white or Black women. Drunk driving and cirrhosis are the most common causes of alcohol-related death and injury among Hispanic men.

Nicotine impacts the human body in which of the following ways?

It has a strong influence on mood. It is a stimulant in low doses. It can increase alertness in adults.

The immediate effects nicotine has on the body include which of the following?

It inhibits urine formation. It leads to the discharge of adrenaline. It stimulates the cerebral cortex.

Which of the following statements are correct about alcohol use related to injuries and violence?

It more than triples the risk of fatal injuries during leisure activities. It is involved in the majority of attempted suicides.

What usually occurs when an alcoholic begins drinking in a controlled manner after abstaining from drinking alcohol for days or months?

It will almost always lead to an escalation in drinking

Which of the following examples best fits the definition of addiction?

Janice goes to the track to bet on horses every day and owes a lot of money due to gambling losses.

A prolonged period of drinking alcohol may result in damage to the ______ whereby formerly healthy cells are replaced with scar tissue. This condition is known as cirrhosis.


What is an argument given by proponents of legalizing drugs such as marijuana?

Many of the social problems associated with drugs are due primarily to their prohibition

Between men and women, _________ are more successful at quitting smoking


Which of the following statements comparing alcohol use among men and women is true?

Men are more likely than women to drink alcohol.

A chemical substance that helps relay nerve impulses in the brain is called a(n)


The FDA is working on a regulation that would decrease the level of ______ in tobacco products.


Which of the following terms is defined as the art of compounding drugs from various substances?


The prevalence in smoking is much higher among people with ______ than among the rest of the population.

Phycological disorders

Which of the following are strategies you can employ to be a responsible host at a party with alcohol?

Provide guests a choice of nonalcoholic beverages. Plan on running out of alcohol before any of your guests become heavily intoxicated. Do not allow unlimited drinking of alcoholic beverages.

_____ is a disorder of the right side of the heart caused by changes in the blood vessels of the lungs. It is linked to cigarette smoking.

Pulmonary heart disease

What is the term for activities that tobacco users habitually associate with using tobacco?

Secondary Reinforcers

Eliminating the habitual cues associated with ______ can be key to being able to quit tobacco use.


Which of the following is the name of a type of synthetic marijuana that is sold as "herbal incense"?


The activity of the nervous or muscular system is sped up by central nervous system ______.


A host can help reduce the chance of guests driving while intoxicated by taking which of the following steps?

Stop serving alcohol an hour or more before guests plan to depart. Insist that inebriated guests take a taxi or stay overnight. Prearrange to have designated drivers in attendance.

Which of the following statements about substances added to cigarettes are accurate?

Sugar is among the additives used in cigarettes. Some cigarette additives can increase the addicting properties of nicotine. Cigarette additives include substances called humectants, which keep the tobacco from drying out

Which of the following usually occurs as a person's BAC reaches 0.2%?

The person becomes unable to function physically or psychologically.

Which of the following are true of cirrhosis?

The treatment requires the person to stop drinking alcohol. Those with cirrhosis who continue to drink alcohol have a 50% chance of surviving five or more years.

Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, have which of the following features?

They are battery powered. They create an inhalable vapor. They contain no tobacco

Which of the following occur when people who have a slow CYP2A6 metabolism smoke tobacco?

They are likely to feel dizzy or nauseous. The nicotine remains in their blood longer.

Which of the following best describes central nervous system depressants?

They cause sedation.

Young people with which of the following characteristics are more likely to use tobacco?

They have peers who smoke.

As of 2019, more than ______ of Americans live in cities and towns that ban or restrict smoking in public places, such as restaurants and bars.


The toxic residues and chemicals from smoking that linger on indoor surfaces, curtains, furniture, and in dust is called _________ smoke.


Which of the following are characteristics of a hookah?

Tobacco smoke passes through a hose. The hookah is typically used for smoking flavored tobacco.

A central nervous system depressant that reduces tension and anxiety is known as a(n) ______.


A person's weight can affect how they respond to a drug.


Despite earlier suggestions that moderate alcohol use could provide some benefit, especially to older adults, researchers now refute this.


If all tobacco products were taxed, rather than only cigarettes, there may be additional decreases in rates of smoking.


Thirdhand smoke is so persistent that nicotine can be measured in the bodies of nonsmokers who moved into homes that had been smoked in, cleaned, and left empty for several months.


Young men are more likely to use almost all types of illicit drugs, but females are just as likely as males to develop a substance use disorder.


Which of the following are strategies you can adopt to create a more smoke-free environment in your community?

Vote for candidates who support anti-smoking regulations. Ask local businesses to adopt nonsmoking policies.

Which of the following are names of synthetic recreational drugs marketed as stimulants with properties like those of cocaine or amphetamine?

White Rush bath salts

Which of the following statements regarding women and alcoholism are true?

Women alcoholics have higher death rates than male alcoholics. Women tend to become alcoholic at later ages.

Which of the following statements comparing male and female cigarette smokers in the United States are accurate?

Women are less successful than men at quitting smoking. More men than women smoke.

Alcohol metabolism in women differs from that of men in which of the following ways?

Women have four times less active stomach enzymes. Women have menstrual hormone fluctuations.

A tranquilizer is ______.

a CNS depressant that reduces tension and anxiety

Quitting tobacco results in which of the following immediate health benefits, regardless of age or gender?

a decrease in blood pressure an improved sense of taste a sharper sense of smell

What is a psychoactive drug?

a drug that can alter a person's consciousness or experience

Of the following, who would statistically be least likely to smoke cigarettes?

a heterosexual person who lives in the Northeast and is a college graduate

Newer studies indicate that moderate drinking is associated with which of the following health effects?

a small reduction of heart function in elderly women

People under the influence of drugs, including alcohol, are more likely to be involved in which of the following?

acts of violence unsafe sex car accidents

According to the DSM-5, misuse of alcohol that leads to clinically significant impairment is called ______.

alcohol use disorder

Which of the following refers to cognitive and behavioral problems seen in children who appear physically normal but whose mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy?

alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder

Which of the following terms refers to a drug that produces a loss of sensation with or without a loss of consciousness?


Methanol and isopropyl alcohol are types of alcohol that:

are highly toxic. can cause death.

Which of the following are the main factors in the initial use of drugs?

availability peer influence

International efforts to reduce smoking have led to the implementation of which of the following actions?

banning smoking on international flights commemorating World No Tobacco Day banning smoking in hotels and restaurants

After a person drinks to the point of losing consciousness, ______.

blood alcohol content (BAC) can continue to rise while the person is passed out

Alcohol use triples the chance of fatal injuries associated with which activities?

boating swimming

The fact that women often experience adverse physical effects of chronic drinking sooner and become intoxicated at lower doses of alcohol than men is explained by differences in ______.

body chemistry

In addition to the amount of alcohol consumed, which of the following play a role in affecting BAC?

body fat percentage a person's sex body weight

Lung cancer, the cause of which is directly tied to smoking cigarettes, has overtaken _________ cancer as the leading cause of cancer deaths in women.


Which of the following increases the rate at which the body absorbs alcohol?

carbonation in a beverage beverages with artificial sweeteners

In small doses, methamphetamines' do which of the following?

change sleep patterns increase heart rate

Chronic heavy alcohol use can lead to which of the following?

changes in brain structure loss of brain function

A trained counselor, accessed via a telephone quitline, can help a caller with a personal quitting strategy that usually includes ______.

changes in daily habits nicotine replacement therapy emotional support

For most Americans, the primary source of COPD is _____, but in poorer countries it often develops from exposure to _____.

cigarette smoking; fumes from burning fuels

The brown, sticky mass that is created when the chemical particles in tobacco smoke condense is called _____.

cigarette tar

Which of the following are considered alternative tobacco products? Select all that apply.

cigars e-cigarettes

In the 1980s, its high price made ______ a status drug, but its ability to produce a quick high is what keeps it popular.


The greatest single cause of death among cigarette smokers is ______.

coronary heart disease

A medical emergency that involves an alcohol-dependent person suffering from confusion, disorientation, seizures, and hallucinations brought on by the reduction of alcohol intake is called ______.

delirium tremens

In 2009 Congress passed a law that empowered the FDA to do which of the following?

dictate the amount of nicotine in tobacco products eliminate or control levels of additives used in tobacco products place limits on tobacco advertising

What types of sensations produced by LSD are referred to as synesthesia?

distortion in one's perceived connection to reality feelings of depersonalization

Which of the following are signs that someone may have a serious problem with alcohol? Multiple select question.

drinking alone drinking secretively feeling uncomfortable in situations where alcohol is not served using alcohol to self-medicate and dull negative feelings

Women who smoke put themselves at greater risk of which of the following?

ectopic pregnancy miscarriage premature delivery

Which of the following are common consequences of binge drinking among college students?

falling behind in school work an increased likelihood of drunk driving increased frequency of unprotected sex

Use of the CAGE screening test involves analyzing a person's behavior to see if he or she ______.

feels guilty about drinking often considers cutting down on drinking gets annoyed when others criticize their drinking

Research indicates that ______ account for as much as 50% to 60% of a person's risk of developing alcoholism.

genetic factors

Which of the following factors can contribute to the way in which a person responds to a drug?

genetic factors weight pregnancy

Which of the following are effects of CNS stimulants?

greater muscular tension increased blood pressure accelerated heart rate

When a person uses smokeless tobacco, nicotine is absorbed through the ______.

gums and lining of the mouth

Long-term use of amphetamines at high doses can result in which of the following?

hallucinations incoherence paranoia delusions

LSD, mescaline, and PCP belong to a group of drugs known as ______, which alter perception, feelings, or thoughts.


Which of the following refers to drugs that alter perception, feelings, or thoughts?


Kamari hates her job, and one evening after work, she decides to have a glass of wine to forget the stress and unhappiness of the day. She does the same thing the next night. Two nights after that, she has two glasses. One month later, Kamari is drinking a bottle of wine a night. Kamari ______.

has likely developed an addiction

Which of the following are factors associated with an increased chance of a young person trying drugs?

having used tobacco at a young age having a dysfunctional family life engaging in risky sexual behavior

Symptoms experienced by nonsmokers who are regularly exposed to ETS include ______.

headaches eye irritation coughing

Nonsmokers exposed to ETS have a higher risk of which of the following?

heart disease asthma symptoms lung cancer

Which infections and diseases are associated with the use of unsterile needles and syringes by drug users?

hepatitis C HIV

The majority of alcohol-related deaths and injuries among adult males in the United State result from which of the following?

homicide drownings falls vehicle crashes

Which of the following are typical effects of alcohol on the body as BAC reaches 0.1%?

impairment of speech interference with motor coordination loss of visual acuity

When alcoholics stop drinking or sharply reduce the amount they drink, they experience withdrawal. The symptoms:

improve after four or five days. can continue to a lesser degree for six months or more. begin within 5 to 10 hours.

The FDA has the legal authority to ______.

increase penalties for selling tobacco products to minors ban tobacco products from sports and entertainment events require stores to display tobacco products behind the counter

In terms of drug abuse, solvents, aerosols, and nitrates are classified as


Because most cigar and pipe smokers do not ______, as a group they have a lower risk of cancer than cigarette smokers.

inhale the smoke

In a social setting, what does alcohol at low levels of BAC typical do?

leads to greater sociability

Chronic alcohol consumption may increase the risk of which of the following types of cancer? (Select all that apply.)

liver oral esophagus

Which of the following are appropriate resources to help a student at college deal with an alcohol problem?

local chapter of AA student counseling center student health center

Which of the following are typical legal penalties faced by those who drink and drive?

loss of license jail time confiscation of vehicle

From the moment they cease to use tobacco, people's risk of which of the following diseases drop

lung cancer heart attack stroke

Tobacco smoke, whether from a cigarette, pipe, or cigar, primarily affects which parts of the body?

lungs mouth throat

With more than 43.5 million current users, the most widely used federally illegal drug in the United States is ______.


Which of the following are widely abused prescription drugs?

medication to treat anxiety medication to treat pain medication to treat ADHD

Tremors, profound fatigue, deep depression, despair, and apathy are all withdrawal symptoms of which of the following?


Which drug produces brain damage similar to that seen in Parkinson's disease patients and that persists even after drug use ceases?


In addition to increased health risks, smoking is associated with which of the following?

more motor vehicle crashes premature wrinkles stained teeth

Binge drinking accounts for Blank______ of all the alcohol consumed by all adults in the United States.

more than 50%

Which of the following are examples of drugs classified as inhalants?

nitrites solvents aerosols

Lasting effects on children born to women who smoke during pregnancy include ______.

obesity hyperactivity emotional instability

In the early 21st century, cigarette smoking has decreased, but the number of ______ smokers has increased.

occasional and very light

Natural or synthetic drugs that relieve pain and cause drowsiness or euphoria are ______


Compared to nonsmokers, cigar smokers have increased risks of which of the following health problems?

pancreatic cancer heart disease cancer of the larynx

Smoking accelerates the development of atherosclerosis, the formation of ______ on the inner walls of the arteries.


What is the best solution for drug abuse?


Nicotine is a powerful and addictive ______ drug found in tobacco.


The drugs most often associated with addiction and impairment are ___________ drugs.


Repeated use of amphetamines can lead to a temporary state of paranoid __________ with delusions of persecution and episodes of unprovoked violence.


Cocaine is one of the most popular recreational drugs because it ______.

quickly produces a feeling of euphoria

People who misuse alcohol commonly tell themselves they don't have a problem with alcohol or that they need to drink for social reasons. These psychological coping mechanisms are called ______ and ______.

rationalization denial

A recent smoking cessation drug called Chantix helps people quit by ______.

reducing nicotine cravings blocking the pleasant effects of nicotine

Common patterns of excessive alcohol misuse include which of the following?

regular heavy drinking on the weekends only regular daily intake of large amounts of alcohol heavy drinking limited to periods of stress

Low concentrations of alcohol, in the range of 0.03% to 0.05% BAC, have which effects on the body?

release of inhibitions relaxation lightheadedness

Since the 1980s, more and more local governments have placed smoking _________ in restaurants, workplaces, parks, and other public spaces.


Central nervous system depressants are also known as ______.


Some side effects associated with the use of Chantix include ______.

sleep disruptions vomiting nausea

People who drive under the influence of alcohol are unable to do so safely as a result of which of the following?

slower reaction times reduced coordination impaired judgment

Which of the following are factors that increase a person's chance of developing lung cancer?

smoking a large number of cigarettes each day starting to smoke at a young age smoking cigarettes over a long period of time

When combined with ______, an intake of five or six drinks daily increases a person's risk of contracting certain cancers by a factor of 50.

smoking tobacco

Types of smokeless tobacco used inside the mouth include ______.

snus chewing tobacco snuff

What was a shift in the focus of drug-control policy by the U.S. government in 2010?

stopping the demand for illegal drugs

In addition to CHD, smoking has been linked to which of the following cardiovascular diseases?

stroke pulmonary heart disease aortic aneurysm

Which of the following are examples of activities that many smokers habitually associate with tobacco use? (Choose every correct answer.)

studying drinking alcohol drinking coffee

Which term describes the use of a substance inconsistent with medical or legal guidelines.

substance misuse

Which of the following increase a person's chances of permanently abstaining from tobacco use, whether trying to quit tobacco cold turkey or simply tapering off?

support from others regular exercise

From which organs is alcohol excreted unchanged by the body?

sweat glands the lungs

Which of the following terms refers to a condition in which a stimulus evokes not only the sensation appropriate to it but also another sensation of a different character?


Which of the following are examples of harm reduction strategies as opposed to self-help programs?

testing street drugs for potency syringe exchange programs methadone maintenance

Pharmacology is defined as ______.

the science and study of drugs

Which of the following are part of the definition of prescription drug abuse according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse?

the use of a medication without a prescription the use of a medication just for the experience the use of a medication in a way other than prescribed

What are some common reasons college students say they drink alcohol?

to be more social to relieve depression and anxiety to be less self-conscious

An addiction often begins when a person does something ______

to bring pleasure or avoid pain

Additives are designed to alter the performance of tobacco products in which of the following ways?

to enhance flavor to expand the airways in the lungs to improve nicotine absorption

What are reasons that young people begin using tobacco?

to fit in and look cool to emulate a favorite athlete to help control weight

What is the purpose of a harm reduction strategy in drug treatment?

to minimize the negative effects of drug use and abuse

Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of harmful chemical substances, including which of the following?

toluene, an industrial solvent acetone, found in nail polish remover hexamine, a lighter fluid

Among the chemicals present in tobacco smoke that are known to cause cancer are ______.

urethane benzo(a)pyrene

Which of the following is the most common characteristic of substance misuse or abuse?

using a substance despite negative social, psychological, or medical consequences

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